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Which form of web

How do consumers conduct consumers to go beyond

Timestamp browsing is the most
product research? the first page of search
3/30/2018 13:57:10 Research websites popular?
Desktop 2
3/30/2018 13:59:25 Research websites Mobile 3
Research on the spot just
3/30/2018 13:59:39 Desktop 3
before making a purchase
3/30/2018 14:01:11 Research websites Mobile 2
3/30/2018 14:01:24 Research websites Desktop 1
3/30/2018 14:01:27 Ask friends and family Mobile 2
3/30/2018 14:03:00 Ask friends and family Mobile 1
3/30/2018 14:09:21 Research websites Mobile 4
3/30/2018 14:09:50 Ask friends and family Mobile 3
3/30/2018 14:10:03 Research websites Mobile 2
3/30/2018 14:11:58 Ask friends and family Mobile 1
Research on the spot just
3/30/2018 14:13:56 Mobile 3
before making a purchase
3/30/2018 14:19:27 Research websites Desktop 1
3/30/2018 14:21:00 Research websites Desktop 3
Research on the spot just
3/30/2018 14:21:47 Mobile 4
before making a purchase
3/30/2018 14:24:13 Ask friends and family Mobile 4
3/30/2018 14:24:31 Ask friends and family Mobile 3
Research on the spot just
3/30/2018 14:25:19 Mobile 1
before making a purchase
3/30/2018 14:28:08 Ask friends and family Mobile 3
3/30/2018 14:33:00 Ask friends and family Mobile 4
3/30/2018 14:33:16 Ask friends and family Desktop 1
3/30/2018 14:33:20 Research websites Mobile 3
3/30/2018 14:35:53 Research websites Mobile 4
3/30/2018 14:36:39 Ask friends and family Desktop 1
Research on the spot just
3/30/2018 14:39:18 Mobile 1
before making a purchase
3/30/2018 14:43:10 Ask friends and family Desktop 2
3/30/2018 14:43:36 Research websites Mobile 1
3/30/2018 14:46:37 Research websites Mobile 2
3/30/2018 14:46:58 Research websites Mobile 3
3/30/2018 14:52:05 Ask friends and family Mobile 5
3/30/2018 14:52:07 Ask friends and family Mobile 4
3/30/2018 14:53:11 Research websites Desktop 5
3/30/2018 14:57:14 Research websites Mobile 1
3/30/2018 15:15:17 Research websites Mobile 2
3/30/2018 15:20:14 Research websites Mobile 1
3/30/2018 15:31:49 Research websites Mobile 2
3/30/2018 15:33:28 Ask friends and family Mobile 1
3/30/2018 15:36:29 Ask friends and family Mobile 3
3/30/2018 15:48:58 Research websites Mobile 2
3/30/2018 16:34:42 Research websites Mobile 2
3/30/2018 16:43:39 Ask friends and family Mobile 1
3/30/2018 16:46:27 Ask friends and family Desktop 1
3/30/2018 16:57:52 Research websites Desktop 2
3/30/2018 17:45:47 Research websites Mobile 1
3/30/2018 18:18:21 Ask friends and family Mobile 2
3/30/2018 18:25:03 Research websites Mobile 2
3/30/2018 18:38:25 Ask friends and family Desktop 2
3/30/2018 18:57:12 Research on the spot just Desktop 3
before making a purchase
3/30/2018 19:42:28 Research websites Mobile 1
Research on the spot just
3/30/2018 19:43:02 Tablet 5
before making a purchase
visitor to make a
Does Tonic run a full- purchase benefits of effective advertising offers the
or sign up for a audience
fledged blog? targeting and benefits of cost control
no service after
3 reading a SEO Blogs
no 3 SEO Blogs
yes 3 SEO PPC
yes 2 Blogs PPC
no 2 Banner ADS Banner Ads
no 2 SEO PPC
no 3 SEO Blogs
no 3 Banner ADS Blogs
yes 3 SEO PPC
no 3 SEO PPC
yes 4 Banner ADS PPC
yes 3 Blogs Banner Ads
no 1 SEO PPC
yes 1 Blogs Blogs
yes 4 Blogs Blogs
yes 1 Blogs Banner Ads
yes 4 Blogs Banner Ads
yes 1 Blogs Banner Ads
yes 2 Banner ADS Blogs
no 4 Banner ADS Blogs
no 2 Blogs Banner Ads
