Computer Systems - J. Stanley Warford 492

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Indirect addressing

Oprnd = Mem[Mem[OprndSpec]]
With indirect addressing, the operand specifier is the address in
memory of the address of the operand. The compiler translates the
assignment statement as
0012 C00005 LDWA 5,i ;*a = 5
0015 E20003 STWA a,n

where n in the store word instruction indicates indirect addressing. At

this point in the execution, the operand is computed as


which is the first cell in the heap. The store word instruction stores 5 in
main memory at address 007F.
The compiler translates the assignment of global pointers the same
as it would translate the assignment of any other type of global
variable. It translates
c = a;

0027 C10003 LDWA a,d ;c = a
002A E10007 STWA c,d

using direct addressing. At this point in the program, a contains 007F,

the address of the first cell in the heap. The assignment gives c the
same value, the address of the first cell in the heap, so that c points to
the same cell to which a points.
Contrast the access of a global pointer to the access of the cell to
which it points. The compiler translates
*a = 2 + *c;

0033 C00002 LDWA 2,i ;*a = 2 + *c


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