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Harmful Algal Blooms Secondary article

Quay Dortch, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, Chauvin, Louisiana, USA Article Contents
. Introduction
Harmful algal blooms result from the excessive growth of algae, with deleterious effects on . Marine Harmful Algal Blooms
human or animal health or on ecosystems; many produce biotoxins. The incidence of . Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms
harmful algal blooms may be increasing as a result of eutrophication, transport to new . Current Global Situation
areas by ballast water, or aquaculture/mariculture.

Introduction other algae under some conditions. Some of the possibi-

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) result from the unusual lities being considered include cyst formation and other life
growth of a single species of algae, which has some negative cycle strategies, vertical migration, development of grazer
impact. Algae are normal members of both marine and avoidance mechanisms or unique nutrient utilization
freshwater flora, forming the base of all aquatic food capabilities. Because HABs are so diverse, it is unlikely
chains. Under normal conditions a mixture of species from that a single explanation will be found; some possible
many different taxonomic groups is usually present, adaptations will be mentioned for individual species or
although one or more species can predominate. Occasion- groups.
ally, a particular combination of environmental conditions
will result in high algal biomass with an unusual
predominance of one or a few species, and sometimes
those species may be harmful. Marine Harmful Algal Blooms
In the past, HABs have been described by a number of
other terms, such as toxic and noxious algal blooms, red Human health problems
tides or brown tides. Some of the organisms considered
HAB species do not fit all of the implied criteria. Paralytic shellfish poisoning
Cyanobacteria are no longer considered algae but are still The paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins are pro-
included. Others are not photosynthetic at all. Finally, duced by some marine dinoflagellates including many
some can be harmful when they are present in very low species of Alexandrium, Pyrodinium bahamense var.
abundance and may never form blooms. The single most compressum and Gymnodinium catenatum (Table 1) and a
important criterion distinguishing HAB species is the harm few freshwater cyanobacteria; the latter will be discussed in
they cause. the next section. The occurrence of similar toxins in such
A wide range of harmful effects is possible. Some HAB widely divergent groups of organisms is not readily
species produce biotoxins that cause human illness or explained. Organisms causing PSP are distributed globally
death after consumption of shellfish or fish that have (Table 1) and are thought to be spreading either by natural
accumulated the toxins from their diet. These toxins are mechanisms or in ballast water into waters made more
particularly insidious because most are not destroyed by hospitable by increasing nutrients. The wide distribution of
cooking. Other animals may be susceptible to the same the causative organisms and the severity of the illness
biotoxins, but there are other HAB species that specifically (Table 2) make PSP one of the most serious HAB problems.
cause fish and other animal mortality. These can result in Because new outbreaks often occur in areas with no
economic losses and damage to ecosystems. Finally, some monitoring and significant local consumption of fish and
HAB species discolour water, cause water to have a foul shellfish, much human mortality results.
taste or odour, or cause hypoxia or anoxia. This entry will Most of the PSP-causing dinoflagellates have a moder-
focus on the species that are a threat to human health, but it ately complex life cycle. Vegetative cells (usually haploid)
will also mention some of the other problems. living in the water column form gametes, which fuse to
The occurrence of HABs, like the growth of all algae, is form a swimming planozygote (usually diploid). Labora-
dependent on a species-specific optimal combination of tory studies with Alexandrium spp. show that this step is
environmental conditions, such as light, nutrient avail- often triggered by depletion of critical nutrients, such as
ability, temperature, salinity, water column stability, nitrogen, phosphorus or iron, but the cause is not as clear in
horizontal water movements and grazing by animals. field studies. The planozygote encysts, forming a non-
Many HAB species have relatively low maximum growth swimming hypnozygote, which falls to the bottom. After a
rates. Consequently, researchers are trying to determine period of dormancy, the cyst matures to the point that it
whether HABs have unique adaptations or requirements can hatch when environmental conditions, such as
for growth that make it possible for them to outcompete temperature, are right, forming a planomeiocyte (diploid),

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES © 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1
Harmful Algal Blooms

Table 1 Selected examples of problems caused by marine harmful algal bloom species
Problem Organism Taxonomic group Locations
Human health threats
Paralytic shellfish poisoning Alexandrium tamarensea Dinoflagellate E & W NA, W Europe, Thailand, Korea,
Japan, Australia, Argentina
Alexandrium catenellaa Dinoflagellate Cold & temperate: W NA, South Africa,
Japan, Australia, Chile
Alexandrium fundyensea Dinoflagellate E & W NA
Alexandrium minutuma Dinoflagellate Mediterranean, SW Europe, Australia,
New Zealand, Japan
Alexandrium acatenellaa Dinoflagellate W NA, Japan, Argentina, Chile?
Alexandrium ostenfeldiia Dinoflagellate W Europe Egypt, E & W NA,
Gulf of Mexico, E Asiatic Russia
Gymnodinium catenatuma Dinoflagellate Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Germany,
Mediterranean, Philippines, W NA,
Korea, Japan, Australia, Argentina,
Uruguay, Venezuela
Pyrodinium bahamense var. Dinoflagellate Tropical Pacific coastal areas

