Bases de La Masoterapia

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Br J Sp Med 1994; 28(3)

Massage - the scientific basis of an ancient art:
part 2. Physiological and therapeutic effects
Geoffrey C. Goats PhD MCSP
School of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

The physiological and therapeutic effects of massage are means to accelerate healing. Flow rates usually return
frequently questioned. This article reviews previous to normal 1 h after deep massage. Vasodilator drugs
research into the effects of massage on blood flow and administered at the same time as deep massage cause
composition, oedema, connective tissue, muscle and the longer lasting hyperaemia7.
nervous system. Although further invetigations are clearly Such effects upon blood flow also suggest that
required in certain areas, the discussion demonstrates that
the use of massage in sports medicine can be justified massage should improve the performance of fatigued
according to orthodox scientific criteria. muscle. Massaged muscle fibres display less spasm,
an increased force of contraction and enhanced
Keywords: Massage, physiological and therapeutic effects endurance compared with muscle simply rested.
Massage is commonly seen as a therapeutic art These massage effects are abolished by arterial
without scientific foundation. Further scientific inves- occlusion .
tigation is certainly needed and our understanding is Some massage techniques promote blood flow
far from complete, but the literature indicates that an more effectively than others. Clearance studies with
extensive body of research already exists1 2. This the radioisotope 133Xe showed that moderate exercise
article reviews the physiological and therapeutic was a less efficient way to improve blood flow in large
effects of massage. Sports therapists are concerned to muscle groups than tapotement ('hacking'). Petris-
promote healing, restore normal function following sage ('kneading') had little effect'.
injury and achieve optimum performance from their When massage is applied to one limb, blood flow
clients. Massage can assist with each of these increases in the other10. This provides a useful way to
processes by acting upon arterial and venous blood promote muscle performance and healing in injured
flow, the blood clotting process, oedema, lymphatic tissue that is too sensitive for direct massage. These
drainage and the properties of connective tissue and referred effects are exploited extensively by techni-
muscle. The somatic and autonomic nervous systems ques such as connective tissue manipulation (CTM), a
are also affected and these are discussed with specialized type of massage used extensively to
reference to pain and relaxation. increase blood flow to deeply seated organs. Here,
skin over the thoracic and lumbar spine is vigorously
stimulated manually, triggering cutaneovisceral re-
Circulatory and tissue fluids flexes1-"3, that cause vasodilation. Experimental
Arterial blood flow observations support the hypothesis that CTM
mainly affects sympathetic autonomic activity14 and
Massage dilates superficial blood vessels and in- can have physiological effects that are independent of
creases the rate of blood flowl1 3. This effect, first any change in blood flow. Less invasive conventional
measured for gentle massage , supported conclu- massage provokes a milder response but probably
sions from a previous experiment with local anaes- acts in a similar way.
thesia5 that arteriolar dilation is primarily controlled Massage appears to be better for improving blood
by local axon reflexes6. flow than other techniques routinely used for the
Forceful massage in a healthy adult increases both purpose. Tracer experiments have shown that
local blood flow and cardiac stroke volume. The local effleurage, one of the least penetrating massage
vascular response is mainly due to histamine release, techniques, significantly increased blood flow while
and increased stroke volume reflects improved shortwave diathermy and therapeutic ultrasound
venous return. These effects are longer lasting than caused little change. Once effleurage ceased, blood
those of gentle pressure5 and represent a potent flow slowed markedly and returned to normal after
2 min15. Patients with flaccid paralysis of a limb
responded in the same way, indicating that this effect
is not entirely dependent upon spinal reflexes16'17.
Address for correspondence: Dr G. C. Goats, School of
Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy, University of East Venous blood flow
Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK
(© 1994 Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd Deep massage promotes venous return and will
0306-3674/94/030i53-04 increase cardiac stroke volume2. The few attempts to

