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Industrial and Corporate Change, 2018, 1–32

doi: 10.1093/icc/dty016
Original article

The effects of fiscal targets in a monetary union: a

Multi-Country Agent-Based Stock Flow
Consistent model
Alessandro Caiani,1,* Ermanno Catullo2 and Mauro Gallegati2
University of Pavia, Department of Economics and Management, Pavia, PV, Italy. e-mail: alessandro. and 2Marche Polytechnic University, Department of Management, Ancona, AN, Italy
*Main author for correspondence.

We present an Agent Based-Stock Flow Consistent Multi-Country model of a Monetary Union to analyze
the impact of a change in the fiscal regime of member countries, modeled as a permanent change in the
deficit-to-gross domestic product (GDP) target that governments are committed to comply. Simulations
are performed under three scenarios, differentiated by the number of countries considered (2, 6, 10). The
parametric configuration employed yields economically reasonable values for the dynamics and relative
dimension of key variables, broadly comparable with historical data and available stylized facts. Our pol-
icy experiments show that fiscal expansions generally allow to improve the dynamics of real GDP, labor
productivity, and employment, though being generally associated with higher levels of public debt.
Conversely, permanent fiscal contractions always exert strong recessionary effects, exacerbate real GDP
volatility, and tend to be self-defeating in the long run. In scenarios where the Monetary Union includes
a greater number of countries and the common market is bigger, fiscal austerity raises—rather than
decreasing—average public debt-to-GDP ratios. We show that this is mainly related to a raise of debt-to-
GDP in poorer and less productive countries mirrored by a reduction of their net foreign asset position.
JEL classification: E62, F15, C63

1. Introduction
The article presents an Agent Based-Stock Flow Consistent (AB-SFC) Multi-Country model to analyze the impact of
different fiscal regimes on the long-term economic dynamics of a Monetary Union broadly comparable to the
European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).
The computational framework proposed is at once simple in its behavioral assumptions and sophisticated in its inter-
action structure. Agents’ behaviors are based on relatively simple adaptive heuristics. We consider a pure labor economy
where there is no capital accumulation and only final goods are produced. Money is endogenous to the system, but only
credit to firms is modeled. Finally, public expenditure takes the form of a lump-sum monetary transfer to households.
Yet the model is sophisticated in several other respects: first, its dynamics endogenously emerges from the decisions
undertaken by many heterogeneous agents, interacting in a decentralized way on several types of markets (i.e., labor,
tradable and nontradable consumption goods, credit, deposit, and bond markets). Furthermore, the model accounts for
international flows of real and financial assets, arising from trade and credit flows between member countries.

C The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Associazione ICC. All rights reserved.

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2 A. Caiani et al.

Consumers’ preferences and firms’ products are differentiated using Salop’s (1979) circular specification of Hotelling’s
(1929) locational model. Technological change and sectoral technological spillovers, affecting the evolution of labor
productivity across firms and countries, are modeled as an endogenous process driven by firms’ investment in R&D.
In addition to this, the model displays several important add-ons to the current AB macro-modeling literature: to
our knowledge, this is one of the first, if not the very first, fully fledged multi-country AB macroeconomic model pre-
sented in the literature. Indeed, models developed within this stream of research either displayed a closed-economy
or, at most, a two-country economy. Our model instead can be initialized with a variable number of countries: for
the present work experiments have been performed with 2, 6, and 10 countries. Second, the model aims at integrating
the real and financial spheres of the economy along the line traced by Caiani et al. (2016, 2018); Deissenberg et al.
(2008), thanks to the adoption of the SFC framework which provides a rigorous and exhaustive accounting of finan-
cial flows and stocks (Godley, 1997; Godley and Lavoie, 2007). Third, instead of assuming that the number of firms
is fixed and that defaulted firms (or banks) are immediately replaced by an equal number of new entrants, we
endogenize the entry–exit process of firms and banks by introducing a stylized mechanism to model households’
equity investment. The creation of new businesses thus depends on households’ financial wealth portfolio allocation
between equity participations in new firms (banks) and deposit accounts at banks, based on their relative rates of re-
turn and their perceived riskiness. Finally, we propose a simple “generative” procedure to initialize the model in an
SFC manner, inspired by the “SIM model” presented by Godley and Lavoie (2007).
For the sake of analyzing the impact on our artificial Monetary Union of a permanent change in countries’ fiscal
policy, we first combined the empirical information at our disposal with a preliminary investigation of the parameter
space so to identify a baseline parametric configuration yielding realistic and relatively stable systemic dynamics.
Then, we introduced a fiscal policy regime switch occurring at period 500, modeled as a variation of the common fis-
cal target for countries’ public deficit. Results were first analyzed looking at variations induced by the policy change
in the average values and volatility of main economic aggregates, both in the short and long run. Then, we differenti-
ated between high- and low-income countries to assess if changes in the policy regime affect richer and poorer coun-
tries in the same way, or if instead asymmetric effects arise.
Results show that fiscal expansions generally tend to boost economic growth, technological change, and employ-
ment, at the cost of higher debt-gross domestic product (GDP) ratios. Instead, permanent reductions of fiscal targets
exert significant depressing effects on real GDP, labor productivity dynamics, unemployment, and prices. More im-
portant, the efficacy of permanent fiscal contractions in reducing the burden of public debt seems to be limited, at
least in the long run, to the two-country scenario. On the contrary, in the more realistic scenarios where the
Monetary Union includes more countries and the common market is wider, fiscal contractions tend to be self-
defeating in the long run increasing, rather than decreasing, average debt-GDP ratios. In these cases fiscal austerity
tends to exacerbate recessions, amplifying economic fluctuations. We also show that fiscal contractions tend to im-
pact more on the public finance of poorer and generally less productive countries causing a remarkable increase of
their public debt burden, which explains much of the observed rise in the average debt-to-GDP ratios of the Union.
Finally, we show that the increased public debt of less productive countries is generally associated with a deterior-
ation of their net foreign asset position in favor of richer countries.

1.1 Euro imbalances and fiscal consolidation in the EMU: empirical and theoretical disputes
The Great Recession begun in 2007 revealed the vulnerability of the EMU. The global economic turmoil displayed
very peculiar traits in Europe, compared to the US case, manifesting itself not only as a real and banking crisis but
also as a sovereign debt crisis. Policy interventions launched by European institutions and national governments have
mainly gone in two directions: on the monetary policy side, the European Central Bank was called to play a more ac-
tive role as lender of last resort, both for private banks in distress and for countries experiencing severe financing
problems which threatened the financial stability of the Euro area.1

1 Under the first respect, unconventional and unprecedented forms of monetary policy, such as the Quantitative Easing,
were adopted. As for the latter, ECB President Draghi’s famous claim in the apex of the sovereign debt crisis to do “what-
ever it takes to save the Euro” then culminated in the launch of European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) and the
European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism (EFSM), then replaced in 2012 by the European Stability Mechanism (ESM).

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Effects of fiscal targets in a monetary union 3

On the fiscal side, if severe fiscal contractions were the distinctive trait of Macroeconomic Adjustment Programmes
undertaken by countries in distress, fiscal austerity measures have been also exacerbated in other countries under the
Stability and Growth Pact and the Fiscal Compact additional provisions. This latter, in particular, has bound signatory
countries to transpose into their legal order the provision of the treaty for a balanced national budget.
However, the efficacy of these measures have been put seriously into question as a consequence of the deflationary
spiral which invested many southern countries, of the rising imbalances between core and peripheral economies, and
of the endemic fragility affecting both private credit institutions and countries’ public finance. The resurgence of the
economic debate on the sustainability of the European Monetary Union project had profound implications on the
political debate, and its topicality grew dramatically after the “Brexit.”
Admittedly, fiscal austerity entered the scene way before the Euro Crisis. The principle of limiting as much as pos-
sible the discretion of member countries in conducting fiscal policy, by setting strict bounds to public deficits, has
been at the very core of the European integration process since the Maastricht Treaty. The corollary aspiration for a
completely independent Central Bank found its institutional transposition in the Treaty on the Functioning of the
European Union which prohibited the ECB from buying government bonds in the primary market.
Such an enduring position in favor of fiscal consolidation policies finds its theoretical roots in the traditional
Neoclassical postulate that public spending would exert direct and indirect crowing out effects on private expend-
iture, in particular on investment. The modern refinement of this idea is the so-called “Expansionary Fiscal
Contraction Hypothesis,” originally proposed by Giavazzi and Pagano (1990) and Alesina and Perotti (1995) and
brought back in vogue after Reinhart and Rogoff (2010) contended the existence of a negative relationship between
high levels of public debt and economic growth in advanced countries. These authors argued that discretionary fiscal
expansions may undermine the solidity of public finance and of the overall financial system, eventually depressing
private spending: for example, if consumers behave in a Ricardian way, they will abstain from consumption when fis-
cal deficits are perceived as unsustainable making future tax hikes more likely. Vice-versa, well-designed fiscal con-
solidations, that is, deep, persistent, and credible cuts in public expenditures, may stimulate private consumption and
investment, and even improve export dynamics.
The empirical ground of these claims has been harshly criticized by several authors. Herndon et al. (2014), for ex-
ample, rose serious doubts on Reinhart and Rogoff’s work focusing on the alleged arbitrariness of their data sam-
pling procedure and pointing out serious flaws—and even trivial coding mistakes—in their data elaboration. Others,
as Guajardo et al. (2011), pointed out that the cyclically adjusted primary balance measures employed in the
Expansionary Austerity literature do not completely remove the effects of economic cycles on the evolution of public
finances, so that the positive correlation between fiscal restrictions and economic expansions would be the conse-
quence of a biased measure of fiscal balances. Furthermore, since the causal link between fiscal balances and eco-
nomic growth is likely to go in both directions, they point out that cyclically adjusted primary balance cannot be
treated as an exogenous explicative variable. When a more correct estimation methodology is adopted, fiscal contrac-
tions end up to be consistently recessionary.
Much of the debate on the role of fiscal stimuli has been geared around the estimation of the magnitude of fiscal
multipliers. Gechert and Rannenberg (2014), in an attempt to review the ever-growing literature on “state-contin-
gent” fiscal multipliers, provided a meta-regression analysis of fiscal multipliers from a broad set of empirical
reduced-form models. Their meta-analysis found that fiscal multipliers are significantly higher during recessions than
during boom phases, and that spending multipliers significantly exceed tax multipliers, so that fiscal consolidation
should take place during recoveries, being instead avoided during recessions, and should be based on taxes rather
than on public spending cuts. Similar results were achieved by Auerbach and Gorodnichenko (2012); Blanchard and
Leigh (2013), while Ferraresi et al. (2014) found that the response of output to fiscal policy shocks is stronger and
more persistent when the economy is in a “tight” credit regime. Finally, De Grauwe and Ji (2013) highlighted that
government bond markets in the Eurozone, where countries lost their ability to issue debt in a currency over which
they had full control, are more fragile and more susceptible to self-fulfilling liquidity crises than in stand-alone coun-
tries. This in turn has fostered a “panic-driven” austerity in the south having a self-defeating character, while failing
to induce offsetting stimulus in the north.
On a different level, Botta (2015) pointed out the theoretical inconsistency of the “Expansionary Fiscal
Contraction Hypothesis,” going through a detailed analysis of the policy measures advocated by its supporters and
showing that fiscal consolidation might have expansionary outcomes only under extreme, very specific, and uncer-
tain conditions.