Amnesic shellfish poisoning/ Pseudo-nitzschia australis Diatom W NA, W Europe, New Zealand
domoic acid poisoning Pseudo-nitzschia multiseriesa Diatom E & W NA, Gulf of Mexico, W Europe,
Japan, Korea
Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima Diatom W NA, Gulf of Mexico
Pseudo-nitzschia Diatom E & W NA, Gulf of Mexico
Pseudo-nitzschia pungensa Diatom E & W NA, Gulf of Mexico, New Zealand
Pseudo-nitzschia seriata Diatom W NA, W Europe
Pseudo-nitzschia fraudulenta Diatom New Zealand, Australia
Pseudo-nitzschia turgida Diatom New Zealand

Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning Gymnodinium brevea Dinoflagellate Gulf of Mexico, SE NA

Gymnodinium breve-likea Dinoflagellate New Zealand, Greece, Spain, France,
Israel, Japan, S Africa
Chattonella subsalsaa,b Raphidophyte
Chattonella marinaa,b Raphidophyte Australia
Chattonella antiquaa,b Raphidophyte
Fibrocapsa japonicaa,b Raphidophyte

Ciguatera fish poisoning Gambierdiscus toxicus Dinoflagellate Circumtropical

Ostreopsis lenticularis Dinoflagellate Circumtropical
Ostreopsis siamensis Dinoflagellate Circumtropical
Ostreopsis heptagona Dinoflagellate Circumtropical
Ostreopsis ovata Dinoflagellate Circumtropical
Coolia monotis Dinoflagellate Circumtropical, also temperate
Prorocentrum lima Dinoflagellate Tropical to subpolar
Prorocentrum concavum Dinoflagellate Circumtropical
Prorocentrum mexicanum Dinoflagellate Tropical to temperate
Prorocentrum emarginatum Dinoflagellate Circumtropical

Harmful Algal Blooms

Table 1 – continued
Problem Organism Taxonomic group Locations
Ciguatera fish poisoning Amphidinium carterae Dinoflagellate Circumtropical
Amphidinium klebsii Dinoflagellate Circumtropical

Diarrhoetic shellfish poisoning Dinophysis acuminata Dinoflagellate Widely distributed temperate, eutrophic:
Europe, NE NA, Australia, S Africa
Dinophysis acuta Dinoflagellate Widely distributed, cold temperate:
Europe, New Zealand
Dinophysis caudata Dinoflagellate Widely distributed, tropical to temperate:
Europe, E NA, Gulf of Mexico
Dinophysis fortii Dinoflagellate Widely distributed, temperate:
Mediterranean, Japan, Australia, NW NA
Dinophysis norvegica Dinoflagellate Widely distributed, cold & temperate:
Europe, NE NA
Dinophysis sacculus Dinoflagellate Widely distributed, cold & temperate:
Dinophysis skagii Dinoflagellate Europe
Dinophysis tripos Dinoflagellate Europe
Prorocentrum lima Dinoflagellate E Canada

Not named Pfiesteria piscicida Dinoflagellate SE NA, Gulf of Mexico

Fish kills and other animal mortalityc

Toxins? Gymnodinium brevea Dinoflagellate Gulf of Mexico
Gymnodinium mikimotoia,d Dinoflagellate ?Australia, W Europe, Japan, Korea,
Gulf of Mexico
Gyrodinium aureoluma,d Dinoflagellate ?Australia, W Europe, Japan, Korea,
Gulf of Mexico, N Africa
Gymnodinium nakasakiensea,d Dinoflagellate ?Japan, S Africa
Gyrodinium pulchellumd Dinoflagellate ?Australia, Gulf of Mexico
Gymnodinium sanguineuma Dinoflagellate Gulf of Mexico
Cochlodinium polykrikioides Dinoflagellate Korea, Japan
Alexandrium monilatuma Dinoflagellate Gulf of Mexico, Pacific coast Ecuador
Prorocentrum minimuma Dinoflagellate Worldwide
Pfiesteria piscicida Dinoflagellate SE NA, Gulf of Mexico
Pfiesteria-like Dinoflagellate SE NA, Gulf of Mexico
Chattonella marinaa Raphidophyte SE Asia, Japan, Australia
Chattonella antiguaa Raphidophyte SE Asia, Japan, Australia
Fibrocapsa japonicaa Raphidophyte Japan
Heterosigma akashiwoa Raphidophyte New Zealand, Chile, British Columbia
Prymnesium parvuum/ Haptophyte Widely distributed, temperate &
patelliferuma subtropical: Europe, Middle East,
Ukraine, China, Australia, USA
Prymnesium calathiferum Haptophyte New Zealand
Prymnesium saltans Haptophyte China
Chryschromulina polylepsisa Haptophyte N Europe
Chryschromulina birgeri Haptophyte Canada, N Europe
Chryschromulina leadbeateri Haptophyte N Europe

