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Bridge Substructures 551 a= = -am7 = Ip + miy(1 + 2p!a) = 490.62 + 1.0 x 146.34(1 + 2 x 0.315 x 0.549) = 687.60 m ‘i 1 D,_ 687.60 _ iy =n, 2a 70x i46ga * = 1963 M , 39718 1 the!) — pW Ta ag (1 +0.7 x 0.315) —0.7-x 1718 = -8846.04 Ma —pp’) + pW= erty — 0.7 x 0.315) +0.7 x 17718 = 14674 KN. Therefore, M (H = 2161 KN) > (1 +p!) — hW. and (H =2161kN) < Ma =n!) + ew, Therefore, point of rotation of well lies at the base. mM _ 1.0 x 39718 _ 3 7) Or = argo ~ = 87.76 kNim “(Kp — Ka)= 10.0(7.35 — 0.246) = 71.04 1M Hence "1 < (Ke — Ky), safe wiM W- MB w) o = 0.315 x 39718 17718 —- 363 4 89718 x 10 785 2x 687.60 = 214 4288.82 = 502.82 kN/m? 1 < (a = 1.25 x 450 = 562.5 kN/m?), safe 02 = 214 — 288.82 = —74.82 kN/m* As a2 is very small (less than =), well cross-section may be considered safe. 5 Ultimate resistance approach (i) Assuming following ultimate load combination: 11D, +B +1.25(L, + Wo + Ep + E,) 552 M,= ii) iii) Analysis and Design of Substructures 1 x 4500 + 1.25(975 + 66 + 31) + 1.1(1171 + 3831+ 2355 + 10815 + 3098 + 5057) — 10(165.3 + ; x 10? x 12)-+ 1.25 x 0.05[4500 + 975 + 1171 + 3831 + 2355 + 5000 + 3461) 4950 + 1340 + 28957 ~ 11073 + 1331 5505 kN .25 x 2161 = 2701 KN .25[25270 + 2161 x 0.8 x 5.8] + 25505 x 108+ ae x 0.2 x 5.8 x 25505 47794 kN/m. % = 2g808 = 325 kN/m? & = Se25x8 *3 _ 944 kNim? % < & (hence, safe). M,= QW,B tan’; assuming > of base soil as 40°. 288 ose From Table 9.12, for 2 = 0.58, Q = 0.253 (iv) , () M,= 0.253 x 25505 x 10 x tan 40 = 54145 kN/m 0.10%1p(Kp — Kg) DPL 0.10 x 10 x (7.35 — 0.246) x 5.833 x 9 = 12475 kN/m M,= 0.114(Kp — Ka) DPB? sind 0.11 x 10(7.35 ~ 0.246) x 5.8% x 10? sin 17.5 = 7905 kN/m M, .7(54145 + 12475 + 7905) 0.7(M, + M, + M,): 2168 kN/m. Therefore 0.7(M, + M, + M,) > M, [hence, sate]. Example 9.2 ‘At one end of the bridge given in Example’9.1, the abutment carries the suspended span of 15.0 m. Assuming that the abutment carries fixed bearings of 500 mm total height and height of the concrete girder is 1.8 m, design the abutment.

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