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Post-Keynesian scholars have opposed the view that fiscal profligacy by southern countries, paired with excessive
wage growth, was the major cause of the Euro Crisis, as well as its implications that austerity and labor market de-
regulation were essential to restoring order. On the contrary, they traced the origin of the global crisis in the emer-
gence of a debt-driven growth model, which resulted in a rapid increase in private debt ratios and eventually inflated
a real estate bubble. These authors considered the escalation of the crisis into a sovereign debt crisis, and a depression
in Southern Europe, as the outcome of the European Union’s peculiar institutional and policy setup, based on the sep-
aration of the fiscal and monetary spaces and designed to impose fiscal discipline and pro-cyclical austerity
(Stockhammer et al., 2016). In particular, they insisted on the role played by the institutional framework in amplify-
ing trade and Balance of Payment imbalances between core and peripheral European countries (Hein et al., 2011;
Semieniuk et al., 2011; Perez-Caldentey and Vernengo, 2012; Zezza, 2012b).2

1.2 Euro imbalances and fiscal consolidation in the EMU: simulation approaches
Besides the empirical and analytical levels, the impact of alternative fiscal regimes has been widely explored also by
means of computational methods based on computer simulations.
Within the DSGE literature, a vision strongly in favor of fiscal consolidation measures has been proposed by
Cogan et al. (2010): building on an empirically estimated version of the Smets and Wouters’ (2007) New Keynesian
model of the US economy, they argued that fiscal multipliers are significantly lower than those estimated with trad-
itional structural macroeconomic models which do not account for forward looking rational expectations by individ-
uals and firms, and are consequently unable to grasp the change in economic actors’ behavior in response to policy
shocks. Christiano et al. (2011), on the contrary, found that fiscal multipliers can be much larger than one when the
zero lower bound on the nominal interest rate binds and stressed that fiscal multipliers are significantly larger when
higher spending is coupled with monetary accommodation. Fiscal stimuli were seen as potentially useful also in
Corsetti et al. (2009), who showed that crowding-in effects on consumption become possible when increases in gov-
ernment spending are carried out under a plausible debt-stabilizing policy that links current stimulus to a subsequent
period of spending restraint. Finally, Coenen et al. (2012) proposed an interesting comparison between results of the
former three DSGE models developed in the academia and those obtained by seven structural models employed by
major policymaking institutions. The policy experiments with seven different fiscal instruments showed that the
seven models—six DSGE and a PAC—display large fiscal multipliers, and that temporary expansionary fiscal policies
are most effective when accommodated by the monetary policy, whereas permanent fiscal stimuli (i.e., permanent in-
creases in deficits) have significantly lower multipliers, possibly reducing output in the long run.
Our work aims at giving a contribution to another stream of research in macroeconomic modeling. The economic
debate emerged in the aftermath of the Great Recession has casted serious doubts on the theoretical and empirical
foundation of DSGE models, questioning the reliability of their policy prescriptions (Trichet, 2010; Blanchard et al.,
2012) and fostering a quest for alternative macroeconomic modeling tools: Agent-Based models (Delli Gatti et al.,
2010), which conceive the economy as a “complex evolving system” (Esptein, 2006), have proven to be well suited
to explain the endogenous nature of economic growth, the generation of business cycles, and the emergence of real
and financial fragility, possibly culminating in severe recessions. This approach provides an alternative way to micro-
found models (Gaffeo et al., 2008) where emergent dynamics are the result of the decentralized interaction between
heterogeneous, boundedly rational, adaptive agents. Agent-Based models provide a powerful framework to test a
wide variety of policy schemes. A detailed comparison between the DSGE and ABM approaches can be found in
Caiani et al. (2016) and Fagiolo and Roventini (2016).
As a consequence of the encouraging results within this nascent research field, in recent years AB models are blos-
soming. Several applications have been proposed to analyze the effects of fiscal and monetary policies and to tackle
the macroeconomic imbalances affecting the EMU. For example, Dosi et al. (2013), using a refined version of Dosi
et al. (2010), studied the interactions between income distribution and monetary and fiscal policies. They found that
accomodative fiscal policies dampen the amplitude of business cycles, reduce the likelihood of huge crises, and may
exert a positive effect on long-term growth. Vice-versa, fiscal restrictions negatively affect the economic performance.

2 Although moving from a different theoretical perspective, also Holinski et al. (2012) stressed the potential risks associ-
ated to persistent trade and financial imbalances between the North and South of Europe, advocating better coordi-
nated policies to prevent the emergence of unsustainable imbalances in the Euro area.

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Effects of fiscal targets in a monetary union 5

Furthermore, the positive impact of fiscal policies is greatly enhanced when the distribution of income is skewed to-
ward profits. Dosi et al. (2015) further extended the model to analyze the effects of alternative combinations of fiscal
and monetary policies, reaching the conclusion that the most appropriate policy mix to stabilize the economy re-
quires unconstrained countercyclical fiscal policies coupled with a monetary policy targeting also employment. On
the contrary, fiscal policies comparable to those proposed in the Fiscal Compact have a strong depressing impact
which is exacerbated when the monetary policy targets only price stability. Similar conclusions were reached by
Teglio et al. (2015), building upon Cincotti et al. (2010) and Raberto et al. (2012). Riccetti et al. (2013) proposed an
AB model with decentralized matching on all the simulated markets, finding that an increase in public employment
significantly stabilizes the economy at the expense of a slight increase of the deficit-to-GDP ratio, which can be al-
most eliminated through a modest increase of tax rates. Dawid et al. (2016a) employed a two-country extension of
Deissenberg et al. (2008) as a laboratory to analyze several types of fiscal policies aiming to revert Euro imbalances.
They found that policies asking core countries to share the debt-burden of peripheral countries are not effective in
promoting a convergence. On the contrary, fiscal transfers in favor of households in peripheral regions do exert a
positive effect. However, technology-oriented subsidies to firms, aiming to improve labor productivity in peripheral
regions, are the most effective tool to improve their competitiveness. By employing the closed-economy version of the
same model Harting (2015) showed that distinct fiscal policies, such as demand-oriented and supply(technology)-
oriented fiscal policies may exert very different effects on the long-run economic performance of the economic sys-
tem, even though they can have similar effects in reducing business cycle volatility.
Our contribution also points to the so-called Stock Flow Consistent approach (Godley and Lavoie, 2007) which stems
from the accounting-based modeling tradition started by Brainard and Tobin (1968) and later refined by Godley and
Cripps (1983). This modeling approach aims at providing a comprehensive and fully integrated representation of the econ-
omy, including all financial transactions. At its base we find the idea that real and financial flows, and the stocks on which
they impact, must always satisfy given accounting identities in a social accounting perspective. These identities ensure that
there are no black holes in the representation of (real and nominal) stocks and flows, acting as a “conservation of energy
principle for economic theory” (Godley and Cripps, 1983). In the recent years SFC models have been extensively em-
ployed to analyze fiscal, monetary, and macroprudential policies, in particular in the context of a Monetary Union.
Adopting an SFC framework, Zezza (2012a) suggested that fiscal austerity in the presence of large public debts
tends to redistribute income from taxpayers to the owners of such debt: when public debt has been financed by finan-
cial markets in foreign countries, interest payments on bonds will redistribute income to foreigners, thereby exacer-
bating the contractionary effect of austerity on domestic growth. Eventually, this would make the target of achieving
a lower debt-to-GDP ratio unfeasible. This result suggests that, since public debt is held abroad when a country has
been running a current account deficit, the primary concern of policymakers should be to introduce mechanisms for
correcting, or at least financing, trade imbalances within the EMU. Duwicquet et al. (2013) presented an SFC two-
country model where the southern country is suffering from an overvalued currency, while the northern country
enjoys an undervalued currency, boosting its exports. The authors then test different institutional reforms at the
Monetary Union level to counter these implicit transfers from the South to the North, finding that both fiscal trans-
fers based on a federal budget and a system of eurobonds help to dampen trade imbalances. Mazier and Valdecantos
(2015) extended the previous work proposing a four-country SFC model to study the effects of different exchange-
rate arrangements. Among the proposed arrangements, the adoption of a double-Euro currency is shown to be poten-
tially effective in reducing Eurozone imbalances.
Though accounting-based models have found fertile soil in the Post-Keynesian tradition (see Dos Santos (2006)
and Caverzasi and Godin (2015) for a literature review), in recent years they gained more and more interest also out-
side this community. Caiani et al. (2014a,b) for example, presented two applications of the SFC methodology to the
study of Great Surges of Development in an evolutionary–Neo-Schumpeterian perspective, stressing the interdepend-
ency between innovation and finance. In 2011, the Bank of England used a similar accounting-based approach to
analyze the mechanics of financial instability. Barwell and Burrows (2011) advocated the diffusion of macroeco-
nomic approaches stressing the importance of balance sheet linkages. On a similar ground (though in a general equi-
librium framework), Duca and Muellbauer (2013) revisited Tobin’s efforts to understand financial–real linkages,
and proposed a modeling framework for analyzing households’ flows-off-fund and consumption in an integrated
way. Finally, the Bank of England has recently presented a Stock Flow Consistent Model to perform scenario analysis
on the UK economy (Burgess et al., 2016): their fiscal expansion experiment considered an increase of 10% in gov-
ernment spending, phased over 3 years, finding a fiscal multiplier around one.

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6 A. Caiani et al.

AB and SFC models may greatly benefit from a mutual integration (Deissenberg et al., 2008; Caiani et al., 2014a,
2016, 2018). In particular, the adoption of an AB-SFC framework provides a powerful tool to check the internal the-
oretical consistency of an AB model and an effective expedient to discipline AB practitioners (Caiani and Caverzasi,
2017). A fusion of the two approaches could help AB macroeconomic models to set themselves as a credible alterna-
tive to DSGE models (Farmer and Foley, 2009) responding to the call recently made by FED chair Jellen (Jellen,
2016) for models capable of addressing the role of agents’ heterogeneity and real–financial linkages.
The rest of the article is structured as follows: the next section goes through the behavioral equations of the model and
explains the logic employed to define the initial setup of our simulation experiments. Section 3.2 first checks the consistency
of our results with available empirical stylized facts, and then displays and discusses the results of our policy experiments.
Finally, Section 4 considers the limits of the present work and briefly sketches out future applications and refinements.

2. The model
The artificial economy depicted in the model is a Monetary Union composed of K countries. Each country k is popu-
lated by the same number H of households and by an endogenously varying number of firms (Ikt) and banks (Zkt).
Firms produce their output out of labor only and are differentiated between “tradable,” producing final goods to be
sold on the common internationally integrated market, and “nontradable,” producing for the domestic market. The
process of entry and exit of firms and banks is shaped so to avoid the emergence of excessive imbalances in the relative
dimension of the manufacturing and banking sectors, and in the proportion between tradable and nontradable firms.
International trade between countries gives rise to international transfers of goods, deposits, and bank reserves.
Firms, when needed, can demand loans to both domestic and foreign banks. Commercial banks are allowed to pur-
chase bonds issued by any member country. On the contrary, for simplicity reasons, we assume that there is no inter-
national labor mobility and that households invest only in domestic firms and banks.
Governments collect taxes on households’ income and on profits of firms and banks. Public spending takes the
form of a lump-sum monetary transfer to households. Countries are subject to the same regulatory framework being
committed to not exceeding a common deficit-to-GDP threshold. For this purpose they can adaptively modify tax
rates and the level of public spending.
The System of Central Banks of the Monetary Union operates under the control of the Union Central Bank and in-
cludes K national Central Banks, one for each country. The Union Central Bank employs a Taylor rule to set the
common discount interest rate applied on cash advances. National Central Banks accommodate commercial banks’
demand for cash advances through the marginal lending facility. Furthermore, they buy the residual amount of their
country’s public debt bonds which have not been purchased by private banks. In this way they also inject reserves
into the economic system (Caiani et al., 2016).
The model endogenizes technological change, arising from firms’ R&D investment directed to increase the prod-
uctivity of their employees, thereby reducing unit costs of production and increasing profit margins. Productivity
enhancing innovations can be achieved in two ways: through direct incremental innovations, or by exploiting sectoral
spillovers through imitation, which allows less productive firms to catch up with the sectoral productive standards
(Dosi et al., 2010). Together with aggregate demand, technological change is the fundamental engine of long-term
real growth in the model and plays a crucial role in determining firms’ and countries’ international competitiveness,
thereby impacting on international trade patterns and countries’ differentiation.
Finally, we follow Riccetti et al. (2015) and Caiani et al. (2016) in assuming that agents interact on all markets in
a decentralized way, following specific matching protocols. The structure of our artificial economy encompasses six
types of market: national “nontradable” good markets, national labor markets, national deposit markets, a common
“tradable” good market, a common credit market, and a common bond market.
The following two subsections describe in details agents’ behaviors and interactions.