Harmful Algal Blooms

Table 1 – continued
Problem Organism Taxonomic group Locations
Toxins? Chryschromulina parva Haptophyte N Europe, New Zealand
(also freshwater)
Aureococcus anophagefferensa Pelagophyte NE coast USA
Aureoumbra lagunensisa Pelagophyte Gulf of Mexico

Mechanical injury Chaetoceros convolutus Diatom W NA, Chile

Chaetoceros concavicornis Diatom W NA, Chile
Leptocylindrus spp.a Diatom Chile
Tabularia affinis Diatom Japan
Dictyocha speculum Silicoflagellate France

Exudates Coscinidiscus centralis Diatom North Sea

Coscinidiscus concinnus Diatom North Sea
Coscinidiscus wailesii Diatom North Sea
Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima Diatom Adriatic & Tyrrhenian Seas
Thalassiosira mala Diatom Tokyo Bay

Water discoloration (other water-discolouring species have been indicated by: a)

Noctiluca scintillans Dinoflagellate Temperate, subtropical, tropical coastal
Ceratium hircus Dinoflagellate Gulf of Mexico
Katondinium rotundum Dinoflagellate Chesapeake Bay
Mesodinium rubrum Ciliate with crypto- Worldwide
monad symbionts
Phaeocystis spp.e Haptophyte N Europe
Lingulodinium polyedrum Dinoflagellate California, USA, Gulf of Mexico

Low oxygen due to sinking and decomposition of blooms

Ceratium triposa Dinoflagellate NE USA
Ceratium furca Dinoflagellate S Africa
Locations primarily indicate areas where problems have occurred, although for some species their presence is indicative of a problem. NA, North
America; E, east; W, west; N, north; S, south.
Species that can form water-discolouring blooms.
Japanese and Florida, US isolates produce brevetoxins in culture, but it is unclear if these species contribute to neurotoxic shellfish poisoning in
humans or if brevetoxins are the cause of fish kills.
Includes birds, mammals, turtles, invertebrates.
Morphologically similar, some consider them the same, others separate them.
Causes foam to form on beaches.

which divides to form new vegetative cells (haploid). Saxitoxin and a suite of derivatives, which are low-
Vegetative cells can divide indefinitely, as long as condi- molecular weight perhydropurine compounds that act as
tions are suitable. Encystment and excystment are often potent Na 1 -channel blockers, cause PSP. Some deriva-
timed to maximize growth under appropriate conditions. tives are more toxic than others and additional changes in
Finally, all of these species, like many other dinoflagellates, the structure and toxicity can occur as the toxins are passed
are motile and capable of vertical migration. This may up the food chain. The exact toxin profile can vary between
allow them to position themselves in the water to optimize different geographic isolates of the same species and is
light and nutrients, minimize horizontal transport and thus therefore useful as a marker, for example to establish
maximize growth. transport and introduction to a new area. However, the

Table 2 Major algal toxin groups causing human health problemsa
Syndrome Toxin type Toxins Description of symptoms Duration
Paralytic shellfish poisoning Neurotoxins Saxitoxin and derivatives Tingling/burning of skin and extremities, especially mouth and Starts in 30 min; lasts up to
fingers, loss of muscular coordination, giddiness/staggering, 3 days
drowsiness, dry throat and skin, loss of speech and speech
comprehension, rash, fever, gastrointestinal distress,
respiratory paralysis, death in 2–24 h without immediate
Amnesic shellfish poisoning/ Neurotoxins Domoic acid Gastrointestinal distress, headache, disorientation, memory Starts in 2–5 h; duration variable
domoic acid poisoning loss, seizures, respiratory difficulty, coma, death
Neurotoxic shellfish Neurotoxins Brevetoxins Tingling and numbness of tongue, throat and lips, muscular Starts in 3–5 h; lasts several days
poisoning aches, gastrointestinal distress, dizziness
Ciguatera fish poisoning Neurotoxins Ciguatoxins, maitotoxin, Gastrointestinal distress, headache, itching, temperature Starts in 12–24 h; usually lasts
gambieric acids, reversal and other abnormal sensations, joint and muscular 1 week, but occasionally
okadaic acid, pain, convulsions/visual hallucinations, dizziness, irregular months to years
prorocentrolid B, pulse/loss blood pressure
Diarrhoetic shellfish Neurotoxins Okadaic acid, Gastrointestinal distress, chills Starts in 30 min to 12 h;
poisoning dinophysitoxins, lasts up to 3 days
None Neurotoxins Unknown toxins from Narcosis, sores, reddening of eyes, blurred vision, nausea/ 6 months to 6 years, depending
Pfiesteria piscicida vomiting, sustained difficulty breathing, kidney/liver on exposure
dysfunction, memory loss, cognitive impairment
None Neurotoxins Anatoxin-A and Staggering, gasping, muscle fasciculations, cyanosis, Minutes to hours
homoanatoxin-A respiratory arrest, death
None Neurotoxins Anatoxin-A(S) Hypersalivation, lacrymation, diarrhoea, ataxia, death Minutes to hours
None Hepatotoxins Microcystins and Short-term response to acute exposure: weakness/recumbency, Hours
nodularins pallor, vomiting, diarrhoea, pooling of blood in liver,
respiratory arrest, death
Long-term response to acute exposure: liver failure, death Days
Long-term response to chronic, lower level exposure: Years
liver cancer
None Cytotoxins Cylindrospermopsin Vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, enlarged and tender liver, Days to weeks