yes 3 Banner ADS Banner Ads
no 3 Blogs Blogs
yes 4 SEO Banner Ads
no 3 Banner ADS Banner Ads
yes 1 Blogs PPC
no 3 SEO PPC
yes 2 Banner ADS Banner Ads
no 2 Banner ADS Blogs
yes 2 SEO PPC
yes 2 Banner ADS Banner Ads
yes 2 SEO PPC
yes 3 Banner ADS Banner Ads
yes 3 SEO PPC
yes 4 SEO Blogs
yes 3 SEO PPC
no 3 Banner ADS PPC
yes 3 Blogs Blogs
yes 2 Blogs Banner Ads
no 3 Blogs Blogs
no 2 Blogs Blogs
no 1 Banner ADS Blogs
no 3 Banner ADS Banner Ads
no 2 SEO Banner Ads
no 2 Blogs Blogs
no 3 SEO Blogs
yes 3 SEO PPC
no 2 Blogs Blogs
yes 1 Blogs Blogs
no 5 Banner ADS Banner Ads
What are the two most
sales, which form of improving targeting in How active is Tonic in prominent strengths of
advertising must Tonic advertising, Telenor Facebook?
Email Marketing SEO 2 Tonic?
Brand Image
Blogs Banner Ads 2 Brand Image, Product
Outlook, Price
SEO Social Media Marketing 2 Competitveness
Brand Image, Price
Blogs Social Media Marketing 2
Brand Image, Price
SEO Social Media Marketing 3
Brand Image, Funky
SEO Social Media Marketing 2 Outlook
SEO SEO 3 Price Competitveness
SEO SEO 3 Funky Outlook
Funky Outlook, Product
Email Marketing Social Media Marketing 2 Assortment
Blogs SEO 3 Funky Outlook
Email Marketing Social Media Marketing 3 Brand Image, Funky
Blogs Social Media Marketing 2 Funky Outlook
Blogs SEO 2 Brand Image
Blogs SEO 2 Funky Outlook
Price Competitveness,
Blogs Social Media Marketing 1 Product Assortment
Email Marketing Banner Ads 3 Funky Outlook
Email Marketing Social Media Marketing 2 Brand Image
Email Marketing Social Media Marketing 3 Funky
Funky Outlook
Outlook, Price
SEO Social Media Marketing 3 Competitveness,
Blogs Social Media Marketing 2 Brand Image,
Product Product
Brand Image, Price
Email Marketing Social Media Marketing 2 Competitveness
Brand Image, Funky
SEO Social Media Marketing 2 Outlook
Blogs Social Media Marketing 2 Brand Image
Brand Image, Product
SEO Social Media Marketing 2 Assortment
Blogs Social Media Marketing 2 Brand Image
Blogs Social Media Marketing 2 Brand Image, Price
Email Marketing Social Media Marketing 2 Product Assortment
Brand Image, Price
SEO SEO 1 Competitveness
Brand Image, Price
Email Marketing Social Media Marketing 2
SEO Social Media Marketing 3 Product Assortment
Brand Image, Funky
Email Marketing Social Media Marketing 2 Outlook
Email Marketing Social Media Marketing 2 Brand Image
SEO Banner Ads 1 Brand Image, Funky
SEO Social Media Marketing 3 Brand Image
SEO Social Media Marketing 2 Brand Image, Price
SEO SEO 2 Brand Image
Funky Outlook, Product
SEO Social Media Marketing 3 Assortment
Blogs Social Media Marketing 2 Brand Image
Email Marketing Social Media Marketing 1 Price Competitveness
Brand Image, Price
Blogs Social Media Marketing 3 Competitveness
Blogs Social Media Marketing 1 Product Assortment
Blogs Social Media Marketing 3 Funky Outlook
Email Marketing Social Media Marketing 2 Brand Image
SEO Social Media Marketing 3 Funky Outlook
Email Marketing Social Media Marketing 2 Brand Image, Funky
SEO Social Media Marketing 3 Brand Image
Blogs Social Media Marketing 1 Brand Image
Email Marketing Social Media Marketing 2 Brand Image
Email Marketing Social Media Marketing 1 Brand Image, Funky
Price Competitveness,
SEO Banner Ads 3 Product Assortment
What are the two most What are the two most Which form of Facebook
prominent weaknesses prominent threats facing posts does Tonic need to
opportunities that Tonic
People are becoming Large conglomerates
of Tonic?
