Porgy Rhapsody

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sali ALBERT MARKO CHINA» PEN eR) FORMOSA ; “CHINA” Violin Concerto Cobia) 1b i et : “FORMOSA” Suite “China” , Violin Concerto 1 seth Allegro agitao wi6 niki Anda 730 I ete Allegro vs ox weap eA ae se money ae ic ane pe ts sunmase reconns 1p. fog Liss SEL NEARS Shao-Chia LU Conductor ALBERT MARKOV esis SIGNS + WS Sea 8 AMES EARN + SCoPE). (RUS SRT At A a 2 a SoS MRA LL» Je 197 SR I IE» A 9 5 oe 2 HCL AR «AC A EI OME» wy ARE I UR A + AP FR Tse SRNR © ESR» SOTA ACESS + AM TRA + AGN RATAN + (W.-H CE > = AC A RS RMR A AACS RO A» a A eA A IL «A HA ASB MEAL A, + Dy U2 BR MNT AR em Gt NA = Mh MB YR + aT Fv A a I Re RE i EE ROB Ti 109 BEA © RAR ERS 1 AR ODE» ANSP EAP A A = a FE AE wT a Base wpetebe ik A ek A + te RA A = CN i oC» RA HS I + TEA ARMA RL Be IOLAELOP) > AS SCR A MER ERG T CAFE) ANREP» A SF» 1 BF a AE A + SG RCL ak NA Es» — UL + i+ a eo TR Heh CR) « CERO) UMA er wae op = + A fe LB» a Sem AL Er ETS ACCRA RR + MN « TPAD ARSE AEE HAR = WRI 1 HPN + RR ETT SALARIED + Wao AT) + AoA THRE» RR aR + AEE + ER: + ROR © He DUAR » SERCO A AAR BA = LER + LWA ABH RI» Ram Cotsen sey [LS RES LE i Le IL «CE AAI ee ee er ‘Lie AEA ROLICAEAS OREM «BACKED MTC + LAER MET « Se eT L SE A «SE A AR «RL AN a2 LRAREIE ~ SR SRIF AH A 8 econ Zip + eae wrens tea RHR > BL —Aese HE MLM» BTL CHRD AR TRE» AO EAAR ZN MOT IM CARERS | SEOUSE » Ha TE 2h | 0.8 «Wm ea a» LAF Ry (90 | Ca Fotiay kB)» AERA RANT + FaNSeseah |e AEA ArH BSR HEM aC INANE + aR HR AACA Ces + CSE | MERE ELL AST SRA HUAI © Ca A) IEA MR NR LIMA + RE eae wha Peak + MMH» SP LA NOR» GA UR CZ NN) EAL + ROTI UI LUNE EBON RAT © © 2» oT em CT» I ANE Ae OM AN CE REVAL» LOR SEE A OT OR PIC © SEMEL + SE LEAH TAR» ACN © HERA Village Voice) AF L-Kemerifitl © Ha] Ac APAR ARAFAT CRI + APEC + ARAL ERE ERE + RL SCM A «ARAL SG + es a 389 ERE LCE PLLC» — CD AZ, SCA» IM ee RA «AOR I» A + | | | TK (Hf + Bp oTACAlbert Markov) + nie AE ft ~ PROTEASE | ARIA + UE I wf XCKharkov) & SMF Ae ABE > PAS PII AECLeschinsky ) S18 si ME (Yankeleviet) » 4 95-15 Fi ENB ACTER Ge ME + HG wy AL EGR 48 SEP = Go ACARD MEAT Se = 9 AE + IN Ge CATO 23 AE SFY Se A RL BE © RL 2 ee BC 91665) i 5 ew OT + A Be LAM» WLC IBLE © EMEA» (WS ELAS A ESR A HR © 9-15 ASHER Re ASAE» ALL 5 A Om» (LR ec SE «mE Es ASCH ERG LAL © HO cE 2» SB TAY = 5 ek FARA Hea & OTSA» IR RAR © Sg TA JE WA AAEM i» A BH Mh = TE A BE +e I te Cam) ALA CoP BR) AVE 8 RP ARI NA A » ES BEAR» FN HA ALAM ie: © 0 A LA Ae PARA + CO ACY + PRL He ILL RL ‘lee ee Et 3 Ay MIAHCRondo Chamber Orchestra) #8 BEIM + Sat HL Be THO BIC © HG ACA BOA A SRA EC Manhattan School of Music) fi ie SER > (iA Cie NEBR) (Violin Technique) + iG. Schirmer tif» i te eT A © re Ma BIR ERIM ESLER RM: LM AMAT LPR TER Kf Gh ah OY FS KARL AaB ‘ik BA WAAR (Le Monde) 1988 SPUN LAH (Besangon) BREEAM Be 1991 SE-REACHIIRIUE (Antonio Pedrow) Ise ete ML os EASE» 6 ROT Na = AT AAP eM L4MAYBASAROCNOTN HARA > LIL Ea SME JOSS SEA MASAALIE + ASEUSBEDEAMHSE Michel Block (SIF fue + ENR a HU ISLA LA PEC HO Oa Ss rose RASA) SRL: 1987 SE HIRE NC, x Be Katl Ostevicher: 1991 26/5 ADL "AeHRiT AE SGGRZAANRIONEAT ) MERESDIN BHA SCR LARA » LALO uals RONG $1992 SEF» AER MELE JEEPS © 1088 AF SLA MECH "Accademia Musicale Chigiana di Siena, J3ARHE » REQREAMI Gennady Roshdestwensky 88» ESRI AG» CER REMEB! PREC, (Diploma dk Met) + FISEILE + ‘RE AN ACE es © 199+» HSE AACR TSE RTAC HEE» ARULANI ROA «ROE RARE + HAR ERE LA SR R fie Sem » RE RRR — ROY» ARSON» LAE TCAR SINGING © IEEE» CECE INR» LE Sc Re ANE © SEES Jen Sem «MaMa, «1993 SELF» fre ARLES OR (SCR ENE eR