Harmful Algal Blooms

diarrhoea, severe electrolyte imbalance
Swimmer’s itch Dermatoxins Aplysiatoxins, Acute dermatitis, asthma-like symptoms Immediate
and oscillatoxin-A
Toxin groups may include a single toxin or a suite of derivatives with different toxicity. Symptoms are listed in order of increasing severity and are usually dose-dependent, so most serious
symptoms may not occur frequently. Many less frequently occurring or less well understood toxins are not included.
Harmful Algal Blooms

amount, and sometimes the composition, of toxins can be Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning
determined by environmental factors. Cysts are sometimes Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (NSP) is caused by the
more toxic than vegetative cells and can lead to PSP dinoflagellate Gymnodinium breve, which occurs primarily
outbreaks if they are consumed by shellfish. The role of along the western coast of Florida, but can occur
bacteria in toxin production is much debated and may be at
throughout the Gulf of Mexico and as far north as North
the root of the polyphyletic occurrence of toxins. Carolina along the eastern US coast (Table 1). G. breve-like
organisms, some of which produce toxins, have recently
been observed worldwide (Table 1). In Florida G. breve
Amnesic shellfish poisoning or domoic acid poisoning blooms start offshore and can continue there for long
periods of time. Although the life cycle has not been fully
Amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) was first discovered in elucidated, G. breve is thought to produce cysts which may
1987 when 107 people became sick from eating mussels have a role in bloom initiation or transport. Satellite
from Prince Edward Island, Canada and three died. The remote sensing has been used to show that blooms of
source of the illness was rapidly traced to domoic acid, vegetative cells can be transported long distances by major
produced by a large bloom of the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia ocean currents, causing problems in widely separated
multiseries, which was consumed by the mussels. There areas.
have been no further confirmed reports of human illnesses, Although the toxins are not fatal, the blooms are a major
but numerous other incidents have occurred which verify threat to human health and cause significant ecological and
the seriousness of the problem. Pelicans, cormorants and economic damage when they are transported into shallow
elephant seals have died near California and Mexico after coastal areas. Shellfish become toxic at very low cell
consuming filter-feeding fish contaminated with domoic abundance, so harvesting must be closed. Extensive fish
acid. Razor clam and Dungeness crab fisheries on the kills occur and dead fish wash up on beaches in areas where
Pacific coasts of the USA and Canada and mussel and soft- tourism is important. Toxins can be aerosolized in the surf,
shell clam harvesting in the Bay of Fundy (Canada) were causing outbreaks of eye irritation and respiratory
closed due to high levels of domoic acid. The illness is called problems in coastal communities. Recently, unusual
ASP because permanent loss of short-term memory is one numbers of manatee deaths have been attributed to
of the distinguishing symptoms (Table 2), but since accumulation of brevetoxins.
organisms other than shellfish can accumulate and Brevetoxins are a suite of polyether toxins, which
transmit the toxin it is also called domoic acid poisoning activate voltage-sensitive Na1 channels and alter synaptic
(DAP). transmission. Initially G. breve was thought to be the only
Domoic acid, an analogue of the neurotransmitter producer of brevetoxins, but several raphidophytes
glutamate, is produced by the only known toxic diatoms, (Table 1), known to cause fish kills, have recently been
some members of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia (Table 1) and, shown to produce brevetoxins. Brevetoxins have chemical
perhaps, Amphora coffeaeformis. Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and biosynthetic affinities with toxins causing ciguatera
have been recognized as abundant members of the fish poisoning and diarrhoetic shellfish poisoning, suggest-
plankton for a long time (Fryxell et al., 1997), but were ing evolutionary links. The amount and composition of
not considered toxic. Domoic acid production is enhanced toxins varies between isolates and is affected by environ-
by factors that limit growth, such as phosphorus or silicate mental conditions.
or low temperature, as long as light and nitrogen
availability is adequate. The presence of bacteria enhances
toxin production, but is not required. The difficulty Ciguatera fish poisoning
distinguishing toxic and nontoxic species and the variable Ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) results from the consump-
toxicity within one species enhances the difficulty of tion of fish harvested from tropical/subtropical reefs.
routine monitoring for ASP and necessitates the develop- Herbivorous fish can become toxic from consuming
ment of new methods. dinoflagellates, which are epiphytic on macroalgae,
The life cycle of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. is not yet well seagrasses or hard substrates, benthic or planktonic, and
understood. Under good environmental conditions the higher trophic level fish accumulate the toxin from their
cells divide vegetatively and form long chains. The chains, prey. The incidence and severity of CFP is highly variable.
which can form spirals, remain suspended in the water Although it is rarely fatal, it is a severe enough illness to
(Fryxell et al., 1997). If nutrients become limiting or the prevent the use of fish as a protein source in many areas.
cells become too small, the cells in the chain break apart Originally, the list of causative dinoflagellate species
and sink to the bottom. Sexual reproduction between included Gambierdiscus toxicus, Ostreopsis lenticularis,
‘male’ and ‘female’ clones has been observed in the O. siamensis, Coolia monotis, Prorocentrum lima, P.
laboratory and may occur on the sea bottom or in concavum, P. mexicanum, P. emarginatum, Amphidinium
suspended clumps in the natural environment (Fryxell carterae and A. klebsii. Additional species from these
et al., 1997). genera and others have been identified as part of the same

