On Linial's Conjecture For Split Digraphs: Maycon Sambinelli C Andida Nunes Da Silva Orlando Lee

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On Linial’s Conjecture for Split Digraphs

Maycon Sambinelli1 Cândida Nunes da Silva2 Orlando Lee1

1 Institute of Computing – University of Campinas

2 Department of Computing – Federal University of São Carlos

I Encontro de Teoria da Computação

Porto Alegre, July of 2016

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1. Basic definitions
2. Linial’s conjecture
3. Our results
4. An update

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Basic definitions

• Digraphs
• Paths = directed paths

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Basic definitions

• Digraphs
• Paths = directed paths

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Path Partition

• P = {P1 , P2 , . . . , P` }
• V (Pi ) ∩ V (Pj ) = ∅ for every i 6= j
• V (P) = V (D)

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k-norm of a path partition
|P|k := min{|V (Pi )|, k}
Pi ∈P


+ 3


|P|4 = 17
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k-optimal path partition

• A path partition P is k-optimal if |P|k is minimum

|P|2 = 4 |P 0 |2 = 3

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k-optimal path partition

• A path partition P is k-optimal if |P|k is minimum

|P|2 = 4 |P 0 |2 = 3

πk (D) = min{|P|k : P is a path partition of D}

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k-partial coloring

• C k = {C1 , C2 , . . . , Ck }
• Ci is a stable set (possibly empty)
• Ci ∩ Cj = ∅ if i 6= j

C3 = { , , }

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Weight of k-partial coloring
• ||C k || = number of colored vertices

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Weight of k-partial coloring
• ||C k || = number of colored vertices

C3 = { , , }
||C 3 || = 6
A k-partial coloring C k is optimal if ||C k || is maximum

αk (D) = max{||C k || : C k is a k-partial coloring of D}

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Linial’s conjecture

Linial’s Conjecture (1981). Let D be a digraph and let k be a

positive integer. Then, πk (D) ≤ αk (D).

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Linial’s conjecture

Linial’s Conjecture (1981). Let D be a digraph and let k be a

positive integer. Then, πk (D) ≤ αk (D).

Solved for:
• k=1
• k=2
• k ≥ λ(D) − 3
• Acyclic digraphs
• Bipartite digraphs
• Traceable digraphs

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Our results

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Split digraph

• D is a split digraph if V (D) = X ∪ Y such that:

• D[X] is a semi-complete digraph
• Y is a stable set in D


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Our results

Let D be a split digraph

Lemma 1. αk (D) ≥ |Y | + k − 1

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Our results

Let D be a split digraph

Lemma 1. αk (D) ≥ |Y | + k − 1

Theorem 2. If αk (D) ≥ |Y | + k, then πk (D) ≤ αk (D)

• Remaining case: αk (D) = |Y | + k − 1

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Our results

Let D be a split digraph

Lemma 1. αk (D) ≥ |Y | + k − 1

Theorem 2. If αk (D) ≥ |Y | + k, then πk (D) ≤ αk (D)

• Remaining case: αk (D) = |Y | + k − 1

Lemma 3. αk (D) = |Y | + k − 1 iff D is k-tight

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Definition 4. A split digraph D is k-tight if:
• |X| ≥ k; and
• ∀S ⊆ X, such that |S| = k, exists a vertex y ∈ Y which is
adjacent to every vertex in S.

x1 x2 x3 x4 xk


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Thick spider digraph


k-tight if |X| ≥ k

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Thick spider digraphs

Lemma 5. ∃P such than |P|k ≤ |Y | + k − 1

• There exists a Hamiltonian path in D[X]

x1 x2 x3 xi x`−2 x`−1 x`

if j < i ⇒ (xj , yi ) ∈ A(D)
if j > i ⇒ (yi , xj ) ∈ A(D)

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Thick spider digraphs

Lemma 5. ∃P such than |P|k ≤ |Y | + k − 1

• There exists a Hamiltonian path in D[X]

x1 x2 x3 xi x`−2 x`−1 x`

if j < i ⇒ (xj , yi ) ∈ A(D)
if j > i ⇒ (yi , xj ) ∈ A(D)

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Thick spider digraphs

Lemma 5. ∃P such than |P|k ≤ |Y | + k − 1

x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7

y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7

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Thick spider digraphs

Lemma 5. ∃P such than |P|k ≤ |Y | + k − 1

x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7

y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7

Lemma 1. αk (D) ≥ |Y | + k − 1

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Thick spider digraphs

Lemma 5. ∃P such than |P|k ≤ |Y | + k − 1

x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7

y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7

Lemma 1. αk (D) ≥ |Y | + k − 1

Corollary 6. If D is a thick spider, then πk (D) ≤ αk (D)

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An update

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An update

• Linial’s conjecture is true for k-tight digraphs (⇒ split digraphs)

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An update

• Linial’s conjecture is true for k-tight digraphs (⇒ split digraphs)

Theorem 7. If D is a spine digraph, than πk (D) ≤ αk (D)


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