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AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO RUSSIAN CONVERSATION Beeld Ges aes ay LET’S TALK ABOUT LIFE! An Integrated Approach to Russian Conversation EMILY TALL VALENTINA VLASIKOVA State University of New York at Buffalo ®) JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. New York + Chichester - Brisbane - Toronto - Singapore CoveR PHOTO Stock Boston Cover Desicn Meryl Lavavi AcQUISETIONS EDITOR Carlos Davis MARKETING MANAGER Leslie Hines SENIOR PRODUCTION EDITOR Jeanine Fusino DESIGNER Lee Goldstein MANUFACTURING COORDINATOR Dorothy Sinclair PuoTo RESEARCHER Mary Ann Price OUTSIDE PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Ingrao Associates Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data ‘Tall, Emily ‘Le's talk about lifel : an integrated approach to Russian conversation / by Emily Tall, Valentina Viasikova, pom, Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-471-30939-7 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1 Russian language—Conversation and phrase books—English, I. Viasikova, Valentina. M1. Title. PG2I21.735 1996 891.73'421—de20 95-52006 ‘This book was set in Times Transeyrillic by Alexander Graphics and printed and bound by R. R. Donnelley & Sons. The cover was printed by Lehigh Press. Recognizing the importance of preserving what has been written, iti a policy of, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. o have books of enduring value published in the United States printed on acid-free paper, and we exert our best efforts to that end. Copyright © 1996, by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Al sights reserved, Published simultaneously in Canada. Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-30939-7 / (pbk) Printed in the United States of America w98765432 PREFACE Let's Talk About Life: An Integrated Approach to Russian Conversation is a proficiency-oriented textbook for third-year and fourth-year students of Russian. Its goal is to prepare students to converse on topics that engage their minds and emotions and that are of concem to them and to their Russian counterparts. The book is based on the premise that comprehension is essential to the development of conversation. It fills a gap in postintermediate and advanced-level materials by integrating authentic reading and listening with extensive practice in the development of vocabulary and conversational skills. Themes. The book is divided into nine thematic chapters, one on each of the following topics: personal life, university life, rock music, alcohol and narcotics, sexuality, religion, men and women, social problems (crime, the economy, ecology), and an optional chapter on Russia and the West. The material is designed to be covered in one semester, but could be used for two semesters in combination with grammar, word formation, and other topics. Chapter Sections. Each chapter contains four sections. The first presents vocabulary pertinent to the topic. The second contains a variety of contemporary readings: short stories, essays, news and feature articles, and letters to the editor. The third section focuses on listening. Taped interviews with nine different native speakers, male and female, provide students with 10 to 15 minutes per chapter of unrehearsed conversation as well as valuable cultural insights on each topic. The interviews are divided into segments for easy listening and include aids to comprehension and pre- and postlistening exercises. Each lesson includes an optional section on word study and concludes with a summing up section that facilitates review and integration of the material. Throughout the book a wide range of exercises develop speaking skills and encourage meaningful conversation, Tasks are personalized and designed to simulate real-life situations. Glossary. In addition to its nine lessons, Let's Talk about Life contains a Russian-English glossary. vi PREFACE Supplements. The audio supplement comprises the interviews as well as the five rock songs from Chapter 3. The teacher’s manual includes suggestions on how to use the book, a sample syllabus, a section on aids to reading, tape scripts of the interviews, and a list of supplementary readings and films. TO THE TEACHER What to Cover. Each chapter of Let's Talk about Life can be covered in six 50-minute classes, with the first class devoted to vocabulary, the next three to reading, the fifth to listening, and the sixth to summing up. Speaking, of course, occurs every day. Using this approach, seven lessons can be covered in a 15: week semester, with the remaining hours devoted to testing, films, or additional work on any one chapter. This type of schedule is by no means obligatory, The structure of the book allows for maximum flexibility, Teachers may find that they wish to cover fewer chapters and spend more time on them, depending on their own preference and that of the class. Coverage could also be cut to four or five days by using only one reading, for example (major readings are marked), or by omitting the summing-up section. The important thing is to keep discussion going in Russian, to develop student self-expression on whatever topics are covered, and to maintain student