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Carroll County Times Friday, September 17, 2010, Page C7


‘The First Newspaper’ School Brief

Special education The workshop will cover
the following topics: defi-
workshop planned nition of special education
A Sort of Allegory, Part One The
room into portions, with
walls shrewdly placed The Partners for Success terms; Federal and state
laws; the special education
through its length and Center of Carroll County

“H ow likes it you, of Master Brenton Caxton. breadth, so that each that Public Schools will sponsor cycle; eligibility; individual-
Master Bren-
ton?” said the
“How can it do aught
else? ‘Tis a mad folly. Mark
First worketh shall sit as it were
in his own chamber and
a workshop for parents and
staff giving an overview of
ized education plans, IEP’s;
advocacy and parent in-
brawny journeyman, you, Master Brenton and there shall stand one at the the special education volvement in the IEP
spreading out the news
sheet on a smooth oaken
Master Nick, I have said it
from the first and let the
Newspaper door and whosoever
cometh, to whatever part
process from 5:30 to 7:30
p.m. Wednesday at Ebb Val-
process; and resources.
Light refreshments will be
table where it lay under blame be none of mine. of our task his business ap- ley Elementary School, 3100 served. To register, call
the light of a leaded win- ‘Tis a mad thing you do by pertains, he shall forthwith Swiper Road, Manchester, Cindy Senseney at 410-751-
dow. here. See then,” he went be brought to the room of room B133. 3955 by Monday.
“A marvellous fair sheet,” on, turning and waving his Stephen him that hath charge of it.
murmured Brenton Cax- hand, “this vast room, Cometh he with a madri-
ton, seventh of the name. these great presses, yonder Leacock gal or other light poesy
“Let me but adjust my
glasses and peruse it fur-
benches and tools, all new,
yonder vats of ink straight
that he would set out on
the press, he shall find one Volunteer Training
ther lest haply there be still out of Flanders, how think out on oaken chairs and that has charge of such
aught in it that smacks of you you can recover the wooden benches, were flat matters and can discern
cost of all this out of yon- boxes filled with leaden Training dates in Octo- ■ New Windsor Middle,
error.” their true value. Or, ber for school volunteers
der poor sheets?” type, freshly molten, and a 7 p.m. Oct. 12
“It needs not,” said the cometh he with news of are as follows:
journeyman.“ ‘Tis the Five and 40 years have I great pile of paper, larger aught that happens in the ■ Sandymount Elemen-
followed this mystery of than a man could lift, stood ■ Winters Mill High, tary, 6:30 p.m. Oct. 13
fourth time already from realm, so shall he be 6 p.m. Oct. 8
the press.” printing, ever since thy in a corner. brought instant to the ■ Taneytown Elemen-
grandfather’s day, Master The first English news- ■ William Winchester tary, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 13
“Nay, nay,” answered room of him that recordeth Elementary, 6 p.m. Oct. 11
Master Brenton softly, as Brenton, and never have I paper in history was going such events. ■ Liberty High, 9 a.m.
seen the like. What needed to press. Those who in ■ Oklahoma Road Mid- Oct. 15
he adjusted his great horn- Or, if so be, he would dle, 6:30 p.m. Oct. 11
rimmed spectacles and this great chamber when later ages, — editors, print- write a discourse on what ■ North Carroll Middle,
your grandfather and fa- ers, and workers — have ■ Carrolltowne Elemen-
bent his head over the seemeth him some wise 7 p.m. Oct. 18
ther were content with but participated in the same tary, 7 p.m. Oct. 11
broad damp news sheet conceit touching the public ■ Sykesville Middle,
a garret place, and yonder scene, can form some idea ■ Winf ield Elementary,
before him. “Let us grudge concerns, he shall find to 7 p.m. Oct. 19
no care in this. The ven- presses that can turn off of the hopes and fears, the 7 p.m. Oct. 11
his hand a convenient desk ■ Parr’s Ridge Elemen-
ture is a new one and, four score copies in the doubts and the difficulties, with ink and quills and all ■ Eldersburg Elemen-
compass of a single hour, with which the first news- tary, 6 p.m. Oct. 12 tary, 6:15 p.m. Oct. 21
meseems, a very parlous that he needeth to set it
— ‘Tis mad folly, I say.” paper was ushered into the ■ Piney Ridge Elemen- ■ Taneytown Elemen-
thing withal. ‘Tis a venture straightway on paper; thus
The moment was an in- world. tary, 6:30 p.m. Oct. 12 tary, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 28
that may easily fail and shall there be a great abun-
teresting one. The speak- Master Brenton Caxton
carry down our fortunes turned upon the last dance of written matter to
with it, but at least let it ers were in a great room our hand so that not many
with a tall ceiling traversed speaker the undisturbed
not be said that it failed for look of the eye that sees far days shall elapse after one
want of brains in the by blackened beams. From of our news sheets goes
the street below there across the present into the
doing.” years to come. abroad before there be
“Fail quotha!” said a third came dimly through the matter enough to fill an-
closed casements the “Nay, Edward,” he said,
man, who had not yet spo- “you have laboured over other.”
ken, old, tall and sour of sound of rumbling traffic much in the past and see “Days!” said the aged
visage and wearing a and the street cries of the not into the future. You printer. “Think you you
printer’s leather apron. He London of the 17th century. think this chamber too can fill one of these news
had moved over from the Two vast presses of such great for our purpose? I tell sheets in a few days!
further side of the room colossal size that their you the time will come Where indeed if you
where a little group of ap- wooden levers would tax when not this room alone search the whole realm
prentices stood beside the the strength of the stoutest but three or four such will will you find talk enough
wooden presses that occu- apprentice, were ranged be needed for our task. Al- in a single week to fill out
pied the corner, and he was against the further wall. ready I have it in my mind this great sheet half an
looking over the shoulder About the room, spread that I will divide even this ell wide!”

