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Ryan Watkins

EDSC 304

Assessment Plan
Entry-Level Formative Summative
KWL Chart- Gauge
the prior knowledge
students have on U.S.
Venn Diagram-
Comparing Foreign
Policy of the 20th
century to today.
Small-Group Work-
Students will be
divided into groups
and given readings to
share and discuss
before writing down
their individual
thoughts to share.
Insert Method-
Students answer a
questionnaire using
their own thoughts.
Flash Cards- Students
will make flash cards
detailing key terms,
Essay- Comparing the
knowledge they
learned today and
their sentiments on it
Presentation- thoughts
and understanding of
evolution of U.S.

The assessment plan begins with a KWL chart that will gauge how well students

understand the subject of U.S. Imperialism by stating what they know, what they want to know

and what they will learn. This will by a number of formative assessment techniques such as a

Venn Diagram that will have students comparing and contrasting that changes in foreign policy

between the 20th and 21st century. Students will then be placed in Small Groups to discuss the

provided readings, and will then write down their own notes on the readings to share with their

group and then the class. As well, a questionnaire will be provided for students to answer

questions relating to the material and their own thoughts on the subjects discussed during U.S.

Imperialism, such as annexation and policy. The last formative assessment technique will have

students create flash cards on Quizlet to illustrate their understanding of the content by citing key

terms and events relating to U.S. Imperialism. This will be useful in demonstrating their

understanding of the material in their own words. The summative portion of the assessment will

start as an essay that will ask students to demonstrate their knowledge on the material as well as

illustrating their opinions using the readings provided during the lesson. Will be asked to use

primary and secondary sources. The last summative assessment will come in the form of brief

presentations on their thoughts on U.S. Imperialism to illustrate their understanding of the

material. They will be allowed to use their essay to help them be concise in their discussion of

the content.
Examples of Formative and Summative Assessments

Quizlet Flash Cards

U.S. Imperialism Essay Rubric

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