interest, ‘The structure of Chapters 8 and 9 differs slightly from that of the others. Chapter 8 is divided into three shorter sections: crime, economic problems, and ecology. There is no interview for the ecology section and, to facilitate comprehension, its rather specialized vocabulary is presented in readings and a dialog first, with a list of words for active use at the end. Chapter 9 (“Russia and the West”) consists mainly of readings and discussion, with vocabulary presented in an introductory section on national stereotypes. Level. Students beginning this text should be at the intermediate or intermediate-high level, according to the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. Although the readings and listening material require advanced skills, care has been taken to work up to this level and to adjust tasks accordingly. For longer, journalistic texts students should be encouraged to skim and scan for information, to look at topic sentences, and to use guessing strategies (see the teacher's manual). The main functions of the readings and taped interviews are to provide comprehensible input, background information, and stimulus for conversation. Speaking skills will inevitably lag behind comprehension, and conversation activities in Let's Talk about Life take this into account, Some can take place without teacher participation, but for others the teacher should play the role of the native speaker in sustaining the conversation. PREFACE vii Writing. Teachers may select the exercises to be written for homework. The goal for writing is for students to be able to express their views as they would in a letter, that is, in informal conversational style. Written assignments in the summing-up section can serve as review and preparation for the last day’s activities Authenticity. All texts except four are taken from published Russian and émigré sources. The essay on happiness was written by a native speaker of Russian, The essays on changes in Russian higher education, Russia's religious revival, and the law on freedom of religion were written by a native speaker in Russia based on ‘material from the Russian press. Some selections have been shortened, Vocabulary. In addition to the vocabulary section at the beginning of each chapter, students should be encouraged to develop their own personalized vocabulary. If they need a word to answer a question or complete an assignment in the text, they should lear it. When a large number of descriptive adjectives is presented, they should concentrate on those they need to describe themselves, their friends, or whatever the task requires. Glossary. The Russian-English glossary may not contain every word that a student may need defined. Students may have forgotten vocabulary from first- or second-year textbooks, for example. We encourage students to purchase a good bilingual dictionary, such as the English-Russian Russian-English Dictionary by Kenneth Katzner. A dictionary of roots, such as George P. Patrick’s Roots of the Russian Language, is also helpful. The Topics Themselves. ‘The authors of this textbook do not intend to advocate any particular point of view. Our goal in class is to build up a warm and supportive atmosphere and to encourage student self-expression. Although in ‘our experience students enjoy talking about themselves, they should not be required to answer any question they consider intrusive. In such cases, they can always participate in the discussion by talking about people they know or people in general. The authors welcome any comments and suggestions. TO THE STUDENT Congratulations! You've made your way through intermediate Russian, know the basic grammar (more or less), and are able to perform basic conversational tasks such as talking about yourself and interacting on an everyday level. You've had some experience reading and listening and you may have socialized with Russians or been to Russia. If so, you may have felt frustrated that you couldn’t express all your thoughts or discuss serious topics. You have viii PREFACE probably wished that you had more vocabulary. Let’s Talk about Life will provide you with carefully selected readings, listening material, and graded exercises to help you close that gap. We think that the readings will interest and challenge you — perhaps even inspire and move you — and give you an insight into what Russians think on a variety of topics. ‘The book begins with the individual — you — and moves outward, Chapter 1 deals with personal life, and Chapter 2 with university life. Chapters 3 through 5 cover rock and roll, alcohol, narcotics, and sexuality. After that you probably need to recover; Chapter 6 is on religion. Chapter 7 deals with men and women, Chapter 8 addresses some social problems common to both our countries, and Chapter 9 takes on the age-old — but still very relevant — question of Russia and the West. We offer the following advice. 1. Don’t think that you need to learn every word in order to express yourself or understand what's going on, In carrying on a conversation it's often enough to understand just the gist, to react to what the other person is saying, show your interest, and ask a few questions. Asking for explanations is perfectly okay, too. It’s the way all of us learn, 2. Don’t try to translate your thoughts from English to Russian. Think directly in Russian. This may be hard at first, but it’s the only way. Think in Russian and keep it simple. 