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How do we approach thrombocytopenia in critically ill


Jecko Thachil1 and Theodore E. Warkentin2

Department of Haematology, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester, UK and 2Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine,
McMaster University, Hamilton Regional Laboratory Medicine Program, Hamilton General Hospital, Hamilton Health Sciences,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

include participation in inflammation, wound healing,

endothelial barrier function, angiogenesis, tissue regeneration,
A low platelet count is a frequently encountered haematolog- foetal vascular remodelling and bone formation (Nurden,
ical abnormality in patients treated in intensive treatment 2011). As such, they play a role in several diseases affecting
units (ITUs). Although severe thrombocytopenia (platelet different organs and organ systems (Thachil, 2015). This
count <20 9 109/l) can be associated with bleeding, even multi-functionality may explain the common finding of
moderate-degree thrombocytopenia is associated with organ thrombocytopenia in patients with various co-morbidities
failure and adverse prognosis. The aetiology for thrombocy- admitted to the intensive therapy unit (ITU).
topenia in ITU is often multifactorial and correcting one
aetiology may not normalise the low platelet count. The clas-
The incidence of critical illness
sical view for thrombocytopenia in this setting is consump-
tion associated with thrombin-mediated platelet activation,
but other concepts, including platelet adhesion to endothelial The incidence of thrombocytopenia in ITU can vary depend-
cells and leucocytes, platelet aggregation by increased von ing on the type of care provided (medical, surgical or mixed)
Willebrand factor release, red cell damage and histone and the threshold used for defining thrombocytopenia (150
release, and platelet destruction by the complement system, or 100 9 109/l). It may also vary depending on the clinical
have recently been described. The management of severe presentations predominantly dealt with in each ITU, which
thrombocytopenia is platelet transfusion in the presence of can vary in different centres (e.g. cardiac surgery versus liver
active bleeding or invasive procedure, but the risk-benefit of transplant units) (Stephan et al, 1999; Hui et al, 2011).
prophylactic platelet transfusions in this setting is uncertain. Thrombocytopenia can develop prior to arrival or during the
In this review, the incidence and mechanisms of thrombocy- ITU stay. A practical pointer in this regard is that the throm-
topenia in patients with ITU, its prognostic significance and bocytopenia that develops after arrival in the ITU is likely to
the impact on organ function is discussed. A practical be caused by an intervention (e.g. surgery, resuscitation flu-
approach based on the authors’ experience is described to ids causing haemodilution or drugs like vancomycin) or
guide management of a critically ill patient who develops development of a complication (e.g. sepsis or liver impair-
thrombocytopenia. ment) in the ITU. As such, the timing of thrombocytopenia
onset may help in suggesting a possible diagnosis (discussed
Keywords: anticoagulation, critical care, platelet, thrombocy- later).
topenia, thrombosis.

Mechanisms for thrombocytopenia in ITU

Platelets are versatile cells with a wide range of functions.
They were initially recognised as ‘blood dust’ in the late 19th
century, but were soon recognized as the principal cells The mechanisms for thrombocytopenia in the ITU are usu-
involved in haemostasis and thrombosis (Stasi & Newland, ally multifactorial (see Table I). The classic view is that “con-
2011). More recently, their capabilities have been extended to sumption” via thrombin-mediated platelet activation is the
most common explanation. In some patients this is associ-
ated with clear laboratory evidence of parallel consumption
Correspondence: Dr Jecko Thachil, Department of Haematology, of coagulation factors [“overt” disseminated intravascular
Manchester Royal Infirmary, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9WL, coagulation (DIC)], whereas in other patients, non-overt
UK. DIC is implicated (Neame et al, 1980). It has been suggested
E-mail: that if there is a decrease in platelet count in the setting of

ª 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd First published online 16 December 2016
British Journal of Haematology, 2017, 177, 27–38 doi: 10.1111/bjh.14482

