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Alyanna Angelina M.

Cabral DS 126-Pananagutan Class

2012-65902/4th Yr. BA Political Science Prof. John Ponsaran


As a political science student, I have background about the theories on politics. However,
this subject expanded my knowledge. It introduced me to many concepts wherein I am able to
apply the theories I previously learned to other fields. An example of a concept is development
communication. Learning about development communication made me discern the importance
of communication techniques, such as community discussions and distribution of publication
materials, in the promotion of active participation of citizens.

Aside from communication, I was somewhat amazed how activism is present in Science.
The articles of Giovanni Tapang are examples that break the dichotomy between natural and
social sciences. In his article about “No-Build Zones” policy, he argued that dislocating rural
communities in Tacloban as part of this policy is not a real disaster reduction measure. To
support his argument, he cited Mangrove specialist Prof. Jurgenne Primavera, who claimed that
coastal protection “should involve not only hard engineering—seawalls, levees and
breakwaters—but should also include rebuilding beaches and mangrove forests as well”
(Tapang, 2014). Thus, it can be seen how he made reference to Science by stating that mangrove
forests should be built around the coasts of Tacloban in order to prevent coastal communities
from being dislocated and in turn, from losing their livelihoods. Thus, natural sciences and social
sciences can be complementary and need not contradict each other.

Regarding my self-assessment, I could say that I was able to be very receptive of the
different concepts thought to us because the professor always connects these concepts to our
immediate surroundings or to the things we encounter every day. Thus, I could easily relate with
the concepts discussed. In relation to this, I found the study tasks helpful. The definition of the
concepts in the study tasks can be easily be derived from the names of these concepts. Examples
of these are management by walking around, doctrine of completed staff work, military-
industrial complex etc. Thus, the way these concepts are named made me it easier for me to
recall what they mean.
Also, these concepts I learned through study tasks were also helpful because I am able to
explain to myself the news/issues/updates that I glance upon in social media. One example of an
issue that spread through social media are the recent attacks in France. Regarding that issue,
there was a meme I saw which suggests that these attacks are created by US. Subconsciously, I
agree with the statement because I have heard of war economy before. However, I cannot really
explain clearly how and why US creates these wars. Then, I remembered the concept of military-
industrial complex. From the name itself, I know that this is about the tendency of the military to
have a close relationship with weapon industries. Overall, this subject helped me enhance my
critical thinking skills. The increased knowledge I had from this subject contributed to the
reduction of my passivity towards the happenings around me.


Tapang, G. (2014, February 19). People Surge: ‘No-build zones’ to enrich the elite. Manila
Times. Retrieved from

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