2.1 Agents

2.1.1 Households
Households are at the same time workers, equity holders, and consumers.

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Effects of fiscal targets in a monetary union 7

Each worker supplies a given quantity of labor (lS ¼ 1) in each period of the simulation to w randomly sampled
potential employers (see Section 2.1.2). Since firms formulate their demand for labor in real terms, rather than in in-
teger units, some workers will be part-time employed, being able to sell only a portion of their unitary labor supply.
The same occurs if a firm is prevented from employing a worker at full-time by liquidity shortages. Part-time workers
can return on the labor market to offer their residual labor force to the other w  1 potential employers. As a conse-
quence, they may be employed in different firms at the same time, selling to each of them quantity of labor force lhit
(where i is one employer out of the n employers of the household h) and receiving from each of them a different wage
whit. Yet, the worker may remain unemployed, or part-time employed, if total labor actually sold to firms
lht ¼ Ii;lkthit >0 lhit is still lower than the quantity supplied lS.
Workers choose the potential employer offering the highest wage, but they do not accept vacant positions below
their reservation wage wht. This latter is adaptively modified depending on the worker’s past employment situation.
Workers lower their reservation wage by a stochastic amount if they were not fully employed in the last period.
U½0; d indicates a random sample from a Uniform distribution defined between 0 and d. If instead lS ¼ lh;t1 , they in-
crease their reservation wage with a positive probability Pr wþ ht which is inversely related to the aggregate rate of
unemployment, as shown in equation (1). Workers’ wage claims are negatively affected by higher levels of unemploy-
ment, with the parameter t > 0 shaping the strength of this relationship: the higher t, the lower the probability of
increasing demanded wages for given levels of unemployment.
wh;t1 ð1 þ U½0; dÞ; if lS  lh;t1 ¼ 0 with Pr wþht ¼ e
wht ¼ : (1)
wh;t1 ð1  U½0; dÞ; if lS  lh;t1 > 0

Furthermore, we assume that firms employ workers for production and R&D activities indifferently and that fi-
nancial resources devoted to innovative investments (R&Dit , see Section 2.1.2) add on to workers’ wages, being dis-
tributed across workers according to their individual contribution (lhit) to the total quantity of labor employed by the
firm (lit). Investment in R&D thus generates additional wages for workers.
Besides labor income households also receive interests on their deposits Dht from banks (computed at the interest
rate rdt), dividends from participated firms and banks (Divht), and a tax-exempt monetary transfer (Gkt =H) by the
government of their country k.
All in all, households’ gross and disposable income after taxation, indicated, respectively, by yht and yDht , are ex-
pressed by:
X Ikt
X lhit
yht ¼ whit lhit þ rdt Dht þ Divht þ R Dit ; (2)
i;lhit >0 i;lhit >0
ht ¼ ð1  st Þyht þ ; (3)
where st is the tax rate in the current period.
Desired nominal consumption (CD it ) is a linear function of current disposable income and current wealth held in
the form of deposits, with fixed marginal propensities cy and cd:

ht ¼ cy yht þ cd Dht ; (4)

where 0 < cy < 1 and 0 < cd < 1.3

Consumers then distribute their demand between tradables (CDT DNT
ht ) and nontradables (Cht ) with fixed propor-
tions cT and 1  cT , respectively.

ht ¼ cT Cht : (5)
ht ¼ ð1  cT ÞCD
ht : (6)

3 This specification of the consumption function ensures that the level of desired consumption chosen by households is
always financially feasible, given the amount of deposits at their disposal.
4 Please notice that cT is also the exogenous probability that a newly created firm will be a tradable, as later explained in
Section 2.1.6.

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Figure 1. Hotelling circle example. The point H, identified by the angle xh, expresses the preferences of household h. The point I,
associated to angle xi, indicates the variety produced by firm i. The distance dhi between the household’s preferences and the
firm’s variety is equal to the arch HI .

Households enter the tradable and nontradable markets in a random order. Each consumer samples w potential
suppliers, and rank them from the most to the least preferred. The model employs a circular Hotelling’s locational
specification (Salop, 1979) of consumers’ preferences and firms’ offered varieties, assuming that good varieties pro-
duced by firms’ and consumers’ preferences are randomly located on a circle (Figure 1) with unitary diameter.
According to this approach, a random radian value is associated to each firm (xi) and to each consumer (xh).
Consumers rank suppliers based on a mechanism which takes into account both the price competitiveness, expressed
as the ratio between the price pit of a firm i and the sector average price Pit, and the distance dhi between the firm and
the consumer. The lower the price and the distance, the higher will tend to be the position of the supplier in the con-
sumer’s ranking. Formally, firm i will be preferred to firm j if:

1 Pt 1 Pt
b p
> b ; (7)
dhi it dhj pjt

where b  0 is a parameter weighting households’ preferences for variety: the lower b, the more consumer perceive
consumption goods as homogeneous, thereby giving more weight to price differences in sorting consumption alterna-
tives. The distance between firms’ offered varieties and consumers’ preferences coincides with the length of the chord
between their locations. Since the diameter of the circle is set equal to 1, this can be computed as:

dhi ¼ sinðmin½jxh  xi j; 2p  ðjxh  xi jÞ=2Þ: (8)

Consumers first try to satisfy their demand at the preferred supplier. If supply constraints are present, consumers
can turn to the second, third, fourth, etc., supplier in the ranking to exhaust their residual demand.
Households hold their wealth (NWht) partly in the form of deposit accounts at commercial banks Dht, which yield
a positive interest rate, and partly as participations in the equity of firms and banks Aht, yielding dividends when
profits of participated firms are positive. Therefore, in every period households must choose how to allocate their fi-
nancial wealth between these two types of assets.
This allocation is based on an endogenously determined “liquidity preference”5 lpht, depending on the risk-
weighted past rates of return yielded by the two types of assets. Deposits are a risk-free asset. On the contrary, the
rate of return on equity investment is weighted by its perceived riskiness, proxied by the past extinction rate of firms
and banks. Indicating by Itdefault and Zdefault
t , respectively, the number of firms and banks defaulting in period t, we de-
default It1 þZdefault
fine this latter as: Prt ¼ t1
It1 þZt1 .

5 The term liquidity preference is employed here to indicate the share or wealth that households desire to hold in the
form of liquid assets, that is, deposits.

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Effects of fiscal targets in a monetary union 9


y y y







800 850 900 950 1000 800 850 900 950 1000 800 850 900 950 1000

Consumption Consumption Consumption







800 850 900 950 1000 800 850 900 950 1000 800 850 900 950 1000

Export Export Export








800 850 900 950 1000 800 850 900 950 1000 800 850 900 950 1000

Import Import Import








800 850 900 950 1000 800 850 900 950 1000 800 850 900 950 1000

Unemployment Unemployment Unemployment






800 850 900 950 1000 800 850 900 950 1000 800 850 900 950 1000

Figure 2. Cyclical components of simulated times series for real output (y), consumption, export, import, and unemployment rate.

The liquidity preference of each household is then expressed as:

> Divh;t1  default

>  1  Pr  r
> Ah;t1 t dt Divh;t1
< ke if  rdt and Ah;t1  0
lph;t ¼ Ah;t1 ; (9)
> Div h;t1
:k if < rdt or Ah;t1 ¼ 0

with 0 < k < 1 representing the maximum liquidity preference, attained when the return on equity investment was
lower than the interest rate paid on deposits, or if the household did not own any equity in the previous period.
If we indicate by NWht ¼ NWht1 þ yD D
ht  Cht households’ expected level of net worth based on their planned
consumption, we can derive the desired level of equity and deposits as:
ht ¼ max Aht1 ; 1  lph;t NWht ;
Dht ¼ NWht  Aht  Aht1 ; (11)
where AD
ht  Aht1 is the desired investment in equity, which is bound to be nonnegative.

6 Indeed, for simplicity reasons, we prevent households from liquidating their participations in firms and banks.

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10 A. Caiani et al.

However, since consumption may be frustrated by supply constraints, actual consumption (Cit) may be lower
than desired (CD D
it ), so that NWht may end up being greater than planned (NWht ), due to “forced” savings:
Sht ¼ yht  Cht . In this case deposits act as a buffer stock, absorbing the discrepancy, while investment in equity sticks
to its planned level AD ht . In other words: Dht ¼ NWht  Aht  Aht1 > NWht .

Households having a positive desired investment gather in the attempt to set up a new firm (or a new bank).
Investors act as an equity fund, gathering their invested resources so to raise the funds required to start the new busi-
ness. These funds must be greater than a threshold level determined in the entry procedure explained in Section 2.1.6.
If the level of investment is not sufficient, no firm (bank) is created and households abstain from investing in the cur-
rent period. Deposits are again the buffer stock, ending up to be higher than originally planned. Conversely, if desired
investment by households is high enough, more than one firm (bank) can enter the market.
Finally, in each period households choose their deposit bank randomly, since every bank offers the same interest
rate rdt for simplicity reasons.

2.1.2 Firms
Firms are classified into “tradables,” selling their products in the common-internationally integrated market, and
“nontradables,” producing for the domestic market. Labor is the sole productive factor and is employed both for
production and R&D purposes.
Firms’ production plans depend on their sales expectations and the level of inventories inherited from the past.
Furthermore, we assume that firms desire to hold a level of inventories invit equal to a given share h of expected sales,
as a buffer against unexpected demand swings (Steindl, 1952) and possibly to avoid frustrating customers with sup-
ply constraints (Lavoie, 1992). We indicate by qit the (real) output produced by firm i in period t, by q^it the quantities
sold, by pit their selling price, by qeit firm’s (real) sales expectations, and by qtot it ¼ qit þ invit the total amount of goods
available for sales, equal to current production plus inventories.
Prices and sales expectations are revised adaptively from period to period according to the following scheme:
( e
q^it ¼ q^eit ð1 þ U½0; dÞ
if q^i;t1  q^i;t1 : : (12)
pit ¼ pi;t1 ð1 þ U½0; dÞ
( e
q^it ¼ q^eit ð1  U½0; dÞ
if q^i;t1 < q^ei;t1 and qtot
i;t1 > q^i;t1 : : (13)
pit ¼ pi;t1 ð1  U½0; dÞ
( e
e tot
q^it ¼ q^ei;t1
if qi;t1 < qi;t1 and qi;t1 ¼ qi;t1 :
^ ^ ^ : (14)
pit ¼ pit1

Equation (12) states that if past sales exceeded expectations, firms adaptively increase both sales expectations and
their selling price. By increasing prices they aim to increase their profit margin. When instead past sales were below
their expected value and no supply constraint was binding [equation (13)], both expectations and prices are revised
downwardly. By reducing prices firms aim to make their output more attractive to consumers, thereby improving
their sales performance. Finally, when firms’ past sales were below expectations due to the presence of a supply con-
straint [i.e., despite firms had exhausted all their available supply, see equation (14)], firms postpone any revision of
prices and expectations to the next periods. Prices have a lower bound represented by unit costs of production, that
is, pit  w
/it , where /it is firm’s i current level of labor productivity.