Table I. Mechanisms of thrombocytopenia in the critically ill. endothelial cells, leading to thrombocytopenia. There is also
increasing evidence for platelet interaction with white cells
• Increased platelet consumption – with or without overt through the formation of platelet-neutrophil aggregates and
disseminated intravascular coagulation platelet-monocyte complexes in sepsis and other inflamma-
• Increased platelet consumption with clinically-overt thrombosis tory conditions. For example, Johansson et al (2011) demon-
(e.g., pulmonary embolism, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia) strated that bacteria isolated from patients with Gram-
• Platelet aggregation due to high von Willebrand factor multimers
positive bacteraemia could induce platelet-neutrophil com-
in sepsis or inflammatory disorders
• Increased destruction – by autoantibodies in immune plex formation via platelet P-selectin and neutrophil Mac-1
thrombocytopenia (ITP) or drug-dependent antibodies (D-ITP) or complex. Similarly, a study of 113 septic adults in ITU with
alloantibodies in post-transfusion purpura severe-sepsis/septic-shock showed elevated platelet-monocyte
• Platelet adherence to other cells including vascular endothelial aggregates (Rondina et al, 2015). They were associated with
cells or leucocytes in sepsis or inflammatory disorders increased risk of mortality in older patients. In these cases,
• Complement mediated platelet destruction in sepsis or although marked thrombocytopenia was not described,
inflammatory disorders
attachment of platelets to each other and endothelial/leuco-
• Haemolysis induced platelet aggregation in haemolytic disorders
• Histone induced thrombocytopenia in any condition which causes cytes may lead to thrombocytopenia.
extensive cell damage The complement system forms part of the host defence by
• Artificial membrane capture of platelets in medical devices (e.g. complementing the immune system. Platelets can also func-
haemofiltration, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and tion as antimicrobial cells. These two are connected in vari-
cardiac assist devices) ous ways. For example, platelets contain complement factors
• Haemodilution from administration of large amount of fluids or and express receptors for the complement pathway on their
blood products
surfaces (Peerschke & Ghebrehiwet, 1998). Stimulated plate-
• Splenic sequestration – portal hypertension, hypersplenism or
splenomegaly of any cause
lets can activate the complement system, while several com-
• Decreased production of platelets – chemotherapy or ponents of the complement system can activate platelets
radiotherapy, bone marrow disorders, drug or virus-induced (Polley & Nachman, 1983; Peerschke & Ghebrehiwet, 1998).
marrow failure, haemophagocytosis, haematinic deficiency This beneficial interaction can become over-exaggerated
(B12 or folate) when excessive complement activation accompanies disorders
• Pseudothrombocytopenia (laboratory artefacts) like sepsis/inflammation. Complement destruction of plate-
In many cases, more than one mechanism is causing or contributing
lets in this setting can contribute to thrombocytopenia (Peer-
to the thrombocytopenia
schke et al, 2010). Atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome
(aHUS) is the classical disease where an inability to control
complement activation can result in thrombocytopenia and
conditions which can cause DIC, such as sepsis, non-overt micro-angiopathic haemolytic anaemia (Scully & Goodship,
DIC should be considered by serially monitoring routine 2014).
coagulation measures, such as prothrombin time (PT), acti- Haemolysis can occur in ITU patients from the use of
vated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), fibrinogen and drugs, rare disorders like thrombotic microangiopathy
D-dimers (Thachil, 2016a). If there is worsening of these (TMA) and in some DIC cases. In TMA, thrombocytopenia
additional laboratory values, DIC can be implicated as the arises due to increased platelet aggregation from ADAMTS13
cause for the thrombocytopenia (Thachil, 2016a). In addition deficiency and due to the release of red cell adenosine
to increased consumption, other mechanisms for thrombocy- diphosphate, which is a potent platelet aggregatory agent
topenia in ITU include destruction of platelets in the circula- (Claus et al, 2009). Data from paroxysmal nocturnal
tion, haemodilution, splenic sequestration and decreased haemoglobinuria patients also suggest that free-haemoglobin
production from the bone marrow. These were reviewed by released by the haemolytic process can scavenge the most
Greinacher and Selleng (2010) and hold true in most cases, potent platelet anti-aggregatory agent, nitric oxide (Riddell &
but some other often overlooked reasons specific for ITU are Owen, 1999; Rother et al, 2005).
discussed below. A newly identified reason for thrombocytopenia in criti-
Taking the example of the sepsis syndrome, platelet aggre- cal illness is the effect of extracellular histones (Fig 1 and
gation/adhesion to leucocytes and endothelial cells may be a reviewed in Alhamdi et al, 2016). Animal studies from the
common mechanism for ITU thrombocytopenia. Extensive Wagner laboratory noted histone infusions to cause rapid
endothelial activation characteristic of sepsis is associated and profound thrombocytopenia (Fuchs et al, 2011),
with the release of large amounts of von Willebrand factor through platelet aggregation. This aggregatory effect is
multimers and reciprocally decreased amounts of the multi- mediated by the activation of integrins and crosslinking of
mer-cleaving protease, ADAMTS13, which may not be a cau- platelets and fibrinogen. Alhamdi et al (2016) recently
sal link but due to the underlying illness (Kremer Hovinga showed that high histone levels during ITU stay strongly
et al, 2007). The exaggerated endothelial activation allows predicted the development of moderate to severe thrombo-
large numbers of platelets to be attached to the vascular cytopenia.

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British Journal of Haematology, 2017, 177, 27–38

Fig 1. Mechanisms for thrombocytopenia

induced by histones. Histones are proteins
associated with the nucleus that are released by
active process from activated immune cells like
neutrophils (as part of neutrophil extracellular
traps) and passively by release from any dam-
aged cell, where they may be associated with
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Recent studies
summarised by Alhamdi and Toh (2016) have
shown that they can be involved in processes
which can cause host damage through causing
thrombocytopenia, endothelial damage and
organ injury.

