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Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the words in the boxes given.

The teacher's smile radiates slowly from the (1)__________________ of his eyes to the rest of

his face at the students in the classroom. All the students are present and they look at him

(2)_______________ carelessly respectfully and expectantly. His smile ebbs gradually and he

gives a (3)_________to sit down. He launches into the day's lesson drawing their attention to

the (4)_________ of rice placed underneath their houses that morning. The rice is rent for the

(5) _______________ and the tax collector collects them for him from the villagers later in the

day. The teacher wants to know why the rent must be (6) ____________ to the landlord. Takshit

states that it is because the landlord owns the land. Farmers have to pay rent for (7)_

_____________his land. The situation seems clear cut but Dawan is not so sure. She raises the

question of why the landlord (8)___________ the land. What makes him the landlord? What

makes him own all the land instead of the ________________? Then, they discuss the reasons

of labour, (10)___________ and inheritance. The discussion goes on until the headmaster

comes to the classroom.

Using the information from the text, complete the table below.

1 Land Rent

Form of rent: (a)_____________________________

Paid by: (b) _____________________________

Paid to: (c) _____________________________

Reason for rent: (d)___________________________the land

(e) pay rent for___________________

2 Ownership of land

and share

Reason Description

f Landlord works on land and muddied his hands.

g Landlord may have a huge family and has to feed them.

h Landlord's father owns the land - passed on to him.

General consensus: not fair and should be changed

Suggestions to change: (i) _______________________ and share

- not viable

(j) collective farming - put the___________________

near storage bins and everybody can __________________

Match the expression below with its correct meaning.

1. tall and lanky (a) stopping slowly

2. neatly scrubbed (b) a pretence of not knowing what to do

3. ebbing away gradually (c) to look at each other hurriedly

4. tinged with amusement (d) more than average height and slim

5. gesture of appeal (e) a hint of laughter

6. exchange quick glances (f) somebody spoke out

7. acutely aware (g) turned back

8. spun around (h) an action requesting for a response

9. one voice piped up (i) tidy and clean

10. mock helplessness (j) extremely self-conscious

Below are some of the events that take place in Chapter 2. Arrange them according to sequence
by numbering each event.

The class has an interesting discussion with their teacher about the land owners.

The teacher announces the winner of the scholarship.

The teacher changes the subject when the headmaster approaches the classroom.

The teacher walks into the classroom and is surprised to find his students quiet and well-behaved.

The lesson continues with the class giving suggestions on how to improve life in the village.

The students are eagerly awaiting for the teacher's announcement regarding the scholarship

recipient but are disappointed when he asks them instead about the sacks of rice underneath their


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