3. Don’t be discouraged if you find the readings or listening material difficult. With time you will master them. This process mirrors what happens when you go to Russia, and that’s why you're taking this course. 4, Remember the Russian proverb «Ilopropenbe — mats yuenba» — Repeti- tion is the mother of learning. Read the texts several times and listen to the tapes as often as you can. Have a good dictionary handy as well as a chart of grammatical endings, and get into the habit of using them. You will find that it pays off. 5. Take the oral homework assignments seriously. The difficulty of Russian means that words and forms don’t stick in your memory as readily as they do for other languages. You know a lot, but you can’t access it quickly yet. Homework assignments give you time to think and look up what you need. 6. This book uses a personalized approach. This means that you should focus on learning to say what you need to express your thoughts, We hope that you will enjoy studying with this book and that you will have many opportunities to “talk about life” with your Russian friends. CONTENTS To the Student: Conversational Gambits Jiwanasa *xM3HE: ceMba, m0G0RB, c4acTBe Personal Life: Family, Love, Happiness Yacte I. Coa, 7 Yacte I. Urenne, 9 Tamara marepn (Pastca Cumbnep), 9 Word Study, 15 Kax naira cnyTHmKa xu3H, 18 Buser (Osu Apeiinep), 22 Uro raxoe cuacrse? 26 Yacre II. Murrepssr0, 29 Uacte IV. Nogsogsa urorn, 33 Crygenueckas aKnaHe: yué6a University Life Yacre I. Cuosa u auasorst, 36 acts Il. Ureune, 44 Hemuoro tomopa 13 KHSHM cTyseHTOR, 44 Tomoraer ... mym, 44 70 wenopex Ha 1 MecTo, 45 Yusrecs sceraa npuronurest, 46 Kakue onm — 6yayuye Gakanappul? 48 Word Study, 54 Tlepemensi & pocculickol siicuelt uxone, 57 35 xii CONTENTS acre III. Murepsnio, 60 act IV, Tonsogs wrorn, 64 Pox-myabika 65 Rock Music Uacre I. Cnosa 4 auatori, 66 Word Study, 73 Yacte I. Urenwe, 75 1O6uxeii [kona Jennona, 75 «ux @a0ii4» B Mockse, 77 Tpynna roa — «IT», 79 Tennua roga — Mpwa Anserpora, 79 Tecnu rpynn «Maumua apemeni, «UIT», «Hayrunye Tlomnuauyer, 1 «Kutto», 80 Yacte III, Murreppsio, 86 Uacte IV, Homsoas nrorn, 88 Aaxoron 1 Haprotuxn 89 Alcohol and Drugs Yacrb I. Caopa, 90 Yacre II. Urenne, 95 Boaka — Genas marus pycckoro myxuxa (Auapeli CurisncKuii), 96 Word Study, 97 O pom nok 8 pyccxom Gerry, 98 Crpana (Jogmuna Detpyntencxas), 101 Mouogéae xypsT anamy, 104 acre III. Mirreppsio, 106 acre IV. Moapoas wrorm, 114 CexeyambHas 2KH3HB 116 Sexuality acre I. Capa, 117 Uacre I. Urenne, 119 CONTENTS Xiii Mamr-aenoun, 120 Word Study, 125 Kax y6epeusea or CHMJla, 125 Becena ¢ monogoii aec6usnKoii, 130 Thucemo marepu, 132 Thucbmo Mozonoit aewyurxn, 133 acts UL. Uirrepanio, 135 acts IV. Hoawogs wroru, 138 Peaurus 139 Religion acts I. Cnopa, 140 acre Il. Urenue, 143 O Gecemeprum (Baanumup TenapsKon), 143 Word Study, 145 Poccus sosspamiaeres K Bory, 146 Baxou 0 cnoGoue copectu, 150 «Al peppuie mpouéa Enanreaner, 153 O xpwetuancrse (Axexcanap Men), 156 Uacts Il. Marrepasio, 159 acre IV. Hoasogs wrorn, 163 Myakustnbi 1 2keHMIEE — MoI MoxoAKH WIM pagHbte? 165 Men and Women: Are we alike or different? Yacrs I. Caopa, 166 Yaers I. Urenme, 170 Kaxoli pam wean Myacumnet sam aenmus1? 170 Hemuoro omopa, 172 Meura cOuiaacs, 172 Apannars ser enyers, 173 «Myxxckoii Mup conepuraer onmGxy>, 175 Vimy pycexyio xeny, 177 Word Study, 180 «, 216 Osow ayxaaeres 8 samsre, 217 Yacts HI. Hoasoas wroru, 219 Poccna u Sanaq 220 Russia and the West Yacts I, Hauwouamsuise crepeorunm, 221 Uacrs Il. Urense, 223 B nonckax rpycruoro 6e6s (Bacnauii Axctsos), 223 Poguas ayma (Onur [peiiuep), 228 Bosppamenne, vam Kak 970 qomKHO OsITs Ha caMom yee (puna Boinonuu), 232 Mwnepwamiamy — net! Bur Max ne npoiinér!, 238 Becwt 3 xpyctamsuoro xpama, 239 Word Sudy, 242 Amepuxanmst 8 Pocens (Mapana Xasanopa), 243 «Pocena — mocr Mexiy Sallam 4 BocroKom», 248 Yacrs Il. Toasons srorn, 250 Russian-English Glossary 251 Photo Credits 275 TO THE STUDENT CONVERSATIONAL GAMBITS Russians love to talk. Whether around the kitchen table over innumerable Cups of tea, at gatherings of friends over vodka and zakuski, or relaxing in the country at a dacha, their conversations range from personal matters to the meaning of life. Foreigners are usually surrounded with attention and care and are asked many questions about life in the United States. Throughout this course you will have many opportunities to express your opinions on a range of topics and to find out the opinions of others, The expressions that follow will help you do that. Knowing a variety of conversational gambits can enable you to keep the conversation going and give you the chance to hear more Russian and thus improve your own. 2 TO THE STUDENT: CONVERSATIONAL GAMBITS HOW TO TAKE PART IN DISCUSSIONS ASKING AN OPINION, 1, Kax pat aymaere,...? What do you think,...? 2. Uro Ba ayMaere 0...? What do you think about 3. Kax put orndowrece How do you feel about ASKING FOR CONFIRMATION OF AN OPINION 2 You don't think that...? Don't you think that...? 1. But we aymaere, an 2. Bam He KaxeTcs, 4TO. EXPRESSING YOUR OWN OPINION 1. To-méemy,... In my opinion,... 