World Market Environment - Political, Legal & Regulatory

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The Political Environment

• In the US, buses have a sign saying ”Don’t speak
to driver.”
• In England: “You are graciously requested to • Each nation has a political culture, which reflects
refrain from speaking to the driver.” the relative importance of the government and
• In Germany: “It is strictly forbidden for passengers legal system and provides a context within which
to speak to the driver.” individuals and corporations understand their
relationship to the political system.
• In Italy: “Don’t answer the driver.”

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Salient Issues Salient Issues

• Nation-states and Sovereignty • Nation-states and Sovereignty
• Political Risk • Sovereignty is supreme and independent political
• Taxes • Government actions taken in the name of sovereignty
• Seizure of Assets occur in the context of two important criteria: a
country’s stage of development and the political and
economic system in place in the country.

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Salient Issues Salient Issues

• Nation-states and Sovereignty • Nation-states and Sovereignty
• A century ago, US Supreme Court Justice Fuller said: • The economies of individual nations may be classified
• “Every sovereign state is bound to respect the independence as industrialized, newly industrializing, or developing.
of every other sovereign state, and the courts in one country • Many governments in developing countries exercise
will not sit in judgment on the acts of government of another
done within its territory. control over their nations’ economic development by
passing protectionist laws and regulations.

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Salient Issues Salient Issues

• Nation-states and Sovereignty • Nation-states and Sovereignty
• When many nations reach advanced stages of economic • The sovereign political power of a government in a
development, their governments declare that any practice or predominantly nonmarket economy reaches quite far into
policy that restrains free trade is illegal. the economic life of a country.
• Advanced country laws often define and preserve a nation’s
social order; laws may extend to political, cultural and even
intellectual activities and social conduct.

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Salient Issues Salient Issues

• Nation-states and Sovereignty • Nation-states and Sovereignty
• In a capitalist, market-oriented democracy, power tends to • Privatization reduces direct governmental involvement as a
be more constrained. supplier of goods and services.
• A current global phenomenon in both nonmarket and • Privatization moves a nation’s economy further into the
market structures is the trend toward privatization. free-market direction.

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Salient Issues Salient Issues

• Nation-states and Sovereignty • Political risks
• Some believe that global market integration is eroding • Risk of a change in political environment or government
national economic sovereignty. policy that would adversely affect a company’s ability to
• In Europe, individual countries are giving up the right to operate effectively and profitably.
have their own currencies, ceding right to set their own
product standards in exchange for improved market access.

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Salient Issues Salient Issues

• Political risks • Political risks
• When the perceived level of political risk is high, a country • Up-to-date political risk reports on individual country
will have greater difficulty attracting foreign investment. markets are provided by periodicals like The Economist,
• Political forces can drastically change the business Financial Times, and groups like Economist Intelligence
environment with too little advance notice. Unit, the Geneva-based Business Environment Risk
Intelligence and the PRS Group.

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Salient Issues Salient Issues

• Causes of Political Risks • Causes of Political Risks
• The fundamental cause of political risk is tension between • When a political risk is present in a high-income country, it
the residents’ aspirations and goals and the real conditions can be traced to identifiable, long-standing issues in the
at a given time. country, like the conflict between Protestants and Catholics
• The gap between aspirations and reality in high-income in Northern Ireland.
countries is seldom great enough to generate a significant
level of political risk.

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Salient Issues Salient Issues

• Causes of Political Risks • Causes of Political Risks
• In lower- and lower-middle-income countries, an economic • The rupiah plunged from 2,300 to 18,000 to the US dollar,
crisis can trigger political risk. then settled at the rate of 10,000 rupiah to a dollar.
• The incompetence of the government and private sector in • Hungary, Latvia and Albania represent 3 different levels of
Indonesia provoked the expulsion of President Suharto. risk.

