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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Brooke Moyer, Selena Garrett, Sarah Boccella

Date: 4/10/18
Group Size: 2
Allotted Time: 40 minutes
Grade Level: 3rd
Subject or Topic: Heart Rate

Common Core/PA Standards):

Standard - 10.4.3.C
Know and recognize changes in body responses during moderate to vigorous physical
 Heart rate
 Breathing rate

Standard - 10.4.3.A
Identify and engage in physical activities that promote physical fitness and health.

Learning Targets/Objectives:
 Students will learn proper techniques to help them find their pulse.
 Students will be able to calculate their heart rate using one of the learned

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1. The teacher will use “thumbs-up thumbs- 1. If a child puts their thumb
down” to see if the students understand. down, the teacher will go
2. Students will fill out an exit slip on what over the information again.
technique they used to find their pulse and 2. If students are able to
how to calculate their heart rate. explain the technique they
used to find their pulse and
calculate their heart rate.
Assessment Scale:
2. We will use a rubric to grade the student’s exit slip by using a 0-3 scale.
 0: Student was not able to identify or explain a technique or how to calculate
heart rate.
 1: Student was able to identify one of two techniques taught to find pulse but
was not able to explain how to calculate heart rate.
 2: Student was able to identify both techniques taught to find pulse but was not
able to explain how to calculate heart rate.
 3: Student was able to identify both techniques taught to find pulse and was able
to explain how to calculate heart rate.

Subject Matter/Content:
 Heart lesson
 Observation writing skills
Key Vocabulary:
Heart Rate: the rate at which the heart beats; usually measured to obtain a quick
evaluation of a person’s health
BPM: how many times our heart beats per minute
Resting Heart Rate: the number of times your heart beats per minute while at complete
Exercise: an activity requiring physical effort, carried out especially to sustain or
improve health and fitness.
Pulse: the rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart
Breathing Rate: A person's respiratory rate is the number of breaths you take per

 Heart rate can vary depending on things like a person's age and level of stress or
activity at the time the pulse is taken.
 To get an accurate rate you want to take your heart rate when you first wake up
and you can also take it after 10 minutes of resting
 The heart pumping the lowest amount of blood you need
 Lower is better when calculating your heart rate
 Find your pulse on your wrist, inside of your elbow, side of your beck, and top
of food
 To calculate you would count the number of pulses in 60 seconds
 It give us important information about our health
 Kids' heart rates can be as low as 60 beats per minute during sleep and as high as
220 beats per minute during strenuous physical activity.
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
 The teacher will show the BrainPop exercise video to the class.
o Then do mini quiz to the video

Development/Teaching Approaches
Mini lesson:
 The teacher will then use a PowerPoint to talk about the heart rate and pulse.
o Slide 1: Heart Rate (Title)
o Slide 2: Heart Rate
o Slide 3: Activities That Provoke
o Slide 4: Resting Heart Rate
o Slide 5: When Can I Check?
o Slide 6: Where Can I Find It?
o Slide 7: Why the Test is Performed
o Slide 8: Neck Pulse
o Slide 9: Wrist Pulse
o Slide 10: Factors
o Slide 11: Normal Results
o Slide 12: How to Calculate
o To feel a pulse, you press two fingers — your index ("pointer") and middle
fingers — onto a major artery in the body. Press gently. Never press with
your thumb, as it has a pulse all its own and can throw off a reading. When
you've located the pulse, you will feel a throbbing sensation.
 The teacher will ask the students to put their thumbs-up if they understand the
content and a thumbs-down if they do not understand the content.
 Students will fill out a fill in the blank note-sheet that will go along with the
PowerPoint presentation.
Guided Practice:
 The teacher will explain the experiment and model the steps of the experiment
and role of each student
o The teacher will explain how to find your pulse using two different
techniques (two fingers on neck or two fingers on wrist).
o The teacher will show how to start and stop the timer so, that the other
partner can count their pulse.
o The teacher will then teach the students how to calculate their heart rate
by showing them an example on the board.
o The teacher would then show the class that inquiry worksheet they will
be filling out during the experiment.
o The teacher will then explain:
 One student of the pair will calculate their resting heart rate and
fill it out on the inquiry sheet, while the other students helps with
the timer.
 Next the student will do the workouts that correspond to each
letter in their first name.
 Third the student will check their pulse again and then calculate
their heart rate.
 Student will repeat steps 2 and 3 for their middle name and last
 Students will then change roles with their partner.
Independent Practice:
 Students will get into partners to find their pulse four different times
 The student will calculate their pulse using one of the two techniques (two
fingers on the wrist or two fingers on the neck)
 One student of the pair will calculate their resting heart rate and fill it out on the
inquiry sheet, while the other students helps with the timer.
 Next the student will do the workouts that correspond to each letter in their first
 Third the student will check their pulse again and then calculate their heart rate.
 Student will repeat steps 2 and 3 for their middle name and last name.
 Students will then change roles with their partner.

 Students will complete an exit slip with a rubric grading them on a 0-3 scale.

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
 Each pair will get together with another pair and talk about their findings during
the experiment. The groups will talk about the different types of exercises they
had to do.
 The teacher will say, “exercise is one element that affects the body and nutrition
is another. We will be talking about nutrition tomorrow!”

 Bob will be able to orally answer the exit slip to the teacher instead of writing.
 Bob will be given a copy of the powerpoint so he can go at his own pace when
filling out or if he didn’t have time to fill out a blank
 Pair students up with different skill sets.

 Heart Rate Worksheet
 Timer
 Calculator
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Baffa, G. (Ed.). (2015, January). How to Take Your Child's Pulse. Retrieved April 15,
2018, from
Buddies, S. (2014, January 02). Sweaty Science: How Does Heart Rate Change with
Exercise? Retrieved April 15, 2018, from
Bumgardner, W. (n.d.). What Does Resting Heart Rate Have to Do With How Fit You
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Baffa, G. (Ed.). (2015, January). How to Take Your Child's Pulse. Retrieved April 15,
2018, from
Kids.Net.Au - Dictionary Words Starting With RE. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2018, from
Pulse: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2018, from
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