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sharing Fitting

the gospel
in atin color and
Concordia 4 form 6 Meet the
Academy forCampus Pastor
Excellence 8 8 ON A MISSION Report
100th & HONOR ROLL
Commencement 20 22

m a g a z i n e o f C o n c o r d i a U n i v e r s i t y, N e b r a s k a


fall 2008 volume 85 no. 2

Rise up!
New programs offer
new ways to serve
From the president
brian l. friedrich

What makes a college or university great?

The annual college rankings put together by U.S. News and World Report are based on what is
coming in to an academic institution—the new students, the endowment dollars, the percentage
of alumni who support the school financially, the test scores and so forth. The rankings are based
on inputs. Again this year, Concordia faired well in those rankings. We are listed at no. 18, up a
notch from last year, in the category of Midwest Baccalaureate Colleges. We were also pleased to
hear that Concordia was included in the top ten list of the magazine’s “Great Schools, Great
Prices” list. Great news!
Another valid way to look at how the university is doing, however, is to look at the outputs—to
look at, for example, the percentage of students who go on to graduate school, achieve Fulbright
scholarships, secure employment in their chosen profession, etc. Here too, Concordia excels.
For example, four May 2008 graduates are serving as long-term missionaries in Macau, Taiwan
and Thailand. More than one-fourth of all recent candidates placed from the ten Concordias
as Lutheran teachers, directors of Christian education and ministers of music graduated from
Concordia University, Nebraska. Also, over the past five years we have sent no fewer than 60
students on to our seminaries to study for the pastoral or diaconal ministry. Dozens of our
students are accepted into graduate schools every year and many more begin careers in business
and industry.
Those two ways of measuring a school—by its inputs and outputs—cover a lot of territory, but
I’d like to suggest another measure: the ability of a school to respond to the needs of its students
and the world in innovative, mission-centered, timely ways.
In this issue of the Broadcaster you will learn about two of Concordia’s newest undergraduate
programs: ecclesiastical art and pre-deaconess. Other recent program additions include marketing
and gerontology. We are in the process of redesigning our general education curriculum,
expanding delivery systems for graduate and adult degree programs and exploring new areas of
program development for both undergraduate and graduate education. In addition, we recently
kicked off Strategic Planning 2015, a comprehensive planning initiative that will give leadership
and direction to the university as we move into the future God has prepared for us.
These are exciting times. I thank God for you and for all who make it possible for us to carry out
our mission of preparing students to serve and lead in God’s church and world.

Brian L. Friedrich
president and ceo
Concordia University, Nebraska
Broadcaster Staff
Editor & Photographer
Dan Oetting ’87
graphic designer
Lisa A. Nickolite
contributing writers
Marlene Block
Coryn Berkbigler
Jan Koopman co ’69, GR ’75
Kristy Plander ’00
Wade Tracy ’07
Theodore Wiesehan ’04
contributing photographers
Mark Anschutz ’77
Lisa A. Nickolite
Whitney Stichka ’09
Director of marketing & communications
Kristy Plander ’00

