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Evaluation of patients is necessary in order for patients to receive quality care.

This process begins to take place from the moment the dental hygienist and patient first

meet and can include how they look, act, and communicate with us. A patients vital

signs, health history, and dental history give us further insight in the evaluation process.

Patient evaluation should continue though out all aspects of the appointment. An

effective hygienist should pay close attention to this and provide treatment accordingly.

I have included in this section a grade sheet from a 17-year-old patient with

gingivitis that I treated. I could sense from the moment I met him and he sat down in my

chair that he was nervous and had dental anxiety. While probing, I noticed this patient

had his waist turned, was gripping the arm rest of his chair, and was anticipating pain

before I inserted the probe into the sulcus of his gingiva. I was able to talk with him about

his anxiety, ensure him that he was receiving quality care, and encouraged him to let me

know if any part of the procedure was uncomfortable. This helped alleviate some of his

dental anxiety and assured him that he was receiving quality and companionate care.

With the use of Oraqix topical anesthetic, I was able to effectively remove the calculus

and deposit for his treatment. Additionally, I was able to relate his gingival sensitivity to

his bulbous, red, and inflamed gum tissue due to gingivitis. I taught him the techniques

necessary to reduce his gingivitis and help return his mouth to a healthy state.

Probing is a necessary part of evaluating a patient’s gingival health.

Through the use of probing measurements and radiographs, we establish our patients’

periodontal status. For this reason, I have included a probing proficiency. Blood pressure

is an evaluative procedure that helps identify a patient’s health status for safely receiving

dental treatment and reducing the risk of patient complications during the processes of
care. For this reason, I have included my blood pressure proficiency from Health Skills.

My special needs treatment plan shows the evaluative measures I made on a patient with

anxiety and depression. I will continue to assess my patients throughout all aspects of

dental care in order to ensure they are receiving quality, compassionate, and attentive


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