Harmful Algal Blooms

reef communities and some are known to produce toxins. (Southeast USA) (Burkholder and Glasgow, 1997). As a
Variations in species composition between and within reefs generalist toxic ambush predator it has an unusual mode of
and in response to environmental conditions may explain action. Subsequently, it was found to be more widely
some variations in CFP. In addition, the different genera distributed and other Pfiesteria-like species were discov-
produce a variety of toxins (Table 2), which have different ered (Table 1). Further, it produces toxins with serious
effects. Most of the toxins are polyethers, but they differ human health impacts (Table 2), although human response
considerably in structure and, to the extent that it is known, has only been documented in a few cases. The toxins have
mode of action. For example, the two main toxins are not yet been identified, but both water-and lipid-soluble
ciguatoxins, which activate voltage-sensitive Na 1 chan- toxins are produced.
nels, as do brevetoxins, and maitotoxin, which may Pfiesteria piscicida is a dinoflagellate with a very complex
activate voltage-sensitive Ca2 1 channels. Further, toxicity life cycle that is not yet well understood. It forms at least 24
can be influenced by environmental factors such as flagellated, amoeboid and cyst stages. Some are toxic; they
temperature and phosphate availability. range in size from 5 to 450 mm. Cysts or amoeboid forms,
which live in sediments, are triggered to form flagellated
Diarrhoetic shellfish poisoning zoospore stages and toxins by animal excreta. The toxins
narcotize their prey, cause the skin to slough off, and
Diarrhoetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) is the least serious of
induce formation of ulcerative lesions, which allows
the human health problems caused by algal biotoxins
further attack. Zoospores can then go through sexual
(Table 2). Because the symptoms are similar to common
reproduction and form cysts or nontoxic amoeboid stages.
viral diseases harboured by shellfish, DSP incidence may
Amoeboid stages and nontoxic zoospores can stay in the
be underestimated. The economic consequences of out-
water, feeding on bacteria, algae and microzooplankton,
breaks can be severe, especially in Europe where mussel
until fish are again available. Sometimes nontoxic zoos-
mariculture is a major industry and the incidence has
pores acquire chloroplasts from algal prey, which supply
their nutritional needs by photosynthesizing. The diverse
The primary toxins responsible for DSP, the linear
life cycle stages and lack of distinguishing morphological
polyethers okadaic acid and dinophysitoxins, inhibit
features in any stage make this taxon difficult to monitor in
protein phosphatases. Some members of the planktonic
the natural environment.
dinoflagellate genus, Dinophysis, and some benthic or
With so many life cycle stages it is difficult to determine
epiphytic Prorocentrum spp. (see CFP), produce both
how environmental factors control its growth. Pfiesteria
(Table 1). Since the toxins are quite potent, 51000 cells per
piscicida has probably always been present in estuaries, but
litre is enough to cause an outbreak if the cells are toxic.
there has been a big increase in estuarine fish kills,
Most outbreaks of DSP are attributed to Dinophysis spp.
especially of menhaden which form large schools, in some
because of their planktonic habit and wider distribution;
highly eutrophic estuaries. Field studies suggest that
however, many planktonic Prorocentrum spp. have never
zoospore abundance and fish kills are more likely in areas
been tested for toxin production and at least one, P.
with high organic loading from sewage or animal wastes
minimum, was associated with many human deaths in
(hog or chicken). Laboratory culture studies confirm that it
Japan (venerupin poisoning; Okaichi and Imatomi, 1979).
is either directly or indirectly stimulated by elevated levels
No Dinophysis spp. have ever been cultured, seriously
of organic and inorganic nitrogen or phosphorus, depend-
hampering studies of toxin production, life cycles and
ing on the stage.
environmental conditions favouring growth. From field
data, they are often found when the water is highly
stratified and temperatures are high. They are capable of Animal mortality problems
vertical migration, which may help them concentrate in
Animals, including invertebrates, fish, birds, turtles and
layers of high water stability. Nutrients do not appear to
other mammals, are affected by the HABs that cause
stimulate their growth, and many are mixotrophic, but
human illness and death and a wide variety of other HAB
toxin productions seems to be associated with photosynth-
species (Table 1). Although massive animal mortality is the
esis. In Prorocentrum spp., which can be cultured, toxin
most obvious sign of a problem, much more subtle effects
content increases as cell growth decreases in response to a
that are difficult to quantify are also possible. Ecosystem
variety of environmental factors. Significant proportions
structure can be radically altered if some organisms
of the most active toxins are excreted, suggesting they may
succumb to algal toxins and others do not. Fisheries
have a role in interspecific competition.
recruitment can be severely negatively affected if larval fish
are susceptible to low levels of toxins (Smayda, 1992). The
Pfiesteria piscicida survival of endangered species can be threatened, as, for
In 1992 the dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida was first example, the manatees in southern Florida.
described because it was responsible for a large number of The mechanism by which HABs affect animals is often
massive fish kills in the Pamilico-Albemarle estuary not known, as most HAB research has been concerned with