In summary, the mechanisms for thrombocytopenia in associated with mucocutaneous bleeding and also systemic
critically ill patients vary, with more than one mechanism symptoms including fever/chills (Warkentin, 2007; Priziola
often responsible. For example, a septic patient treated with et al, 2010). The median time from drug initiation to the
antibiotics may have sepsis-induced platelet aggregation and development of low platelet count is 14 days, although with
histone- and complement-mediated thrombocytopenia as ini- previous exposure, it can develop within 3 days (Aster et al,
tial contemporaneous explanations which subsequently wors- 2009). One of the difficulties in diagnosing D-ITP in ITU is
ens/recurs because of antibiotic-induced platelet-reactive that the patient may have been treated with multiple drugs,
antibodies. Considering the different pathophysiological many of which can cause the thrombocytopenia. Consulting
mechanisms is important in tailoring platelet-specific treat- the well-established and updated database listing all drugs
ment. Also, managing one cause may not be enough to cor- reported to cause thrombocytopenia at http://www.ouhsc.ed
rect the thrombocytopenia fully. u/platelets/ditp.html is advisable (George et al, 1998). Other
published lists of drugs causing D-ITP are also available
(Aster et al, 2009; Reese et al, 2010; Arnold et al, 2013).
Practice pointers to identify a cause of
These provide the level of clinical evidence to implicate the
thrombocytopenia in critically ill (Fig 2)
drug and also whether drug-dependent antibodies have been
previously identified. Another dilemma is that, in some cases,
it is probably essential that the drug be continued and thus
Rapidity of development of thrombocytopenia
discontinuation may not be an easy decision. The authors
An acute drop in platelet count can indicate an immune consider the diagnosis of D-ITP if the timing of severe
cause. Drug-induced thrombocytopenia (D-ITP) is a classic thrombocytopenia onset fits a known drug trigger of D-ITP
example explained by formation of drug-dependent platelet- (per databases) and no other obvious explanation is evident,
reactive antibodies (Von Drygalski et al, 2007; Arnold et al, and discontinue or switch one/two likely drugs at a time to
2013). A less common explanation for precipitous thrombo- assess the response.
cytopenia is post-transfusion purpura (PTP), from the for- Although precipitous platelet count falls in the setting of
mation of transiently-autoreactive platelet alloantibodies acute infection have been reported (Warkentin, 2015a,b),
approximately 1 week following blood-product transfusion. more gradual development of thrombocytopenia is usually
Passive alloimmune thrombocytopenia refers to acute throm- noted in septic and inflammatory disorders.
bocytopenia that begins within hours of transfusion, and
explained by platelet-reactive alloantibodies within the blood
Timing of onset of thrombocytopenia
product (Warkentin & Smith, 1997). Although autoimmune
thrombocytopenia (ITP) rarely develops in the ITU, life- Thrombocytopenia that develops in the first 2–3 days of ITU
threatening haemorrhage in ITP patients could lead to ITU admission (range, 1–4 days) is a response to the reason for
admission. admission, such as postoperative state or trauma. It is prefer-
D-ITP typically results in severe thrombocytopenia, with able to keep a watchful wait in these patients, with regular
median nadir platelet counts described as 20 9 109/l, often blood checks and no intervention to ‘correct’

ª 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 29

British Journal of Haematology, 2017, 177, 27–38

Fig 2. Clues for the diagnosis of thrombocy-

topenia in critically-ill patients. ITP, immune
thrombocytopenia; HIT, heparin-induced
thrombocytopenia, PTP, post-transfusion pur-
pura; PT, prothrombin time; APTT, activated
partial thromboplastin time; DIC, disseminated
intravascular coagulation.

thrombocytopenia unless the platelet count is very low Thrombocytopenia in combination with thrombosis
(<10 9 109/l) or the patient is bleeding. In postoperative
When thrombocytopenia develops in conjunction with large-
patients, the drop in platelet count is the result of combina-
vein or artery thrombosis, the differential diagnosis narrows.
tion of platelet consumption from tissue injury/wound heal-
HIT is the classic disorder characterized by the combination
ing and blood losses, as well as haemodilution. These are
of thrombocytopenia and large-vessel venous or arterial
expected to be compensated by the bone marrow in the fol-
thrombosis. A recent review by Warkentin (2015c) gives an
lowing days. In a prospective study of nearly 600 patients
overview of HIT presentation in critically-ill patients, includ-
who underwent cardiac surgery, platelet counts fell below
ing DIC-associated venous limb gangrene. Cancer-associated
normal in 563% of patients and below 50 9 109/l in 29%
DIC can also present with this combination, sometimes even
of patients within 10 days after surgery (Selleng et al, 2010).
mimicking HIT (Warkentin, 2015a; Warkentin et al, 2015a).
The lowest level was recorded typically between days 1–4
Antiphospholipid syndrome can present with macrovascular
after surgery with the count increasing to the pre-surgery
thrombosis and thrombocytopenia. An unusual and over-
level soon after. Similar mechanisms in an exaggerated man-
looked cause of thrombocytopenia is the massive-clot throm-
ner may explain the thrombocytopenia in trauma patients
bocytopenia, where patients with pulmonary embolism (~3%
although haemodilution from generous blood-product
of cases) have large numbers of platelets incorporated into
replacement can be an additional factor. The 2–3 day delay
the extensive thrombi (Kitchens, 2004).
in thrombopoietic response mirrors platelet production
Thrombocytopenia with combined macro- and microvas-
kinetics where megakaryocytes take up to 3 days to release
cular thrombosis points to disorders such as severe HIT
large number of platelets from the bone marrow (Kaushan-
with HIT-associated DIC, as well as the catastrophic variety
sky, 2009), with the platelet count expected to rise to levels
of antiphospholipid syndrome (CAPS). Definite CAPS is
approximately 2–3-times baseline by day 14.
defined as thromboses in three or more organs developing
It is well-known to the journal readers that the onset of
in less than a week, microthrombosis in at least one organ
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is at least 5 days
and persistent antiphospholipid screen positivity (Cervera
after beginning an immunizing heparin exposure, although
et al, 2013). Many patients with CAPS have moderate or
recent heparin exposure (within the previous 100 days) may
severe thrombocytopenia (even though thrombocytopenia is
cause rapid-onset HIT upon heparin re-exposure, if the
not one of the criteria of CAPS). Patients with overt DIC
recent exposure had resulted in immune-sensitization. The
of numerous aetiologies can develop microthrombosis;
explanation for the association between recent heparin expo-
indeed, DIC and resulting microthrombosis is the key
sure and rapid-onset HIT is the characteristic transience of
pathophysiological process that explains acral-limb ischae-
platelet-activating HIT antibodies, which are usually no
mic necrosis (“symmetrical peripheral gangrene”) in ITU
longer detectable >100 days following an episode of HIT
(Warkentin & Kelton, 2001).