University Administration
president & CEO
Rev. Dr. Brian L. Friedrich
Dr. Jenny Mueller-Roebke
Associate Provost Contents
Dr. Mark Blanke
vice president for finance & operations
fe atures
David Kumm
4 Pre-deaconess program expands church work offerings
vice president for institutional advancement
Peter Kenow Concordia rolls out a 30-credit hour program for students planning
Vice President for Enrollment Management, to enter the deaconess ministry.
Student Services & Athletics
Scott Seevers
6 Ecclesiastical art program is first of its kind
An innovative new program combines theology, art
Board of Regents and hands-on learning under the guidance of
Rev. Dr. David Block, Mesa, Ariz. master artisans.
Dr. Paul Burger, Kearney, Neb.
Rev. Dr. Brian Friedrich, Seward, Neb.
William Hartmann, Seward, Neb.
Dr. Vance Hinrichs, Lincoln, Neb. 8 Faculty & Staff
Barry Holst, Kansas City, Mo.
John Kuddes, Leawood, Kan. 10 Campus Scene
Timothy Moll, Esq., Seward, Neb.
Dr. Frederick Ohlde, Hortonville, Wis. 12 Alumni
Dr. Ronald Pfeiffer, Memphis, Tenn.
Darla Rosendahl, Omaha, Neb. 14 Athletics
Dr. Andrew Smith, Dallas, Texas
Rev. Russell Sommerfeld, Seward, Neb. 18 Homecoming
Max Wake, Lincoln, Neb.
Rev. Karl Ziegler, Bellevue, Neb.
19 Alumni news
22 On A Mission 2007-08: Report & Honor Roll
University Contacts Updates on the On A Mission campaign, the honor roll of donors
800 535 5494
alumni & University relations
Catching up with Concordia
institutional advancement Save a browser bookmark for and visit
undergraduate admission
& campus visits
Concordia’s site for the most recent university news. Past issues of the Broadcaster are also available online.
college of graduate studies Comments and story ide as welcome
athletics Send comments and story ideas for the Broadcaster to For alumni wishing to submit a
bookstore ON THE COVER class note, see the submission guidelines on page 21.
Kate Ziegler ’10 is one of the first Concordia
career services students to be a part of the university’s new pre-deaconess program. ALUMNI: STAY Connected
center for liturgical art Concordia has a newly printed alumni directory
The Broadcaster is published by the available, an e-news mailing list, Web updates regarding
marketing and communication office of alumni and friends events around the country, and
Concordia University, Nebraska to more
than 40,000 alumni, faculty, staff, pastors, even a Facebook presence to keep you connected with
businesses, parents and friends of the your alma mater and each other. Find out more at
university in all 50 states and over 15
foreign countries.


‘Rise up
Women of the truth
Stand and sing
to broken hearts’
(facing page) Nicole Behnken, Kate Ziegler, Jennette Morrison and Jennifer Wellman are among the women at Concordia now considering careers as
deaconesses. Behnken sees the variety of ways to serve as a deaconess to be one of the role’s advantages. “The more choices I get in one job, the better,”
she said. “That way I can serve God through other outlets than just one!” (above, left) Rev. Terence Groth

Pre-deaconess program expands church work offerings

They serve in the parish, at hospitals, as “There are certain instances in which a woman
counselors and as social workers. As deaconesses, can bring her special set of skills when speaking
women can serve in a variety of roles in the the Gospel and sharing Christ’s love that a man
church and society and provide a feminine side doesn’t have in the same degree,” Groth said.
to ministry. Often deaconesses seek out the overlooked
“The role of the deaconess can be very and broken. Baumeister often visits parishioners,
broad,” said Professor Terence Groth, director especially women, who are hospitalized or shut-in.
of Concordia’s new pre-deaconess program. “It gives a female side to ministry and
“Deaconesses and women in ministry are one of complements the pastoral ministry rather than
the gifts that God has given to us as a church.” competing with it,” she said.
When a parishioner felt distant from her As Concordia’s pre-deaconess program does
pastor while grieving the sudden loss of her not constitute a major or minor, degree choices
husband, Deaconess Sonja Baumeister ’85 for students enrolled in it remain as varied
provided additional ministry to her grief and as the ministerial roles of deaconesses in the
helped her work through the relationship with church and world.
her pastor. The role of a deaconess requires
“It was a nice complement to the pastor’s communication skills, compassion, strong
ministry,” Baumeister said, “to have another faith and devotional life and the ability to
personality be able to step in and be supportive share her faith.
of the pastor to still meet her needs. That was Groth has already seen a growing interest
like a miracle.” in the program. He encouraged students
This fall Concordia rolled out a 30-credit curious to join the pre-deaconess organization
hour program for students planning to enter and meet those already involved. First-year
the deaconess ministry. The pre-deaconess Concordia students take several courses that
program includes a core of theology, counseling fit with the pre-deaconess studies, so it’s not
and ministerial classes designed to prepare a decision students must commit to in their
students for a deaconess program at one of the freshman year.
Concordia seminaries. Baumeister cheered the interest in the
“We’re helping prepare them both with deaconess ministry and encouraged young
the theological skills and a broad liberal arts women with an interest in the ministry to
background, which is going to help them explore the program.
in dealing with people,” Groth said. “Along “The lcms is realizing they have a large,
with that we will work with them in terms of untapped body of servants who are ready to
developing that kind of servant character that serve,” she said. “For a woman who loves
goes along with this kind of ministry.” theology and wants to deeply make her theology
While deaconesses do not have authority a part of her vocation, whatever that vocation
to preach or administer the sacraments, they is, the deaconess program is a wonderful way
complement the pastoral ministry through to pursue that.” n
education and human care.