The desired amount of goods to be produced for the current period is then determined as:

qD e
it ¼ qit ð1 þ hÞ  invit : (15)

The demand for labor can be obtained by dividing planned output for the firm’s labor productivity level:
litD ¼ qD D
it =/it . However, if firms have not enough funds to pay wages (wit lit ), labor demand is reduced accordingly.
Firms’ labor demand can be also frustrated by other factors, for example, if the economy is already at full employ-
ment or if the salary offered is too low to cover vacant positions. Since production depends on the quantity of labor
actually employed, which can differ from demanded quantities for the reasons explained above, also actual output
may be lower than originally planned.
The salary wit offered by firm i changes according to the difference between labor demanded li;t1 and labor actu-
ally employed in the previous period li;t1 . If the firm was not able to cover all vacant positions, i.e., labor employed

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Effects of fiscal targets in a monetary union 11

was below labor demanded, it increases the salary so to attract workers. When all vacant positions were covered,
firms consider the possibility to reduce wage so to increase their profit margins. The lower the unemployment, the
lower is the probability of such a revision, since reducing wages increases the risk of ending up being labor
( D
wi;t1 ð1 þ U½0; dÞ; if li;t1  li;t1 > 0
wit ¼   : (16)
wi;t1 ð1  U½0; dÞ; if li;t1  li;t1 ¼ 0 with Pr w
it ¼ 1  e

Firms can increase their profit margin also by improving their productivity /it , thereby reducing unit labor costs.
Labor productivity can be enhanced either through incremental innovations or by exploiting spillovers at the sectoral
level through imitation, which allows less productive firms to catch up with sector production standards.
Innovations and imitations can be achieved through firms’ investment in R&D. Firms invest in each period a given
share of its expected wage bill in R&D, as follows:7

it ¼ cwit lit : (17)

Actual investment R&Dit will be equal to R&DD it only if the firm does not face any financial or labor constraint;
otherwise, it will be lower than desired. The amount of resources invested in R&D, in turn, determines the probabil-
ities of enhancing firm’s productivity through either incremental innovations or sectoral spillovers (Dosi et al., 2010).
These two probabilities are assumed to be equal. For firms producing tradable goods, they are defined as:

PrTsuccessit ¼ 1  e UT PT
t t ; (18)

where PTt is the average international price of tradables, and UTt is the average labor productivity of tradable firms in
the Monetary Union. Both are calculated as a weighted average, with weights represented by firms’ market shares.
Similarly, for nontradable firms:

successit ¼ 1  e (19)
t t ;

where PNTt is the average domestic price of nontradable goods, and UNT t is the national average labor productivity of
nontradable firms, both being weighted for firms’ market shares.
Equations (18) and (19) show that the two probabilities of success are a nonlinear increasing function of the real
investment on productivity-enhancing activities (R&Dit =PTt and R&Dit =PNT t for tradable and nontradable firms),
divided by the sector average level of productivity (UTt and UNTt , respectively).
If firms result to be successful in innovating, their firm-specific labor productivity is then increased by a stochastic
amount, as described in equation (20):

/i;tþ1 ¼ /it ð1 þ U½0; dÞ: (20)

Firms having productive standards below the sector average (i.e., a level of productivity below the average) can
also try to exploit sectoral spillovers through imitation in an attempt to catch up with leading firms. The probability
of success in imitating is the same as for innovations. If successful, firms are enabled to narrow the gap with the
standards of production in the sector extracting a new productivity level in a range between their current one,

7 As explained before, financial resources dedicated to R&D are distributed across employees, summing up to their
8 This correction for the sector average productivity is required to prevent Prsuccessit from increasing with the higher lev-
els of productivity Ut achieved, as the simulation time goes by: indeed, higher levels of labor productivity allow to pro-
duce increasing quantities of goods with the same amount of labor. A stable or increasing pattern of real output, and a
non-exploding pattern of unemployment can then be achieved if the purchasing power of households grows faster than
prices, allowing the greater productive capacity to find an outlet on the market. Since most of this purchasing power is
represented by wages paid by firms, and given that innovative efforts are proportional to the expected wage bill of firms,
R&Dit =Pt will generally increase with Ut . This asks to correct real investment in innovation for Ut , so to avoid an unrea-
sonable and unjustified continuous rise of the probability of success Prsuccessit .

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12 A. Caiani et al.

possibly updated according to equation (20) if they have already achieved an innovation, and the sector average. For
tradable firms the new level is formally determined as:

/i;tþ1 ¼ /it þ U 0; UTt  /it if /it < UTt : (21)

For nontradable producers:

/i;tþ1 ¼ /it þ U 0; UNT
t  /it if /it < UNT
t : (22)

The new level of productivity achieved thanks to an innovation and/or an imitation is embedded in the production
process starting from the following period.
Firms’ production and R&D investment can be financed using both internal funds accumulated through time
(Dit) and external funding in the form of loans asked to domestic and foreign banks (Lit). Following a well-
established assumption in AB modeling, inspired by the “Pecking Order Theory of Finance” (Myers, 1984), firms in
the model resort to external financing after internal funding possibilities have been exhausted, since the cost of exter-
nal finance is usually higher due to market imperfections and information asymmetries.
Accordingly, the demand for loans by firms can be expressed as:
wit litD þ R&DD
it  Dit ; if wit litD þ R&DD
it > Dit
Lit ¼ : (23)
0; if wit lit þ R&DD
it  Dit

However, given the cost of external finance the demand for loans is positive only if the expected revenues gener-
ated by employing these funds are greater than the cost of financing.9 Firms are financially constrained if the amount
of credit received (Lit) is lower than demanded (see Section 2.1.3): Lit  LD it . This happens when banks have already
exhausted the total amount of loans they were willing to supply in a given period or if none of them is willing to pro-
vide credit to the firm, if it is perceived as too risky (see Section 2.1.3). Yet, firms can try to fulfill their financing
needs asking credit to different banks. When financially constrained, firms prioritize production over R&D. For sim-
plicity reasons, in this first version of the model, loans are assumed to be granted and repaid within the same period,
similarly to the monetary circuit theory (Graziani, 2003).10
As for households, also firms randomly choose their deposit bank, receiving an interest rdt on the amounts de-
posited. Profits are then computed as the sum of revenues from sales (pit qit ), interests received on deposits held at
banks (rdt Dit ), and the nominal variation of inventories DINVit 11, minus labor expenditure for production (wit lit )
and R&D activities(R&Dit ), and credit costs (rit Lit ):

pit ¼ pit qit þ rdt Dit þ DINVit  wit lit  R&Dit  rit Lit : (24)

If we omit the variation of inventories from equation (24), we obtain a measure of the net operating cash flows
generated by the firm, which we indicate by pit . When pit > 0, firms pay taxes (Titp ) and distribute dividends (Divpit ) to
equity holders, expressed as a share q of their residual net cash inflow. Since profits are generated at the end of period
t—when public spending, tax payments on income of households, and consumption have already taken place—taxes
on profits generated in period t are paid in period t þ 1. Accordingly, also dividends generated in period t are paid to
equity holders in period t þ 1.
st pit ; if pit > 0
Tit ¼ : (25)
0; if pit  0
q pit  Titp ; if pit > 0
Divpit ¼ : (26)
0; if pit  0

9 Formally, LDit > 0 if pit witit /it  rit LDit .
10 Though very common in the AB literature, we are aware that this represents a strong simplification, as thoroughly ex-
plained in Caiani et al. (2016). To avoid excessive complications, however, in this first application of the multi-country
model we decided to keep the financial side relatively simple.
11 These latter are evaluated at their unit cost of production, in accordance with accounting standards:
DINVit ¼ ðinvit  invi;t 1 Þ w/it .

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Effects of fiscal targets in a monetary union 13

Dividends are distributed to equity holders proportionally to their participation share.

Retained net profits increase firms’ net worth:

Ai;tþ1 ¼ Ait þ pit  Titp  Divpit : (27)

Since firms belong to households who originally invested in their creation, as Ai;tþ1 increases also equity holders’
participations are increased accordingly.

2.1.3 Banks
Banks offer demand deposit accounts to households and firms, paying an interest rdt equal to a constant fraction f of
the discount rate rt fixed by the Central Bank of the Monetary Union. In addition, banks endogenously create means
of payment by providing credit to firms. As it happens in reality, every new loan granted by a bank, which is an asset
for it, is immediately balanced by the creation of a matching liability in the form of a deposit for the borrower, both
being created ex nihilo. This implies that banks’ credit supply is not constrained by the amount of deposits already in
circulation nor by the amount of reserves they hold. However, we assume that to avoid taking excessive risks, the
maximum amount of credit that banks are willing to supply in any given period is a multiple l1 of their equity Azt:
zt ¼ l1 Azt .
Banks receive credit applications from both domestic and foreign firms. For each loan application received, banks
compute a probability PrðLoanit Þ to grant it. Furthermore, banks also discriminate borrowers by applying different
interest rates (rit). The probability PrðLoanit Þ and the interest rate charged rit are, respectively, a decreasing and
increasing function of the borrowers’ target leverage, computed as the ratio between their demand for loans (LD it ) and
their net worth (Ait):
il Ait
PrðLoanit Þ ¼ e it : (28)
rit ¼ v it þ rt : (29)
Banks are subject to minimal reserve requirements, expressed as a share l2 of their deposits:

zt ¼ l2 Dzt : (30)

Reserves are held at the national Central Bank and yield a fixed interest rate rre. Whenever reserves RMzt are below
the minimum level, banks apply to the Central Bank lending facility, asking cash advances (LzCBt) to restore the man-
dated liquidity ratio. National Central Banks accommodate these requests, receiving the discount rate rt on funds
lent to banks.
If instead banks have reserves in excess with respect to the mandatory level, these can be invested in the purchase
of bonds (BD zt ) issued by any member country k, which bring an interest rate rbkt computed following equation (45).
In each period of the simulation, all the bond tranches issued by governments of the Monetary Union (Section 2.1.5)
are piled up and shuffled. Then, commercial banks enter the bond market in a random order and go through this
pile, having a probability of purchasing each tranche which depends on the riskiness associated to the country and
defined as:
ib Ykt
Prðbkt Þ ¼ e kt : (31)

Each bank goes through the pile of bond tranches till it eventually exhausts its demand, or there are no tranches
to be sold.
Therefore banks’ profits (pzt) are equal to:
pzt ¼ rit Lizt þ rbt Bzt þ rre Rzt  BDizt  rdt Dzt  rt LzCBt ; (32)
i;Lizt >0

where (BDizt) indicates “bad debt,” that is, loans not (entirely) repaid as a consequence of a borrower’s default.

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14 A. Caiani et al.

When profits are positive (pzt > 0), banks pay taxes (Titp ) and distribute to equity holders a share q of net profits
(Divpzt ). As for firms, dividends are distributed among investors proportionally to the share of the bank’s equity they
st pzt ; if pzt > 0
Tzt ¼ : (33)
0; if pzt  0
q pzt  Tztp ; if pzt > 0
Divpzt ¼ : (34)
0; if pzt  0

Retained profits after taxes then increase banks’ net worth:

Az;tþ1 ¼ Azt þ pzt  Tztp  Divpzt : (35)

As Az;tþ1 varies, also households’ participation in the bank, and thus households’ net worth, is revised

2.1.4 Central Banks

The Central Bank of the Monetary Union operates through the System of Central Banks which it heads. This is com-
posed by national Central Banks in charge of enforcing the Union Central Bank policies at the country (indexed by k)
level. National Central Banks hold reserves of commercial banks (RCBkt), accommodate their requests for cash ad-
vances (LCBkt), and possibly buy bonds issued by the country government (BCBkt) which remain unsold after private
banks’ purchases.
At the beginning of the simulation, when no commercial banks are present (see Section 2.3), Central Banks dir-
ectly collect money of households and purchase the entire amount of bonds issued by governments.12 However, in
this transitory phase they cannot offer credit to firms.
National Central Banks’ profits (pCBkt) derive from interests on cash advances and bonds, from which we shall
subtract interests paid on banks’ reserve accounts.

pCBkt ¼ rbkt BCBkt þ rt LCBkt  rre RCBkt : (36)

For simplicity reasons, we assume that national Central Banks’ profits are automatically redistributed to the na-
tional government.
The Union Central Bank is in charge of implementing the common monetary policy. For this sake it sets the dis-
count interest rate following a Taylor rule based on the average level of inflation across member countries (Taylor,
1993; Smets and Wouters, 2007; Gerali et al., 2010):
rt ¼ rð1  nÞ þ n  rt1 þ ð1  nÞ  nDP DPt1  DP ; (37)

where r is the exogenous long-run interest rate, n is the parameter defining the speed of the adjustment, nDP is the sen-
sitivity to inflation, DPt1 is the average level of inflation, and DP is the inflation target.