ARNE A Am: eke «fF FR + BRS «TAAL A I~ BARREN + RUM SSE + RES © ‘GeETARLIE + SEBO > CASPER REAR «SRS © CEMA E EEA RES ESC AR I eH 990K » NFO ICE» EC ZO © iA a LR NONE + SB. + AR ED» HEAT BZ + ELA SAE IE Le» aE SRT © 1990449 » SOCAL AAR RUA 7 — JURE, = HE A SE RCORL mE + HCHO (Mikhail Pleuev) 7235 58: » SELF HES ORI» ys aR EL EAA ° WEAR Fk APSO SRILA GAG |) SARA MAE 7 BU eR THER RAE AAR + FL te — ew SRLFFCredo Bank ALAVtovazBanks# #8 [AYES © RA + SLA ‘SP OHUNLE ME Kamaz AA vtovaz inl A RRB F< PARE FALMER SI WN ‘ene REA 2 A — cae HLA AHA» ICAO «UM» Hee A SRA + I A REN RHR + MEH © 199085 15» i NHS os» JAA Ue AL gt ‘BUR « BUTS HZ Ei» ARLEN Ly I HAR = PEE EIR Zt rH MH A +R J BERL Se LR © “HSL HF 20 Virgin i 4 199143 5A I + RLM OT I POE eis Clete)» CO ET te» AVSEas m+ Re 9 I Lt HE © SM HE I me ZA + GE + WG AE A (vo Pogorelich) i) 4° BY © ‘Bae Em I + A eB LSE» LR eH AF MCAT © I = 1 PILE + TABLA AFA | a RAY AaB) + BB a 9 A LE ET © CREA I Hy 98 + GAR HAR AYN AR DI sO U7 FS RSL = Hf LE A Benediction IE + AOA Ee» RFE 5 LA AA EHC B+ AR ERRATA + SEBUM GHAR » FREE OT ANAL + NANTES + AE I AUR & (RG A aH Uc ME» Ly EL + RAB © et Lamu Pla: Soise Records, Lad seme: Hae Execalive Pret Chi Hse Lin BaPEA = Sut iNT Producer Alert Mack, Yak Ameya S89, = Margarita Kerhathova Engineer: Margarit Koauthon fe RE Conca: Sto Cis Li AR ET See: pune PRR OTR: Be RE Plane Coppi Alber Mahon, Jens Li, Shan ing Thee saaayrvens = 199,71~75 + ai HM Recorded he Masso Rao Sao on uy 15, ‘Albert Markov wrote his Violin Concent in 1988 “The compose called this concerto “China” because he used few Chinese folksongs a musical material Markov'sitrest in Chinese music appeared after e and his family moved from Russa to the USA in 1975. ‘Combining his concenizing and teaching activities, Markov bas met many excelent musicians from China, 4 significant numberof whom have been students in his violin clas. During the late 70, Alber Matkov aranged few Chinese melodies for vili slo, for vilin and piano, for chamber and symphony orchestras, Frequent concer appearances in Taivan and Hong Kong 38 well a strong personal contacts with musicians ofthese countries encouraged the composer to uilize some of his turanged! materials for writing a major composition on Chinese themes. Educated inthe radios of Westem European and Russian musical culture, Markow did ty t0 mite a purely Chinese style. His Violin Concerta i writen in classical form elaborated by the masters of European music By sracure, this is a tration hice movement cycle 1 Allegro agitato ‘Write in Sonata form, this movement expresses in general a heroic idea, Atte same cme we ean hear avery significant lyrical element inthe fst and second subjects as well as an impetuous motion nd brilintviwosty in two eadenzas and developing pars 1 Andante ‘A tonal slow movement in the character of serene with two contrasting elements romantic sect melody asa main subject anda movement of sinister and gloomy eharacter inthe mile part. “The singing ability of the violin, used in this movement, sso effective, that ne can eel that only a Violinist cout dots, IIL Allegro vivo ‘This bilant concer walt inthe Rondo form, where fast dancing motion allerates with he song like melodies, Here isan expression of imepressile energy through the interplay between the violin par, fll of technical viawosity and diverse melodies, andthe orcheste part with is eichness of instrumental colors, Altera sensational premiere ofthe Concert in Tuipel ia October 1991 with soloist Min-Yen Chien and conductor Chiu-Sen Chen, SUNRISE RECORES commissioned Markov