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Hailey David & Tatyanna Brothers

What is sarcoptic mange?

Sarcoptic mange is caused by a mite that burrows into
the skin (CDC, 2010). It’s also known as “scabies”
because the intense itching causes scabs all over the

Who can get it?

YOU, sarcoptic mange is a zoonotic disease meaning
that it can be passed between humans and animals. It is
commonly found in dogs but can also be found in
humans, cats, livestock, and hundreds of other species
including birds (Iowa State, 2013). Both animals and
humans that have compromised immune systems, are
newborns, or elderly are more susceptible to infection
(Mayo clinic, 2015)
How do you get it?
Sarcoptic mange is contracted through contact with the
infested animal (Iowa State, 2013). Mites can also live
for up to 36 hours on objects such as furniture or bed
sheets (CDC, 2010).
What do I do if my pet or I contract sarcoptic mange?
Contact your vet if you suspect your pet has contracted
the mite. If you believe that you or a member of your
family has Scabies, contact your physician. Symptoms
can take up to 6 weeks to appear (CDC, 2010).
What are the symptoms?

What are the symptoms?

Intense itching and a pimple like rash are the most
common symptoms. The rash can turn into sores, tiny
blisters, or become crusted. Sometimes raised lines can
be seen in the skin, these are burrow marks made by the
mite (CDC, 2010).
How is it diagnosed in animals?
An affected area of skin is scraped with a dull scalpel.
The flakes of skin are looked at under a microscope to
check for eggs or adult mites. If either are seen then
treatment begins. If only lesions are seen on the skin but
nothing is seen under the microscope treatment may still
be given (CAPC, 2013).

How is it treated?
In animals, sarcoptic mange is treated with medicine to
kill the mites and/or a medical shampoo. Most
treatments only kill adult mites, not eggs. Treatments
need to be given multiple times so that the eggs can
hatch, mature, and be killed by the treatment. The
treatment time can take up to 6 weeks, depending on
how bad the infestation is (Petmd, n.d.). You or your
animal may get a secondary bacterial infection related to
the infestation that will also need to be treated. (Morgan,

In humans, the mite cannot complete it’s life cycle and

dies within a few days but your doctor will more than
likely treat you for your symptoms (VCA, n.d.).

How is it prevented?
To prevent Scabies avoid contact with infested animals.
This may be hard to do as it may take weeks for
symptoms to appear (Vetstreet, 2011). It is most
commonly found in unsanitary areas. Dogs that are
frequently outdoors are also most likely to get Scabies.

What is the prognosis?

Scabies can be hard to diagnose but it is easily treated
and the prognosis is excellent.
Scabies in humans
Interesting Cases – Sarcoptic Mange. (2009, July 22).
Retrieved from
Mange - Sarcoptic in Dogs. (n.d.). Retrieved from
McMahon, M., & Wallace, O. (2016, July 08). What is
Sarcoptic Mange. Retrieved from
Parasites - Scabies. (2010, November 2). Retrieved from
Sarcoptic Mange in Dogs. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Sarcoptic Mite. (2013, March). Retrieved July 29, 2016,
Scabies Pictures: Rash, Skin Infections, Itching,
Symptoms, and Home Care. (2016, May 24). Retrieved
Scabies. (2016, July 7). Retrieved July 29, 2016, from

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