Harmful Algal Blooms

the effect on human health. Thus, there are many fish- Many species, including many toxic species, form easily
killing species (Table 1) that are suspected of producing visible coloured or bioluminescent (only some dinoflagel-
toxins, but no toxin has ever been isolated or identified. lates) blooms. Since it is difficult to distinguish between
HABs can also cause mortality or disease by being harmless and harmful blooms, persistent or large-scale
nutritionally unsuitable (perhaps Aureococcus anophagef- blooms often result in public outcry. Algae produce
ferens and Aureoumbra lagunensis; Table 1), by having volatile and water-soluble compounds, so a bloom can
sharp spines which lacerate gills (mechanical damage, have a distinctive smell and impart a taste to the
Table 1), and by producing copious quantities of mucous water, although this is more of a problem with freshwater
and clogging gills (exudates, Table 1). HABs. Phaeocystis spp. blooms cause billows of foam to
Both wild and penned animals can suffer the negative form on beaches (Table 1). Finally, when blooms end
impacts of HABs, but the economic damage is most easily suddenly the algae may sink to the bottom, decompose,
assessed for mariculture. Fish and shellfish mariculture has and deplete the oxygen dissolved in the water at the
increased substantially in coastal areas. Concomitant bottom, resulting in extensive invertebrate and fish kills.
economic losses due to HABs have also increased for two Almost any alga that reaches very high biomass can cause
reasons. The waste products from such operations are high hypoxia/anoxia.
in nutrients, which may stimulate HABs, and they are often
sited at high densities in areas with poor flushing for
nutrient removal. Simultaneously, there is heightened Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms
vigilance for HABs because of the economic value of the
cultured organisms. Consequently, there is increased HABs in freshwater are almost always composed of
research into fish-killing HABs. colonial cyanobacteria. These organisms are not strictly
speaking algae, because they are prokaryotes, but they are
Other harmful effects functionally similar to algae and used to be called blue-
green algae. Although there are many kinds of cyanobac-
Most of the other harmful effects result from the teria, the HABs (Table 3) are a much smaller group of
accumulation of large quantities of biomass. Only a few taxonomically diverse species that tend to form large
well-known species are included as examples in Table 1. blooms. Some freshwater cyanobacterial HAB species can

Table 3 Cyanobacterial species and the toxins they produce

Species Toxin groups
a a
Anabaena flos-aquae , circinalis (hassallii), lemmermannii, Microcystins, Anatoxin-A, Anatoxin-A(S), Saxitoxin
planktonica, spiroides, variabilis derivatives
Anabaenopsis milleria Microcystins
Aphanizomenon flos-aquaea Saxitoxin derivatives
Aphanizomenon ovalisporum Cylindrospermopsin
Aphanizomenon spp. Anatoxin-A
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii Cylindrospermopsin
Cylindrospermum spp. Anatoxin-A
Leptolyngbya (5Lyngbia) perelegans Microcystins
Lyngbia gracilis Dermatoxins
Lyngbia majusculaa Dermatoxins, Gastrointestinal toxins
Lyngbia wolleii Saxitoxin derivatives
Microcystis aeruginosa, botrys, viridis, wesenbergii Microcystins
Nodularia spumigenaa Nodularins
Nostoc spp. Microcystins
Oscillatoria acutissima, ahardhii, formos, limosa, rubescens Anatoxin-A, Homoanatoxin, Microcystins
Oscillatoria nigroviridisa Dermatoxins, Microcystins
Phormidium abronema, animale Microcystins
Planktothrix mougeotii Microcystins
Schizothrix calcicolaa Dermatoxins
Trichodesmium thiebuatii a Similar to anatoxin-A
Umezakia natans Cylindrospermopsin
Species that may be found in marine or brackish environments.