Sharing the Gospel
in color and form
(facing page) Zach Schnare, an ecclesiastical art major, has had a hand in more than a dozen projects of the Center for Liturgical Art. (above, left) Mark
Anschutz, resident artist for the Center for Liturgical Art, believes that it’s vital for the education of students to take part in real projects. “If they can’t
take the things they learn in class and use it in practical ways,” said Anschutz, “then they have to do what I did for thirty years—learn it piece, by piece,
by piece. Knowing how a wide range of projects really work from beginning to end, from commission to installation, is incredibly valuable.”

Ecclesiastical art program is first of its kind

Kjersten Langewisch feels a little more pressure Concordia senior Zach Schnare is working
when designing artwork for use in worship. with Strand and Professor William Wolfram
“It’s a different kind of motivation,” she said. in the cla on construction of a new altar for
“You want to do your best because you’re giving it Concordia with interchangeable panels for
to someone. It’s actually going to be in service.” each season.
When Langewisch graduates from Concordia “This isn’t like an internship that’s theoretical,”
University in May she will be among the first Strand said. “When he’s done he’s going to have
to complete a major in ecclesiastical arts, the a 14-foot mosaic that he’s built that will go into a
university’s newest degree program. The program worship space at Concordia.”
of study helps Langewisch to create work to Ecclesiastical art connects the art and
enhance the worship experience. theology departments, with a faculty committee
“The artwork isn’t really about drawing comprised of professors from both departments.
attention to itself as artwork. It’s more about In addition to an internship, the degree requires
praising and serving and leading people to 39 credit hours of theology and art, as well as
think,” she said. “The art should be a service to a series of readings exploring the relationship
the people and the worship process.” between theology and art.
Professor Michael Strand, chairman of “The idea is that the backbone for the artist’s
Concordia’s art department and director of the development is a really strong understanding of
university’s Center for Liturgical Art, agrees that theology and Lutheran doctrine,” Strand said.
a challenge of creating art for use in worship is “And that comes out in the content of the work
designing work that speaks the Gospel to the that you make.”
needs and culture of the congregation. The structure of the ecclesiastical art program
“It’s a reflection not only of the Word and what allows a range of freedom in the student’s other
you’re trying to communicate theologically but coursework. For Langewisch the program allows
also a reflection on the church itself,” Strand said. her to earn degrees in both ecclesiastical art
To the best of Strand’s knowledge Concordia’s and physical science studies, while earning a
degree program is the first of its kind in the higher minor in graphic design during her four years at
education world. The groundbreaking nature Concordia—with a bit of summer school.
presents both a challenge and an opportunity. Strand hopes to see future church workers
“The problem with that is we don’t have models complement their dce, education, or
to work off of,” Strand said. “But that’s the preseminary studies with an ecclesiastical art
exciting part. Our students are blazing the trail.” degree, furthering the place of art in ministry.
Concordia’s reputation as a pioneer in As society becomes inundated with visual
the field of ecclesiastical art took off with images and younger generations develop as
the establishment of the cla. The center more visual learners, Concordia’s new program
provides not only a research entity within the develops leaders to use images to speak the
art department but also real-world portfolio Gospel through artwork.
experience and work for students. “Artwork is not decoration,” Strand said. “It’s
The center also serves as a source of ecclesiastical not just stuff you hang on the wall. Artwork is a
art internships, a requirement for the new degree. transmitter of information.” n

Chapel Time: Rev. Ryan Matthias,
Concordia’s new campus pastor, meets his
wife Sarah and family in Weller Hall’s lobby
as the campus gathers for chapel. The
Matthiases have two children, Sophia, 22
months, and Samuel (not pictured), 5.

Campus pastor begins ministry

Meeting Matthias
Pastor Ryan Matthias began his service as campus pastor this fall after four years
at Trinity Lutheran Church in Davenport, Iowa. A 2004 graduate of Concordia
Seminary in St. Louis, Matthias is adjusting from the rhythm of parish life to the
challenges of building relationships with busy students living in an iPod world.