Br J Sp Med 1994; 28(3) 153

Physiological and therapeutic effects of massage: G. C. Goats
measure this effect concern external pneumatic 'manual lymphatic drainage' designed specifically to
compression. An optimum regime expelling 80ml improve flow within the lymphatic system.
blood per minute from the veins of the lower leg Manufacturers of pneumatic compression equip-
required a maximal pressure of 40 mmHg, rising at a ment have supported much of the research that has
rate of 8 mmHg s-1, with an interval of 1 min between improved our understanding of the effects of
each cycle18. Firm manual massage may reasonably massage. Compression therapy, applied for 3 h daily,
be expected to cause similar venous flow. reduced generalized swelling of the lower limb and
rapidly converted non-pitting swelling into the less
Blood clotting troublesome pitting oedema. This consistent benefi-
cial effect, of use in sports medicine for the treatment
Thrombosis frequently results from poor venous of chronic swelling, occurred if oedema was due to
return and can be prevented by massage. Patients locally impaired drainage, cardiac failure or nephrotic
confined to bed are particularly at risk from venous syndrome29. Furthermore, the skin quality at sites of
stasis. Massage given unilaterally decreased the severe trauma became loose, comfortable and in good
incidence of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in the condition after only 7-10 days. Intermittent com-
treated limb by 82% compared with that in the pression therapy and massage also greatly reduced
untreated leg19. These authors conclude that the postsurgical swelling and pain30 when applied to
observations are simply a result of improved blood surgical incisions and enhanced both rate and quality
flow, but a 20-min whole body massage also of healing31. Massage appears particularly effective
decreases both blood viscosity and haematocrit, for treating hand injuries 2.
indicating haemodilution20. Sports therapists should bear in mind that gentle
The anticoagulant effects of massage are not, active exercise remains the most effective means for
however, mediated entirely by mechanical processes improving tissue drainage. Massage remains valuable
because compression therapy appears to increase the when treating athletes immobilized by injury.
concentration of fibrinolytic compounds in the
blood21. This explains why an arm massage can Connective tissue
reduce the incidence of DVT in the legs'.
Most sports therapists acknowledge that preliminary
Blood enzyme concentrations 'warming up' exercises are a necessary preparation
for safe athletic activity. Unfortunately, many sports
Deep massage causes sufficient muscle damage to people still prepare inadequately for exercise and risk
elevate the serum concentrations of myoglobin23 and connective tissue damage. Many 'warm-up' regimes
the enzymes glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, include massage but few have been evaluated. One
creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase. Manual comparative study weighed the efficacy of a standard
therapy may therefore confound diagnoses or bioche- athletic warm-up programme against massage or
mical measures of performance based upon the stretching exercises. Stretching exercises produced
concentration of these substances24. the greatest flexibility in connective tissue around
joints, although massage had a significant beneficial
effect. The 'warm-up' exercises were least effective 33.
Oedema Friction massage is another powerful technique
Massage reduces swelling very effectively and is used used to maintain or improve the mobility of
widely for this purpose in sports therapy. The ligaments, tendons and muscle; and prevent adhe-
mechanism is uncomplicated. When a superficial rent scars formingm. Friction massage was pioneered
valve-bearing vein or blind-ended lymph channel is by Cyriax, the father of modern manipulation
compressed, fluid can only drain towards the technique, and deliberately causes limited tissue
heart5 26. Interstitial fluid can then enter the vessel damage, hyperaemia and mild inflammation35. Dur-
more easily. Arteriolar congestion reduces further as ing the subsequent phase of accelerated healing,
the tissue fluid pressure is relieved and thus collagen fibrils are encouraged to realign in patterns
perfusion improves1' 2. Some researchers believe that better adapted to function by careful positioning and
improved drainage restores the normal osmotic exercise35-37. Deep frictions used to treat athletes
pressure of interstitial fluid and this effect is claimed suffering from overuse injuries to the knee proved
to be more important to the healing process than any more effective for reducing pain than a conventional
direct effect upon blood flow17. treatment regime of rest, ice, stretching exercises and
The effect of massage upon lymph flow has been ultrasound3. Manipulation combined with massage
measured experimentally. Elkins and associates27 is an effective treatment for frozen shoulder39.
exposed the hindquarters of dogs to infrared radia-
tion, shortwave or microwave diathermy, active or Muscle
passive exercise, or massage for 30 min. Lymph flow
only increased with kneading and stroking massage, Muscle spasm is extremely uncomfortable, being
and active or passive exercise. All the other treat- both the product and the cause of pain. Massage
ments, including hacking, had no effect. Other reduces discomfort, relieves the associated muscle
studies28 comparing massage, passive movement and spasm and permits improved function4o. Postexercise
electrical muscle stimulation again showed lymph effleurage reduces subsequent muscle soreness by
flow to be greatest following massage. Some physio- rapidly reducing the concentration of lactate in the
therapists practise a specialized technique known as muscle cells. This is a more effective treatment than

154 Br J Sp Med 1994; 28(3)

Physiological and therapeutic effects of massage: G. C. Goats
either rest or a conventional active warm-down blood flow, reduce muscle tone and tension in
programme4. Percussive massage, once advocated connective tissue, and thus accelerate physical
as part of postexercise therapy, fails to influence the repair54 55. Relaxation will also increase individual
rate at which muscle recovers from fatigue42 and is tolerance to further, less comfortable, therapy or
unlikely to assist the athlete. athletic trial5' 57.
Massage can also be used to prevent denervated
muscle from losing both bulk and contractile capabil-
ity, thus assisting subsequent rehabilitation. Dener- Summary
vated cat muscle treated with effleurage and petris- Massage is an ancient therapy enjoying renewed
sage for 10 min daily for a month showed a slight interest, particularly in sports medicine. The techni-
weight loss but retained an almost unimpaired ability ques remain an art but research continues to clarify
to generate force43. These results appear significantly physiological mechanisms that underpin the various
better than those seen for conventional electrical therapeutic effects. Massage is indicated in sports
stimulation. Although the evidence is somewhat therapy when inflammation fails to resolve or healing
contradictoryA4, therapists faced with rehabilitating a is delayed, and when tissue drainage or perfusion
nerve-injured athlete should consider the potential appear inadequate. Shortened or adhered connective
benefits of massage. tissue can be mobilized and elongated. Massage will
help to reduce pain, restore normal muscle activity
and thus re-establish normal function. The close
The nervous system physical contact that massage requires between
Pain therapist and client facilitates accurate assessment of
dysfunction. This is responsible, in part, for the
Massage has traditionally been used to relieve pain45 therapeutic success of these techniques.
although research has only recently provided an The contraindications to massage are few and prim-
acceptable physiological explanation of this observa- arily designed to prevent a precipitate drop in blood
tion. pressure or the spread of some harmful factor in the
Massage produces short-lived analgesia by activat- body fluids.
ing the 'pain gate' mechanism4. Cutaneous mechano- A safe, low-technology therapy, massage is a
receptors are stimulated by touch and transmit valuable treatment option poised to grow once again
information within large nerve fibres to the spinal in importance as the scientific principles upon which
cord. These impulses block the passage of painful it is founded are clarified.
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