Reliability issues Tonic? consider urgently?
Health Advic posts
more health conscios
consumers put the may enter thistend
Consumers industry
Lack of Experience switch brands quickly, Health Advic posts
Lack of Experience, Poor highest priority
consumers put the on quickly
People might see this as Product post
Service Quality highest
consumerspriority on
put the Large conglomerates
Poor Service Quality another insurance Product post
priority on switch
may brands
enter quickly,
this industry
Lack of Experience, Poor People becoming Product post
switch brandsmayquickly,
make it
Reliability QualityLack more health conscios
Unutilized digital space difficult
Regulations to scale
of Experience People mightmay seemake
this asit Milestone posts
Lack of Experience Unutilized digital space difficult to scale
another insurance Health Advic posts
Reliability issues,
issues High costs of market Large conglomerates
company and back out. Milestone posts
Reliability entry may enter this industry,
High costs of market
Product benefits are not Regulations may make it Milestone posts
People are becoming Large conglomerates
Lackup ofto mark
Experience difficult
to scale
brands quickly, Health Advic posts
more health conscios may enter this industry
Reliability issues Unutilized digital space People might see this as Health Advic posts
People are becoming Consumers tend to
another insurance
of of Experience
Experience, Poor Health Advic posts
more health conscios
consumers put the switch brands
switch brands quickly,
Service Quality, Product People Milestone posts
highest priority
People are becoming on Large might see this as
benefits are not
Reliability up to
issues another insurance Product post
Reliability issues, Lack more health conscios
consumers put the Consumers
company and tend
back to
out. Health Advic posts
of Experience highest priority
consumers put the on switch brandstend
Consumers quickly
Poor Service Quality Milestone posts
Product benefits are not highestare
People priority on
becoming switch brands quickly
Large conglomerates
People might Health Advic posts
Product upbenefits
to markare not more health conscios may enter thissee this as
Unutilized digital space another
switch insurance
brands quickly, Health Advic posts
up toissues,
Reliability mark Lack People are becoming company
People and back out. Product post
Lackof of Experience,
Experience more switchmight
brands see this as
Peoplehealth conscios
are becoming another insurance Product post
Product benefits are not Regulations may make it
more health conscios switch brands quickly,
up to mark
Reliability issues Unutilized digital space difficult to scale Milestone posts
switch brands quickly,
Large conglomerates
Lack of Experience Unutilized digital space People might see this as Product post
Product benefits are not People are becoming Consumers tend to
another insurance Health Advic posts
Product upbenefits
to markare not more
Peoplehealth conscios
are becoming switch brandstend
Consumers quickly
People Milestone posts
up to mark more
Peoplehealth conscios
are becoming switchmight
brands see this as
Lack of Experience another insurance Health Advic posts
more health conscios switch brands quickly,
Lack of Experience Unutilized digital space company and back out. Milestone posts
may enter
Large this industry,
Lack of Experience