Harmful Algal Blooms

also bloom at low salinities in estuaries, and a few are and other animal mortalities. Finally, cyanobacterial
strictly marine species, but much less is known about blooms produce huge amounts of biomass. As in marine
cyanobacterial HABs in estuarine/marine systems. Blooms blooms, the sudden death and sinking of a bloom can cause
usually occur under conditions of high nutrient avail- hypoxia/anoxia, which can lead to fish and other animal
ability, water column stability, temperature and light. The deaths.
bloom-forming cyanobacteria tend to have low growth
rates, but have several characteristics that may give them
an advantage. In particular, many are able to produce gas
vesicles that make them positively buoyant, allowing them Current Global Situation
to form mats on the water surface in calm weather. This
gives them greater access to light, carbon dioxide, which HABs are natural phenomena that have always occurred.
may be in short supply in the water during freshwater Long before the causative agents were identified, red tides
blooms but plentiful in the atmosphere, and nitrogen. and their effects were noted. Red tides and fish kills due to
Some cyanobacterial bloom species are able to fix atmo- G. breve in Tampa Bay, Florida were noted by the Spanish
spheric nitrogen, which makes them independent of explorer, Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca in 1542, and two
nitrogen availability in the water, although they still need crewmembers of Captain George Vancouver’s expedition
phosphorus from the water. to British Columbia (Canada) were killed by PSP in 1793.
Between 40 and 70% of freshwater cyanobacterial In the last 20 or so years there has been an apparent
blooms are toxic. At present there are approximately 60 increase in HABs. The frequency of blooms has increased
known toxins, including neurotoxins, hepatoxins, cytotox- (Hong Kong, Seto Inland Sea, Korean coastal waters),
ins, dermotoxins and gastrointestinal toxins (Table 1). A blooms of certain taxa have spread to new areas (G.
single species can produce toxins from several different catenatum, Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum) and
toxin groups, sometimes at the same time (Table 3). new species are suddenly causing problems (Pseudo-
Cyanobacterial blooms have been observed in 44 countries nitzschia spp., Pfiesteria piscicida). Initially, there was
and all oceans except the Arctic and Antarctic, and many debate as to whether there was a genuine increase, because
species may have very wide geographic distribution. The the observational effort is much greater now than in the
most common toxic genera are Microcystis, Anabaena, past, but most accept that the growth is real. Several
Oscillatoria, Aphanizomenon and Nodularia from tempe- hypotheses are given to explain the recent increases,
rate areas and Cylindrospermopsis from tropical areas. including escalating coastal eutrophication, ballast water
Toxins are usually produced and stored intracellularly, but transport, transport of live shellfish and increasing
can be released into the water under stress. The greatest mariculture/aquaculture (Anderson, 1995). Some changes
threat to human health is blooms that occur in municipal may also be due to natural climatic variation.
water supplies. Toxins can be ingested, come into contact Nutrient inputs to rivers, lakes and coastal areas have
with skin, or inhaled (during showers). The standard increased substantially from a variety of sources. This has
treatment for public water supplies, chlorination followed stimulated the growth of all algae and provides a better
by filtration, tends to release the toxin into the water. environment for HAB species, many of which may need
Common treatments to remove blooms may also release higher nutrient availability. Further, while nitrogen and
the toxins, so during toxic blooms other, more costly, phosphorus availability has increased, silicate, which is
treatments are necessary. Human deaths are relatively rare required by diatoms, has stayed the same or decreased.
but livestock deaths due to drinking water with cyano- Since most HAB species do not require silicate, their
bacterial blooms are well known. Illness can also occur growth is favoured over diatoms, which would otherwise
from recreational use of water bodies with blooms if the predominate under eutrophic conditions when silicate is
toxins are inhaled or ingested or skin contact occurs. plentiful (Smayda, 1989). The role of increased eutrophi-
Shellfish and fish can also accumulate toxins, but this is not cation in causing more frequent cyanobacterial blooms in
a major route for human toxicity. The toxin content and freshwater systems is widely understood. In coastal areas
composition of cyanobacteria is determined by environ- the impact of increased nutrient inputs on increased HABs
mental factors and there are toxic and nontoxic strains of has been documented in a few areas, but direct evidence
the same species. Thus, knowing the species composition of from other areas is still lacking, in part because of a lack of
a cyanobacterial bloom is not sufficient for determining long-term data.
whether toxins are being produced. Some of the outbreaks of HABs in new areas have been
Cyanobacterial blooms have impacts besides their threat shown to result from transport in ballast water (Halle-
to human health. They produce compounds that impart a graeff, 1998). Many HABs form cysts, which allow them to
bad taste and smell to water, even when they are not toxic. survive long periods in dark ballast tanks. If ballast water is
Fish take up some of these compounds, giving fish such a taken on during an HAB in one harbour and dumped in an
bad taste that they are inedible. When toxins are area with similar environmental conditions, the odds of
transferred to higher trophic levels they can cause fish kills introducing a new species are increased. Similarly, live