2.1.5 Government
The government of each country collects income taxes from households (h) and taxes on past period profits from
firms (i) and banks (z). Therefore, total taxes Tkt of country k are equal to:
X Ik
X Zk
Tkt ¼ skt yht þ skt pit1 þ skt pzt1 : (38)
h;yht >0 i;p >0 z;p>0

12 In this way Central Banks inject in the system the initial amount of legal currency that, saved and invested by house-
holds in the creation of banks and firms, will eventually become banks’ initial stock of consolidated reserves. In the
Monetary Union depicted in this article total banks’ consolidated reserves should coincide with total Central Banks’
holdings of countries’ public debt for accounting reasons, whereas at the country level the amount of reserves held by
domestic commercial banks also depends on the international flows of deposits arising, for example, from international

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Effects of fiscal targets in a monetary union 15

Government public expenditure Gkt takes the form of a lump-sum transfer which is equally distributed among
households (Gkt =H), thus providing additional purchasing power.
The public balance in a given period is the difference between revenues from taxes and government expenses,
including also interests paid on public debt. When negative, we have a deficit DEFkt. In the opposite case the govern-
ment attains a budget surplus SUkt1 . Possible budget surpluses are set aside to fund public expenditure in the next
periods, thereby reducing the quantity of bonds to be issued.
Countries’ public deficit (DEFkt) and debt (Bkt) are then given by:

DEFkt ¼ Gkt þ rbkt1 Bkt1  Tkt : (39)

Bkt ¼ Bkt1  DEFkt  SUkt1 : (40)

The government employs two instruments to implement its fiscal policy: the level of public spending (Gkt) and the
tax rate (skt). These are adaptively revised from period to period based on the discrepancy between desired and past
levels of public expenditure on the one hand, and expected and admissible levels of public deficit on the other hand.
The desired level of public expenditure GD kt is simply defined as the initial (exogenous) real value of public spending
G, adjusted for the country average level of prices Pkt and average productivity Ukt , so to ensure that the dimension
of the public sector remains roughly stable compared to aggregate GDP: GD kt ¼ Pkt Ukt G. In addition, governments
are committed to keep their deficit-to-GDP ratios (dkt ¼ DEFkt =Ykt ) below a given threshold value indicated by
dmax. Public expenditure and tax rates are then revised according to the following scheme:13
Gkt ¼ Gkt1 ð1  U½0; dÞ
if dkt1  dmax and GD kt  G kt1 : (41)
sktþ1 ¼ skt ð1 þ U½0; dÞ
max D
Gkt ¼ Gkt1
if dkt1  d and Gkt > Gkt1 : : (42)
sktþ1 ¼ skt ð1 þ U½0; dÞ
Gkt ¼ Gkt1 ð1  U½0; dÞ
if dkt1 < dmax and GD kt  G kt1 : : (43)
sktþ1 ¼ skt ð1  U½0; dÞ
max D
Gkt ¼ Gkt1 ð1 þ U½0; dÞ
if dkt1 < d and Gkt > Gkt1 : : (44)
sktþ1 ¼ skt

However, to avoid unreasonable high or low values, the tax rate is bound to vary within the range fsmin ; smax g,
whereas Gkt is bound between a minimum and maximum share of GDP: fgmin Ykt ; gmax Ykt g. Bonds last for one
period. In each period, the government repays bonds previously issued and pays interests to bond holders. The inter-
est rate on bonds is set as a premium on the Central Bank discount rate (rkt) depending on the debt-to-GDP ratio of
the country (Bkt =Ykt ) and:

rbkt ¼ vBkt =Ykt þ rt : (45)

Newly issued bonds (for a total value of Bkt) are split into 100 tranches (bkt ¼ Bkt =100) and put on the bond mar-
ket where they can be purchased by commercial banks (both national and foreign), and by the national Central Bank
for the possible residual part. Finally, the government steps in to guarantee depositors in case of a bank default. For
this sake, the government issues an additional batch of bonds, which is directly purchased by the Central Bank, and
uses the liquidity collected to reimburse households and firms who lost their deposits in the default.

2.1.6 Firms’ and banks’ endogenous entry and exit

As discussed in Section 2.1.1 households’ savings are partly invested in the creation of new firms and new banks.
A minimum level of investment, equal to a share - of the country average wage, is required to allow an individual

13 Admittedly, public expenditure and the tax rate on income and profits are kept constant in the very first periods of the
simulation till the first firm is created, since the fiscal scheme proposed in equations (41)–(44) can be employed only
when at least one firm is present; otherwise no employment, output, income, and profit are generated. This takes just
one period in the setup employed in the article.

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16 A. Caiani et al.

household to participate in the creation of a new business, regardless its type. Furthermore, there is a maximum num-
ber of businesses in which an individual household can invest, equal to w.
To avoid excessive imbalances in the the dimension of the banking sector relative to the productive one, we as-
sume that the new entrant will be a bank when either the ratio between banks’ and firms’ number or the ratio be-
tween banks’ and firms’ total net worth is below a given percentage g. Otherwise, the new entrant will be a firm. The
new firm will be a tradable with probability cT, or a nontradable with probability 1  cT .
The initial equity of the new entrant is determined as a random sample between the net worth of the smallest and
larger incumbents in the sector14: when funds collectively invested by households are greater or equal to this random
equity level, the new organization is created and the first h randomly chosen investors required to collect this level of
funds become its shareholders. Otherwise, no firm (bank) enters the market and the funds originally allocated by
households to equity investment are deposited at banks, being available to fund households’ investment in the next
period.15 If instead funds allocated to equity investment are not exhausted by the creation of the new enterprise, the
remaining part can be employed to set up other businesses, their type and dimension being determined according to
the procedure explained above.
As for new entrants’ initial dimension, also their initial productivity (/), price (pit), and wage offered (wit) are ran-
domly extracted within a range going from the lowest to the highest values of incumbent firms in the sector. Their
sales expectations (qeit ) are instead the maximum between the random value sampled between the lowest and highest
values of incumbents and w it
/it , this latter representing the amount of goods feasibly producible, given the values of
equity, wage, and productivity sampled by the entrant.
Firms whose net worth is below a threshold level, defined as the wage they offer to workers Ft ¼ wit , default.
Similarly, banks having a net worth below the national average wage default. This threshold level of internal funding
has a technical reason, being meant to avoid the unnecessary computational burden required to keep track of ex-
tremely small firms and banks, almost negligible in terms of their contribution to the dynamics of the model.
A default by a firm implies a nonperforming loan for creditors. The larger the bad debt suffered by banks, the
worse the effect on their balance sheet [through equation (32)], which negatively affect their credit supply. In add-
ition, defaults will generally increase unemployment. Therefore, firms’ failures may impact on the business cycle
both directly, reducing employment and the potential output of the economy, and indirectly, by reducing the amount
of credit banks are willing to supply. Defaults by banks instead do not directly affect households and firms, as the
government totally bears the loss by issuing additional bonds to reimburse depositors (Section 2.1.5). However, in
this way banks’ failures affect public debt dynamics. In addition, banks’ failures may eventually cause a reduction of
the total credit supply in the economy. Finally, even before causing a default, negative profits of firms and banks pre-
vent them from paying dividends and decrease their equity, thereby affecting the net worth of equity holders.

2.2 Simulation scheduling

We conclude this section dedicated to agents’ behaviors by sketching out the sequence of events taking place during
each round of the simulation.

1. Firms determine their desired production, their labor demand, the price of their output, the wage offered, and
their desired R&D investment.
2. Firms interact with banks on the credit market and possibly receive loans. Banks possibly ask cash advances to
the Central Bank to satisfy the mandatory liquidity ratio.
3. Firms interact with workers on the labor market.
4. Workers are paid and employed to produce firms’ output and to perform R&D. Dividends generated in the previ-
ous period are distributed to equity holders, summing up to their current income.

14 Given that this stochastic rule can operate only when some organization is already present, the first tradable and non-
tradable firms to enter the market have an exogenous initial net worth equal to A0. In addition, to ensure that banks
will be big enough to provide credit to firms, whose number is by far higher, the initial equity of banks has a lower
bound defined as a multiple r of the country’s median dimension of firms.
15 The same occurs when households’ individual investment does not exceed the minimum participation level.

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Effects of fiscal targets in a monetary union 17

5. Governments calculate revenues from taxes (on past period profits and current period households’ income), deter-
mine the level of public spending and the tax rate for the next period, repay bonds plus interests to bond holders,
and determine the quantity of bonds to be issued.
6. Bonds are put on the bond market where commercial banks buy it. The possible residual part is purchased by na-
tional Central Banks.
7. After having paid taxes and received the tax-exempt monetary transfer from the government, households com-
pute their demand for consumption goods and interact with tradable and nontradable firms on the correspondent
good markets.
8. Firms and banks compute their profits and update their net worth and shareholders’ equity accordingly. Taxes
and dividends to be paid in the next period to the government and to equity holders, respectively, are then
9. Defaulted firms and banks exit the market. Household equity investment takes place and, if enough financial re-
sources are collected, new firms and banks are created.

2.3 Simulations setup

Table A1 provides a summary of the parameter values employed for the model. Each simulation period ideally repre-
sents a quarter. Simulations have been run for 1000 periods. For each simulation setup we run 25 Monte Carlo repe-
titions. In addition, for all simulation experiments we consider three different specifications regarding the number of
countries belonging to the Monetary Union: a traditional two-country model, and then a 6-country and a 10-country
Besides the setting of behavioral parameters, one of the most tricky aspects of the model calibration procedure
concerns the setup of initial values of stocks and flows. Caiani et al. (2016) point out that this aspect has been quite
neglected within the AB macro literature, and very few models provide a detailed discussion of the logic followed to
address this task. Initial stocks and flows across agents must be mutually compatible from a social accounting point
of view, respecting Copeland’s quadruple entry principle (Copeland, 1949; Godley and Lavoie, 2007). A calibration
affected by possible accounting flaws can be a major source of logical and accounting inconsistencies, building up
throughout the simulation rather than fading away thus compromising the reliability of results. In addition, the cali-
bration of initial values should be such to allow the model to reach, after the initial burn-in phase, a reasonable con-
figuration regarding stocks and flows absolute and relative dimension.
Within the AB-SFC literature, Caiani et al. (2016) present a sophisticated procedure to carry out this task. Dawid
et al. (2016b) and Teglio et al. (2015) also provide an overview of the calibration method employed for the
“EURACE” AB-SFC model (Deissenberg et al., 2008; Holcombe et al., 2013). The present article provides a simple
and intuitive alternative to these procedures, inspired by the logic adopted by Godley and Lavoie (2007) in presenting
the “SIM” model.
The fundamental feature of this procedure is that, instead of setting exogenously the initial values for each type of
stocks, and then distributing them across agents, we start from a situation where there are no stocks in the economy,
and we let them to be progressively created and accumulated as time goes by. To be more precise, not only real and
financial stocks are initially absent but firms and banks as well.
Everything starts with public spending, as the government makes an initial transfer to resident households. Given
that there are no private banks in this initial phase, the national Central Banks buy government bonds, providing in
this way the legal currency which funds public expenditure. Since no firms, production, and goods are present, this
lump-sum transfer is completely saved by households. However, part of these savings (see Sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.6)
are invested in the creation of new firms which start to employ workers and produce consumption goods to be sold
to households on either the tradable or nontradable markets. Firms also start to invest in R&D, thus possibly increas-
ing their level of productivity. As their number increases also banks will be created: households and firms then de-
posit their holdings of legal currency at the newly created banks. Banks start to grant credit to firms, creating loans
and matching deposits ex nihilo, thus triggering the process of endogenous creation of money. At the same time
banks use their reserves in excess to buy bonds issued by the government and, conversely, as cash advances to their
Central Bank when needed.
At this stage, the system is already characterized by the presence of two interdependent monetary circuits, since
both legal money, created by the public authority, and private money, created by banks through credit, are present.

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18 A. Caiani et al.