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Recently, “shock liver” (also known as acute ischaemic surrogate marker for improvement from sepsis. Since multiple
hepatitis or acute hepatic necrosis) has been identified as a factors contribute to the sepsis-associated thrombocytopenia,
risk factor for development of symmetrical peripheral gan- correcting the platelet count to normal by one intervention
grene in ITU patients with acute DIC (Siegal et al, 2012; may not always be easy. Supportive treatment with focus on
Warkentin, 2015a,b,c). Shock liver is a “coumarin equiva- fully treating the septic episode is the key.
lent” (protein C depletion with DIC/severe liver dysfunction
contributes to natural anticoagulant failure) thus predispos-
Thrombocytopenia with abnormal coagulation profile
ing to microthrombosis. Such patients also have compro-
mised peripheral blood flow due to hypotension/shock and Abnormal clotting screen in the presence of thrombocytope-
vasopressor therapy. This syndrome resembles coumarin- nia usually denotes extensive thrombin generation as would
induced venous limb gangrene and DIC secondary to HIT or be seen in septic DIC (Thachil, 2016b). It should however be
metastatic cancer (Warkentin & Pai, 2016). In the author’s borne in mind that the clotting screen (normal in up to
(TEW) experience, 85–90% of ITU patients with symmetric 50%) and a low fibrinogen (lower than 1 g/l in less than
peripheral gangrene have preceding shock-liver (the remain- 30% of cases) may not always be present in DIC (Levi &
ing have severe thrombocytopenia or chronic liver disease as Meijers, 2011). Indeed, as fibrinogen is an acute phase reac-
distinguishing features) (Warkentin, 2015a,b,c). Our practice tant, DIC can even feature supranormal fibrinogen levels as
is thus to measure serial liver enzymes in addition to platelet shown in a recently reported case of DIC and symmetrical
counts and coagulation assays in shocked ITU patients, and peripheral gangrene complicating Klebsiella pneumosepsis
to consider certain therapies (heparin administration with (Warkentin, 2015b). In all cases of DIC, D-dimer is however
anti-factor Xa monitoring; antithrombin concentrates; markedly raised, and we recommend serial measurements of
plasma infusion) in patients with incipient limb-ischaemia quantitative D-dimer levels in laboratory assessment of possi-
with the clinical picture of DIC and recent/concurrent shock ble DIC. Another clinical condition which can cause abnor-
liver (Warkentin & Pai, 2016). mal clotting screen-thrombocytopenia picture is liver
impairment due to the lack of synthesis of coagulation fac-
tors and thrombopoeitin respectively (Afdhal et al, 2008).
The value of an absolute platelet count
Splenomegaly in liver disease can also cause chronic throm-
In the critically-ill, severity of thrombocytopenia can be use- bocytopenia. Liver enzymes may be normal despite extensive
ful in the differential diagnosis. An acute drop in the count liver impairment creating a diagnostic dilemma.
to <20 9 109/l is uncommonly due to sepsis or DIC. In con-
trast, D-ITP usually causes platelet counts <20 9 109/l, but
Thrombocytopenia in patients with artificial devices
this is seen in only 5 10% of HIT patients (and then in
combination with overt DIC). Platelet counts <20 9 109/l is Thrombocytopenia is reported to occur in three-fourths of
classical for TTP but unusual for aHUS, where the median patients receiving continuous renal-replacement therapy (Fer-
count is 50 9 109/l OR a >25% decrease from baseline. reira & Johnson, 2015). Immune destruction, co-morbid
Approximately one-fifth of severe aHUS patients have plate- conditions and secondary to drugs (including heparin) used
let counts >150 9 109/l; because their baselines are in these patients are mechanisms described but the dialysis-
250 9 109/l or higher (De Serres & Isenring, 2009). specific issues are related to the adherence of platelets to the
dialysis-filtration membrane (Ferreira & Johnson, 2015). Dia-
lyzer membrane-induced thrombocytopenia was first noted
Thrombocytopenia in patients confirmed to have sepsis
three decades ago by Vicks et al (1983) prior to routine
In patients requiring medical ITU admission, sepsis or SIRS is blood counts when patients developed haemorrhage related
probably the commonest cause of thrombocytopenia with the to thrombocytopenia. The relevance of haemofilter mem-
severity and incidence being greater in those with septic shock brane type was confirmed by Liu et al (2010) by comparing
(Venkata et al, 2013). The explanation is multifactorial with platelet loss using polysulfone and cellulose-triacetate filters
platelet binding to the endothelium, leucocyte-platelet aggre- with or without anticoagulation with the latter associated
gate formation, immune-mediated mechanisms, haemophago- with significantly lower occurrence of thrombocytopenia.
cytosis, bone marrow suppression, complement activation and Another mechanism related to the haemofilter is the reten-
in patients with the greatest degree of thrombocytopenia, tion of platelets; which can be attenuated by higher blood
overt DIC (Larkin et al, 2016). If the platelet counts worsen flow rates (Mulder et al, 2003). Similar membrane retention
despite appropriate antibiotics along with other laboratory of platelets may be a factor in the thrombocytopenia related
markers, this would suggest the development of DIC and the to artificial machines likes cardiac-assist devices and extracor-
need for additional interventions including blood product poreal membrane-oxygenator. These have been reviewed
transfusions and administration of agents like thrombomod- recently by Eckman and John (2012) and Murphy et al
ulin or antithrombin (Thachil, 2016a). On the other hand, if (2015). In all these devices, since heparin is usually adminis-
the platelet counts are stable or improving, it may be a tered to maintain circuit patency, the possibility of HIT

