Abrahams John - Lesson Plan Template-1

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Planning Instruction in Music

Classroom Music Lesson Plan

Title of Lesson: Genres

Teacher’s Name: Allison Rummel and Felicia Villa

Grade Level: 6th Grade

Learning Goals

What Learners will . . .

Be able to do (behavioral): Students will be able to correctly identify what genre a song
is in, by holding up the correct genre card

Understand (cognitive): Students will be able to identify the 5 different Types of Genres
in Music.

Encounter (experiential): Students will be able to listen to modern examples of the

genres and relate them back to "typical' examples of each genre.


Question In what ways:

1. In what ways is (genre name) different from (genre name)?
2. In what ways does this genre relate to your life?

Powerpoint with examples of each genre
Worksheet for students to fill in
Cards with genre's listed on them - **have enough for the whole class**

Classroom Music Lesson Plans

NJ Standards
1.4.P.A.2, 1.4.P.A.4, 1.4.P.A.6, 1.4.2.A.4, 1.4.5.A.1, 1.2.2.A.2, 1.3.2.A.2


Formative Each student will have 5 cards that correspond with each of the Genres, and a
worksheet with their handwritten notes. After giving a musical example of one of the genres
students will be asked to hold up the matching card. If a student doesn't give the correct
answer they will be able to look at their worksheet to help guide them. Students will be able
to lean new content and connect it to what they already know/familiar with.

Summative 10 minutes before class is over students will all line up and, as music is playing,
they will be asked to sort desctriptions/ definitions/ examples in the right colum. If a student
doesn't get the right answer the class will help them figure out what the answer is through
what they learned.

Integrative At the end of class students will be asked to write down two songs that connect
to one of the genres they know.


Partner: (Honor their world by beginning with an experience students bring to the
classroom. Include time for students to collaborate and respond through sharing and

In the begining and end of class students will have the opportunity to collaborate with eachother
and see their own growth by the end of class.

Present: (Sequence the lesson steps. Take the learning from their world to the world of the
classroom. Present the information and allow time for students to practice and respond.
Engage critical thinking, problem posing, and problem solving.)

1. Set up classroom
2. As students walk into the classroom the question "What genres of music can you name?" (3
minutes to answer)
3. "Take the next few minutes to share your answers with the person sitting next to you and
explain what makes it sound like that genre?" (2 min)
4. Relate their answers to slide 1 of powerpoint. (7 min)
a. Classical
-provide listening examples
b. Activity- How the Lion King was inspired by Classical Music
5. Slide 2 (7 min)
a. Jazz
b. Activity- Introduce Song and students will make up a movenemnt for each instrument.
Once students identify their part students will "join in on the song" on their part.

6. Guess that Genre Game (5 min)

7. Slide 3
a.Musical Theater (5 min)
b. Who likes rap? Musical theater has rap in it.
-play Shot- from Hamilton
8. Slide 4 (7min)
a. rock
9. Guess that Genre (5 min)

10. Guess that Genre lighting round (2 min)

11. Closing Activity (5-9min)

Personalize: (Make the learning personal to the students. Provide opportunities for
students to create and be musicians. Encourage original thinking and innovation.)

Students will create their own version of what an instrument sounds like/ looks like. Using their
auditory skills they will identify songs that they hear on the radio and how it relates to them.

Perform: (Communicate and share the new learning as students perform through concert
presentation, demonstration, or exhibition.)
At the end of class students will "perform" their knowledge by being able to differentiate between all of the genres
by sorting key words into the correct spot.

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