2. Mue xaxeres, uro... I think that... 3. Anyway, aro... I think that.. 4 5. |. Ha moti waraan,... In my view... (slightly more formal than no-Moemy 3. HackéabKo @ 3Haw0... As far as I know... AGREEING Sro mpapga. That's true. Bu mpépst. You're right. 5A (c pan) corndcen/corsécna. I agree (with you). Conepuiénno népuo. That's right (strong confirmation of someone’s opinion). SL Toxe TaK aymaw. I think so too. Moxer Onith. Maybe; perhaps. 7. [ymato, aro ya. I think so. Beye aw You will also hear 1. Hecomnénno. There’s no doubt/question. 2, Ane comuepstoce, wr... I don’t doubt that... 3. Besycnéauo. Certainly. 4, Pasyméeres. Of course. 5. Camé co66ii pasyméeres (often shortened to camo coGoil). It goes without saying; it’s obvious. ‘TO THE STUDENT: CONVERSATIONAL GAMBITS 3 DISAGREEING Dro we mpanaa. That's not true. Bu He mpapnt. You're wrong. Bu oumnGéerecs. You're mistaken. AA (¢ namu) we coraécen/corndca. I don't agree (with you). SL ne mymaro. I don't think so. Her, naoGopér. No, it’s the other way around; no, on the contrary. Dro venyxé! That's nonsense, 3ro raynocrs! That's dumb. Uro vat, ¢ yma couréa/comé? Are you crazy or something? yer an eepe LACK OF UNDERSTANDING Hosropure, noxaaylicra. Would you please repeat that? (poctare) a ne néusn/nonsxd. (Excuse me) I don’t understand, ro pst cxasamn’? What did you say? Vannnure, we tak Gticrpo/Ménaenniee, noxanyiicra. Could you please speak more slowly? Pepe SURPRISE, DISBELIEF 1. He moxer Gurre! Impossible! 2. (Bato) Tp¥aso monéputs. (That's) hard to believe. 3. Uro pt ropopure! What do you know! 4, Ha urd pst! Come on! DOUBT, UNCERTAINTY, PROBABILITY 1, He aymao, I don’t think so. 2. Ane ynepen/ynépena. I’m not sure. 3. Tpyano cxasars. It’s hard to say. 4, Hasepuoe. Probably. ASKING FOR CLARIFICATION 1. Uro au muéere B anay? What do you have in mind? 2. B kako cmuicne? In what sense? 3. Yro aro auéunr? What does that mean? 4 TO THE STUDENT: CONVERSATIONAL GAMBITS 4, Uro Bei xorure cKasars? What do you mean? 5. Bu ynépenmt? Are you sure? 6, 910 upanna? Is that true? DIFFERENCE 1. Mue scé paso. don't care. 2, 3ro mens He murrepecyer. I’m not interested (in that). CHANGING THE SUBJECT 1. He xouy ropopuTs 06 atom. J don't want to talk about that. 2, Ha apyrv Témy... On another subject. 3, Tlepeiiaém wa apyryfio Témy. Let's talk about something else (somewhat formal). 4, Xparur (06 310m). That's enough (about that). ADDING SOMETHING 1. Axouy go6deurs... Id like to add.. 2. But canumann? Have you heard? ENTERING THE DISCUSSION 1. Moxno? May I? [wasorn B Dpouraiire auanoru. Moquepxmure pevesste crepeorunsl obbacHMTe ux sHadenne. Pasronop Aunpes « Konn, crynexton dpusonormueckoro haxyasrera MIY. A: Kax Tat ayMaemms, 9K3aMeH mo anraslicxomy TpysHBiii? K: A aymaio, uro He overt. On Gyser, B ocHoBHOM, pasrondpsbim. Mie Kaxeros, He Gombe 5-7 MuHYT Ha crygeHTa. A: Tet aro, c ymé coméa? 5 munyr ¢ mporpeccopom? 51 ne cam! K: Tagnocrs, cnam! Tocae oxsameua. A: Tot capi, 1 nposasmincs? ‘TO THE STUDENT: CONVERSATIONAL GAMBITS 5 K: fla u76 Tot! A Tor emy cxagan, To GaGymka ymepna? A: Camé co6¢ii, Ho ato ero He wHTepecyer. K: Hy 416 2k, noman 8 Kuno. Tlocae xnno B oSmexntun, Pasrosop Koan c apyrom Axéurei Kak Tat ornécmmbes x CrnuGepry? Tlo-Moemy, on HuuerO. A Te6e He Kaxeres, 470 «E.T. Moxer Guirb, Ho 1 mpeanounréio «Jaws». acé-TaKH camptii ayumi ero cbsitbM? Ae Ne yPOK Bes cemba BMecte, Tax ayula Ha MecTe JIMUGHAA 2KU3Hb: CEMBA, JIKOBOBb, CHACTBE 2Kusup npoxiirs — we n6ae nepelirs. Tocnopnua JIMMHASL KM3Hb: CEMBS, JIOBOBB, CHACTBE 7 YACTbI CIIOBA pontirbes noiiTH B wKoAy to start school noctymirh B yHnBepeuTer 3aKOHUNTS, OKSHUMTS (pf.) WKO.Y, YHMBepeTer xeniirsca (Ha KOM) 10 get married (of a man) noxentirsea (pl. only) wendriae xendt (to be) married / single (of a man) xonocroii bachelor Buixonurb/biiirH sdmyx (3a Koro) to get married (of a woman) 3amyaem/ne 34myxem (fo be) married / single (of a woman) pa36q_ divorce pasnogirses/paspecriics (¢ Kem) 10 get divorced OW pasnéncs c KeHOii, ona pasBeséch ¢ MYKeM, OMM PasBemich paspexéu/pasneqend divorced sulin (pf) Ha nencwo, Gurre Ha nenewit yMupérs/ymepérs to die (ympy, yMpéuss; Yep, yMepad, Ymepa) umérs nereli to have children ¥ Koro-nuGynb ommn peGEnoK/ ~ aB6e, TpSe, uérBepo neTéii/ ~ Her neréit yestHoniirh, yaoueprirs (pf.) 10 adopt (a boy, a girl) meus youuoniin / ynoueprast I’m adopted AproGnorpadast B 1. 3anommre nponyckn e aroGuorpadsn sto MocKBHUKH. A___=_~p 1946 roay 8 Mockse. B 1952 roay # nepphiii Kiacc MB 1962 cree 2G mony. Uepes rons 2cee MTY, a no nocrynsenns 1 ous rox paGorana. Ha nepBoM Kypce jBe AeBOUKH saya wuocrpannes, a Moli GansKuit aHaKOMBIi B OMKH To" “+. _w pasnectuce. B pesyabrare, ou moay4na MockoscKy10 mponKcKy. Ho, Boo6tle, KeHUTBCR Mi BHIXOAUTE : B CTY/CHYECKOM BO3pACTe GKLIO HE HpHHSITO. Toca’ yansepcurera sm MoM apysbt___- = paar. 2Ku3Hb MpoxogxT yaneuremio Gxerpo! Y MHorux yxKe BEIpOcMM jeTH. Y MeHs ner. 51 ayMasia 0 TOM, 4TOGBI YeeIHOBHTE HUN yqONePATS KOTO-HNGYAb, HO MOTOM Pema, UTO 3TO ONeHb GombIAd OTBETCTREHHOCTE 1 Kymiuta coOaKy. 8 YPOK 1 Jipe Mow 3Haxomue yxe _ ____ wa nenem1o. OgHa crana GaGyuIKoli, uy ONeHE MHOrHX yMepan posutrem, Moi orem yep, HO Mama euré 2KMBa. BoT Tak CIO2KMACh KM3Hb! B 2. A reneps nanmumre cnow Gxorpadpmo. Javaiire noronopum! 