ª 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 31

British Journal of Haematology, 2017, 177, 27–38

should always be considered, especially if (a) thrombocytope- bilateral adrenal haemorrhagic necrosis); initiation of corticos-
nia begins approximately 1–2 weeks after initiating heparin teroid therapy can be life-saving in this situation (Warkentin
exposure, (b) thrombosis occurs (either in the device or else- et al, 2015b). Detailed discussion of HIT has recently been
where), or (c) anaphylactoid reactions occur during initiation published in the journal by Scully et al (2016).
of haemodialysis with bolus heparin administration (Perbet
et al, 2015).
Bone marrow disorders
Haematological malignancies can be a cause of thrombocy-
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
topenia and may present acutely with associated severe infec-
It is likely that HIT is both over and under-diagnosed in the tions or anaemia which may require circulatory support.
ITU. Many studies show that the incidence of “true” HIT is Myelodysplastic syndromes can present with isolated throm-
<1% in the ITU population despite the fact that majority of bocytopenia but with heightened susceptibility to infections
the patients get exposed to heparin. It is important that the as the presenting symptom needing intensive care admission.
4Ts score is calculated in all patients and reliable laboratory Bone marrow examination is required in these cases espe-
assays are performed to confirm or exclude HIT (see Fig 3). cially if the blood film shows abnormalities in the erythrocyte
Thrombosis that begins 5 or more days after receiving heparin and leucocyte lineages. It may also be helpful in distinguish-
should always prompt consideration of HIT (Warkentin, ing from TMA.
2006); indeed, in approximately one-half of HIT patients,
thrombosis is the presenting feature of HIT (Warkentin & Kel-
Thrombocytopenia as a marker of organ
ton, 1996), with thrombocytopenia becoming apparent only
impairment in critically ill
over the ensuing days (Greinacher et al, 2005). Hypotension
in an ITU patient with possible HIT should prompt considera- It is widely recognised that platelets are the key cellular com-
tion of acute adrenal failure (adrenal vein thrombosis causing ponent of the haemostatic mechanism. But increasingly, it is

Fig 3. Algorithm for laboratory assessment for heparin induced thrombocytopenia. *Denotes practice in places where serotonin release assay
(SRA) is not available (JT approach). **Preferred approach especially if SRA is available (TEW approach). ***“HIT likely” status based upon
ELISA positivity may only indicate ~50–75% probability of true HIT, so if an SRA is available, this test should be considered (especially if the
4Ts is only intermediate). ELISA, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay; HIT, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia; OD, optical density.