to compose one more piece tor olin and orchestra, based on Chinese, particulaly Taiwanese moies, Two months ltr the composition for violin, string orchestra and perevssion instrament eitled “Formosa Suis", was completed Formos consists of ive pices. unite inane ele [Ache same time each ofthe pieces sical independent and can be performed separa 1 Serenade ‘This was writen under the influence of pepular Taiwanese wong which ha been arranged bere by the composer fr the orchestra, An er Violin and the orchestra alread meledy passes through diferent ranges ofthe ‘The mide part ofthe Serene i dancing movement wih dramatic development March ‘A humorous Taiwanese song was the source fae compen this piece which is comsting 4 the Serena isan image of marching hand, which spear int fon far aay, the cones nearer, rad then moves away. The composer rep sats the same motive many ines in differen keys. using rumerous means of hain h rusia pitre IIL Variations a La Baroque 1s not surprising texay o hear cominon af pursls Chie meas with Saritions whi ae typical for I8th century sige of Eropcun nunc. Swit snot nna all he sin variations CCourante, Chorale. Fugue. Sicilians, Gavone and Quast Prosi they all sod Iasially Western, ‘hough writen on a grnine Chinese tens IV Taiwanese Improvisation “This piece, writen fr solo violin, fanetions asthe Cadenza tothe whole Suite. Its hased en a popular Taiwanese song Brilliant instrumental means in the tation of the great vinuoso violnists— Paganini, Ysaye, Kelsler—are widely use inthis movement V Formosa Capriccio ‘This fina movement gives a beter understanding ofthe ttle of whole Formosa Suite, because itis ‘based on some symbolic themes. Iwas the Portuguese atthe ime oftheir occupation of Taiwan, who ‘ve tothe sland the name “Formos” (beautiful). Markov create a certain musical drama inthis piece by contrasting a lyrical Chinese song wih the grim and sinister Portuguese theme "La Folia 2 famous tne which was used in the past by many composers (Corel, Bac, Liszt, Rachmaninov, et:) “Theme "La Fol appears first as @ heavy marching movement, then inthe manner of Tango. Formosa Capriccio continues a wadtion of many instrumental concert pieces with slow introduction and a fst brilliant motion in the Rondo form, PORGY RHAPSODY “This vinwoso violin piece, based on Gershwin’ themes from the opera "Porgy and Bess", was written by Markov and fist published in Russa in 1973 in a violin-piano version Soon after tat, Markov andthe pianist D. Askenazy recorded it on Moscow Rado. The pice became very Popular and was played by other concert violinists. After settling in the USA Markov performed the Rhapsody in New York at Lincoln Center with eeat success. L. Kerner of the VILLAGE VOICE wrote: "Markov has liked melody to melody and superimposed one onto another so tht roos and branches join and splay in ways even more staring and more inevitable than in Gershwia's own starting and inevitable A few years Inter Markov arranged the Rhapsody for voln and orchestra and performed this version as it Sounds on this rconting. This piece is writen ina form which is close to a one-movemeat concerto, wit the manner of improvisation, ehythms, harmonies snd embellisents, typical for jzz style ALBERT MARKOV ALBERT MARKOV, violinist, composer, teacher and conductor studied at Kharkov and Moscow Conservatories under Leschinsky and Yankelevich . Winning the Gold Medal in the Queen Elizabeth Competition in Brussels he wes concertizing extensively ‘Aram Khachaturian wrote in 1966 : " Albert “Markov's activities have had many