As soon as households receive an income, and firms and banks realize positive profits, taxes start to be collected by
the government. With rising tax revenues and GDP increasing—as more and more firms are in business—the debt-to-
GDP ratio rapidly declines to reasonable levels. Since tradable firms sell their output on the common integrated
market, international flows of goods, deposits, and reserves between countries arise. Supranational debt–credit rela-
tionships, generating international flows of interests, also arise because commercial banks grant loans to foreign
firms and purchase public debt bonds of foreign countries. The number of firms and banks quickly increases in the
initial phase until new businesses and defaults start offsetting each other, stabilizing their number. In the meanwhile,
firms and countries become more and more heterogeneous as a consequence of their R&D performance which drives
technological progress and impact on their competitiveness. In turn, international trade and labor productivity dy-
namics affect the evolution of employment, wages, prices, profits, aggregate demand, and GDP in the Monetary
Union, thereby possibly impacting also on public finance, and on R&D investment by firms as well. The model thus
progressively exits its transition phase and starts to display regular patterns and quite stable properties. The next sec-
tion is dedicated to their analysis.

3. Simulation results
3.1 Overview and consistency with international stylized facts
The dashboards in Figures 6–8 present the dynamics of several important variables in a typical simulation executed
under the 2 (left column), 6 (center), and 10 (right) country scenarios, while Table 1 provides some synthetic statistics
on the 25 simulation runs performed under the three baseline scenarios.
As we mentioned in the introduction, we tried to identify a baseline configuration of our artificial economy cap-
able of yielding realistic and relatively stable dynamics. The adjective “realistic” indicates a specification in which
the properties of key economic variables—real GDP and productivity growth rates, inflation rates, unemployment
rates, debt-to-GDP ratios, exports and imports, etc.—are economically reasonable and broadly comparable to histor-
ical data for advanced countries, in particular for the Euro Area which constitutes the natural point of reference for
our work.16 Table 1 highlights that our artificial Monetary Union is broadly comparable to the EMU (last column)
under many respects. Admittedly, the dimension of private debt over GDP is substantially lower than its empirical
counterpart, whereas average public debt is relatively higher. The first discrepancy can be partly explained by the
fact that no other form of credit than to firms is modeled. The greater debt-GDP ratio may be instead related to the
initialization procedure, which requires the government to trigger the development process through its initial public
expenditure: at the beginning public debt considerably increases, since taxes are lower than public spending given the
low number of firms and banks in business. However, the average debt-GDP ratio is not unreasonably high com-
pared to historical experience of many countries—in particular in the two scenarios with more countries—and re-
mains quite stable after the initial transition phase. Finally, the dimension of imports and exports relative to GDP in
the two-country case looks lower than its empirical counterpart. This is likely to be caused by the smaller dimension
of the international market for tradable goods in this scenario, where domestic firms account for a significant share
of the common market. On the contrary, in the other two cases, the higher number of countries implies that domestic
tradable firms account for a smaller portion of the total number of firms producing for the common tradable goods
market, so that the demand by domestic consumers is more likely to be addressed to foreign firms.17
The panel in Figure 6 displays that the model generates exponential growth of real GDP, coupled with an expo-
nential increase in labor productivity. However, the process of development does not unfold in a smooth way, but ra-
ther through a succession of economic cycles. Figures in Panel 2 (Figure 2) display the cyclical component of main
economic aggregates, each one normalized by the trend component to allow a comparison on the same scale: in

16 This objective was pursued through a combination of empirically grounded calibration and tentative investigation of
the parameter space, whereas we did not employ recursive calibration or estimation methods aiming to minimize the
distance between the properties (e.g., moments) of the artificial and real time series.
17 Similarly, production of tradable goods by domestic firms is more likely to be purchased by foreign consumers, since
the domestic demand for tradable goods accounts for a smaller share of the total demand coming from the Monetary
Union as a whole. This increases the Exports/GDP ratio.

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Effects of fiscal targets in a monetary union 19

Table 1. Average simulated and empirical macro-variables in percentage values. Simulated averages and standard error
from 25 Monte Carlo simulation runs. Empirical averages of Euro Area countries

Variable 2 countries 6 countries 10 countries Euro area (years)

Real GDP growth 1.20 1.20 1.20 0.98 (04–15)

(0.041) (0.039) (0.039)
Labor productivity growth 1.19 1.19 1.19 0.90 (04–13)
(0.045) (0.042) (0.039)
Inflation 2.72 2.26 2.26 1.74 (04–15)
(0.067) (0.101) (0.078)
Unemployment 10.7 13.5 13.5 9.6 (98–15)
(0.795) (1.208) (0.918)
Public debt/GDP 121.7 108.5 107.7 81.3 (06–15)
(12.121) (23.514) (22.645)
Private loans/GDP 68.7 68.7 68.2 104.6 (06–15)
(5.732) (7.857) (6.798)
Public deficit/GDP 1.2 1.0 1.0 3.2 (06–15)
(0.139) (0.229) (0.225)
Exports/GDP 19.5 32.0 34.5 40.0 (04–15)
(0.606) (0.323) (0.227)
Imports/GDP 19.5 32.0 34.5 38.1 (04–15)
(0.612) (0.282) (0.212)
Public expenditure/GDP 44.1 46.2 46.3 48.6 (06–15)
(0.588) (0.920) (0.869)
R&D investment/GDP 3.3 3.1 3.1 2.0 (06–15)
(0.082) (0.012) (0.099)
Household investment to GDP ratio 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.1 (06–15)
(0.176) (0.136) (0.173)

accordance with the empirical evidence, the volatility of consumption is slightly below the volatility of real GDP,
whereas exports, imports, and unemployment are significantly more volatile than real GDP.
Figures 3 and 4 show the artificial cross-correlations with the cyclical component of real GDP of the cyclical
components of consumption, exports, imports, public expenditure, public expenditure on GDP, and unemployment.
The left, center, or right position of the peak in each correlation figure indicates whether the variable is lagged, coin-
cident, or leading with respect to GDP. The darker bars indicate correlations significantly different from 0. In accord-
ance with the empirical stylized facts on the co-movements of main aggregates within and across countries (Uribe
and Schmitt-Grohé, 2017), consumption, exports, and imports are positively correlated with GDP, with the only ex-
ception of imports in the two-country case; real public expenditure is pro-cyclical in levels, whereas public expend-
iture over GDP is strongly countercyclical; finally, unemployment is strongly countercyclical. The pro-cyclical
character of consumption, exports, and public expenditure is not surprising, since the former two are direct compo-
nents of real GDP, while public expenditure increases the available income of households, and thus aggregate de-
mand and real GDP. Similarly, the positive correlation of imports is not surprising because increments of real GDP
generally increase the demand for both nontradables and tradables, and thus imports. However, in the two-country
case, the fact that domestic firms account for a significant share of the market for tradables tend to dampen the im-
pact of real GDP increments on imports. This possibly explains the nonsignificance of the correlation of imports with
current output in this case. Finally, the positive correlation of G and the countercyclical character of G/GDP imply
that government expenditure increases with GDP, but less than proportionally.
Figures in Panel 6 and 7 also highlight that our results are consistent with other two important empirical regular-
ities observed in international trade data: inflation in nontradable goods is higher than in tradables, whereas labor
productivity growth in nontradables is lower than in tradables (De Gregorio et al., 1993; Bernard and Jensen, 1999;
Bernard et al., 2003, 2007). In our model, prices in the tradable sector tend to be lower first of all as a consequence
of the greater competitive pressure faced by tradable firms, which are compelled to face more competitors on the
international common market for tradables. For the same reason, international spillovers in the tradable sector tend

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20 A. Caiani et al.


CCF c and y CCF c and y CCF c and y








−20 −10 0 10 20 −20 −10 0 10 20 −20 −10 0 10 20

CCF x and y CCF x and y CCF x and y










−20 −10 0 10 20 −20 −10 0 10 20 −20 −10 0 10 20

CCF m and y CCF m and y CCF m and y







−20 −10 0 10 20 −20 −10 0 10 20 −20 −10 0 10 20

Figure 3. Simulated data average cross correlations of aggregate consumption (c), export (x), and import (m) with real GDP
(y), computed from 25 Monte Carlo simulation runs.

to be greater than national spillovers in nontradable industries, providing a possible explanation for the enhanced
productivity dynamics in the tradable sector. In turn, since higher productivity levels imply lower unit costs of pro-
duction in the tradable sector, this concurs to keep prices of tradables lower.
Figure 5 provides the log-log plot of firm and bank size distribution with the log-normal (green line) and Pareto
(red) fits of the upper tails: firms and banks significantly differ with respect to their size, and their size distributions is
right skewed and display excess kurtosis and fat tails under all scenarios. Tests based on Clauset et al. (2009) show
that both the power law and log-normal hypothesis on the shape of the right tails are plausible, though the former is
to be preferred according to Vuong’s likelihood ratio test, in line with the empirical evidence in the wake of Gibrat’s
contribution (Stanley et al., 1995).18
Finally, figures in Panel 6 also show that in all scenarios countries may significantly and persistently diverge in
terms of real GDP and productivity levels, as observed in reality. In these simulations, some countries achieve a suffi-
ciently high competitive advantage thanks to R&D and tend to keep it over the simulation, whereas some others are
affected by persistent technological gaps, though the magnitude of these differences may widen or shrink over the
simulation time span.
The dynamics of technological change in different countries is crucial to understand the evolution of the system.
Figures 6–8 allow to get a first general idea about the interactions between technological change and several other
important processes undergoing in the real and financial sphere of the economy.
In the firms’ perspective, an increase in productivity allows firms to produce more goods at a lower cost of pro-
duction, thereby improving their competitiveness on the national (nontradable) or international (tradable) markets:
more productive firms can sell their output at a lower price without eroding their profit margin. The two bottom lines

18 For a description of the procedure and a brief overview of the main findings of the empirical literature on firm size dis-
tribution, see Caiani et al. (2016).

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Effects of fiscal targets in a monetary union 21


CCF g and y CCF g and y CCF g and y










−20 −10 0 10 20 −20 −10 0 10 20 −20 −10 0 10 20

CCF g/y and y CCF g/y and y CCF g/y and y







−20 −10 0 10 20 −20 −10 0 10 20 −20 −10 0 10 20

CCF u and y CCF u and y CCF u and y








−20 −10 0 10 20 −20 −10 0 10 20 −20 −10 0 10 20

Figure 4. Simulated data average cross correlations of public expenditure (g), public expenditure over GDP (g/y), and unemploy-
ment (m) with real GDP (y), computed from 25 Monte Carlo simulation runs.

of Panel 7 show that countries characterized by higher levels of productivity tend to have also lower price levels.
Therefore, more productive firms are able to attract more consumers, increasing sales and revenues. The consequent
increase of their sales expectations induces an output expansion, possibly to an extent which increases their demand
for labor, despite the labor-saving effect of technological change. As long as their increasing output finds an outlet on
the market, they make higher profits, they are relatively less financially constrained, and they invest more on R&D.
Higher R&D investments in turn enhance further their probability of achieving innovations, thereby widening the
productivity advantage over competitors. This is the multiplicative engine which tends to foster firms’ productivity
However, this process can be hindered by several counterforces: first, rising sales can induce firms to increase pri-
ces to an excessive extent eroding their price competitiveness; second, sectoral spillovers can allow firms suffering a
productivity gap to catch up; finally, the economic conjuncture plays an important role in determining whether the
advantages of an innovation are quickly reabsorbed or translate into a durable competitive advantage. When demand
is growing firms suffering a productivity gap have greater chances to find an outlet for their production despite their
competitive disadvantage thus keeping enough resources to invest in R&D, possibly catching up with leading firms.
On the contrary, economic downturns tend to exacerbate the Schumpeterian selection mechanism of firms, since less
productive firms tend to suffer more from the fall in aggregate demand, having less room to adapt prices. While their
need for external finance to fund production and R&D investment is likely to increase, the fall in revenues, negatively
impacting on their net worth, reduces banks’ willingness to satisfy their requests. Eventually, less productive firms re-
duce or even abstain from investing in R&D, thus becoming doomed to failure. However, also leading firms may go
into troubles during downturns if, for example, they have excessively increased their production and borrowed too
much during the previous upward phase of the cycle.
In the countries’ perspective, an increase in productivity obviously tends to exert direct labor-saving effects for
given values of output. However, unemployment may remain stable, or even decrease if aggregate demand grows,

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22 A. Caiani et al.