Harmful Algal Blooms

shellfish can contain cysts or vegetative cells in the water Smayda TJ (1989) Primary production and the global epidemic of
inside the shell or in the gut, which can be spread to a new phytoplankton blooms in the sea: a linkage? In: Cosper EM, Carpenter
area. In both cases high nutrient inputs in the new area are VM and Bricelj EJ (eds) Novel Phytoplankton Blooms, pp. 449–483.
Berlin: Springer.
likely to increase the chance of survival for the introduced
Smayda T (1992) Global epidemic of noxious phytoplankton blooms
species. and food chain consequences in large ecosystems. In: Sherman K (ed.)
A number of strategies are being investigated to prevent Food Chains, Yields, Models, and Management of Large Marine
or mitigate HAB problems. Efforts are under way to reduce Ecosystems, pp. 257–307. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
nutrient inputs to coastal areas. There is growing aware-
ness that site location and density of mariculture/
aquaculture operations is critical in avoiding HABs.
International agreement has been reached that some form Further Reading
of ballast water treatment is necessary. Safe and economic-
Anderson DM and Garrison DJ (eds) (1997) The ecology and
al methods are not yet available, although heat treatment oceanography of harmful algal blooms. Limnology and Oceanography
looks promising (Hallegraeff, 1998). Flocculation of 42 (5, part 2).
blooms with clay is being investigated as a short-term Anderson DM, Cembella AD and Hallegraeff GM (eds) (1998)
emergency remedy (Anderson, 1997). Finally, there is a Physiological Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms. NATO ASI Series
search for species-specific viral (Garry et al., 1998) and G. Ecological Sciences 41. Berlin: Springer.
bacterial pathogens that would selectively kill or disable Chorus I and Bartram J (eds) (1999) Toxic Cyanobacteria in Water. A
Guide to their Public Health Consequences, Monitoring and Manage-
HAB species.
ment. London: World Health Organization, Routledge.
Hallegraeff GM (1993) Review of harmful algal blooms and their
References apparent global increase. Phycologia 32: 79–99.
Hallegraeff GM, Anderson DM, Cembella AD and Enevoldsen H (eds)
Anderson DM (1995) Toxic red tides and harmful algal blooms: a (1995) Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae. UNESCO, Inter-
practical challenge in coastal oceanography. Reviews of Geophysics 33 governmental Oceanographic Commission 33, Paris.
(supplement): 1189–1200. Lassus P, Arzul G, Erard-Le Denn E, Gentien P and Marcaillou-Le Baut
Anderson DM (1997) Turning back the harmful red tide. Nature 388: C (eds) (1995) Harmful Marine Algal Blooms. Proceedings of the Sixth
513–514. International Conference on Toxic Marine Phytoplankton, October
Burkholder JM and Glasgow Jr HB (1997) Pfiesteria piscicida and 1993, Nantes, France. Paris: Lavoisier.
other Pfiesteria-like dinoflagellates: behavior, impacts, and environ- Moestrup Ø, Blackburn S, Preisig H, Sivonen K and Kononen K (eds)
mental controls. Limnology and Oceanography 42: 1052–1075. (1996) Proceedings of the First International Congress on Toxic
[Supplement 2.] Cyanobacteria (Blue Green Algae) Bornholm 20–24 August 1995, and
Fryxell GA, Villac MC and Shapiro LP (1997) The occurrence of the First Maj and Tor Nessling Foundation Symposium on Recent
toxic diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae) on the West Developments in Cyanobacterial Reserach, Helsinki, 16–18 August
Coast of the USA, 1920–1996: a review. Phycologia 36: 419–437. 1995. Phycologia 35 (6 supplement).
Garry RT, Hearing PH and Cosper EM (1998) Characterization of a Reguera B, Blanco J, Fernandez ML and Wyat T (eds) (1998)
lytic virus infectious to the bloom-forming microalga Aureococcus Harmful Algae. Proceedings of the VIII International Conference,
anophagefferens (Pelagophyceae). Journal of Phycology 34: 616–621. Vigo, 1997. Xunta de Galicia and Intergovernmental Oceanographic
Hallegraeff GM (1998) Review. Transport of toxic dinoflagellates via Commission of UNESCO. GRAFISANT, Santiago de Compostela,
ships’ ballast water: bioeconomic risk assessment and efficacy of Spain.
possible ballast water management. Marine Ecology Progress Series Smayda TJ and Yuzuru Shimizu (eds) (1993) Toxic Phytoplankton
168: 297–309. Blooms in the Sea. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference
Okaichi T and Imatomi Y (1979) Toxicity of Prorocentrum minimum var. on Toxic Marine Phytoplankton, Newport, RI, October 28–Novem-
Mariae-lebouriae assumed to be causative agent of short-necked clam ber 1 1991. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
poisoning. In: Taylor DL and Seliger HH (eds) Toxic Dinoflagellate Yasumoto T and Murata M (1993) Marine toxins. Chemical Reviews 93:
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