facets He is violinist, teacher and composer, In all spheres of actions he shows @ remarkable talent. As a violinist, he is undoubtedly one of our best. As a teacher, he has trained excellent violinists. As a composer, he is remarkable inthe originality of his compositions. In summary, Albert Markov is an outstanding musician After his immigration to the United States in 1975, Matkov has appeared to great acclaim throughout USA, Europe, Canada, Mexico and the Far East. His recordings are on Melodia ‘and Musical Heritage labels. His compositions published by Muzica (Russia) and G. Schirmer (USA) are Sonatas for Solo and Duo Violins, Three Rhapsodies, Caprices and others. His recent works are the "Formosa' Suite for Violin and Orchestra and the Violin Concerto, During the last few years Markov isthe Music Director and! Conductor of the Rondo Chamber Orchestra, regularly appearing both asa so‘ost and conductor with this orchestra, ‘A. Markov is a member of the violin facultj at the Manhattan School of Music, His book of "Violin Technique” published by G. Schirmer has been a world-wide recognized violin method. SHAO-CHIA LU Shao-Chia Lit carried us away into a whirlwind of musical dream at his first ‘appearance. One followed him without questioning. = Le Monde, France - ‘Shao-Chia Li, the first prize winner of two intemational conductor competitions — Besangan, France, [988 and "Antonio Pedro” a Trento, Hal 19, is ae othe most outstanding Chinese condictors in his generation Bor in Taiwan 1960, Mr Lu began his musical studies wit piano a the age of six. Oboe, Masi Theory snd Psychology followed, In 19N0 he started his ist conducting lesson with Maestro Chi-Sen Chen, the then Music Director ofthe Taipei Symphony Orchesta who soon became his mentor. From 1985.86 he stutied piano and conducting atthe Indiana University, Bloomington, USA. In 1987 he attended the Hochschule fir Musik und dastllende Kunst” in Vienna studying under Otmar Switner and Karl Osereicher, Where he received his Diploma in 1991 with unanimous hones Fm 19861987 he was the Associate Conductor of the Taipei Symphony Orchestra. During this time he ‘won wide acclaims with his debut of Verdi's Opera "Rigoltt” and nomerous suecessfal concerts. Since then he appears reply as guest conductor inthe National Theatr and Concert Hall in Taivan, Among. ‘hose conductingsinclde operas Tossa", "Aid, "Trovatoe", “Otello In July 1988 he eeceived the "Diploma di Merito from Gennaly Rozhdestvensky atthe "Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena, lyn September 1988 he bec laureate in the "Concours international de Jeunesse Chef dOrchesite n Besangan, France. As of June 1991 brought the hoor of" Widigungspres ‘rom the Austrian Goversment in Vien. In October 1991 he won the frst prize inthe "Concorso invemsarionale per diretori f Orchestra "Antonio Pedro” in Trento, Hay. Aer hich he was iid 0 conduct ten different Halen Orchestras throughout the coming season. Ia May 1993, he made is first, appearance in China by conducting the Cental Philharmnic Orehestea in Peking an the Shanghai ‘Symphony Orchestra in Shanghai. which eamed exceptional eicl aces ‘Besides his conditing activites n Asia, Shoo-Chia Lu works with numerous eminent Europea Orchestas such as: Orchestre National dy Capitole de Toulouse. North Netherlands Orchestra, Phlharmonis Hungarica. Orchestea della Toscana, Orchesta da Camera di Padaws, Orchestra Inirazionale dai, ‘Hungarian State Orchestra, Zagreb Pitharmoni, Russian National Orchestra,

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