Lbs 310 Mini Lesson Final

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LBS 310: Early Literacy Mini-Lesson

Mini-Lesson Plan Template

Name: JavierZuloaga
Early Literacy Topic: Letter, Sounds, and Words
Appendix D Lesson (Title & Number): #15 Picture Sort

Lesson Objective: Students will be able to notice rhyming words in a poem and be able to name words that rhyme.

Connection to Pre-K Continuum of Literacy Learning:

Hear and say rhyming words
Hear and connect rhyming words

Materials: Poems and Picture Cards for Rhyming

Introduction: Describe in detail how you will begin your lesson. Ensure that everything you do connects with the lesson
objective, Pre-K Continuum objectives, and students’ interests/needs. Be cognizant of the ages of your students (3 – 5
years old) and ensure that instruction is DAP.

Expected Duration = _____2_____ minutes

What is the teacher saying and doing? (Be specific!) What are the children saying and doing? (Be specific!)
Good morning my little people friends! Students will reply by saying, “Good morning Mr.
How is everyone doing today? Can everyone join me at the Zuloaga, I’m doing good, I’m doing fine”
carpet please. Students will be sitting on their assigned spot on the
I like the way how _____is sitting down crisscrossed apple carpet.
Today we are going to do a fun activity.
Have you ever heard about rhyming?
Do you know where we can usually find rhyming words? Some students will say yes and others will say no.
Would someone like to share some rhyming words that “Is that when you clap your hands?” “In songs” “I’m not
you may already know? sure”.
That’s okay, we are all going to have fun learning about
rhyming words in poems. You can also find them in songs
if you play close attention.
Rhyming words have the same sound in the end which
makes them sound very similar.
Its like they belong to the same family. So we say that they
belong to the same word family. Lets go over some words
that belong to a word family. A word family are words that Students say Cat.Students say fat. Students say rat.
have the same ending sound. I’m going to write some Students say hat.
words that belong to the “at” word family. Teacher writes,
“cat, bat, hat, rat, sat, mat, that”. Friends, do you notice
and hear that this word family has the same “at” sound at
the end? This makes these words rhyme and lets them be
part of the same “at” word family. Now lets look at another Students do gestures to show a cat, a rat, a hat, and a fat
word family. The rhyming part of the word will be “et”. rat.
Can you say the rhyming part of the word with me? Good
job everyone, now I’m going to write some rhyming words
that belong in the “et” word family. Teacher writes “jet,
set, let, net, and pet”. Friends, do you notice and hear that
this word family has the same “et” sound at the end? This
makes these words rhyme and lets them be part of the
same “et” word family. Now lets look at another word
family. The rhyming part of the word will be “it”. Can you
say the rhyming part of the word with me? Good job
everyone, now I’m going to write some rhyming words
that belong in the “it” word family. Teacher writes, “bit,
sit, pit, lit, fit”

Remember to listen like super stars so you are be able to

hear words that rhyme!
Before we start can you say Cat? Teacher writes cat.Good
job, Can you say fat? Teacher writes fat. Can you say rat?
Teacher writes rat. Can you say that? Teacher writes that.
Can you say hat? Teacher writes hat. Notice that cat, fat,
rat, that, and hat all have the “at” sound at the end. This
means that they rhyme and belong to the “at” word family.
Now lets make a funny sentence. I am going to ask some
students to come and fill in the rhyming part of the word in
the sentence as part of interactive writing. Remember that
the rhyming part of the word is the “at” sound.

Teacher writes “at” on top as a title, then writes “The c__

chased a f__ r__ th__ was wearing a h__”.
Teacher writes,”I saw a c__, I saw a r__, I saw a h__, I saw
a f__ r__!”
Accommodations: How might you meet the needs of English language learners or students with diverse abilities during
the introduction?

I will have students who are ELLs and who have diverse abilities sit closer to me so that they are able to see and hear

I will provide large print and visuals so that students are able to see clearly.

I will color code words that rhyme on the poem so that the students are able to also see a visual of the words that rhyme.

I will project my voice clear and repeat the poem a couple of times.

