Ade Nuraidah P2. Aulia Nur'Azizah S P2.

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Ade: Good morning, have a seat please ..

Aulia: Good morning. Yes, thank you ..
Ade: Can I help you?
Aulia: I want go to the dentist
Ade: have you ever been before?
Aulia: Oh no, it's the first time I come here
Ade: Do you bring ID cards or BPJS cards?
Aulia: Oh yes I brought it
Ade: Can I borrow for a while?
Aulia: Oh yes please
Ade: This is over, after this you can go straight to the dental polyclinic
Aulia: Where is the dental polyclinic?
Ade: from here you have to turn left then straight there is the dental polyclinic next to the
Aulia: well thank you very much
Ade: your welcome ....

Patient returns to the registration officer

Aulia: Excuse me
Ade: oh yes, can i help you?
Aulia: where is the inpatient care room?
Ade: in here we have 2 inpatient care room, melati and jasmine.Which room that you will
Aulia: I'm going to the jasmine room.
Ade: from the dental poly you have to turn right straight and then turn left, there is jasmine
Aulia: Okay, thanks
Ade: your welcome

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