1. C napraépom sam 8 rpynne. [Ipencrapsrect 1 ysnaiire Kak MOxXHO Sombie apyr o pyre. Tlorom pacckaxuTe camoe MHTepecHoe ApyruM. crygentam, Bor HeckoabKo TeM: Cems: Gparks 1 cécrps, poamresn. Jérerso: cuactminoe? Zoom: rae xunére? JIpyaesi: mnoro/mano/uécKomeKo xopoumx? O 48M Bul c HMMM pasronapuBacTe? Hx BKYcH M MHTepéoHt, HEpTEL xapdxrepa. OGpasonénne: B KaKo# Kone BM yuRANce, re celiac Baul noGviMELii npeaMéT B yHunepcHTeTe H Mo¥eMY. Tndins wa O¥aymee: acnupanrgpa, paGora, nyremécrns. CroGémHoe Bpéms: x666n, clopr, TexeBHa0p, KUHO, My3KiKa. Uro emaere BevEPOM, B BLIXOAHKIe AHH? Uro unraere? Myremécrans: B KAKHX crpaiax Bhi yxe ObLIM, B KAKHX WTdTax, rae BaM GdabuIe BCero noupasunoce? Kyga Bet xoTHTe NoexaTs, nowemy? Ine moGuTe onmbixaTb — Ha M6pe, B ropéx? ruurreck, Kakolt 2. C napruépom. Yausiire, aro y pac 66uero apyr c mpfrom i yeM BLL oramuderece. Uro Bet npeqnounTéere (Gomme m06wTe)? PacckaxnTe 06 stom. Cnopa: uTo y Hac OSmero, y Hac MHOro/MaTo Guero, y HAC Her Hiero oSulero. ¥ 066ux/o06nx... Hu on/an s.... OH He TAKS. Kak 1. On ropéajo ..., ue s. Ona o¥eHb ormudeTen OT MeHA, MBI ouent pésnsie. Kax? B kakom cmpicne? C napruépom. Hafinnre Temy mK mpenMer, KOTOPEINH BLE uurepecyerecs. Yanalite, aro y Bac OOMeTO M YeM BA OTAMAeTECE apyr or apyra. [lotom paccxazxurre 06 3ToM. Counnenne Cpasuiire ce6a c cecrpéit um 6péroM. JMYHAS KMGHb: CEMbA, MOBOBE, CHACTHE 9 GACTL IL YEHME MAIN READING a TEKCT 1 MIAMATM MATEPH Jo urenua Ornerwre Ha nonpocst 1. Koro 13 poneTaeHHnxor aut océ6eHHo m06ure? Uro Bat Combine Bcero moOuTe B HéM/Heit? 2, Ero/eé xuaub Oxia 1érKoii wn TaEIOM? HopMénpHoit? 3. Kak ero/eé xuaHb Onura cafzana c 2xu3Hb10 cTpaHKi? Hanpumep, MoxeT 6bITb, OTe BORAT BO BueTHAMe Hs B ApyTOM MecTe. Moxer OTD, BANK AeAYEIKH 1 GaGymIKH HM posTeRH MpHexamt B AMepHKy, notomy uro (1) xoremm aysmelt auaHK AIK cBoMX eTell; (2) Hx 10 yPoK1 mpecuqonami No penmrudaHsim npuuunasG (3) OHM xOTeIH kUTb B jeMoxpariiseckoii crpané, 4, Uro pt sHaere o pyccKoii noTopun XX pexa? Kaxne Onan cane radeune cobtirna 4 afunocra (Oxré6prcxan penomouns, rpaxndncxaa noiind, rénog, Teppép, aarepé, Cran, Beniixan Oréuectnennast [propia muponds]] notind)? ‘STH caoBa BaM NOMOrYT OTBETHTS: JEPKas KUSHB: He OBL HUKAKHX npoGmeM; BCE GBUIO TerKS; OH cea no&, ¥TO XOTeM; GH ACHBTH ‘TpYaHocTH: y Hero Gxino MHoro mpo6.éM; cMepTb, GEAHOCTH, GonEsHb; notepsa paGory, a6aro He Mor HaiirH paGoTy aKonOMMMecKad Jertpéccns, Bolind, Gespa6sruna ‘Teneps npounraitre paccKas. Oe TIAMATH MATEPH Al auKorna He roBopwa eli, uTO e& smH0G.m0. Ja pase TomBKo 5 e& s106Ha? Moro s1eT Hagan, Kora ona -Kyala Tpomeli6ye Ha yray yunust Toppxoro’ n noua Tlyurkwna, suicoxuli cpequnx wer MyxUMRa? HaKNOHMICR K Heit « nonenona e& pyxy. «Tht TOMBKO MonyMail, — TOBOpHUIA OHA MHE TIOTOM co CMyIIEHHOI® ymBIOKOH, — embarrassed BOT Tak, HOCpemM YaMUB, Ha raazax y MpoxoxUx. 5 mpocro onemena. Hy KTo Takoe Mor cHemaTs? A on Mens Gus m ronopir: “Hy neyxemn He yanaére? Ja pens 970 axe st, Pymux’, ryt yox sanmaxana, xe Moraa yaepxatbes>. PyauK, sacTeHuMBnill MANbUMK-HeMemt M3 JeTCKOFO mutepnara Ha Ypase*, rue B roel BoiuBI Ona GEA aupexropom. Osunoxii, oruassumiics, HAKOMY, Kagasiocb, He HYKHBIi. PoywrenM B KOHUAarepe’, OH Honan x Heli B unTepuar. PeOara ero Ox, apasHMan? — teased ‘Yaumta Toppxoro celiac Teepcxas. ro raasnas yanua 8 uewTpe Mocks y2xunia cpeanux xer — myaxuntna 40-50-14 er Bo Bpems notin MHOrHe AeTH GHIAK 9BaKyMponanB Ha Ypan up Cpemtio% Asso. Konumareps — KouyestTpanwonusit sareps JIMMIHAS KMGHB: CEMBS, TIOBOBB, CHACTBE LT «amncr Heno6uTbtii». Hemano cux ei npwuioce? norpaturs®, wro6t yGequTs peOsT, uTo PymuK He camer, ur on TaKoli xe, KaK M OHM. Oxa pata MaNbUNKa Ha BEIXOMHBIC” K ceOe AOMOl, oHa cTABHIA 3arliaTbt° Ha ero NpOXxyAMBUIYIOCH KyPTOUKY, flemMNack® patches / shared MocaeaHiM KYCKOM. MasenbKas crannns Bucepts, satepanias® cpean ost HEBHICOKMX, NOKPEITHIX FYCTAIM COCHOBLIM s1ecOM Ypassckux rop... 3nech Haxonmacs e& uHTepHaT, 3necb 2KWLIM NATEECAT MOCKOBCKHX jleTeit B BOSpacte OT TPEX glo YeTsipuaguary ster. Boex ux ona yGeperma’, protected BEIXOMMA, TOMOTHa NepeHecTH TAFOTEI BOtHE. Cyns6a° onuoro Yesonexa — cys6a nes10ro noKonenua®, ToKoseHe HalKx oTHOB uM Marepell, TOKONeHKe, KoTOpoe crpomo MarHuTKH® m AHeNporscHl?, ToTHTOCe® B OOIIeKUTHAX H KOMMYHamKax!?, ‘huddled anoquporaio s106omy copy «BemMKoro Boxas»" 1 uemleHeno oF yxkaca®, YCuBIMAB 06 oNepemHOM apecTe hoor apyra, KoTopsiii BHe3ar1Ho OKa3alca Bparom Hapoya'?. Beé sto Gxit0, Ho 6x10 u apyroe — npenanuocrs®, devotion camonoxeprBonane®, croliKocTs® self-sacrifice /foriude Onuaxxmst e& BEISBAIM B MBBECTHOE SmOBeMTee yupexyenue’? 1 npentoxnnm Hamncars youoo' Hi ‘YeTOBeKa, ¢ KOTOPBIM OHA paGoTaa BMecTe MHOTO eT. Ona orkasazacs. «Ilonymaiie xopomenKo, — cxasamit 5 mpuuiaocs had ro, Tpsxomurscs/upniirice is used impersonally with an infinitive and the logical subject in the dative to show necessity. This expression is stronger than Hano/#y:xHo and may imply that the action is somewhat undesirable, difficult, or unpleasant. norparsr cine: 10 g0 to a lot of effort BuIXOAHOH — RepaGounik nem Maruutka — anon Ha pare Anenp — pexa wa Yxpanne; roc — rumpooexrpocrants Konmyyaika — KoMMysanbuas xeaprupa eset Boab — Crain spar naponay enemy of the people. Tannunioe OGBHKKeHKe CTAAKHCKOTO epHORA. opectioe anonemee yupexnenne — HKBJI (Haponnssit xownccapar suyrpenix sen); nosxe — MI'B (Mumucteperso rocyaapersennoik Gesonacuocrs); sare — KT'B (Komurrer rocyaaperacrioit Gesonacocrs) owoc denunciation. Paornuxn HKB/L wacro mpuny:xnani siogeli nicer AoHocK na SHAKOMEIK, Apy2eit HAM KOMEr, B KOTOPHIX OHM OFBHESLANCS 8 antTHCONETCKOH nestremsnocrH. 