Matt Marcotte, 17, a senior at Killingly High School,
gets help with Charter Oak teller Shannon Gerdeau
on bank transactions Aug. 23 in Killingly, Conn.

Teens learn work

of tellers at bank
KILLINGLY, Conn. — some really
With a week of training at
Charter Oak Credit Union practical
behind him, Killingly High
School senior Matt Mar- opportunities
cotte can tell you one
thing: Banking is compli-
for students
“It took a while to get
to ... manage
used to all the transac-
tions,” said Marcotte, a
their own
AP PHOTOS Killingly resident. “I didn’t money.”
Grace Academy students Anna Bunting, left, and Gracie Buser are shown the cat’s cradle string game by know there was so much to
Korean foreign exchange student Grace Ha during a break from class Aug. 25 in Hagerstown. the system.” William Silver
Marcotte, 17, will have Killingly Superintendent

Cultural exchange
the entire school year to of Schools
master the teller trade, as
he will be one of 10 stu-
dents who will work at ment for years, providing
Charter Oak’s branch in- both material and person-
side the new Killingly High nel for lessons on personal
School next month. finance.
Private schools in Hagerstown welcome students from Korea, China The Killingly branch will
be Charter Oak’s second
Silver said the school
board and the district were
BY JANET HEIM in- school location. excited about the possibil-
THE HERALD-MAIL (HAGERSTOWN) Sonya Armstrong, branch ity of a credit union inside
manager of Charter Oak, of the school because it could
HAGERSTOWN — It seemed like Dayville, Conn., said the provide multiple opportu-
an impossible feat finding host fami- success of Groton’s Robert nities for students. Silver
lies in the Hagerstown area for at least E. Fitch High School said in addition to the in-
40 middle school- aged Korean ex- branch led her to approach ternship and work experi-
change students. the Killingly Board of Edu- ence for students, a branch
But Brian Kelley, the international cation last year with an located within the school
student program coordinator at Grace also provided an outlet for
idea for a location inside
Academy, said within six weeks he had fostering personal respon-
home visits arranged with more po- the new high school.
tential host families than he needed. Though a private busi- sibility with the rest of the
Now, 47 Korean and two Chinese ness, Armstrong said the student body.
students are spending the school year motivation behind the “It provides some really
at Grace Academy and Broadfording partnership is not profit- practical opportunities for
Christian Academy, with a waiting list based. students to open their own
of host families. The students flew “We will not be making bank accounts and manage
into Washington Dulles International any money on this,” Arm- their own money,” Silver
Airport Aug. 17 and 18. strong said. said.
The students are in grades six to 10, Armstrong said Charter Silver said he has only
and their English skills vary widely. Oak has already spent received one phone call in
They are here through a newly thousands of dollars build- opposition to the idea, and
formed partnership between the two ing the branch, conducting it was from a bank.
Washington County private schools training, buying material The branch, located near
and Global Vision Christian School of and paying student the school’s cafeteria, will
South Korea. Samuel Pak, the interna- Grace Academy students gather around Korean foreign exchange salaries. be open four hours a day,
tional program director for the pro- student Jay Kang as he tries chocolate pudding during a break be- Education is the goal, three days a week, Arm-
gram called Global Education Armstrong said. She said strong said. Students and a
Mission, said there are more than 200 tween classes Aug. 25 in Hagerstown.
the sooner students learn Charter Oak employee will
Korean exchange students in the master are here through June to assist them for being away from their fami- basic money management, work at the location during
United States. with teaching and to improve their lies. By most reports, the transition the better. the school day. Teacher
He said he chose the Hagerstown own English skills. has been a smooth one, Grace Acad- Student employee Scott Donna Guillot said the stu-
schools for the exchange program be- Korean students are required to emy Headmaster Jack Appleby said. dents who will staff the
Walker, 16, of Killingly,
cause of the proximity to Washington, earn second- degree black belts to branch are either part of
D.C., airports, their strong academic “The teachers are so kind, peaceful Conn., thinks it will be
graduate from Global Vision Christian and lovely to students,” said Daniel good, “to get kids into fi- her advanced accounting
and Christian programs, and their School. Grace and Broadfording stu-
willingness to take on such a large Kang, 16. nance while they’re in high class or have a free period
dents will have a chance to learn the He said he likes the technology school rather than college.” and experience with busi-
commitment. Pak said he visited
martial art. available through the SMARTboard Killingly Superintendent ness courses.
schools in Baltimore, Frederick, Rich-
mond, Va., and Martinsburg, W.Va. “I just look at it as a great cross-cul- labs and he thinks the academic ex- of Schools William Silver Guillot said she has been
“After our first conversation, we tural experience. It’s a fantastic pro- pectations are higher here. said the district has a long- wanting a credit union in-
clicked. Some other people had gram,” Broadfording Administrator “It’s hard to be away from family, but term relationship with side the school for the
doubts and it never materialized,” Bill Wyand said. I have to do for my English. I want to Charter Oak. Silver said 23 years she has worked for
Pak said. Most of the Korean students in the learn more English. I want to experi- the company has been the district, and described
Five Korean teachers including two program participated in a five-week ence culture in an American school,” working with the high it as an amazing opportu-
married couples and a tae kwon do summer camp in Korea that prepared Daniel said. school’s business depart- nity for her students.

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