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Let’s talk about COUNTRIES

Conversation cards

What is the biggest country in What is the country with the How many continents are there?
the world? most people? Can you name them?
What do you know about it? What do you know about it?

Do many people visit your Name some landmarks in the city Name three countries in three
country? or country where you live. different continents where it is
What can tourists see and do (= important sight or feature in the always hot and never snows or
there? city or the landscape) freezes.

How many countries are there in How many currencies do you Name three countries in three
the world? know? different continents where it
Guess. Make a list. always snows and freezes in

What are the most popular What countries would you visit if How many countries can you
tourist countries? you were on a world trip? name starting with the letter J?
Guess. Get a map and plan your world On which continent(s) are they
trip. located?

Which countries have you What countries would you not How many countries can you
visited? want to visit and why? name starting with the letter K?
Which countries would you like On which continent(s) are they
to visit? located?

Would you like to live, study or Plan a 3-week tour around your How many countries can you
work in another country? country. Make a list of places to name starting with the letter B?
If so, which country? visit, to stay and how to get there. On which continent(s) are they
Give a price estimate (low budget).
If not, why not? located?

Draw and colour the flags.

5 9
1 Australia
1. Germany 2. Spain 3. UK
2 6 10
New Zealand
3 11
4. Mexico 5. USA 6. Japan Russia
Thailand 7
4 USA 12
Vietnam 8
7. China 8. Russia 9. Thailand

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