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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica

Advantages & Disadvantages

Name: Leonardo Giovanny González Castillo

Enrollment: 1734860
Career: Engineer on Electronic and Communications
Subject-matter: Culture of The British Language
Class time: V1
Advantages Disadvantages
Sovereignty: The United External relations: Being a
Kingdom has shown that it can member of the EU limits the
reject some policies of the EU international influence of the
that it considers United Kingdom, ruling out the
counterproductive, such as the possibility of having an
euro, the Schengen Agreement independent site in the World
and the imposition of migratory Trade Organization.
Sovereignty: The UK would
Security: The union offers better have more control over its laws
ways for the UK to face threats to and regulations, without the risk
its security, such as terrorism and of conflicting policies.
cross-border crime.
Security: The national security of
Funds: Europe invests billions of the United Kingdom would benefit
pounds in the UK every year. from a border control greater than
that now developed by the
Trade: Being a member of the political union.
EU strengthens the United
Kingdom in obtaining favorable Funds: The UK Contributes
trade agreements with the other billions of pounds annually in EU
countries of the world. membership fees.

Business: Free trade within the Trade: UK membership of the EU

EU lowers barriers and allows UK does not allow the country to
companies, mainly small achieve maximum profitability in
businesses, to grow. trade with major world economies
such as Japan, India and the
Employment: Millions of jobs United Arab Emirates.
related to UK accession to the
bloc would be at risk. Business: The EU submits to the
UK a slow and inflexible
Consumer goods: British bureaucracy, unaffordable for
citizens save hundreds of pounds small and more innovative
a year because of the lower companies.
prices of consumer goods offered
by the EU. Employment: Better trade
agreements and more selective
immigration would have a
positive effect on the British labor
Consumer goods: British
citizens lose hundreds of pounds
a year due to policies related to
VAT payments and agricultural

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