Q&A What are your early impressions of the students? challenge is to say to them, “You need a
They are a phenomenal group of young men Sabbath every day—at least a time when you
and women who come together from all walks can sit down and relax with the God of the
of life and different corners of the world and universe who says to you for a moment, ‘Be
suddenly become a family. still and I’ll be with you.’”
The second is that everybody has a cell
What are your principal goals in phone, ear phones or iPods. In the midst
your service as campus pastor?
of being in this place and this family, we
The biggest and most obvious goal is that
ignore each other so often. People just
there are students here that don’t know Christ,
don’t talk face to face anymore.
and my goal is to find every single one of
them and at least talk to them and be a part What do you see as some of the main
of their lives. differences between parish ministry
and serving on a campus?
What are the chief challenges My day consists of a steady stream of
facing students today? students who want to talk, and I love
One would be the demands on their time. that. Also, I don’t get to preach as much
Another is that because communication is so here, and I love to preach. Another big
much easier, parents and students don’t seem difference is the night hours. This summer
to let go quite as well as they used to. Another when I got here, I practiced staying up
is the pressure of relationships—dating, things late, because students come alive at 9 p.m.,
like that. It’s a huge challenge to balance your and I often need to be on campus from
student life, faith life and relationship life. 9 until midnight. The good part of that
What special challenges do you expect? is I get to spend more time with my own
I’ll mention two. One is the idea of time. children and have lunch with my wife.
Student lives are so busy that my greatest
 faculty and staff
Putting Concordia
On the map
When Dr. Joel Helmer wanted to give his students some practical
experience to reinforce the lessons of his Geography 385 course, he
decided to put Concordia on the map. Well, more of Concordia.
The key was to link student ingenuity and the power of Google
Earth and Google Maps. Google Earth, for example, already allows
a viewer to virtually fly over and zoom in to any point on the globe,
including Concordia. But even the flying powers of Superman can
get a bit old if there’s nothing to see when you’ve flown to your
Google Earth and Google Maps allow users to add items like
photos and videos to maps. So, sit and stay awhile, Superman. With
the addition of student-added material, heading to Concordia—
40º54’52” N and 97º05’23” W—gives a much richer sense of place
than what a satellite photo alone could provide.
“I wanted there to be a real-world application to the lessons on
the visual and textural sense of space and location,” said Helmer,
whose GEOG 385 class had the task of proposing what would best
communicate Concordia to the outside world.

Faculty Notes Association convention in Conference for Iowa District Dr. Kurt von Kampen, associate
November. His paper for the Self West this year and developed an professor of music, directed two
Paul Berkbigler, assistant professor Expression: Rudeness, Civility, Ethics, accompanying in-service tool for the collective choirs this fall, one
of art, is now the director of and the Curious Case of Free Speech staffs of early childhood centers and comprised of several area Lutheran
education for the Nebraska Chapter panel was “Toward a Redefinition elementary schools. elementary school choruses and
of AIGA, a professional association of Public Space or, I’d Like to Shove the Lutheran High School choir
Bryan Moore, assistant professor
for design. As director, Berkbigler that Cell Phone Down Your Throat!” from Lutheran High St. Charles in
of English and theatre art, made a
will serve as the main spokesperson, Missouri and one of 120 freshmen
Dr. Joel Helmer, associate professor panel presentation at the Association
develop relationships with schools, and sophomores from the
of geography, had an article for Theatre in Higher Education
act as liaison between the chapter Fremont, Neb., area.
published in Quality Whitetails: National Conference in Denver,
and student chapters and assist in
the Journal of the Quality Deer Colo., in late July. Rev. Dr. Orville Walz, former
coordinating events.
Management Association titled He also presented president of Concordia University,
Dr. Jeffrey Blersch, chair of the “Mapping Record Whitetails.” a paper regarding Nebraska in Seward and Concordia
Department of Music, was the Helmer mapped the location the influence on University College of Alberta
featured performer and organist for of over 25,000 whitetails and audiences of what is in Canada, was honored by the
the hymn festival of the Institute on then analyzed the distribution in shared or not shared latter institution at its opening
Liturgy, Preaching, and Church Music relation to conservation history, with the audience convocation in September. Dr.
of the LCMS held on campus in habitat preferences and wildlife before the play. Walz received the
July. During the institute, he also led management decisions. Christo et Ecclesia
Lynn Soloway, professor of art,
four sectionals. This fall he was the award for his long
Jessica Kite, adjunct professor of directed a watercolor workshop
featured organist and speaker at the and meritorious
music, successfully defended her in July at the St. Benedict Center
annual church music workshop for service as pastor,
master’s thesis titled “Exploring the in Schuyler, Neb. The three-day
pastors and musicians held at Zion teacher and
Implementation of Composition workshop was sponsored by the
Lutheran Church, Imperial, Neb., and administrator, and for his significant
in Nebraska’s Elementary Music Columbus Area Artists Guild.
was one of three organists at “Organ contributions that have inspired
Classrooms” at University of Twelve artists worked with Professor
Spectacular!” at St. Paul United and ennobled the people of God
Nebraska-Lincoln. Soloway to create traditional
Methodist Church, Lincoln, Neb. and that have given glory to our
landscape paintings as well as
Lord Jesus Christ.
Dr. Bruce Creed, professor of Kim Marxhausen, adjunct professor an abstract painting developed
communication, was a panelist of education, was the keynote from a print collage. Soloway also
at the National Communication speaker for the Early Childhood presented her own artwork.
faculty and staff 
Book of Esther
brought to life
on stage
Play On: Concordia began a year of dedicatory
concerts Sept. 13 and 14 for its new Casavant
Frères organ that now has pride of place in the
Music Center recital hall.
Dr. Jeffrey Blersch, chair of the Department of
Music and university organist, gave the first
concerts, selecting pieces that would reveal
the special character of the instrument’s sound
and also acknowledge the rich history of organ
pedagogy and composition at the university.
The program included some familiar hymns and
pieces such as J.S. Bach’s “Toccata and Fugue in
D Minor.” Blersch also selected pieces written
by previous Concordia professors and organists
Jan Bender, Ted Beck and Charles Ore.
“It’s a very humbling experience to follow in
the footsteps of such influential musicians,”
said Blersch. “I thought that this would be
an appropriate way to honor their service
to Concordia and their contributions to the
musical community at large.”

