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EDUC 3601 Music C&I Griffioen/2018

Professional Growth Plan

Name: Megan Fong

Semester: PSII
School Year: 2018

Goal 1 Utilize technology in a purposeful manner to enhance student learning. (KSA #9;
KSA #10)
Strategies Indicators and Measures of
 Include a variety of technological tools Achievement
(SMART Notebook, Apps, etc.).  Students are participating fully in
 Provide opportunities for students to use class.
technology in class (produce a video, use  Regular use (at least once a week) of
apps, etc.). technology in the classroom.
 Use of multiple technological tools
are included in my lessons (expand
beyond Google Slides).
Time Line Resources
March 5th – April 20th, 2018  Communication Technology Rezzly
 Peers
 TA
 UC
1. How successful was my development of this goal?
During my practicum, I believe I was relatively successful with my development of
this goal. When teaching knowledge-based concepts in music class, I found myself using a
variety of technology every class. I was able to incorporate the San Francisco Symphony’s
SFS Kids website for images and sounds of musical instruments, Carnegie Hall’s Young
Person’s Guide to the Orchestra computer games, the Rockin’ Recorder Method Book’s
music and recordings, multiple YouTube videos, Smart Notebook, and Google Slides.
During the classes that featured a variety of technology, student engagement was
increased as was apparent by student participation and excitement. However, I found it
difficult to incorporate technology during skill based units and I also found it difficult to
incorporate a variety of technology during these classes. During skill-based units, I used
primarily Smart Notebook and was unable to use it at least once a week.
2. What resources were most effective for my development?
The resources I found most effective for my technological development during
practicum were my peers who had completed PSII previously and my TA. My TA
provided me with a variety of uses for Smart Notebook, suggested YouTube videos, and
introduced me to the Rockin’ Recorder Method Book. My peers presented me with SFS
Kids and Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, which I found extremely useful and
were key components of my grade 3 music lessons.
3. If I approached this differently in the future, I would…
In the future, I would approach this differently by incorporating a variety of technology
in skill-based units. However, I believe that it is also important for me to realize in the
future that technology does not always facilitate learning or increase student engagement
and to use it only when appropriate.
EDUC 3601 Music C&I Griffioen/2018

Goal 2 Triangulate evidence (conversation, observation, products) for formative

assessment. (KSA #3; KSA #11)
Strategies Indicators and Measures of
 Implement products in effective Achievement
formative assessment (exit slips, small in-  Students are indicating their level of
class projects, etc.). understanding using a variety of
 Provide students multiple means of means.
representing and communicating their  Inclusion of products in effective
understanding of a concept (verbally formative assessment.
through conversations, kinesthetically
through observation, and visually through
Time Line Resources
March 5 – April 20 , 2018
th th
 Assessment Professor
 TA
 UC
 Peers
 Online teacher blogs

1. How successful was my development of this goal?
As practicum progressed, I believe my understanding of assessment in the Elementary
music classroom evolved and as a result, so did this particular goal. I realized through
conversation with my TA and experience in the classroom that projects as well as paper
tests in the music classroom are not always the most effective use of time and can be an
unrealistic form of assessment. However, I was able to use a variety of formative
assessment that included exit slips, board work, questioning, conversations, games, and
quizzes. I found these formative assessments informative and prepared me as well as the
students for a final summative assessment at the end of the unit. Although I was unable to
use projects or tests as summative assessment, I was able to use a game suggested to me
by my TA called Trash-ket Ball, which allowed me to assess each student individually and
increased student engagement.
2. What resources were most effective for my development?
My TA and UC were the most effective resources for my assessment development. My
UC suggested trying to use a BAG Mad Minute while teaching grade 4 recorder to
formatively and eventually summatively assess the students’ ability to read music. My TA
was able to suggest multiple formative assessments and guided me through assessing
students summatively.
3. If I approached this differently in the future, I would…
In the future, I hope to find other methods to summatively assess my students that
could incorporate some paper assessments for knowledge-based concepts. However, I
hope to consider how to effectively use class time by considering transitions between

Goal 3 Create a balance between school and

personal life.
EDUC 3601 Music C&I Griffioen/2018

Strategies Indicators and Measures of

 Read for pleasure. Achievement
 Spend intentional quality time with  Less stress.
friends (going out for coffee, having  Improved mental well-being.
dinner, etc.).  Continued sense of community and
 Call family at least once a week. belonging.
 Increased free time at home.

Time Line Resources

March 5th – April 20th, 2018  Friends
 Family
 TA
 UC
During this practicum, I found I had more free time at home during the evenings and as
a result, felt less stressed. I believe that this was due to my TA requesting my lesson plans
24 hours before I was scheduled to teach. This ensured that I was using my time
effectively and planning my days to ensure I completed each lesson by the “due date”. In
my free time, I enjoyed cooking, occasionally visiting with friends, as well as updating
and seeing family. I found that by having more free time, I didn’t feel guilty when I was
spending time taking care of myself or participating in evening activities.

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