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New software under development

Reducing Fabrication
Errors in Steel Bridges
By Kim Roddis and Zhong Liu

F abrication errors in steel

bridges need to be recognized and

Rule base
Browse Solutions

Case base

New error input

Find Solutions

MESS for rule-based search SCBR for case-based search


corrected properly and efficiently. To

arrive at the best possible solutions, Rule base Case base

engineers need not only knowledge

of material and fabrication specifica- Figure 1: FIXS Program Structure
tions, but also experience and good
understanding of practical limitations
faced by fabricators.
At the University of Kansas, we Tolerance Drilling &
Cutting Lamination Others

are collecting cases and advice and

making it available by computer. The Mislocated Hole Misshaped Hole Nicks & Gouges Surface Welding

software, Fabrication error Indexed Edge Distance Partially Drilled Hole Internal Coating
eXamples and Solutions (FIXS), is a End Distance Missized Hole Edge
knowledge-based system to provide Mislocated Member
quick, possible solutions to fabrica-
Miscut Member
tion errors suitable for use by multi-
Misattached Member
ple DOTs. The sharable database can
Mislaligned Member
lead to standardized solution proce-
dures that would expedite bridge fab- Stress Fracture

rication and would be expected to Figure 2: Structure of FIXS Knowledge Base

reduce fabrication costs.
The first attempt at a knowledge-
based system for fabrication errors, systems. The user interface provides library of solved cases.
called Bridge Fabrication error solu- access to various tools as shown in
tion eXpert system (BFX), used a figure 1. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
rule-approach. To overcome the The Preferences module allows The development of FIXS
rule-based expert system’s restric- the user to set such default values as required software tools that would
tions, a case–based approach CB- maximum number of cases to return allow construction of a collection of
BFX was investigated. The initial ver- and lowest case similarity to return. rules, a library of cases, mechanisms
sion of FIXS combined the rule and The module Help gives access to the for searching through the rules and
case approaches. The current version user manual containing directions on cases to recommend solutions, ways
of FIXS has improved the knowledge how to use the software. The to explain how the solutions were
level of the system, to provide solu- Tutorial tool provides generic solu- found, and a user-friendly interface.
tions and examples to steel bridge tions and advice for detailing with
fabrication errors with detailed the most common types of fabrica- In FIXS, the rule–based approach
graphical and instructive information tion errors. Browse Solutions pro- and case-based approach are execut-
as well as enhanced explanations vides access to the complete rule and ed one after the other using the same
using both rule-based and case-based case bases grouped by the categories input data. The rule and case
reasoning. of errors. Find Solutions is the cen- answers are presented to the user
tral tool that matches the user’s together. The user interface provides
DESCRIPTION OF FIXS description of a new error against the use of an explanation facility, so the
rule and case bases to find not only user may see a trace of the rule chain
The current version of FIXS exe- and the case similarities that lead to
cutes on Windows based operating solutions recommended by the rules
but also similar errors from the the answers provided.
gories is further divided into specific
Knowledge Distribution error types giving a taxonomy of
common errors as shown in Figure 2.
Rule Solutions Case Solutions The number of solutions for each
error type is given in the bargraph of
40 Figure 3 to illustrate the distribution
35 of the FIXS knowledge base.
30 Approximately 350 rules are used

25 to search for rule solutions. FIXS

20 uses a goal-driven search where the
15 repair solutions are tested to see if
the rule attributes/features associated
with the repair have been satisfied so
the repair solution can be triggered.
0 This is basically a matching proce-







Nicks &

dure where the applicable rules are
selected from the rule base and used
to construct a chain of reasoning that
links the problem to the solution.
Error Type The rule approach succeeds in find-
ing a solution approximately two-
Figure 3: Distribution of FIXS Knowledge thirds of the time.
Each case in the case library con-
sists of header information, a feature
list, and a solution procedure. Case
matching in FIXS involves calculat-
ing and comparing the similarity of
cases. Similarity values are calculated
as the summation for similar features
divided by the summation for possi-
ble features. For numerical features
of each case, feature evaluations used
in case matching are based on speci-
fied ranges of similarity.
“Why” and “How” functions are
implemented to provide explanation
during a search for a particular solu-
tion. “Why” explains why a particu-
lar piece of information is being
requested by FIXS. “How” describes
how a rule is being retrieved to build
a reasoning chain. The Find
Solutions dialog box can provide
either a proof tree for finding a rule
Figure 4: Solution Results Dialog solution or a list of features required
to locate a case solution of given
error type. Rules and feature predi-
The knowledge about fabrication transferred to the knowledge base. cates are shown in a manner that is
errors and solutions has been gath- Currently the knowledge base con- readable by users by converting
ered from interviews with bridge tains 121 rule solutions and 149 case predicate names and values to short
engineers and fabricators, from fabri- solutions. These are divided into the descriptions.
cation shops, state inspectors’ field five categories of Tolerance, Drilling In the FIXS main window, three
notes, and bridge project documents. & Punching, Cutting, Lamination, main tools are available to locate
This information is then manually and Others. Each of the five cate- error solutions: Find Solutions,