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also recognised that they play a very active role in several accumulation (leading to oedema/effusions). This property
other physiological functions (Nurden, 2011). It thus could explain the difference between the bleeding seen in
becomes no surprise that thrombocytopenia is associated patients who are receiving antiplatelet agents where petechiae
with organ impairment including in the case of renal failure, are rarely seen compared to gastrointestinal and intracranial
acute lung injury(ALI)/respiratory distress syndrome and vas- bleeding, which may have developed in regions with pre-
cular leakage syndromes (Thachil, 2015). Some examples for existing, quiescent lesions (Nachman & Rafii, 2008).
these correlations are given below. A very recent paper assessed the association of admission
Despite the underlying cause for renal impairment, a thrombocytopenia with the host response in 931 patients
declining platelet count may be considered an easily-available with sepsis (Claushuis et al, 2016). The investigators mea-
laboratory-marker for the diagnosing impending renal failure sured 17 plasma biomarkers which are known to indicate
(ARF). Ono et al (2006) found the incidence of ARF and dysregulation of pathways implicated in sepsis. They identi-
serum creatinine levels in patients with sepsis and fied that platelet counts <50 9 109/l were associated with
ADAMTS13 activity <20% to be significantly higher than increased cytokines and endothelial-cell activation but also
those with levels >20% (412% vs. 154%). This was due to impaired vascular integrity. Interestingly, blood microarray
unusually-large VWF multimers from ADAMTS13 deficiency analysis demonstrated impaired leucocyte-adhesion and
possibly caused by septic protease cleavage and decreased increased complement-signalling suggesting impaired host-
liver synthesis in the liver. In a smaller study, platelet count response.
<120 9 109/l, the ratio of von Willebrand factor propeptide In summary, thrombocytopenia is a risk factor for the
to ADAMTS13 was increased many-fold in patients with sev- development of organ failure and vascular leakage, both
ere-sepsis/septic-shock on day-one and remained markedly common complications in the critically-ill. Although detailed,
elevated for a week (Fukushima et al, 2013). In another prospective studies have not been performed, a gradual but
study, Claus et al (2009) showed that plasma VWF levels definite decline in platelet count may be considered an early
increased while ADAMTS13 activity decreased with increas- marker of these complications. Also, the “prognostic value”
ing severity of systemic inflammation including sepsis, of thrombocytopenia has not yet been studied in patients
emphasizing the role of platelet aggregation in the develop- who develop it from conditions other than sepsis.
ment of organ failure especially kidney impairment.
Acute lung injury (ALI) is a life-threatening pulmonary
Thrombocytopenia as a marker of poor
syndrome often noted in ITU patients and is a common
cause for prolonged stay, serious morbidity and high mortal-
ity. Platelets play a major role in the development of this Even in the absence of bleeding, thrombocytopenia has been
syndrome (Yadav & Kor, 2015). Animal data show that dur- demonstrated to be a key prognostic factor in critically-ill
ing mechanical ventilation, platelets release chemotactic pro- patients. Counts <100 9 109/l was associated with increased
teins which promote leucocyte recruitment and ITU and hospital stay and higher mortality in the Baughman
proinflammatory characteristics of ALI (Zarbock & Ley, et al (1993). Similarly, Crowther et al (2005) showed these
2009). Bronchoalveolar lavages from ALI patients have patients had higher ITU/hospital mortality, required longer
increased levels of platelet granules associated with greater mechanical ventilation, and were more likely to receive
severity of the syndrome (Idell et al, 1989). Weyrich and blood-products. However, admission platelet counts do not
Zimmerman (2013) have summarized several experimental discriminate between survivors and non-survivors in ITU.
and clinical observations where platelets are integral to the The platelet indices which correlated strongly with an
barrier function of the alveolar capillary endothelium. increased mortality were prolonged and severe thrombocy-
Thrombocytopenia which develops in critically-ill patients topenia and the lack of increase in platelet count.
can lead to disruption of this barrier integrity and lead to Severity of thrombocytopenia being an indicator of poor
pulmonary oedema, characteristic of ALI. prognosis was evident in the study where mortality increased
The crucial role of platelets in maintaining the endothelial from 9% in those with count >150 9 109/l to 73% if
vascular integrity can be a critical factor for preventing vas- <20 9 109/l (Vanderschueren et al, 2000). Strauss et al
cular oedema commonly observed in the critically-ill. Plate- (2002) also showed higher mortality with a nadir platelet
lets maintain the stability of the vasculature by various count <100 9 109/l with mortality varying by severity (12%
mechanisms, including release of cytokines and growth fac- for mild, 47% for moderate, 56% for severe, and 67% for
tors which helps in closing the small intercellular gaps at the very severe thrombocytopenia). Severe thrombocytopenia
vascular endothelial level (Nachman & Rafii, 2008). In this may be suggestive of severe underlying illness but platelet
context, it is useful to remember the fact that thrombocy- count by itself inversely correlated with mortality indepen-
topenia by itself is not a cause of bleeding in most patients dent of illness severity and organ dysfunction (Vander-
(as patients with ITP) but can lead to disruption of endothe- schueren et al, 2000). This is of practical importance because
lial barrier integrity which leads to vascular leakage of red platelet count can be a simple marker which can be useful
cells (petechiae/bruising) and extravascular fluid during the course of ITU stay in place of the well-known

