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Tigson, Kristine Kaye M.

BSBM 4-1
International Marketing

Kyrgyzs Traditional House - Yurt

A traditional yurt (from the Turkic languages) or ger (Mongolian) is a portable, round tent
covered with skins or felt and used as a dwelling by nomads in the steppes of Central Asia. The
structure comprises an angled assembly or latticework of pieces of wood or bamboo for walls, a
door frame, ribs (poles, rafters), and a wheel (crown, compression ring) possibly steam-bent.

As the in-charge for the booth, I come up to the idea of using Yurt as concept for our booth to
minimize the materials we will be using and to be easily recognize our section so the students
will not confuse on what country we will presenting. Yurt has a unique design and it is very
catchy, that’s why we are one of the most visited booth on IM2K17 last December 13, 2017.

Actual Photo of our Booth

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