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SERANA V SANDIGANBAYAN  PD 1606 clearly has the catch all phrase “-in relation to office” thus

Jan. 22, 2008|Reyes the SB has jurisdiction over the charges. The source of the money
should be threshed out in the trial. Has juris over “presidents,
Topic: Jurisdiction of criminal courts directors or trustees or managers of GOCCs, state universities or
educational institutions or fandations”.
Hannah Serana was a senior student and government scholar in UP  She is a public officer, as member of the BOR, she has general
Cebu. She was appointed by President Estrada as student regent of UP to powers of admin and exercises the corporate powers of BOR. The
serve a one year term starting Jan-Dec. 31, 2000. She discussed with BOR exercises the general powers of admin and corporate powers in
President Estrada the renovation of Vinzons Hall Annex in UPD. On Sept, the university like receiving sums given by law to the university. They
she and her relatives registered with the Securities and Exchange are acting like a Board of Trustees in a corporation. Compensation is
Commission the Office of the Student Regent Foundation, Inc. not an essential part of public office.
 Pres. Estrada or the Office of the President gave P15M to OSRFI as
financial assistance for the renovation. ISSUE: W/N SB committed GAD in not quashing the information because of
 The renovation did not push through. The next student regemt, not having jurisdiction over estafa
Kristine Bugayong and Christine de Guzman (SecGen) of KASAMA
in UP filed a complaint for malversation of public funds and property HELD:
with the Ombudsman who found probable cause. 1. Denial of motion to quash is not correctible by certiorari but to go to trial
o Sandiganbayan through the Office of the Special Prosecutor and reiterate the special defenses invoked in motion to quash.
accused Serana, within its jurisdiction, as a high ranking
public officer for conspiring with her brother for malversation 2. NO. The jurisdiction of the SB is set by PD No. 1606, not RA 3019 (Anti
of funds from the Office of the President. Graft and Corrupt Practices Act). SB was created by PD 1486 by Pres.
Marcos. It was then amended by PD 1606 on 1978 which expanded the
Serena moved to quash, saying: jurisdiction of the SB. Later amended by PD 1861, 7975 and 8249:
 Sandiganbayan (SB) did not have jurisdiction of the offense charged  Violators of RA 3019
or over her person as student regent  Officials of exec branch or Grade 27 and up (including city mayors,
o RA 3019, the jurisdiction of SB, does not include estafa. It officials of diplomatic service consul or higher, PH army and air force
only has jurisdiction over crimes covered by Title VII, colonels, naval captains and up, PNP provincial director and sr.
Chapter II, Section 2 (Crimes Committed by Public Officers), superintendent and up, Presidents, directors or trustees, or
Book II of the Revised Penal Code (RPC). Estafa falling managers of government-owned or controlled corporations, state
under Title X, Chapter VI (Crimes Against Property), Book II universities or educational institutions or foundations, Congress
of the RPC. members and Grade 27 up, members of Judiciary w/o prejudice to
 It was President Estrada, not the government that was duped. The the Constitutoin, Consti Commmission, other officials Grade 27 and
money came from Estrada and not the government. up)
 No jurisdiction over her person, as student regent, she is not a  Other offenses or felonies whether simple or complexed with other
public officer for she merely represented her peers, unlike other crimes done by public officials and employees mentioned in
regents who were there under ex oficio capacity and she did not subection a of this section
have any salary.  Civil and criminal cases filed pursuant to EO 1, 2, 14 and 14-A
 She also said she had no power to receive funds, that power was *not over private individuals co-accused
with the Board of Regenets. Since it was not alleged in the
information that it was among her functions or duties to receive RA 3019 was approved 1950, represses the acts of public officers and
funds, or that the crime was committed in connection with her official private persons alike which constitute graft or corrupt practices. It is an
functions, the same is beyond the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan erroneous citation.
as per Solier v SB.
3. SB has jurisdiction over estafa. Statutes should have a sensible
Ombudsman & SB: construction as to an unjust or absurd conclusion. Interpretatio talis in
ambiguis semper fienda est, ut evitetur inconveniens et absurdum (Where
there is ambiguity, such interpretation as will avoid inconvenience and
absurdity is to be adopted). The whole statute should be taken as a whole,
and the intention of the legislator must be ascertained from the whole text of
the law. Optima statuti interpretatrix est ipsum statutum (The best interpretor
of the statute is the statute itself).

SB has jurisdiction over other felonies committed by public

officers in relation to office. The jurisdiction is simply subject to the twin
requirements that (a) the offense is committed by public officials and
employees mentioned in Section 4(A) of P.D. No. 1606, as amended,
and that (b) the offense is committed in relation to their office.

4. Serana is a public officer. A public office is the right, authority and duty
created and conferred by law for a period of time or until the creating
authority pleases. It is not only salary grade that determines SB jurisdiction,
but also “other officers” who by express provision are placed in PD 1606
jurisdiction (Presidents, directors, trustees of..state universities). The BOR
acts like a Board of Truestees.

5. The offense charged was committed in relation to public office.

6. Source of funds should be raised during trial on merits.
7. Atty. Dela Cruz misrepresented his reference to PD 1606 as a quotation
from RA 3019. A lawyer owes candor, fairness and honesty to the court.



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