Lesson Development: Describe in detail how your lesson will unfold. Ensure that everything you do connects with the
lesson objective, Pre-K Continuum objectives, and students’ interests/needs. Be cognizant of the ages of your students (3 –
5 years old) and ensure that instruction is DAP.

Expected Duration = ___10_____ minutes

What is the teacher saying and doing? (Be specific!) What are the children saying and doing? (Be specific!)
First I will start and I want everyone to listen to these Students are facing forward looking at the teacher.
rhyming words that we will listen to in the poem.The Students listen attentively.
rhyming words are “around and ground”, can you hear that
they have the same “ound” rhyming sound so these belong
to the “ound” word family. Another set of words that
rhyme are “howdy-do” and “shoe”, they both belong to the
o/oe word family. Finally, we have “light” and “night”,
these two words have the “ight” rhyming sound so they
belong to the “ight”word family. These are rhyming words
that we will hear and read in the poem. For interactive
reading, the teacher then sings the Teddy Bear Teddy Bear
poem. For shared reading, I would like it if you would join
me as we read it together! Students sing Teddy Bear Teddy Bear

Did you hear any rhyming words?

Can somebody please raise their hand and share with the Students say around. Students say ground. Students say
class some words from the poem that rhymed? Good job! shoe. Students say howdy-do. Students say light. Students
Now lets act out the poem. Lets do what Teddy Bear did say night.
on the poem! Everytime you hear a rhyming word clap
your hands one time. Turn around when the poem says turn Students participate by doing the same movements that
around by spinning one time. Touch the ground when the Teddy Bear does in the poem.
poem says touch the ground. Walk like a cowboy or
cowgirl when it says howdy-do. Make a bright sun by
showing me all of your ten fingers with your hands for
light. And go to pretend sleep when it says night.

Everyone is doing a great job identifying rhyming words.

Now we are going match up pictures that rhyme.
Remember friends that rhyming words sound the same at
the end.
First lets name all the pictures that we have.
Great job everyone! I noticed that you all were able to Students start naming pictures out loud.
identify all of the pictures. “box, dish, fish, tree, fan, car, bee, sock, star, van”

Is there anything on the cards that can help figure out

which cards go together?
What do you noice about these words?
The next thing we need to do is match the pictures that “the cards have words”
have the same ending sound together.

Teacher mixes the rhyming pictures, show three picture

cards to students and ask students to find the pictures that
have the same ending sound. What does “dish” rhyme
with? Good job everyone! “Dish” and “fish” rhyme, they
belong to the same “ish” word family because I can hear Students say fish!
the “ish” sound at the end. Now I’m going to ask two
students to come up to the front and have them each Two students come to the front of the class and they will
identify some words that rhyme. When you found them I each get a turn to select two rhyming words as the rest of
what you to put those two rhyming words next to each the class listens attentively waiting to be called on.

Good job everyone and did you know that we can also
rhyme in Spanish? Si podemos rimar en Espanol tambien!
Vamos a leer esto juntos y repitan despues de mi. Teacher
reads 3 rhyming sentences in Spanish. “Estoy feliz como
una lombriz”, “Estoy mas agusto, que un arbusto.’,“Que te Students will say feliz and lombriz. Students will say pasa
pasa calabasa? Nada, nada limonada.” And “Zapatito roto, and calabasa” “nada and limonada” “roto and otro”
cuentame otro”. Did you hear any rhyming words?
Highlight rhyming words that are in Spanish.
Accommodations: How might you meet the needs of English language learners or students with diverse abilities during
the lesson development?

I will have students who are ELLs and who have diverse abilities sit closer to me so that they are able to see and hear

I will have students who speak in their home language work with other students who also speak their language. They
will also be able to share their ideas in their home language during sharing time.

I will provide large print and visuals so that students are able to see words on the rhyming cards so that students are
able to see the spelling patterns highlighted in color. 

I will provide some rhyming sentences in Spanish so they are better able to understand the concept of rhyming.