Reliability issues, Unutilized digital space People might see this as Product post
People are becoming switch brands
another quickly,
Product benefits are not Health Advic posts
Peoplehealth conscios
are becoming Large conglomerates
Consumers tend to
Lackup ofto mark
Experience Product post
Product benefits are not more health conscios
consumers put the switch brandstend
Consumers quickly
switch brands quickly, Health Advice posts
up toissues,
Reliability mark Lack highest priority
medical services, on quickly
People might see this as Milestone posts
Productof Experience
benefits are not consumers
People put the
are becoming Consumers tend to
another insurance Health Advice posts
up to mark Poor more health conscios switch brands quickly,
Lack of Experience, medical services, Product post
People might see this as
Service Quality consumers put the Consumers tend to
Lack of Experience Unutilized another insurance
Reliability issues, People aredigital space
becoming switch brands quickly,
quickly Health Advice posts
Product benefits are not more health conscios, People mightmay
Regulations this asit Health Advice posts
Lackup ofto mark
Experience consumers
Unutilized put space
digital the another insurance Milestone posts
highest put the
priority on maydifficult to scale
enter this industry,
Reliability issues, Lack operations.
highest priority on People might see this
People might see this as as Milestone posts
of Experience medical services,
Lack of Experience brand image which another insurance
another insurance Health Advice posts
consumers put the
High costs of market Large conglomerates
Poor Service Quality company and back out. Product post
entryput the switch
may brands
enter quickly,
this industry
Reliability issues, Poor highest priority on People might see this as Product post
Service Quality brand image which another insurance
of Experience, Poor consumers put the People might see this as
Service Quality, Product Milestone posts
People arepriority on
becoming another
Large insurance
Lack of are not up to
Experience Health Advice posts
more health conscios
consumers put the may enter thistend
Consumers industry
Lack of Experience Health Advice posts
highest priority on switch brands quickly
Consumers tend to
Reliability issues Unutilized digital space People Health Advice posts
Lack of Experience, Poor Unutilized digital space switchmight
brandssee this as
another insurance Milestone posts
Service Quality People are becoming Large conglomerates
Reliability issues company and back out. Product post
more health conscios Regulations mayindustry
may enter this make it
consumers put the
Reliability issues difficult to scale Product post
Reliability issues, Lack highest priority
medical services,on company and back out.,
operations. Health Advice posts
of Experience
Reliability issues, Lack consumers put the
medical services, Regulations mayquickly,
switch brands make it
Poor Product post
ofService Quality, Unutilized
Experience consumersdigital
put space,
the Large conglomerates
company and back out.,
Product benefits are not High costs of market Health Advice posts
Regulations may make it
up to mark entry
Does Tonic’s marketing How can Tonic generate How can Tonic make How can Tonic boost its
efforts lack an emotional more leads from Viber marketing more
Make YouTube exclusive SEOits
Expand rankings?
social media
No YouTube? P2Pinteractive?
