The Magic of Teaching YL - Teresa Gallette

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‘The magic of teaching Young Learners: Bonding with love

Teresa Gallette, LTCL Dip TESOL

Why use stories?

… stories remind the importance of communication

… they take the audience into a state of relaxed awareness

… they create a positive attitude even if students do not understand every word.

… new vocabulary and complex structures are introduced in a friendly way.

… they help YLs to tie new things to what they already know and develop CTS

… they provide natural context for repetition.

What are the side effects?

… a bridge between language learning and language use.

… strong link between the learning environment and the world outside.

… skills work integration.

… development of cross curricular links.

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Working with stories –

Stage 1 –

Stage 2 –

Stage 3 –

Activities stage 1 –
Look at the Storytelling tin / I-Spy bucket.
Discuss in your group what the story might be about.
Write as many words as possible.

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Activities stage 2 -

Choose 6 words and place them in the Bingo Chart

Tick them while you listen to the story

While you listen to the story, write as many rhyming pairs

as possible.

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Activities stage 3 -

What new words have you learnt? ZOOM IN / ZOOM OUT

P.O.V. P.S. ….



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Storytelling checklist
 Interest:
 Participation:
 Creative thinking:
 Kinaesthetic learning:
 Collaboration
 Enjoyment

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