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Salient Issues Salient Issues

• Causes of Political Risks • Expressions and Symptoms of Political Risk
• Hungary has already achieved upper-middle-income status. • The level of political risk is inversely related to a country’s
• Latvia, a lower-middle-income country, is projected to grow stage of economic development:
slowly. • All others things being equal, the less developed a country, the
greater the political risk.
• Albania does not even have economic data available.

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Income versus Political Risk Salient Issues

• Currency depreciation is frequently accompanied by
High Triad economic decline which in turn churns up the political
Countries waters.
• The threat of a civil disorder or ethnic conflict is also a

symptom of political risk.



Low RISK High

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Salient Issues Salient Issues

• As the political risk cannot be accurately predicted, • For a conservative company or one considering a
the corporate culture must be considered when multi-million-dollar investment, the same country
making a decision. may have potential for a great market loss.
• For an aggressive, entrepreneurial company wishing • Companies can purchase insurance to offset potential
to make a minimum investment, a country with some risks arising from the political environment.
political risk may have great market potential.

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Salient Issues Salient Issues

• Taxes • Taxes
• Governments rely on tax revenues to generate funds for its • High import tariffs lead to smuggling, falsification of
expenditures. documents, cross-border shopping.
• Unfortunately, government taxation policies on the sale of
goods and services frequently motivate companies to profit
by not paying taxes.

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Salient Issues
Salient Issues
Seizure of assets
• Seizure of assets
government action to dispossess a • Nationalization is recognized by international law as a
foreign company or investor ; legitimate exercise of government power, as long as the act
Expropriation compensation provided but not in a satisfies a “public purpose” and is accompanied by
prompt and adequate manner “adequate payment” (fair market value).

Confiscation no compensation

government takes control of some or

Nationalization all of the enterprises in a particular

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Salient Issues Salient Issues

• Seizure of assets • Seizure of assets
• South Korea nationalized Kia (number 3 car maker) in the • Creeping expropriation applies to limitations on
wake of the Asian crisis. repatriation of profits, dividends, royalties and technical
• The Castro government nationalized property belonging to assistance fees from local investments or technology
American sugar producers in retaliation for new American arrangements.
import quotas on sugar.

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Salient Issues International Law

• Seizure of assets • Defined as the rules and principles that nation-states
• Other issues are increased local content requirements, consider binding upon themselves.
quotas for hiring local nationals, price controls and other
restrictions affecting ROI.
• It pertains to property , trade, immigration and other
areas that have traditionally been under the
jurisdiction of individual nations.

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International Law Islamic Law

• Early international law was concerned with waging • The legal system in many Middle Eastern countries is
war, establishing peace and other political issues such identified with the laws of Islam which are associated
as diplomatic recognition of new national entities and with “the one and only God, the Almighty.”
governments. • The sharia is a comprehensive code governing Muslim
• Elaborate international rules emerged covering the conduct in all areas of life, including business.
status of neutral nations.

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Islamic Law Important Business Issues

• The code is derived from 2 sources:
• Koran, the Holy Book – record of the revelations made to the • Jurisdiction
Prophet Mohammed by Allah • Company personnel working abroad should understand the
• Hadith – based on the life, sayings and practices of Muhammad. It extent to which they are subject to the jurisdiction of host-
spells out the products and practices that are haram (forbidden). country courts.
• No beer advertisement on billboards or in local language newspapers

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Important Business Issues Important Business Issues

• Jurisdiction • Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks and
• Employees of foreign companies working in the US must Copyrights
understand that courts have jurisdiction to the extent that • Patents and trademarks that are protected in one country
the company can be demonstrated to be doing business in are not necessarily protected in another.
the state in which the court sits. • Global marketers should ensure that patents and
trademarks are registered in each country where business
is conducted.

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Important Business Issues Important Business Issues

• Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks and • Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks and
Copyrights Copyrights
• In France, YSL was barred from marketing a new luxury • So YSL launched it in the US, Great Britain, Germany and
perfume called Champagne because French laws allow the Belgium.
name to be applied only to sparkling wines produced in the • It was sold in France without a name.
Champagne Region.