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British Journal of Haematology, 2017, 177, 27–38

scoring systems like APACHE II, which is relevant at admis- thrombocytopenia can lead to bleeding is well-known and
sion and the first 24 h. platelet transfusions may be indicated. However, the authors
The duration of thrombocytopenia is also crucial for prog- would also consider signs of microvascular impairment as
nostication. Among the patients who had thrombocytopenia being a “complication” of thrombocytopenia. In other words,
on day 4, the mortality rate was 33%, while the 20% who if the patient develops acral limb ischaemia, renal impair-
continued to be thrombocytopenic on day 14, the mortality ment, cerebrovascular signs or ALI in the days following a
rate was 66% (Akca et al, 2002). Duration of thrombocy- marked drop in the platelet count, it may be relevant to con-
topenia was also significantly longer in non-survivors sider antithrombotic therapy.
(Strauss et al, 2002).
Changes in the platelet count over time are also relevant.
Bleeding in the thrombocytopenic patient
The ESICM data showed a biphasic pattern in the ITU plate-
let counts with an initial sudden decrease followed by an Bleeding is the biggest fear in relation to thrombocytope-
increase (Akca et al, 2002). This may be a physiological nia although it is unusual for a patient to bleed unless the
response to stress as it has been observed in post-surgical platelet count is <20 9 109/l. Even a threshold of
patients and after platelet-apheresis (Lasky et al, 1981). Of 20 9 109/l is based on studies on patients with hypoprolif-
the 204 thrombocytopenic patients, 67 had no relative erative bone marrow who may not have the capacity to
increase in platelet count on day 14 and their mortality rate compensate by increasing thrombopoeisis (Tosetto et al,
was significantly greater (30% vs. 11%; Akca et al, 2002). 2009). Although hypoproliferative conditions can exist in
Similar association of a blunted rise in the counts being asso- the ITU patients, the commonest causes of thrombocytope-
ciated with increased mortality was noted in over 1400 nia in these patients are usually increased platelet con-
admissions by Nijsten et al (2000), who suggested platelet sumption. In such cases, platelet transfusion is not likely
count to be as good as APACHE II score for prognostication to be beneficial and may even be harmful. On a different
of critically-ill patients. note, despite moderate thrombocytopenia, platelet dysfunc-
tion may be an accompaniment of conditions (e.g. sepsis,
trauma etc.) needing ITU admission and can cause bleed-
Management of the critically ill
ing even if the platelet count is over 50 9 109/l (Yaguchi
thrombocytopenic patient (Fig 4)
et al, 2004). Despite severe thrombocytopenia, patients may
Since thrombocytopenia is usually a consequence of the not bleed in many cases since endothelial activation, an
underlying illness, specific management of the causative con- integral part of the underlying disease processes, would
dition should result in improvement of the platelet counts. cause the release of large amounts of VWF which can
As such, more importance should be given to understanding compensate for the low platelet count and function as has
and appropriately treating the condition which could have been demonstrated in patients with liver disease (Hugen-
led to the thrombocytopenia. The fact that severe holtz et al, 2009). In the postoperative patient, a surgical

Fig 4. Algorithm for the management of

thrombocytopenia in the critically-ill.

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British Journal of Haematology, 2017, 177, 27–38