Modern Steel Construction / April 2000

Figure 5: Tutorial Tool—Generic Solution

Figure 6: Case Description

Browse Solutions, and Tutorial. Find ener example. Find Solutions brings errors and solutions, collected from
Solutions uses MESS to find a rule up a series of dialog boxes request- multiple DOTs and fabricators as
chain leading to a solution and SCBR ing multiple items to describe the well as generalized from actual cases.
to retrieve similar cases from the case fabrication error being solved. Because these errors are common,
library. Results of this search are Browse Solution provides the user the tutorial information includes
ranked according to their similarity with a complete listing of all error sketches and instructive comments to
to the problem being solved. Figure 4 solutions for a giving error type. The assist in categorizing situations and
shows the Find Solutions Results Tutorial tool provides the user with a determining the best solution to offer
screen for a misplaced bearing stiff- set of categorized generic fabrication the fabricator. Figure 5 shows the

Modern Steel Construction / April 2000

Tutorial screen discussing mislocated for web implementation, porting of Kim Roddis is an associate profes-
bearing stiffeners. the existing FIXS software to run in sor and Zhong Liu is a graduate stu-
the web environment, and adding dent at the University of Kansas.
AN EXAMPLE USE OF FIXS necessary features to support a web
For more information on FIXS,
interface. Software enhancements
To illustrate the use of FIXS, let please contact: W. M. Kim Roddis,
need to be added to FIXS to readily
us take an example where an error Associate Professor, Department of
address the needs of multiple DOTs.
has occurred involving the misloca- Civil & Environmental Engineering,
The repair database needs to accom-
tion of a bearing stiffener. The user University of Kansas, 2008 Learned
modate information sharing while
begins a session with FIXS and first Hall, Lawrence, KS 66045 (ph: 785/
offering customization ability to suit
chooses to look at the Tutorial. The 864-3826; fax: 785/864-5631; email:
individual DOTs.
“stiffener” portion of the Tutorial; web: civil-
includes information on bearing stiff- To enhance the repair database,
eners, as shown in Figure 5. information will be gathered from
DOTs and fabricators. This will
The user next selects Find
include visits to fabrication plants,
Solutions and answers questions to
site trips, and consultation with
give FIXS a description of the specif-
bridge experts and targeted users. To
ic error. The rule-base and case-base
ease information gathering, a web
are used in turn. Then the search
submittal mechanism will be devel-
results are summarized by FIXS as
shown in Figure 4. In this example,
one rule solution and five case solu- In addition to the repair database
tions are found and listed in the itself, the project will produce a more
upper portion of Figure 4. Since the thorough tutorial introducing bridge
rule solution has been selected in engineers to issues necessary for
Figure 4, as can be seen by the black good resolution of fabrication error
shading, the lower portion of Figure situations. This tutorial will provide
4 shows the solution recommended not only recommendations of fixes to
from the rules. To see information on consider, but also examples of
the case in FIXS library that most actions to avoid.
closely matches the example error,
To ensure validity of information
the user clicks on the second line of
contained in FIXS, the knowledge
the upper portion of Figure 4. The
base contents will be submitted to
case description shown in Figure 6 is
National Steel Bridge Collaboration
then displayed.
membership for review and com-
ment. FIXS currently only reacts to
FUTURE OF FIXS an error after it occurs. Fabricators
FIXS has proven useful, but so far and DOTs would mutually benefit
has had only limited distribution. from a more proactive approach to
Work is currently under way on a prevent errors from occurring in the
version to make the results of the first place. The results of the devel-
previous FIXS project widely avail- opment and evaluation of the revised
able and to enhance the repair data- FIXS will be made available to
base. This work is being sponsored encourage changes in practice to
by eleven states (IL, KS, MI, MN, prevent the occurrence and ease the
MO, MT, NH, NV, PA, TX, WY). The resolution of common fabrication
funding is through a Federal errors.
Highway Administration pooled
Resolution of fabrication errors is
funds study with Kansas acting as the
just one example where similar prob-
lead state. The objective is to develop
lem situations are encountered on a
a version of FIXS that is easily avail-
semi-regular basis by a DOT organi-
able to multiple state DOTs. The
zation but infrequently by an individ-
anticipated delivery mechanism is
ual engineer. Feasibility of use of the
the World Wide Web. This includes
developed technology for other
selecting appropriate software tool,
applications in bridge engineering
will be investigated and reported on.

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