 campus scene
Student Notes
Wendy Brown represented Concordia Nebraska
at a Lutheran Education Association planning
meeting in Chicago to set up a new student
network at LEA. The network is intended to
inform teacher education and DCE students about
LEA and about topics of interest to them. Each
Concordia University System institution sent one
Jesse Driller and Amanda Wells were chosen
to attend the Geriatric Health Career Workshop
“Edifying” was the word that Concordia at the University of Nebraska Medical Center
senior Ashley Panwitz heard the most this last summer. The course focused on the physical,
psychological, legal and social issues that face that
summer about her one-woman show on segment of the population.
the Book of Esther. That suited Panwitz Rebekah Meyer had an article published in The
just fine. Harvest, an Iowa West District publication. The
article covered the Spring Weekend activities of
the Student Activities Council as they collected
“I was really grateful at how well it was donations of school supplies for the IOWAY
received,” said Panwitz. This summer mission to give to children in inner city Los Angeles
she gave 11 performances in Nebraska, and Mexico. Meyer also traveled to LA and Mexico
over the summer on a mission trip with IOWAY.
Wyoming and Colorado.
Jordan Tucker organized a fun run to raise money
for Multiple Sclerosis after getting to know the
The show, equal parts biblical storytelling owner of Fast Forward Gym in Omaha, who has
and Bible study, aimed to reach people MS. The race consisted of a 5k race and 1 mile
fun run, and more than 150 people participated.
with the Bible in a more vivid way than The race earned around $2,500 to benefit Fast
they might usually experience. Forward’s MS program and the Nebraska Chapter
of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society matched
the total dollar for dollar.
“From the very beginning I knew I wanted
to have a Bible study,” said Panwitz. “The Emily Barlean and Carson Stokebrand
reason why I always had this in mind is completed summer internships at Channel 8
that the storytelling helps people see the News in Lincoln, Neb., for their communications
degrees. Samantha Hellbusch completed a
Bible in a new way.” summer coaching internship at Lakeview High
School in Columbus, Neb. Danae Koopman
completed a summer internship with Madonna
Rehabilitation Hospital in Lincoln, Neb.,in the field
Speaker Series Announced of exercise science. Peter Nathalang completed
a summer coaching internship at Zion Lutheran
Concordia faculty members have School in St. Charles, Mo. Kourtney Rahder
scheduled a slate of national experts completed a summer internship with Bryan-LGH
for Looking Beyond, a new speaker Hospital in Lincoln, Neb., in the field of exercise
series that begins in January. science. Matt Rottmann completed a summer
Jan. 19, Al Kuettner, “Martin Luther King internship with Triple Crown Sports in Fort Collins,
and Civil Rights: An Eyewitness Report” Colo., in the field of sport management. Stacy
Feb. 23, Eliot Brenner, “Nuclear Power: Scheer completed a summer coaching internship
A View from Inside the Beltway” at Pierce (Neb.) High School. Melissa Tinkham
completed a summer internship with Victory
Feb. 24, Eliot Brenner, “A Washington View Human Performance Center in Lincoln, Neb. Emily
of Nuclear Power” Wolters completed a summer internship with
March 27, Dr. Edward N. Martin, Martin & Madonna ProActive (Sports Performance Area) in
Back to the Future: For a moment Weller auditorium Regina Maehr Lecture: “The Problem of Evil” Lincoln, Neb.
at Concordia looked like a theatre from the 1950s. Old-
school 3-D glasses were necessary to watch the futuristic For more information, please visit
dance duo of Peter Burr and Christopher Doulgeris of
Hooliganship on Wednesday, Sept. 10.
James Bockelman, associate professor of art, helped
bring the multimedia show to Concordia knowing
that the performance artists would bring something
new to campus for art students and others in the

