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BE Ninja’s

To: Dr. Kenneth Games
From: Jenny Miller, Melissa Rivera, Linda Zhao

Date: October 20th, 2017

Re: Subsystem Details and Budget

This week’s focus for the final design selected, the four way walking beam, is the final details for the six
subsystems. The subsystems will each have unique challenges that the team will have to create unique
solutions. The biggest issues the team is looking at are: the materials, the connections, and the support
for the walls. All of the subsystems are being finalized with the material and connections being the main
focus. The team this week is also looking at outside resources in order to provide advice and feedback
on the current designs. The team also gave presentations to peers and faculty and received feedback
and questions.

Specific accomplishments for the week

 Presented the project to peers and faculty
 Finalizing details about the individual subsystems

Missed Objectives
The material and support aren’t finalized for the designs

Specific Goals for Next Week

Finalizing the details of the subsystems and all of the materials.

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