Learning Plan Sexual Assault

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Topic of lesson: Sexual Assault Social Sciences

Grade level: 11 (Secondary 5) Unit: Criminology
To critical look at the different
What is sexual assault and sexual exploitation?
cases of sexual assault seen in the
Essential Why does sexual exploitation happen?
Big Idea: popular media recently, especially
Questions: What are ways sexual assault and exploitation can be
surrounding the #MeToo
Sexual assault is something which will affect these
students, whether it directly involves them or if a friend
Understandings: Relevance:
or family member is affected by sexual assault or
Resources Required:
Introduction: (10mins) -Computer with PowerPoint and videos, articles on speeding, paper to write
Students will be calmed down and attendance will half page on article
be taken before the lesson begins.
QEP Subject Area Competencies
Development: (45mins) -Criminology as a subject is not present in the QEP.
This lesson will center around the concepts of
sexual assault and sexual exploitation as seen in Student will know (learning objectives):
the media recently. The specific cases of sexual -How to identify various forms of sexual assault and the circumstances under
assault that this lesson will cover are Harvey which such crimes take place.
Weinstein, Larry Nassar, Donald Trump, Kevin
Spacey, and Venit. Students will understand (learning objectives):
-How to compassionately discuss these topics and understand the position of
This lesson will look at who the perpetrator is, victims of sexual assault
what position of power they held during the time
when the abuse took place, and how the situation Cross Curricular Competencies:
continued and concluded. A concentration will be -Uses information: Students are expected to use information about sexual
placed on the various deflections by the assaulters assault and criminology to complete their half page assignment.
to “explain away” their crime. The students will -Communicates appropriately: In learning about these sensitive topics,
be asked what they’re interpretation of each students will be expected to communicate their knowledge appropriately in
scenario is, thus sparking a conversation between their assignment but also in general communication in their lives.
peers and with the teacher.
Broad Areas of Learning:
The lesson will be interspersed with videos Citizenship and Community Life: Students who learn and expand their
pertaining to the topics in this lesson. Each of the knowledge of sexual assault, something which may affect themselves or
perpetrators in this lesson have video content members of their community, will be able to enrich their citizenship and
related to them. This will serve as a break community life as a result. They will be more knowledgeable on the subject.
between note-taking and discussion portions.
Differentiated Instruction:
Individual work time: (20mins) Some students in this class require a physical version of the PowerPoint,
Students will be given time to work on a half printed, so that they can follow along as the class progresses. This will be
page reaction to the day’s lesson. They will be provided for them. The class features a written component (assignment and
prompted by questions written on the board and note taking) as well as an auditory/visual portion (videos, discussion)
they will be expected to respond to these
questions in a half page assignment-like activity. FORMATIVE - Assessment
They will be handing in this assignment at the end Students will be asked questions throughout the lessons to gauge their
of the class. understanding and retention of information. They are expected to answer to
the teacher’s questions to show their understand of lesson material.
Students will be encouraged to ask any remaining SUMMATIVE - Assessment OF learning:
questions they may have on today’s class or the The summative assessments of this lesson will come in the form of a half page
previous lesson. assignment which is to be filled out by the end of class. The students will be
expected to use lesson information to answer guiding questions on the board.

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