content Expandpresence
its social media
Yes Using YouTube Pre-Roll Integrate notifications
its social media
No Using YouTube Pre-Roll Push messaging
Launch a weekly health presence
Expand its social media
Yes Integrate notifications
show exclusive
Make YouTube Engagepresence
in more content
Yes Integrate notifications
Make YouTube marketing
Expand its social media
Yes Integrate notifications
Yes Launch acontent
weekly health P2P conversations Expandpresence
its social media
Launch a weekly health presence
Engage in more content
Yes P2P conversations
show Engagemarketing
in more content
No Using YouTube Pre-Roll Integrate notifications marketing
Expand its social media
Yes Using YouTube Pre-Roll Integrate notifications
Yes Using YouTube Pre-Roll Push messaging Media buying
Expand its social media
No Using YouTube Pre-Roll P2P conversations
Yes Make YouTube exclusive Integrate notifications Expandpresence
its social media
Yes Launch acontent
weekly health Push messaging
Expand its social media
show Engagepresence
in more content
Yes Using YouTube Pre-Roll Push messaging
Launch a weekly health marketing
Engage in more content
Yes Integrate notifications
Yes Launch ashow
weekly health Integrate notifications Expandmarketing
its social media
Make YouTube exclusive presence
Expand its social media
No Integrate notifications
Yes Launch acontent
weekly health P2P conversations Expandpresence
its social media
Launch a weekly health presence
Expand its social media
Yes Integrate notifications
show exclusive
Make YouTube Expandpresence
its social media
No Push messaging
Launch acontent
weekly health presence
Expand its social media
Yes Integrate notifications
Launch a weekly health Expandpresence
its social media
No P2P conversations
show exclusive
Make YouTube presence
Expand its social media
No Integrate notifications
content Expandpresence
its social media
No Using YouTube Pre-Roll P2P conversations presence
Engage in more content
No Using YouTube Pre-Roll Push messaging
Launch a weekly health Expandmarketing
its social media
Yes Integrate notifications
show presence
Engage in more content
Yes Using YouTube Pre-Roll P2P conversations
No Launch a weekly health Push messaging Engagemarketing
in more content
show exclusive
Make YouTube marketing
No Push messaging Media buying
content Expand its social media
Yes Using YouTube Pre-Roll Integrate notifications
Yes Make YouTube exclusive Push messaging Engagepresence
in more content
content marketing
Engage in more content
Yes Using YouTube Pre-Roll Integrate notifications
Make YouTube exclusive Expandmarketing
its social media
Yes P2P conversations
Yes Launch acontent
weekly health P2P conversations
Media buying
Make YouTube exclusive Engage in more content
Yes Push messaging
Launch acontent
weekly health Expandmarketing
its social media
No Integrate notifications
Launch a weekly health presence
Expand its social media
Yes Integrate notifications
Yes Launch ashow
weekly health Push messaging Engagepresence
in more content
show marketing
Expand its social media
Yes Using YouTube Pre-Roll P2P conversations presence
Make YouTube exclusive
No Push messaging Media buying
Yes Launch acontent
weekly health Integrate notifications Engage in more content
No Launch ashow
weekly health Push messaging Expandmarketing
its social media
Make YouTube exclusive Integrate notifications presence
Expand its social media
Yes content Expandpresence
its social media
Yes Using YouTube Pre-Roll Integrate notifications
Engage in more content
Yes Using YouTube Pre-Roll P2P conversations
Launch a weekly health Engagemarketing
in more content
Yes Push messaging
Yes Launch ashow
weekly health Push messaging
Engage in more content
show Engagemarketing
in more content
Yes Using YouTube Pre-Roll P2P conversations
Make YouTube exclusive marketing
No Push messaging Media buying
visitors who don’t
engage much but are
Boost SEO
Advertise on display
network websites
Increase blogging
Increase blogging
Increase blogging
Boost SEO
Increase blogging
Increase blogging
Boost SEO
Increase blogging
Advertise on display
network on
Advertise websites
network websites
Advertise on display
network websites
Increase blogging
Increase blogging
Boost SEO
Boost SEO
Increase blogging
Advertise on display
network on
Advertise websites
network websites
Advertise on display
network on
Advertise websites
network websites
Advertise on display
network websites
Boost SEO
Increase blogging
Increase blogging
Boost SEO
Advertise on display
network websites
Increase blogging
Boost SEO
Increase blogging
Advertise on display
network on
Advertise websites
network websites
Advertise on display
network websites
Boost SEO
Advertise on display
network websites
Increase blogging
Advertise on display
network on
Advertise websites
network websites
Advertise on display
network websites
Boost SEO
Increase blogging
Boost SEO
Advertise on display
network websites
Increase blogging
Advertise on display
network on
Advertise websites
network websites
Advertise on display
network on
Advertise websites
network websites
Boost SEO

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