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Important Business Issues Important Business Issues

• Antitrust • Antitrust
• Designed to combat restrictive business practices and to • Nippon Paper Industries was found guilty in a US court of
encourage competition. conspiring with other Japanese firms to raise fax paper
• These came about because some experts believe that the prices in the US.
pressures of global competition have resulted in an • The Japanese government denounced this citing Japan’s
increased incidence of price-fixing and collusion among sovereignty.

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Important Business Issues Important Business Issues

• Antitrust • Licensing and Trade Secrets
• Though meetings which discussed the pricing strategies • Licensing is a contractual agreement in which a licensor
took place outside the US but the judge said: allows a licensee to use patents, trademarks, trade secrets,
• “We live in an age of international commerce, where decisions technology or other intangible assets in return for royalty
reached in one corner of the world can reverberate around the payments or other forms of compensation.

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Important Business Issues Important Business Issues

• Licensing and Trade Secrets • Licensing and Trade Secrets
• Licensing is a potentially dangerous action: it may be • The licensor may limit the licensee to selling only in its
instrumental in creating a competitor. home country.
• Licensors should be careful to ensure that their own • The licensor may also seek to contractually bind the
competitive position remains advantageous. licensee to discontinue use of the technology after the
• This requires constant innovation. contract has expired.

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Important Business Issues Important Business Issues

• Licensing and Trade Secrets • Licensing and Trade Secrets
• Trade secrets are confidential information or knowledge • To prevent disclosure, the licensing of unpatented trade
that has commercial value and is not in the public domain, secrets should be linked to confidentiality contracts with
and for which steps have been taken to keep it secret. each employee who has access to the protected

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Important Business Issues Important Business Issues

• Licensing and Trade Secrets • Bribery and Corruption
• To prevent disclosure, the licensing of unpatented trade • Charles M. Schwab, head of Bethlehem Steel at the
secrets should be linked to confidentiality contracts with beginning of the 20th century, presented a $200,000
each employee who has access to the protected diamond and pearl necklace to the mistress of Czar
information. Alexander III’s nephew.

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Important Business Issues Important Business Issues

• Bribery and Corruption • Bribery and Corruption
• In return for this, Bethlehem Steel won the contract to • Bribery payments are considered a deductible business
supply the rails for the Trans-Siberian railroad. expense in many European countries.
• Bribery is a way of life and corruption is widespread. • It is estimated that the annual price tag for illegal payments
by German firms alone cost more than $5 billion.

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Most Corrupt Countries 2017

Corruption The Regulatory Environment
Rank Country Perception Index
(CPI) • Consists of a variety of governmental and
1 Somalia 10
nongovernmental agencies that enforce laws or set
2 South Sudan 11
guidelines for conducting business.
3 North Korea 12
4 Syria 13 • They address a wide range of marketing issues like
5 Yemen 14 price control, valuation of imports and exports, trade
Sudan 14 practices, labeling food and drug regulations,
Libya 14 employment conditions, collective bargaining,
6 Afghanistan 15 advertising content and competitive practices.
7 Guinea-Bissau 16

8 Venezuela 17
Iraq 17
9 Eritrea 18
Angola 18 55 International Marketing AT BANZON 56

Important Business Issues

Important Business Issues
• McDonald’s, Nike and Toyota have several people
• The influence of regulatory agencies is pervasive and representing their interests in the European Commission.
an understanding of how they operate is essential to • US law firms and consulting firms have sharply increased
protect business interests and advance new their presence in Brussels.
• To gain insight into EU politics and access to its policy
• Firms may need the assistance of home-country makers, they have hired EU officials.
diplomatic staff to obtain a favorable ruling.
• There are 15,000 lobbyists in Brussels representing 1,400
companies and nonprofit organizations from around the

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