Firm Size Distribution Firm Size Distribution Firm Size Distribution







18000 20000 22000 24000 26000 9000 10000 11000 12000 7500 8000 8500

Bank Size Distribution Bank Size Distribution Bank Size Distribution








18000 20000 22000 24000 26000 9000 10000 11000 12000 7500 8000 8500

Figure 5. Firm and Bank size distributions. The figure also displays the log-normal (green) and power law (red) fits of the right tails
of the sample distributions. Colour figures available in the online version.


y y y





0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Productivity Tradable Productivity Tradable Productivity Tradable








0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Productivity Not−Tradable Productivity Not−Tradable Productivity Not−Tradable








0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Figure 6. Country dynamics of real GDP (y) and average productivity in the tradable and nontradable sectors. Colour figures avail-
able in the online version.

inducing firms to expand their production. On the domestic markets for nontradables more innovative and product-
ive firms tend to increase their market share at the expense of less productive competitors. Much of the net effect of
technological change on total labor demand thus depends on whether the positive effect caused by the rising output
of more productive firms, or the negative effect due to the shrinking output of less productive ones, is dominating.
If we consider the common market for tradable goods on the contrary, innovations achieved by a country are
more likely to exert a positive effect on its employment levels. Indeed, higher productivity levels translate into greater
international competitiveness, possibly enhancing exports and the GDP of the country. The raise of output thus tends
to sterilize the labor-saving effect of technological change, preventing unemployment from rising and wages from
declining (or slowing down). As a consequence, also demand for nontradables can possibly grow, leading to further
improvements of employment and output dynamics.
Achieving a competitive advantage thanks to innovation can trigger an expansion phase in the country. The
enhanced GDP dynamics, in turn, may increase tax revenues and reduce public deficits, so that the government may
consider to cut tax rates and increase public spending, further boosting GDP growth. In addition, since default rates
tend to be lower and profit margins greater and more stable, households’ investment in equity increases: new firms
are created leading to further increases of employment and output, though their entrance may also exacerbate the

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Effects of fiscal targets in a monetary union 23


Unemployment Unemployment Unemployment

0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35



0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Price Tradable Price Tradable Price Tradable




0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Price Not−Tradable Price Not−Tradable Price Not−Tradable


0 100


0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Figure 7. Country dynamics of unemployment and average price in the tradable and nontradable sectors.


Debt/Y Debt/Y Debt/Y







0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000







0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Net Foreign Asset Position/Y Net Foreign Asset Position/Y Net Foreign Asset Position/Y
0.0 0.1 0.2




0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Figure 8. Country dynamics of debt over GDP (Debt/GDP), Current Account over GDP (CA/Y), and Net Foreign Asset Position over
GDP. Colour figures available in the online version.

competitive pressure on incumbent firms in the following periods, in particular on less productive ones. Finally, as
long as productivity, wages, and prices are such to give the country a competitive advantage, the ensuing current ac-
count surplus causes a net inflow of financial resources, improving the net lending position of the country.
This explains how differentiation between countries endogenously arises in the model. However, these tendencies
may be dampened and partially reverted by several counterforces. First, rising output in countries experiencing a
competitive advantage may counteract the reduction of unit costs of production in the measure in which firms, in re-
sponse to the increase of their sales, decide to rise prices.19
In addition, if the rise of output is such to reduce unemployment, workers’ bargaining power increases, pushing
up wages. On the one hand, this tends to increase aggregate demand and output levels further. However, if the faster
growth of wages is not offset by further increases in productivity levels, unit costs raise as well. This either narrows

19 The opposite adjustment process generally takes place in countries experiencing a drop in exports, though their ability
to reduce prices is constrained by the high unitary costs of production. This possibly explains why price differentials
tend to remain positive also in the long run, as Figure 7 displays.

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24 A. Caiani et al.

firms’ profit margins or lead to an increase of prices, eroding the country price competitiveness on the tradable
Finally, the rise of households’ disposable income in countries having a competitive advantage increases imports
of tradable goods from abroad, partly compensating for the higher exports. This not only impacts directly on the
country Current Account but also indirectly on the country intenrational competitiveness, since imports from foreign
firms will possibly allow them to fund more investment in R&D.
Since the long-run dynamics of the model emerges from the chain of successive short-run cycles, each one building
on the previous one, the long-term system dynamics and the observed degree of convergence or divergence across
countries can be seen as the path-dependent output of these conflicting forces.
Figures 6 and 7 show that in the long run, countries with higher productivity levels tend to be characterized by
higher real GDP and lower inflation, whereas unemployment levels are quite similar. Plots also show that there is a
tight relationship between productivity and GDP levels in the long run. On the contrary, even though more product-
ive countries tend to have, on average, also more solid public finance, countries with higher Debt/GDP ratios can
sometimes outperform countries with lower public debt levels. Similarly, though countries benefiting from a product-
ivity advantage tend on average to have a better international position, this does not necessarily imply that their
Current Account will always be in surplus nor that they will always be net lenders (bottom line in Panel 8).
Finally, there is a clear inverse relationship between the public debt and the net foreign asset position of countries
(top and bottom lines of Panel 8, respectively). In Section 3.2 we will discuss in details the relationship between fiscal
and trade balances.

3.2 Policy experiments on fiscal targets

To assess the impact of a change in the fiscal targets that governments are committed to comply, we run six experi-
ments assuming a change in the value of dmax, which was originally set at 0.03, occurring at period 500. More pre-
cisely, we test the following values of the parameter: dmax ¼ f0:0; 0:01; 0:02; 0:025; 0:035; 0:04g. The first four
scenarios, implying a fiscal policy contraction, correspond to the “austerity” case, whereas the other two correspond
to a fiscal expansion. In particular, the first scenario corresponds to the “balanced budget” provision of the Fiscal
Compact. It must be stressed that, since actual public deficits can be computed only after public spending and tax
payments have taken place, actual deficits may be temporarily higher than dmax, so that this latter should be inter-
preted as a fiscal target rather than as an inviolable upper bound. In addition, given governments’ behavioral rules
specified in Section 2.1.5, tax rates and public spending are progressively revised in an adaptive way.
The panel of Figures 9 displays the impact of the fiscal regime switch on a selection of key macroeconomic
aggregates in the 2 (left), 6 (center) and 10-country (right) cases. Values plotted are the Monte Carlo means of the
across-country averages under the baseline case (black line) and the other six policy scenarios. Dotted lines are the
across-runs standard deviations of mean values. The plots in the first two lines show that all scenarios characterized
by a permanent fiscal restriction generate a significant drop of both real GDP and real productivity levels, associated
with remarkable increases of unemployment rates. Expansionary policies instead tend to increase both real GDP and
real productivity levels, though the improvement in the two-country case is almost negligible. Furthermore, perman-
ent expansionary changes in fiscal targets always allow to reduce unemployment.
If we look at the dynamics of nominal variables, there is a tight positive relationship between fiscal targets and
the dynamics of prices: fiscal contractions are associated to very low levels of inflation, which is almost 0 in the two
most restrictive cases. Vice-versa, a permanent increase of dmax generates higher levels of inflation.
Finally the dynamics of the debt-GDP ratio across scenarios is particularly interesting, revealing a nonlinear rela-
tionship with fiscal targets. While increases of dmax seem to be connected with greater public debt ratios in the two
expansionary cases analyzed, the impact of restriction policies is less trivial. Results highlight that in the two-country
case fiscal contractions are able to effectively reduce the burden of public debt both in the medium and long run:
average public debt-to-GDP ratios are indeed lower in all the austerity scenarios considered. However, strong fiscal
contractions tend to be more effective in the short–medium run, but less effective in the long run compared to milder
contractions, the levels of debt/GDP ending up to be lower in the dmax ¼ f0:025; 0:02g cases than in the
dmax ¼ f0:01; 0:0g scenarios. In fact, in the long run the depressing effect on GDP levels partially compensates for
the reduction of nominal public debt, so that the efficacy of strong and permanent reductions of fiscal targets in
abating the debt burden is significantly dampened. This effect is exacerbated in the 6 and 10-country cases: the plots

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Effects of fiscal targets in a monetary union 25


y y y

10000 14000
Policy Policy Policy


b0.03 b0.03 b0.03
a0.025 a0.025 a0.025
a0.02 a0.02 a0.02
a0.01 a0.01 a0.01
a0.0 a0.0 a0.0


e0.035 e0.035
e0.04 e0.04 e0.04


300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Productivity Productivity Productivity

10 15 20 25 30



5 10

5 10

300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Unemployment Unemployment Unemployment




300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Debt/Y Debt/Y Debt/Y








300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000





300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Figure 9. Effects of different fiscal targets on real GDP (y), average productivity, unemployment, debt over GDP (Debt/Y), and aver-
age prices (P). The black line corresponds to the simulation baseline specification with d max ¼ 0:03, the red one to d max ¼ 0:025,
the green to d max ¼ 0:02, the blue to d max ¼ 0:01, the light blue to d max ¼ 0:0, the violet to d max ¼ 0:035, and the yellow to
d max ¼ 0:04. The policy change occurs at period 500. Lines are average values from 25 Monte Carlo runs. Colour figures available
in the online version.

referring to these scenarios show that all austerity policies are effective only in the short–medium run, while being
self-defeating in the long run. Debt-GDP ratios end up to be higher in these scenarios than in the baseline: in the most
restrictive cases, debt-GDP ratios end up to be comparable to those obtained in the first expansionary case.
An initial raise in taxes (or a cut in spending), possibly occurring in more than one country as a consequence of
the tighter fiscal targets, reduces the disposable income available for consumption, triggering a reduction in aggregate
demand for domestic and foreign goods. The reduction of dmax, however, exerts another important effect: during re-
cessions, when deficit-GDP ratios tend to raise as a consequence of the fall in GDP, tax rates increase, and public
spending cuts become more likely than in the baseline scenario, thereby exacerbating the ongoing recessionary dy-
namics. As a consequence, an initial increase of unemployment and default rates is now more likely to lead to an in-
crease of tax rates, which tends to further depress demand, employment, wages, and prices. This in turn increases
default rates. If the fall of taxable income and profits is very pronounced, the ensuing drop of tax revenues will likely
increase deficit-GDP ratios further even if tax rates are raising and public spending is constant or decreasing. Fiscal
policy becomes very pro-cyclical during recessions, since an initial drop of GDP induces further fiscal contractions,
which eventually depress the economy further. However, a point will be reached when the slowdown of inflation (or
deflation in extreme cases) caused by the recession will be such to stop the fall of workers’ real disposable income,
allowing firms to unload the stock of inventories accumulated during the recession, thereby improving their expect-
ations, and making a recovery possible.
Wages and prices adjustments have two other important consequences: first, they reduce unit costs of production.
This gives tradable firms more room to maneuver in reducing prices in response to the drop of their sales. Second, as
a country disposable income declines, also its imports start falling. Even though these two adjustment processes can
contribute to revert the recession in a single country, they can be effective only in the measure in which they reduce
the country’s demand for tradables and increase domestic firms’ market share on the tradable market, at the expense

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26 A. Caiani et al.