cause may contribute to bleeding despite the patient being platelet transfusion practices and their association with out-
thrombocytopenic. comes over 5 years. Although the authors found higher odds
of arterial thrombosis and mortality among transfused
patients, unavailability of platelet count data suggest this con-
Platelet count thresholds for transfusions
clusion may be confounded (as thrombocytopenia severity
Platelet transfusions are often used to treat thrombocytopenia predisposes both to thrombosis and platelet transfusion trig-
despite any evidence for its benefit. Stanworth et al (2013) ger). We would avoid transfusions unless there is perceived
showed that up to 30% of critically ill patients receive a trans- risk of life-threatening haemorrhage in these situations.
fusion, the majority of which are for prophylaxis rather than
treatment of bleeding. Different guidelines recommend platelet
Thrombocytopenia as a risk for organ impairment
transfusion thresholds largely based on expert opinion (Lieber-
man et al, 2014 and Kumar et al, 2015). As discussed before, platelet aggregation and adhesion to the
The most commonly accepted platelet count threshold for endothelium, circulating platelet-leucocyte aggregates, as well
transfusions are a level of 10 9 109/l for those without and as DIC-associated fibrin deposition, can lead to microvascu-
20–30 9 109/l for those with additional risk factors for bleed- lar ischaemia, which can manifest as organ failure. We would
ing, such as concomitant coagulopathy (DIC) or severe hepatic consider the development of organ failure in those who had
or renal dysfunction (Squizzato et al, 2016). If platelet dys- a marked decrease in platelet count as the surrogate marker
function is a possibility, a higher threshold of 50 9 109/l of microvascular ischaemia. The suspicion will be made
should be considered. If neurological complications like stronger if multiple organs are affected simultaneously and
intracranial bleed may have occurred, a threshold of also if there are features of excess thrombin generation like
100 9 109/l has been suggested. In those patients who are not abnormal PT and APTT. In these cases, we would consider
bleeding, platelet transfusions may be required if there is a antithrombotic therapy especially if the risk of bleeding is
need for surgical or radiological intervention. Thresholds for not high (not considering the low platelet count by itself as a
platelet counts have been set for many procedures which are risk factor for bleeding). The choice of agent is a prophylac-
often undertaken in the ITU with very poor evidence-base. A tic dose of anticoagulant drug like low molecular weight hep-
retrospective analysis of 604 central venous catheter (CVC) arin. We do not consider abnormal clotting screen
insertions in 193 patients with acute leukaemia receiving accompanying the lower platelet count as a contraindication
chemotherapy or stem-cell transplantation had half of the for commencing the anticoagulant drug. However, close
patients with thrombocytopenia (Zeidler et al, 2011). In mul- supervision will be maintained to detect any bleeding early in
tivariate analysis, only patients with counts <20 9 109/l were such cases. We do however avoid giving anticoagulation if
at higher risk for bleeding even without prophylactic transfu- the platelet count is <25 9 109/l unless there is evidence of a
sions suggesting this threshold may be acceptable for at least macrovascular thrombus (e.g., deep-vein thrombosis) or con-
CVC insertion. We tend to use the following general principles cern for microvascular thrombosis (e.g., symmetrical periph-
to guide us about the need for prophylactic transfusions. eral gangrene).
• Is the interventional procedure necessary or can an alter-
nate method be used to make the diagnosis, eg; in the case Antiplatelet therapy for sepsis?
of need for biopsy?
Since platelet activation is an accompaniment of many con-
• Is the thrombocytopenia likely to be due to hypoprolifera-
ditions in ITU admission, there has been interest in using
tive bone marrow or increased consumption or destruction
antiplatelet therapy to improve patient outcome. There are
of platelets? If it is the former, the risk of bleeding is
several observational studies which show the use of aspirin
higher and a higher threshold like 50 9 109/l may be used
may have a beneficial effect (L€ osche et al, 2012; Chen et al,
depending on the bleeding risk of the procedure while in
2015; Tsai et al, 2015). For example, patients with commu-
the case of latter, lower thresholds of 20 9 109/l may be
nity acquired pneumonia who were receiving anti-platelet
considered (not evidence-based).
therapy were less likely to need ITU admission and had
• The procedures, if at all possible, are done by a senior
shorter hospital stay (Boyle et al, 2015). ITU patients who
physician/surgeon. Assistance from radiology like ultra-
were on antiplatelet therapy have better survival and interest-
sound may help minimise bleeding for biopsy procedures.
ingly lesser risk of developing ALI and multi-organ failure
Further studies are warranted to accurately assess the and lesser risk of mortality (Winning et al, 2010; Harr et al,
bleeding risk from low platelet count using methods like 2013; Valerio-Rojas et al, 2013; Boyle et al, 2015). Despite all
thrombin generation tests and possibly platelet-related these studies, there is still a lack of randomised controlled
thromboelastography methods. trials in this setting. The authors would not routinely use
One of the commonest conundrums in this context is the aspirin or antiplatelet therapy in these cases unless on a trial
safety of platelet transfusions in TMA or HIT. Goel et al basis. However, we would continue the antiplatelet agent if
(2015) utilized the Nationwide Inpatient Sample to evaluate the patients were already receiving it and has not acquired a

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British Journal of Haematology, 2017, 177, 27–38

heightened bleeding risk in the ITU up to a platelet count aetiologies need to be kept in mind when trying to identify
threshold of 25 9 109/l. the cause. The different pathophysiological mechanisms
described in this article can be helpful in this respect. Certain
clinical variables including timing and severity also are
Thrombosis in the thrombocytopenic patient
potentially useful. A drop in platelet count from normal to
Managing acute venous thrombosis in a patient with throm- between 50–150 9 109/l can be relevant in that it may repre-
bocytopenia is a difficult dilemma. Firstly, it is important to sent an easy marker for underlying microvascular ischaemia
rule out the conditions which can present with this combina- and thus organ impairment. Although a bleeding patient
tion (e.g. HIT, APS, DIC). If these are excluded, the authors with associated thrombocytopenia will definitely benefit from
would consider it safe to therapeutically anticoagulate the platelet transfusions, there is still uncertainty on how to
patient if the platelet count is above 50 9 109/l. But if it is select the patients who may require prophylactic platelet
between 30–50 9 109/l, unfractionated heparin may be cho- transfusions. More trials are required in this regard.
sen as the anticoagulant of choice because of its easy
reversibility and renal safety. If the count is less than
30 9 109/l, anticoagulation is not administered or given at a
reduced dose but mechanical thromboprophylaxis is ensured, JT conceived the idea, performed the literature search and
and any thrombotic risk factors (e.g. removal of central lines) wrote the paper. TEW performed the literature search and
are addressed. In all these cases, detailed discussions are wrote the paper. Both the authors approved the final version.
made with the family about the high-risk situation and plate-
let counts are monitored closely to safely initiate or stop
Conflicts of interests
T.E. Warkentin has received royalties from Taylor & Francis
(Informa), consulting fees and/or research funding from
Aspen Global, Instrumentation Laboratory, Medtronic Dia-
In summary, thrombocytopenia is a common haematological betes, and W.L. Gore, and has provided expert witness testi-
abnormality encountered in ITU. The severity and signifi- mony relating to HIT and non-HIT thrombocytopenia and
cance of this complication is varied. Several different coagulopathies. J.T. no conflicts.

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