12 yrox1 cli. — But Moxere ovens HanpenuTs® ceGe cnomm, arm orxasom. Mire xomoii, a vepe3 napy aneii noanonmre Ham, Mur oven Wa pac Hageemes>°. Ona He MOsBOHKa, rely XOTA MOHMMasa, Hem 970 eit rposHT®, Buts0 9T0 threaten ‘TpumaT BocbMoM Tomy'>. Torna 2Xe, B TPHsUAT BOCEMOM, apecToBamH Myxa e& sHaxomoli, 2Kewa ero OcTasach B GeSBEIXOHOM nOOKEHMM — o;MA, Ges paGOTH, © RBYMA MAICHEKUMH geTbMu'®, Muoro aM HaulJoch B TO BpeMa sogeli, KOTOPHIe OCMEMILIKCS? HOMOUb, MpoTAHyTs pyky? Ona dared ocmeansacb. Boree Toro!”, copepumia HeBepoxTHoe — yrouopuaa® pyKonosuress opranusanun, rae paGorasa convinced cama, BST MoMpyry Ha paGory. Herawii seep narsqecar nepporo roa. BaBoem ¢ mpystrentem Mut, Receao nleperonapunasc, GexUM K MeTpO «Masxoscas». Ero oreil, pexsccép MocKoBcKoro palo, npunéc Ham Onaerst Ha BEictyneHHe Mabu Spen6ypra’®, Hactpocnme y Mens OTmH4HOe: IIKOMBHBIe OK3aMerBI TosaqH, BHepenM JOMTOKAAHHBIE HeTHHE KAHUKY.IBI, Gyayulee npeucraBsercs Mile B HeBepOsTHO po30B0M crete. Moé equncTBeHHoe BIXOJHOE MaTbe THATeEAbHO OTYTIOKeHO, WEKK POpsT, IPUsTeMb CMOTPHT Ha Mens BIOGIEHRBIM BSPTTIOM. Ski10 HepoaMoxHO HalérK paGory. Goxee Toro what is more Vines SpenGypr — wanecrusti conercxuil nucarens BIICHIC — Beecowsnssit Henrpansnsiti Cover Mpopecenonanssnix Cowsos Hauusias © copox BoceMoro roga paaBepHYAack KaMMAKUS IpOTMB «KOCMONOAMTHIMa>, OF oropoli Gommbime wcero Hocrpamaun expen, JIMYHAS KUSH: CEMbA, TOBOBS, CUACTLE 13 To, UTO s B-TAKOe BPeMst AYMalO TOMEKO 06 YAOBONSCTENAX M HUMEM, PeLIMTeALHO HEM He Mory eff noMo4ub, «Thi M3BMHM, MHe 4TO-TO”! pacxoTemoce” KATH Ha BBICTYIMeHHe, — ToBOpIO # CBoeMY OTopomeBuIeMy cnyTHuxy. — Kaxk-auGyap 8 apyroii pas”, xopoio?» PaGorst He Guin0, Hit MALIMHUCTKOH, HK crenorpadbucrKoli, um GyxrantepoM — HuKeM B Te roqt axenmumna c enpeiicxoit canned He Morma yerpourEcs. OKT HaM GbINO He Ha ¥TO, cHACTH® Hac MOTO TOMBKO save uys0°. miracle Mf aygo nponsomo. Ha saxynaiom sanonuxe na oxpanne Mockpst nozapes Ob HY2KeH HauaMbHAK? bose aMMHHCTpATHBHO-KosalicTBeHHOTO OTAeHa. Bapmaara xoneewHas, paGoTs — B03. Mf ona nomina, m MHoro ster ‘avor Bo3 Tanya. Ha KaMHsx (seMuéll STOT y2aC HaaBATh Gsir0 Heab3a) BMECTe C APyTuMH SHTYsHACTAMH — OHA yea sapaxar monteii cBoeli nepoli B ycriex no6poro jena — paaGuna npexpacnsiié cay, reoprinst, posbt. Alpy3ba numyT, Yo 3TOT cay M MOHBIHe UBeTET, MHOTHE, BHI ETO, HEROYMEBAIOT, KAK Ht OTKYHa OH HosBuucs cpesM KaMHeli M ronoro acbanbra, Mama yea xpaxurs? aysxue Talib, yMena YTeuIHTS® keep / console B-TPYAHYIO MuHYTY, MOZTOMY y HEE MOXHO GEIO DCTPETHTE CAMBIX pasHEIX mojeH. OHM MpHXomHAM 3a conerom, apyrie — mpocTo Tak, HocHeTb 3a WamIKOlt Was. Hanepuo, eli Boro 6si10 npestiaaiagerio nomorar® AOAAM, 4TO OHA TOBCEMHEBHO, Ha MpoTsEKEHHE cei 2KMSHM, lO Mepe cu cBOMX™* yenama. Toman, Kax yxe aneck, B AMepuKe, cama exe xxBas, MOAOKMB B CYMOUKY AHTAO-pyccKMH CHoBaps HK chakoH ¢ BaTOXOpAMHOM™, Besna cocemKY B GOAbHMY MAK OT HEN coumambuoro oGecneveHua — «ily KaK, nonmMaem, elf He TOMOUB, -TO XOTS HeMHOTO TOROpIO WO-antTasHicKH, a Ha — HitCKOMBKO...» Ho mocaenwero mus oHa He paccrapastach co caopapém, yopHo 3aHuManace anrauiicKum — auTana, 2. aro-to = nowemy-0 (coll.) pacxorexoce antonym of saxorexocs. The prefix pac-/pas- can mean the reversal of the action. Kax-aGynp 8 Apyroit pas some other time (coll.) no Mepe cBoHx cia as much as she could ‘axoKopavit a common heart medicine 14 yeok1 Hepenomiia, Kasysch pit STOM Ha cuaGeIoUlyIo MaMsTS. Kax-ro”* 4 yeugeaa, ¥To ova uMTaer poman X. TloroKa”” «Papp, — Hy xaxas xe THt Mosoqumna, 6e3 cnosaps uraents Taky¥o HeTérKy! KHUry, — cKasaza 9 conepuleHHo HcKpeHHe. — Hy yx, cxaxemb toxe! — paccepayutace ona. — Tamar an K uépry He roguTcs”*, He moMiso, Kya CAoRaps NONOAMIA, BOT M NpUxXOAWTeS Ges cAOBAps uuttars, Hpocto Bstxoya Her. «Tit He xoveMt MocayMaTs Mon cTUXH?» cmpociia OHA OnHaXKAE. «Cruxn?,, — He nonsia si. — Toi mien crixn?> — «ila, navana nucars Ha crapoctn set». 370 Guinn xopomne cTHxi. O Apy2xGe, 0 Rolie, 0 eTCTBe, 06 AMepitke, Hopoii crpane, B KoTOpoii CrapsiM JHOMAM 13 Pocenn MpHXOAKTeH HAYAHATS HOBYIO HSI. A depes rox mocae 3Toro pasronopa ell mpHcysAK neppylo Mpenusio AmepuKaHcKoii acconmannn nosTOR 3a ogHo m3 e cTHxoTBOpeHntit. He Gpito y Heé Hit TPOMKUX SHHOB®, HH OCOOKX sank aacayr — fla Bens soRK mOG8T He 3a HX, a cOBCEM 3a Apyroe. 3a TO, 4TO HEKA BHICKAIATE, A MOXKHO TOMEKO uyseraonaTe, Ona paqonanacs uy2uM YoHexaM TAK, KAK Pagopanack Gut CROMM, M Co“yBCTROBATa UyKOMY Fopw° grief ‘TaK, Kax Gyro”? 970 rope — eé. 5A suai Muoro cemeli 3necb, B AMepHKe K TaM, B naséxoll Pocenu, rile MOTH, ystaB o e€ cmepTHs, GyAyT Topenars BMecre co MHoli. G0° ona OBLIa YACTUUKO! HX because 2KUSHM, TAK Xe, KAK OHM — YacTHIO cé. OHA YMepma B xanyn® Pour-Auiaua, enpelicxoro Honoro roga. JJepxara neve PYKAK TeaeonHyio TpyOKy, pasronaprmata co MHOit 1 OcTaHORMAaCk Ha MoaycHORe — nepectao GuTEca cepaute. Topopsr, sro 8 Kanyn Pout-Amana YMMparor npaBexHAKs. Pawca Cuapnep aK-T0 once (coll.) 7 X. Torox Chaim Potok, American author 7 sac x uépry He ronuTea good for nothing, of no use % wax 6yaro as if JIMMHAS KM3Hb: CEMBS, TOBOBb, CUACTDE 1S Oreersre na ponpocti 1, Te Mars paGorasa Bo Bpéms Bots 2. Kro Taxoii Pysux? 