0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000


5000 10000


0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000



5000 10000


0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Figure 10. Country real GDP dynamics under different fiscal target scenarios: austerity d max ¼ 0:02, baseline d max ¼ 0:03, and ex-
pansion d max ¼ 0:04. The policy change occurs at period 500. Top line: two-country case. Center line: six-country case. Bottom
line: 10-country case. Colour figures available in the online version.

of other countries. In other words these two latter effects can help to trigger a recovery in a country only in the meas-
ure in which they contribute to jeopardize other countries. Obviously the dimension of this effect is narrow when
international trade is small compared to domestic markets, as it happens in the two-country case, or if only one coun-
try finds itself in the situation depicted above. But when instead the size of the tradable market is greater and all
countries follow a fiscal rule which tends to be more pro-cyclical during recession, this contagion channel becomes
prominent, amplifying the recessionary effects of fiscal contractions through negative feedbacks between member
countries, as observed in the 6 and 10-country scenarios of Panel 9.
All in all, the stricter fiscal goal does not only trigger a contraction of GDP but also tends to increase the instabil-
ity of the system amplifying fluctuations of real GDP, unemployment, and nominal variables both in the short and
long run, as one can observe in Figure 10. In these cases austerity tends to be self-defeating. On the contrary, fiscal
expansions tend to reduce the volatility of main economic aggregates, so that the process of development proceeds
along a smoother trajectory.
We also noticed that, when the Monetary Union is bigger, encompassing a higher number of countries, the regime
switch does not impact on them in the same way. To perform such an analysis we divide countries into two groups:
countries with a level of real GDP higher than the median level and countries with a lower real GDP at the period
when the permanent policy change occurs (i.e., period 500). For space and explanatory reasons we present the case
of the fiscal contraction with dmax ¼ 0:02 and the case of a fiscal expansion with dmax ¼ 0:04. The effects discussed
for these two scenarios are reinforced under more extreme cases. Even though real GDP and productivity differentials
do not seem to be significantly different across scenarios, at least on average, the increase of debt-to-GDP levels
observed in the austerity case is largely related to a remarkable increase of the average debt-GDP ratio in poorer-less
productive countries, whereas it remains almost stable in richer ones. In low-income countries, the increase of
the public debt burden is accompanied by a deterioration of their net foreign asset position, as shown in Figures 12
and 13.
Indeed, as discussed above higher-income levels are associated with higher average productivity levels. Although
wages may vary in a way that tends to mitigate unit costs (w=/) differences between tradable firms of high- and low-
income countries, their dynamics is largely affected also by what happens in domestic markets. As a consequence,
Figures 11–13 display that under all cases, unit costs of production tend to be higher in less productive countries than
in more productive ones. Therefore, tradable firms in poorer countries have lower profit margins and less room to
manouvre when setting prices compared to their competitors in rich countries. Less productive tradable firms are
thus less equipped to face recessions, when firms tend to lower prices to recover sales. Default rates turn out to be
higher in less productive countries where tradable firms either see their profit margin rapidly evaporating, when
forced to reduce prices, or experience a dramatic drop of sales if their price has already hit the unit cost lower bound.

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Effects of fiscal targets in a monetary union 27

Income group AUSTERITY d=0.02 Income group BASELINE d=0.03 Income group EXPANSION d=0.04
High Low y High Low y High Low y

5000 10000

5000 10000

5000 10000
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Debt/Y Debt/Y Debt/Y







300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Net Foreign Asset Position/Y Net Foreign Asset Position/Y Net Foreign Asset Position/Y






300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Wage/Productivity Wage/Productivity Wage/Productivity







300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Figure 11. Two-country case—high- vs. low-income countries: the green lines correspond to average values for high-income coun-
tries, and blue lines are averages of low-income countries. In the baseline d max ¼ 0:03 for the whole simulation time span, in the
austerity case d max ¼ 0:02 after period 500, and in the expansionary case d max ¼ 0:04 after period 500. Figures display the results
for real GDP (y), debt over GDP (Debt/Y), Net Foreign Asset Position over GDP, and average nominal wages over average product-
ivity (Wage/Productivity). Average values are computed from 25 Monte Carlo runs. Colour figures available in the online version.

Income group AUSTERITY d=0.02 Income group BASELINE d=0.03 Income group EXPANSION d=0.04
High Low y High Low y High Low y
5000 10000

5000 10000

5000 10000

300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Debt/Y Debt/Y Debt/Y








300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Net Foreign Asset Position/Y Net Foreign Asset Position/Y Net Foreign Asset Position/Y







300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Wage/Productivity Wage/Productivity Wage/Productivity








300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Figure 12. Six-country case —high- vs. low-income countries: the green lines correspond to average values for high-income coun-
tries, and blue lines are averages of low-income countries. In the baseline d max ¼ 0:03 for the whole simulation time span, in the
austerity case d max ¼ 0:02 after period 500, and in the expansionary case d max ¼ 0:04 after period 500. Figures display the results
for real GDP (y), debt over GDP (Debt/Y), Net Foreign Asset Position over GDP, and average nominal wages over average
Productivity (Wage/Productivity). Average values are computed from 25 Monte Carlo runs. Colour figures available in the online

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on 09 April 2018
28 A. Caiani et al.

Income group AUSTERITY d=0.02 Income group BASELINE d=0.03 Income group EXPANSION d=0.04
High Low y High Low y High Low y

5000 10000

5000 10000

5000 10000
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Debt/Y Debt/Y Debt/Y







300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Net Foreign Asset Position/Y Net Foreign Asset Position/Y Net Foreign Asset Position/Y






300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Wage/Productivity Wage/Productivity Wage/Productivity







300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Figure 13. Ten-country case—high- vs. low-income countries: the green lines correspond to average values for high-income coun-
tries, and blue lines are averages of low-income countries. In the baseline d max ¼ 0:03 for the whole simulation time span, in the
austerity case d max ¼ 0:02 after period 500, and in the expansionary case d max ¼ 0:04 after period 500. Figures display the results
for real GDP (y), debt over GDP (Debt/Y), Net Foreign Asset Position over GDP, and average nominal wages over average product-
ivity (Wage/Productivity). Average values are computed from 25 Monte Carlo runs. Colour figures available in the online version.

In this latter case, firms must wait for wages to fall due to rising unemployment before being able to recover some
competitiveness, thereby being more exposed to defaults.
In the recessionary and volatile context triggered by the austerity turn in fiscal policy, less productive tradable
firms will thus be more fragile and less flexible in adjusting prices. This implies that poorer-less productive country
has more difficulties and need more time to adapt during recessions, experiencing on average deeper and more fre-
quent current account deficits compared to the baseline scenario. These deficits then translate into a reduction of tax
revenues, culminating in higher public deficits and explaining the raise of debt-GDP levels, which is associated with
the worsening of the net foreign asset position in poor countries relative to richer ones.

4. Conclusions
The article presents an Agent-Based Stock Flow Consistent Multi-Country model of a Monetary Union. Besides the
possibility of running simulations with a variable number of countries, which is per se a major novelty in the AB
macroeconomic literature, the model displays several other important features. In particular, we adopt an SFC frame-
work (Godley and Lavoie, 2007) on the top of the AB structure, along the line traced by Caiani et al. (2016, 2018),
to ensure the accounting consistency of the model and to provide a fully integrated representation of the real and fi-
nancial sides of the economic system depicted. In this respect, we also present an innovative procedure to initialize
stocks and flows in an SFC manner, where initial injections of money through public spending allow households to
create firms and banks, thus letting the economy to emerge from 0 in a “generative” perspective. The model features
endogenous technological change in an evolutionary flavor, following the long-lasting tradition on the wake of the
seminal contribution of Nelson and Winter (1977, 1982). Innovation dynamics plays a crucial role, allowing firms
and countries to differentiate from each other, and concurring with aggregate demand and international trade to steer
the economic dynamics in the short and long run. Finally, the endogenization of the entry–exit process of firms, de-
pending on households’ equity investment decisions, is another important add-on to the current AB macroeconomic
After a preliminary validation, the model was employed to assess the effect of a change in the fiscal regime of
member countries, modeled as a permanent variation of the maximum deficit-to-GDP ratio allowed. Each policy

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Effects of fiscal targets in a monetary union 29

experiment was performed under three scenarios, differentiated for the number of countries belonging to the
Monetary Union. In this way, we were able to asses how the dimension of the Monetary Union, and in particular the
dimension of the common market for tradables, affects the efficacy of the policies tested.
Policy experiments show that fiscal expansions tend to improve the dynamics of real GDP, labor productivity,
and employment, though being generally associated to higher levels of public debt and higher levels of inflation. On
the contrary, permanent fiscal contractions have strong recessionary effects which attenuate their efficacy in reducing
public debt-GDP ratios in the long run. When the Monetary Union encompasses a higher number of countries, and
international trade between member countries is more prominent, permanent fiscal contractions are self-defeating in
the medium and long run, as public debt ends up being higher than in the baseline. Public debt increases in poorer
and less productive countries mirrored by a corresponding deterioration of their net foreign asset position, suggesting
that permanent fiscal contraction exert an asymmetric impact on more and less productive countries. Finally, fiscal
contractions tend to exacerbate the volatility of main economic aggregates both in the short and long run, whereas
fiscal expansions tend to dampen it.
Our assessment of the effects of different fiscal policies in the context of a Monetary Union characterized by
strong trade linkages is thus generally consistent with the conclusions of De Grauwe and Ji (2013), Hein et al. (2011)
Semieniuk et al. (2011), and Perez-Caldentey and Vernengo (2012), and with results obtained by Dosi et al. (2013,
2015), and Teglio et al. (2015) using similar modeling approaches: with respect to these works our results distinguish
themselves for the asymmetric impact of fiscal restrictions on high and low productivity countries, and for the scale-
dependent efficacy of fiscal austerity in the long run, depending on the size of the common market for tradables.
Our analysis is susceptible of being enlarged, deepened, and refined under many respects. First, while the present
work focused on the impact of permanent policy changes in the fiscal targets of all member countries, one may won-
der what would be the effects of fiscal consolidations implemented through temporary fiscal interventions, or
through state-contingent policies, or yet through asymmetric policies in different countries. In addition, the inter-
action between monetary and fiscal policies should be addressed as well. Finally, whereas in the current article we let
heterogeneity between firms and countries emerge endogenously starting from symmetric initial conditions, the
model can be calibrated using more realistic initial conditions where countries are differentiated under several im-
portant respects such as their dimension, productivity level, income, and public and private debt levels.
On the modeling side, the framework proposed can be largely improved on the financial side which at this stage
presents simplified matching procedures on the international credit and bond markets, and totally neglects the role of
foreign direct investments. As a consequence, most of the dynamics of international financial flows across countries
is determined by international trade (i.e., by the trade balance), whereas in reality autonomous international financial
transactions can be of topical importance as well.
Finally, given the crucial role played in the model by international trade and unit costs asymmetries between firms
and countries, also the possible interaction between fiscal policies and labor market regulation should be explored.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union, Seventh Framework Programme FP7, under
grant agreement FinMaP numver 612955.

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A. Baseline setup

Table A1. Parameters

K: Number of countries 2, 6, 10 l2: Minimal reserve requirement parameter 0.1

H: Number of households 500 il: Loan probability parameter 1.0
lS: Workers’ labor supply 1.0 v: Loan interest parameter 0.003
w: Matching parameter 10 ib: Bond probability parameter 0.1
t: Wage revision probability parameter 1.0 rre: Interest paid on banks’ reserves 0.0
w0: Initial wage 1.0 rb0 : Initial interest on bonds 0.001
u0 : Initial productivity 1.0 r: Taylor rule long run interest rate 0.0075
s0 : Initial tax rate 0.4 n: Taylor rule adjustment speed parameter 0.8
cy: Propensity to consume out of income 0.9 nDP : Taylor rule sensitivity to inflation 2
cD: Propensity to consume out of wealth 0.2 DP: Inflation target 0.005
d: Adaptive parameter 0.03 dmax: Maximum deficit-GDP ratio 0.03
cT: Share of tradable 0.4 taumin: Minimum tax rate 0.35
b: Hotelling circle parameter 2.0 taumax: Maximum tax rate 0.45
k: Liquidity preference parameter 0.2 gmin: Minimum G/GDP 0.4
h: Share of sales as inventories 0.2 gmax: Maximum G/GDP 0.6
c: R&D expenditure parameter 0.03 g: Banks–firms minimum proportion 0.03
: R&D success probability parameter 1.5 -: Minimum investment threshold parameter 0.1
q: Share of profits distributed 0.95 A0: First firms’ initial net worth 10.0
f: Deposit interest–discount rate ratio 0.1 r: Banks’ minimum dimension relative to firms 4
l1: Total credit supply parameter 20

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