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November 2017

In this Newsletter, you can find the latest developments around Private Sector Development (PSD)
from many organisations – including the DCED and its member agencies. Sign up to our mailing list

I. In a rush? DCED summaries now in one place
II. New additions to the DCED website from various agencies: Private Sector Engagement – Business
Environment Reform – Employment Creation – Fragile and Conflict-Affected Environments –
Inclusive Business – Industrial Policy – Market Systems Development – Youth Employment
III. Upcoming events and training courses in PSD
IV. Current opportunities in PSD

I. In a rush? DCED summaries now in one place

Go straight to the DCED’s summaries and brief

synthesis notes on different PSD approaches and
themes – all on one page. Fresh short summaries of
key DCED documents include:

 Results measurement in impact investing. One

and a half pages summing up the current
practice in measuring social and environmental
impact generated through impact investment.
 Towards strategic private sector engagement:
programming innovations and institutional
changes in donor agencies. Two pages
summarising the DCED’s 2017 publication on
the theme; highlights changes in policies and procedures, staff roles and team structures, as well
as in skill sets and incentives, to enable private sector engagement.
 Demonstrating additionality in private sector development initiatives. One page plus graphics,
summarising criteria from the DCED’s 2014 guide on demonstrating additionality.
 How to create an enabling environment for inclusive business. Two pages, summarising the
DCED’s extensive review of experience and evidence on the topic.
II. New additions to the DCED website from various agencies

Private sector engagement

 Solving the private sector aid imbroglio, Centre for Global Development, October 2017. Outlines
the disagreement over how investments in the private sector are counted towards aid that is
currently playing out in the OECD Development Assistance Committee.

Business environment reform

 Doing business 2018 - reforming to create jobs, World Bank, October 2017. Provides objective
measures of business regulations for local firms in 190 economies. Sub-Saharan Africa carried out a
record number of reforms for the second consecutive year.
 How China escaped the poverty trap, by Yuen Yuen Ang, Cornell University Press, 2016. Argues
that the earliest stages of market building in China succeeded in part because the institutional
environment was weak. Only later did emerging markets stimulate strong institutions.
 Deals and development: the political dynamics of growth episodes, edited by Lant Pritchett,
Kunal Sen and Eric Werker, OUP, 2017. Argues that early growth in developing economies is
characterised by “deals” between political and economic actors. Growth comes to an end if the
deals do not become open and transparent.

Employment creation
 Transitions between informal and formal employment: results from a worker survey in
Bangladesh, GLMLIC, October 2017. Seeks to address the lack of empirical evidence on informal
labour markets comes from middle-income countries. This study seeks to address this with a
detailed look at transitions between formal and informal employment in Bangladesh.

Fragile and conflict-affected environments

 Notes from the frontier: FSD Africa’s fragile states approach, Financial Sector Deepening Africa,
September 2017. Lays out FSD Africa's evolving strategy for working in fragile states.

Inclusive business
 Reaching deep in low-income markets Enterprises achieving impact, sustainability, and scale at
the base of the pyramid, Deloitte, October 2017. Reviews 20 case studies to assess the success
factors of inclusive business models, and whether or how they have been able to reach low-income
and BoP populations.

Industrial policy
 DFID innovation and growth, Tilburg University, November 2017. Updated website of the DFID-
Tilburg University Research project on Innovation and Development, with a range of recent
research reports on innovation in manufacturing enterprises in different developing countries.

Market systems development

 Market systems programme index, BEAM Exchange, October 2017. The BEAM Exchange has
launched a new directory of programmes around the world that use market systems approaches.
The index can be searched to find information and resources about programmes by country or sector
Youth employment
 Africa’s opportunity: reaping the early harvest of the demographic transition and ensuring no one
is left behind, ODI, October 2017. Brings together some of the reasons to be optimistic about
Africa's demographic transition. Provided that the right policy agenda is enacted, the authors are
confident that there will be a positive impact on Africa’s economies.

III. Upcoming events and training courses in PSD

These and other upcoming events can also be viewed on our events page here.
 Webinar: Fostering livelihoods in times of crisis - lessons from Syria, 28 November 2017. This USAID
and Mercy Corps webinar will share strategies and lessons learned in understanding markets and
supporting livelihoods inside Syria, linking food security and market recovery strategies.
 Webinar: Market systems and job quality, 12 December 2017. The ILO Lab, together with
MarketShare Associates, recently mapped evidence from the field to learn how projects and donors
can better address job quality. This BEAM Exchange webinar will present their findings.
 Introduction to the DCED Standard on Results Measurement in private sector development, 20
February 2018, Nairobi, Kenya. This workshop covers the elements of the Standard with examples of
their application and enables participants to apply key aspects to actual case programs. The
workshop targets PSD practitioners who are not yet familiar with the DCED Standard.
 Results measurement for sustainable private sector development, 19-23 March 2018, Bangkok. This
course offers an in-depth understanding of all aspects that practitioners need to set up a practical
results measurement system for internal learning and communicating credible results. It targets
intervention and results measurement staff and managers of PSD programs.
 Results measurement for program managers, 26-29 March 2018, Bangkok. This course – exclusively
for team leaders and program managers of PSD programmes – introduces key principles, practices
and tips of effective results measurement for management, learning and reporting.

IV. Current opportunities in PSD

Note that these and other opportunities can also be viewed on our vacancies page here.
 Elán RDC is recruiting for a Monitoring & Results Measurement Manager in Kinshasa, DRC. Activities
are expected to be informed by the guidance available in the DCED Standard.
 SECO calls for proposals by Investment Funds/ Investment for Development vehicles to receive
technical support for investments that contribute to more/better jobs, or low emissions and climate-
resilient economies. The deadline is 19 January 2018.
 BDO LLP is recruiting for a Consultant to join its PSD/Economic Growth team to win and deliver
technical assistance projects funded by development partners (including DFID, EU, World Bank and
 Adam Smith International is recruiting for a Senior Project Manager for MAFITA, a DFID-funded
youth employment programme in Kano, Nigeria.

This Newsletter was produced by Nick Wilson of the DCED Secretariat. News for inclusion in future issues
can be sent to the Secretariat. Please note that the DCED is an inter-agency body, not a funding

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