Vision and Mission

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1/24/2013 4:16 PM
Dominican University | Graduate School of Library and Information Science LIS 773-01 - School Libraries ASSIGNMENT: VISION/MISSION STATEMENTS Students will each articulate a vision and mission for a quality school library media program. Due date(s) Your vision and mission statements are due as drafts in class on February 4 and as blog posts February 7. What to do Consider the elements of a quality school library media program in light of the readings, class discussion, and stakeholders, or constituencies, whose interests a school library media program serves. Consider also the elements of vision and mission statements that work, including how one develops and implements a successful vision and mission and what evidence indicates success. Develop and write personal vision and mission statements for a school library media program. You may choose to write general statements that you can carry with you into practice, or you may choose to write statements for a specific school library media program, real or imagined. If you write for a specific program, specify a name for the program that indicates the type and level of program it is, such as the O. Henry Middle School Library, or the Arne Duncan HS for Public Affairs Learning Center, or the Lincoln Elementary Media Center. Submit your vision and mission as a new post on the class blog with the category vision/mission. What I will look for This assignment encourages you to think about your personal values and beliefs and how you might integrate them with the values and needs of the learning community you may serve as a library information specialist. Your document will receive up to 5 points. A score of 5 points indicates vision and mission statements that are well articulated and professionally presented. Your understanding the difference between vision and mission is unmistakable in your articulation of them, and your presentation is attractive and error free. A score of 4 points indicates vision and mission statements that are well articulated and professionally presented. Your understanding the difference between vision and mission is evident in your articulation of them, and/or your presentation is readable if not artful and/or contains errors that detract from the presentation. A score of 3 points indicates vision and mission statements that are acceptable though minimally effective. Your understanding the difference between vision and mission is not clear in your articulation of them, and/or your presentation is readable but contains errors that detract from the presentation. A score of 2 points indicates vision and mission statements that are minimally acceptable. Your understanding the difference between vision and mission is lacking in your articulation of them, and/or your presentation is difficult to read or interpret. A score of 1 point indicates a misunderstanding or minimal completion of the assignment. A score of 0 points indicates that what you turned in fails even minimal standards.

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