Assessment: Describe in detail how you will determine whether or not the students have met the learning objectives.
Ensure that everything you do connects with the lesson objective, Pre-K Continuum objectives, and students’ interests/
needs. Be cognizant of the ages of your students (3 – 5 years old) and ensure that instruction is DAP. Assessment should
be in line with appropriate early literacy practices and DAP. (Odds are, a worksheet will not be appropriate!)

Students will be shown different pictures that do not rhyme and others that do rhyme. Through interviews and
observation I will see if they can identify words that rhyme by connecting them to each other. To show that they
understand rhyming, students will have to connect most of the rhyming words together correctly and be able to
say some of the rhyming words from the poems. Students who are above level will be asked to say some rhyming
words that have multiple syllables.

Closure: Describe in detail how you will bring your lesson to a close. Ensure that everything you do connects with the
lesson objective, Pre-K Continuum objectives, and students’ interests/needs. Be cognizant of the ages of your students (3 –
5 years old) and ensure that instruction is DAP.

Expected Duration = ____3_____ minutes

What is the teacher saying and doing? (Be specific!) What are the children saying and doing? (Be specific!)
Can we name some things that are in the classroom and Students starts to look around the room.
find some words that rhyme with them?
What can rhyme with chair? Whats a furry big animal that
likes to eat honey? What shape has four equal sides and Students say Bear!
looks like a box? Students say Square!
Points to clock, “The clock is over ......” Good job Bear, There!
Square, and There are rhyming words

Points down to the carpet, This is a carpet but what is

another word that we can call it? Students say a rug!
Now what kind of cup do I drink my hot coffee with? Yes
very good. Rug and Mug rhyme. They have the “ug” Students say a Mug!

Holding a red crayon. What color is this? Students say Red!

Excellent. Let’s find a rhyming word for red. Pointing to
my head. What is this? Yes Red and Head rhyme. Students say Head!

When it is time to go home, I ask everyone to stand in a

straight........? Now what rhymes with line? The number Students say line!
that comes after 8 is....? Students say nine!

If you came late, the school will have already closed the Students say gate!
Okay so lets do the same with the Spanish words, look at
these pictures as I read them to you. Teacher reads and
shows picture cards that are “casa, rama, sopa, taza, cama,
ropa” Can you tell me two words that rhyme? Students will say “casa and taza”, “cama and rama”, and
“sopa and ropa”.
Good job everyone, now can someone please raise their
hand and tell me if “box” and “tree” rhyme? Students participate in classroom discussion by answering
Can someone please tell me if “car” and “star” rhyme? teacher’s questions.
What other words have the “ar”word family? How about
superstar and rockstar? Teacher writes words with the“ar”
word family.
Can someone please tell me if “fan” and “van”rhyme?
What other words have the “an”word family? How about
batman, Spider-Man, and mailman? Teacher writes words
with the “an”sound.
Can someone please tell me if “ground” and “around”
rhyme? What other words have the “ound” word family?
How about playground, and merry-go-round? Teacher
writes words with the “ound” sound.
Can someone tell me if sock and clock rhyme? Teacher
writes words with the “ock” word family.
Me pueden decir si rima “sopa” y “ropa”? Teacher writes
both words.
Me pueden decir si rima “cama” y “ropa”? Teacher
instead writes rhyming words that belong to cama and ropa

Remember little people friends, rhyming words are

everywhere. Try to find rhyming words where ever you
may go. They can be heard in poems, short stories, and in
your favorite songs! Try to see how many you can find and
write them down or draw a picture of the word that rhymes
in a piece of paper. You can then show the class what you
discovered! You are more than welcomed to do this fun
activity with a sibling, friends, parents, or guardians. I
can’t wait to see what you have discovered.
Accommodations: How might you meet the needs of English language learners or students with diverse abilities during
the closure?

I will have students who speak in their home language work with other students who also speak their language. They
will also be able to share their ideas in their home language during sharing time.

I will provide large print and visuals so that students are able to see rhyming words around the classroom clearly.

I will provide labels for objects around the classroom. On one side there will be the name of the object on the back side
it will have the name of the object with which it rhymes along with an illustration of the object for easier identification.

Have above level students identify multiple syllable rhyming words

Have above level students identify rhyming words that rhyme and words do not rhyme

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