campus scene 
Alumni honored at homecoming
Concordia’s Alumni Association honored seven Friend of Concordia
individuals and one couple with awards at a James Sanft has demonstrated his deep
ceremony during this year’s homecoming festivities. friendship to Concordia and all church workers
through his gift for understanding finances,
Church Worker Alumnus of the Year Award
group insurance and employee benefits.
Robert Burger has spent more than 40 years Graduating from Concordia in 1985, Sanft has
serving the students in Lutheran schools in been a part of Concordia Plan Services of the
Missouri and Wisconsin. With a high school lcms since 1999 and is currently the president.
diploma, bachelor’s degree and master’s degree During his time with cps, Sanft designed
from Concordia, he currently teaches at Our multiple health plan options to offer employers
Redeemer Lutheran School in Wauwatosa, Wis. flexibility and designed “The Church’s Plan”
He was named the 1995 Teacher of the Year by to reinforce the value of church workers and
the South Wisconsin District-lcms. the concept of workers and employers working
Young Alumnus of the Year Award together in maintaining healthy lives.
Damian Wolske of Canberra, Australia, Lifetime Service Award
uses his knowledge of international politics, William Hodgson has served the educational
economics and geography in his assignments and spiritual ministry of Christ Lutheran School
at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. and Church in Phoenix, Ariz., for more than 35
Wolske, a 2002 graduate of Concordia, works years. A 1972 Concordia graduate, Hodgson has
as a regional source analyst and has focused taught subjects at every grade level, Kindergarten
his energy until recently on Afghanistan and through 8th, and now focuses on social studies
Central Asia. In 2005 he was named Junior and literature for the 7th and 8th grades while
Regional Analyst of the year for his work in the assisting with theology and confirmation classes.
intelligence community. Through the Joshua Program, he brings teams
(front) Anita Geisler, Kenneth Reiner. Church Leadership in Outreach Award of teachers from Christ Lutheran to Concordia’s
(middle) Dr. Ralph Geisler, Joyce Kaldahl, Kenneth Reiner has witnessed to the love and campus for intense two-day workshops for
Col. Luke Reiner. (back) James Sanft, William
Hodgson, Robert Burger. grace of God around the world for more than education students.
40 years. A 1960 graduate of Concordia, Reiner Honorary AlumnUS of the Year
spent 27 years as a teacher and headmaster
with lcms World Mission in Nigeria. He has Joyce Kaldahl of Oklahoma City, Okla.,
since spent nearly two decades translating his has been a vocal and financial supporter of
extensive field experience into the active support Concordia for decades. A graduate of Dana
of missionaries as the missionary care manager at College in 1957, Kaldahl has been the choir
lcms World Mission in St. Louis, Mo. director in her congregation for more than
25 years. When asked about her fondness for
Lay Worker Alumnus of the Year
Concordia, she said, “I have been so encouraged
Col. K. Luke Reiner of Cheyenne, Wyo.,
to learn that Concordia is dedicated to the
uses his gifts for administration and military
church workers’ programs and that it clings to
tactics to serve his country in Wyoming’s
solid Lutheran teachings.”
Army National Guard. Reiner graduated from
Partners in Mission and Ministry
Concordia in 1986 with two bachelor’s degrees
and a commission in the Army National Guard Dr. Ralph and Anita Geisler of Manchester,
through the joint rotc program with the Mo., have been true partners in ministry to the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He moved glory of God for more than 45 years at the local,
up through the ranks to his current position regional and synodical levels. After graduating
of commander of the 115th Field Artillery from Concordia in 1960, Geislers’ teaching,
Brigade and as the Wyoming National Guard’s administrative, dce and evangelism ministries have
operations officer for all dedicated homeland taken them to Kansas, Missouri, New York, Illinois
security response forces in the state. He was and Nebraska. In each place, the couple has also
deployed to the Persian Gulf in support of been consistently active in their congregations,
Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2004. serving on Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
committees, youth boards, evangelism boards,
principal’s committees and convocations.