3. Houemy on nouesonéa eli pyky 4 66uaa e€ nocpen yant 4, Touemy ona sannéxasa? 5, Touemy eé piispann B «nsBécTHoe 3noRéulee yupexaéune»? 6. Ona coraacrinack uM HOMG4B? 7. Kax ona omorsa onHoli cpoeli 3HaK6Moi? 8. Yro nponsomnd 8 1951 roxy? 9, Tlouemy ona goaro He Morsa HaiitH paGoTy? 10. Tae ona acé-raxn Hamid paGory? 11. Touemy x Hei mpuxoasim cammte pasuBre mos? 12. Yem ona sanmmasach B AMepuKe? 13. O uém ona mucana B cBOuX craxdx? 14. Touemy moan » Amepnxe 1 8 saxéxoii Poccun moGuas ef? Hawaitre norosopum! 1. «Cynp64 ogHoré uesoBeKxa — cyab64 uénoro noKoAEHMs»>. MoxHO aH 9TO CKa3aTb O BALIAX poMTEITX? 2, But mo6ure nomoraT» smgam? Kak But 970 yesaere? 3. Pacckaxtire 06 OHOM HeTOHeKe, KOTOPOTO BMI 510OHTe. 3a TO BEI ETO m106HTe? 4, Pacckaaure o pameli cempé. Onnuuire uéHos cembii (npodpecciio, xapaxrep, BKYcHI HT. 2.) Bu nox6xu Ha ponsrenei? Xapaxrepom? Buemsocrsio? A wa 6para vam cectpy? Ha apyrix péuctBeHHKoB? ‘ru cnowa pam noMoryr orperiTe: On/ona (+ adj.) Y nerofucé .. . Ox/ona a1060T el WORD STUDY Abbreviations and Acronyms During the Soviet period many new words were formed from the first syllable of one word plus another word: MeqnyHxT — MegmuyiHcKsdi MyHKT, 2eT}0M — getcKuli 0M, Faapepad — rmapabii Bpad. OK 1 Acronyms consisting of letters are often pronounced using the names of the letters. You probably know CCCP and MI'Y. In the notes to Hani warepit you met HKBJI [ou-ka-p9-n9], MIB [2M-r9-Go}, and KI'B [ka-r9-69]. Sometimes the acronym is read as a single word, as in F°3C [rac]. Roots nepx- hold, rule (10:1)* yaepxxarsca to restrain oneself (to hold oneself back) (14:9) xepxxats to hold aanepxarh to delay nloulepxKa support Gu- battle, beat (10:2) Ours 10 beat (11:1) menoGurenit “not killed yet” The prefix nedo- means that the action has not been concluded. yOuparb/yOnTb to kill yOutina murderer yOuiicrs0 murder aen- separate (11:1) aemmrsea to share; to be divided into gears, paswensrs/pazienurs to divide orgemsuo separately onsen department (in a store or ministry) Kpu- Kpon- shelter, cover TOKpsITs 0 cover OTKPHBATb/OTKPKITh fo open; 10 discover gaxpunark/axphith to close xpuima roof var- Tax Tas tight, stiff (11:2) taroret dificulties Taxémsii heavy; hard, dificult (13:3) tanyrs to pull, drag uporarupars/nporanyt fo extend, hold out * Numbers refer to pages and paragraphs of Hansrri matepu. JM4HAS KUSH: CEMBA, MOBOBb, CHACTLE 17 uepen- line, row, turn ouepens Line (that one stands in) (11:3) owepenHoli next (in a regular sequence) enuut- oxunt- one, unit (10:2) oxuHoKuii lonely, isolated ognnowecrso loneliness (-crBo shows an abstract noun) omuaxast once (12:3) enuucrnennusit only Coenmsénnie Urarst Amepaxn Opranisauis OGxensnénmnx Haut empo- erpa- build (12:3, 5) wactpoeune mood (13:2) yerpourses to get settled, find a job erpours/nocrpom to build pacctpanears/pacctpouTs 10 upset (emotionally) paccTpanparscs/paccrponTBcs 10 get upset ay- feel (14:8) couyacrsonats to sympathize (from co- with and uyncTaonare 10 feel) uyscrno feeling uyTKuli sensitive (to what others are feeling) mpesaypersne premonition Yapaxnenwe A. Banomusre nponyckm XaHHBIMM cuoBaMH: ONepenL, HacTpoeHMe, yOutii- TBO, 4YBCTHO, KpBiMNIa, ONMHOKM, OTE. 1. Y meus cerogas ormmunoe 2 2. ¥ wero wer mpyseii, on HH C KEM He OGmaeTes: OH ONEHE 3. Mut ropopsuns 06 _yc « Toxoua Kennean. 4, (B Marasmne) Cxazkure, noxasyiicra, rue Macuoft______? 5. Tlepen marasuHoM 6si10 MuorO moxeii, M HAM MpHUNTOC AOATO COSTS B ce ¢ B. Sanommure mponyoxn cnenyrouueMn raaromas: YOuTE, salepyare, Ke— AUTHOR, PABeANTE, YOTPOUTECH, PACCTPOTHCS, COUYRCTBOBATE. 1. Mspwawre, 4ro # pac 2.2 0 oS. TIpamtocs goaro 2naTb aproGyca. 18 yroK1 2. Koraa J)kon Gs11 8 Mockse, on norepsa cBoii nacnopr. Koueuno, on oven . 3. Kak Tet ayMaem, KTo__._ Keneau? Ho, Hakone, ona Hamma 4, Maura zoaro He Mora paGory, 5, Tpentoqasareab ckasan cryqenraM: «ITor ypok oueHs AUMiHDI avaiire Zero wa TpH wactH». TEKCTBI 2-3 KAK HAJTM CHYTHMKA XKM3HUN HEOXKMJAHHDI 9OOEKT «Keummy cnoeii Mewres..» nuyer Kax-Kaog Piouan, 39-neranii xonocrax x9 meiiuapcKoro ropoza 2Kenena. Bo BcHKOM cyae B raseTax ero OGwsiprenHe aaHATO HeMKIX NATECOT CTPOK! Crom HEOOHUHOE 1 MHOTOCHOBHOE TOCHAHMe BUGBAIO HeMaTEIH HHTepeC: AMUN B-TeUeHMe AByX veges Kau-K1on noaysua Gonee 250 oTRetoR, MpHYEM He TOABKO OT COoTeueCTBeHHML, HO HOT MHOCTPAHOK. Wa raaerst «Honoe pycckoe cxon0» Kax put aymaere? Tlowemy Kan-Kaog noay4na croabKo orperon? KPYT PY3EH Mpountaiire oOeansenns B «[pange Ykpannem. Us Kaxqoro o6paBreHna BEINMUNITe HepTEL, KOTOPMe BAC MHTepecyIOT Hu KOTOpHIe BAM HPaRsTCs, H CKaXKUTe, eCTH My BAC TAKMe WepTot HATH HET, ‘AG, 128. Auna Tanaopna, 68 ner. AG. 129. @éz0p Muxaiiuonny. 34 Jiyranck: Boex ponux notepata « yxe roga. Kwenckas oGacrs: HesawerH0 ueTuIpe roxa xHBY B ORMHOeCTBC. npoGexaan roms, & 8 ncé axuBy © TlosaGorwrbes 0 KoM-T0, CABO 1aCKOBOe —_PONIHTEAMHL, HKAK He KEHOCS. cxasars — exomy. A Tak xoveres Gus -Hemtiouut, tpyomoGueuti. PaGorato 8 eu Komy-ro nosesnoit. Keaprupa y Mens Kouxose. Xouy cosaars cembno. Ei cor, marepnasisHo oGecnewena, OTeauKwetes xeHmHa ¢ peGéuxon, puny ero, Kax posuoro. AM4HAS| XKH3Hb: CEMBSL, JHOBOBb, CHACTBE, 19 ‘AG, 130, 3unianaa Mixaiinosna. 35 ser, XKverownperas o6macrs: Ho obpasonaniio ® — meCemsumex. Kuby » ceze, paGoraio » ropose. Ho xis ToaBKo paboroii ¢ xaxcasint Aue TpyAHe. Xoueros xevicxoro cuacris, Tomrrea Cosmas ero # MoromocTH yaxe Gutaa, Ho He roaysuaoc»... Korna 6x1na 3fopoBa Maya, onwovecsa # He ouywana. A celtuac Goneaus otuuneaer e8 y wens, w B uke MoMeHTH xYTRO, TO PAIOM HET GaNIKOFO erosexa, KoTopstt Oot MoamepxHBAR, ‘yreunn, Hnue teneps nonsia, To Geo ere xenuume HH He IH, Oven laqeloce a Bcrpewy c YenoneKoM, esTaroun 0 xopouset cembe. Ecat ero eTHE OcHpOTEAK, © pAOCTAO CTaHY He Mayol, Hw kpacoru, 1 Gorarerea wate we azo. Xors Kaneabky cHacTes Mpouly oF cyasbu AG. 131, eons, 29 ser. Honenxas obnacrs: I akuaséx, « warepiiaasto oBecnesen. He unter speqienx npuBtiveK. Ho 0 cx nop ons, Xoxy 5 Ha cynax sanpanrananne, rogoary BnasK OF 20Ma, 4.38 TpH Mecsia, ro Oxinaio Ha aeMe, Tpyao waiira enyrinuy ADH, Aa ene ‘axyio, 4706 Obuta TepmteawBoit x BepHOM, enocoBuofi na nacrosmyr mo6ons. Ecai ecth ou, nycr» orsonéres! ‘AG. 132. Euesa Bramitwnponta. 42 rosa. Xepcott: K coxasemno, oTHouyc® x paspeaéuitim. Herm, Wx nB0e, BAIpOCAN. Byay pana staxomersy ¢ noOpHs, TpygomoSuauM myaxsauoil. Xapaxrep, ak Mule Kaxetes, y Mena HertZOxot. Ceop, KpHKo®, mesiicTRa He BAIHOU. emo nexpennocts 1 npsmory. Xoresoce 641, #706 He mucaan paau aI0GomTeTSa, AG. 133. Bacitani Becumenn. 42 roxa. Hisaiio-Dpaxxosckas oOaacrs: Buia >xeHaT, OMHAKO, CTOAKHYBINNCE C nowtocTot, ne npocri Kwas6M HORA He oGecneveH. O6pazonaxine y Mex cpennerexiuaeckoe. Jo6iMoe 3aHsTne — ‘TexHitka, 51 HeBBICoKOTO pocra, a xeHY mpeacranaaio ce6e ceaLckoll xeHINiHOl, 6e3 BpemWBix MpuBEiYeK, ¥epHOBoAocy:o, aperagayio, noaMo2kuo, ¢ OnKHM peGiuKox, AG. 134, Tawapa Hutkomaesua. 51 ros, Xmeabunuxaa oGaacTb: Moa cyasGa He 13 aysmux. Tlocne poitwt octasacs 6e3 ou. 2Kuaw c manoit w ceae. Tarxeso Guir0, Ho Buy'usace. 32 roma nocesrisa nenaroruueckoit paGore. A cents we cnoxwaacs ¢ camoro Havasta: Myx, crane MeHs ¢ chiHoM, yuréa. Cu Bitpoc OOpuIM, H HeRecTKa y Melia XopoUlaa, HO 2xuByT ous AameKO. TIpHXxOXxY nocme aGoTH B CBO MpeKpaciyio Keaprapy, a ‘Tam — nycro Ge3 GmnaKux, Hit paGora no omy, wi paGora wa oropoge we saraymaeT ommuouectsa. C wagexaolt xay scrpewst ¢ XopoulMa, LO6pHIM eAoBeKoM, KoTOpHI HHKOPRA He YHNSHT, He OCKOPOHT. TombKO npeaynperxaaro — #19 KpyninEex ccnp, BuicoKas. AO. 135, Eprenuil, 33 roma, JIseon: onnunancr, nepio B aysmiee Gyayuee, Bor ‘TOABKO HOMpYFY 2xuSHH BCE CME He HaMIEN. Xorenocs Gui, uroGH ona Gita YRKPAMUKOM, aKesaTERBHO M3 JaNANHEIX oGnacteli, K Hensoxoli xoaaitKoit Obpaaonatine He usteeT Havens. 2Kuay ¢ porsreasma, PaGous Marepuaabuo oGectewex. Poct 164 cs., BHEMIHOCTS OGHUHAS, HO HMCI0 OM guonuecenit nenocTaroK — HeGombILyIO xpomory. Xapaxrep cnoxoiatait, To oTwourenio x apyrune craparoce GMT MeCTHBIM 1 TOpsLOHEIM. AG. 136: Exena Cepreesua, 40 ser. Asenponerposcx: 2Kusus caoxw1acs Tax, ‘9TO MpHULAOCK CAMOH CTABKTH HOUE Ha Horn. Tenteps y Heé cpos comes. Ma pent eufé He crapas, a ocraaacs HaequHe CO ‘cponm oguitouecrnoM, Ilo o6pazonautio — OKOHOMMCT, Kpyr HEETepecoR UIpOKIE. Meuraio sorpetirs vestonexa, KoTOpsIf 6514 Gu mue GanaKsoM Mo AYXY, WanEKHKM apyrow. 20° ypoK1 awaiive norosopum! 0 ueaoweKe Moxuo cKazaTs, 470 On axxyparanili neat Becéastii cheerful raynbii dumb, stupid AoGpocésecrustit conscientious 66putit kind sacrénumentit shy untepecniuit interesting; attractive aenipuii lazy orsérersenmuit responsible Upuséxubtit diligent camoynépenusti self-assured cepbésnuiii serious cumnaTiunniit nice cKPOMUB modest Csamp6a Mopaxa 6 Apxanreanexe cKYunpili boring eméatiit daring, bold cMemusii funny cHoKéiinetit calm Tanduramnii talented Taxult quiet TpysomMoGheLit industrio hardworking Samui bright, smart yupsiseetii stubborn uécrustit honest ménpeili generous oHepriunsit energetic AM4HAS KM3HB: CEMBS, TOBOBb, CUACTBE 21 Ynpaxenna A L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. B. 1. 2 3. 4. Sanomuure mponyckH cHopaMn H3 cnuicKa. Ona ovens n66puit venoneK, roTépa oTA‘TE RCE, UT y He’ ects. Ona Olt Muoro sauumdaea 4 oueHs xopomTo cyan 9K3aMeH. OH Acero cocex He moGnT sanmMaThcs. O B xomuare wicro « ¥Opano. Uenonex, KoTopsiii Tam AUBET, - Ou He xouer GuiTh UéHTPe BHMMAKMA M _MazO roBOpHT o ce6é. Ox Ona auxorga He ropopsrr Henpasay. Ona Ou aymaer, 470 sHaer oTBérbi Ha Bce BONpocH. Ou Ona yméer zenar, Bc’ — m Tanuepars, 1 3anuméreca cudptom, 1 urpars na cxpiinke. Ona Ornersre Ha nonpocss. Uro put Moxere cxasarb 0 ce6e? Kaxoli put senonex? Uro Bh MoxeTe cKasaTb 0 CROHX APYSKAX M SHAKOMEIX HO rpynTe? Kaxue aioqu nam upapsres, a Kaxne Her? Houemy? Ecam venonek MHoro 3HaeT, MHOTO UNTaN, BUeT, O HEM MOXKHO cKasaTb, 4TO OH «MHTepecHEHi YeIOBeK», Bal MOXKeTe TAK CKa3aTb O ceGe, 0 CHONX Apyabsx, sHaKOMBIX? GF Mocaosmus Cuacrne He b nensrax cuactse. Bes cempst BMécre, TaK u ymd Ha Mecre. He G6tiso Ont cudcTba, TAK HecudcTbe MoMOrI6. PaGora PaGora He BORK, B tec He yGextiT. Or paGors K6nn x6xnyT. Crapoers Crépoct ue panocte.

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