 alumni
i us!

Concordia Invitational Tournament Homecoming, Alumni Reunion & Family Weekend

Jan. 30-31, 2009 Oct. 9-11, 2009
It’s our turn. In 2009, CIT will be hosted by Concordia Save the date for a weekend featuring the:
University, Nebraska. Plan now to attend a full ß Grand opening of the Health, Human Performance and Athletic
weekend of events and cheer on the Bulldogs. Center
ß Health, Physical Education and Human Performance Reunion
50th reunion of the 1959 college class ß 50th reunion of the 1959 high school class
May 7-9, 2009 ß Honored year reunions for the classes of 1934*, 1939*, 1944*, 1949*,
1969*, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1999 and 2004
Golden reunion alumni are invited to join us on
campus during commencement weekend. *Includes high school


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June 3-15, 2009

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Embark on a devotional journey that will add depth and July 15-27, 2009
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come. Contact Dr. Mark Meehl at The CHS Class of 1959 invites all Concordia alumni
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details, updates and more information. Mediterranean Cruise. The 12-day Ruby Princess cruise

departs from Spain and includes stops in Monaco, Italy,
Greece and Turkey. Reservations are due Jan. 1, 2009.
CHS ’59 Class contacts Ron and Elaine Royuk are looking
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an e-mail to for tour brochures
It’s not too late! You can join the Spain 2009 tour until and information.

Feb. 1, 2009. Enjoy the culture and history of Spain while
connecting with the University A Cappella Choir for at least
two concerts. Our tour of Madrid, Toledo, Seville, Cordoba
and Barcelona will include both the old and the new of
Spain. Celebrate an anniversary, reconnect with classmates June 2-15, 2010
and friends and meet people who will become friends for
life. Contact the alumni office for more information. Join Concordia alumni and friends with host President Brian
Friedrich on this unforgettable panoramic journey through
Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We will step back in time
to walk in the footsteps of Martin Luther and visit some of
the most significant places in his life. The world-renowned
Oberammergau Passion Play will be a highlight of this tour!
Plan now to make a pilgrimage into Lutheran Christian
history with family, classmates and friends. Contact the
alumni office to reserve your space by Feb. 1, 2009.

Special events for alumni & friends

For more information, contact the
alumni office at or
800-535-5494, ext. 7240.
alumni 
Making the Hall: Donald Baker,
accompanied by his son Farrell,
acknowledges the crowd as he
is introduced with fellow Hall of
Fame inductees at halftime of the
Concordia homecoming football
game. Continuing from right to
left, those picured include Douglas
Martin, Dr. Carl Everts, Heather
Hercules Krause, Mindy Rohrbeck
Irvine, Lisa Splittgerber Schmidt
and Dawn Else.

Concordia’s 2008 Athletic Hall of Fame members inducted

Stephanie Schilke ’98 Hoos was a standout on record and the best finish at the naia national
the Concordia women’s basketball team from meet. In addition to her golf records, she was
1994-98 as well as a national champion on the awarded the naia Scholar-Athlete Award in both
track team during her time as a Bulldog. On the her junior and senior years.
hardwood she was a four time all-conference Douglas Martin ’82 lettered in swimming each
performer as well as the 1997-98 niac Player of of his four years at Concordia. He holds records
the Year and the 1997-99 Lincoln Journal Star in the 200-individual medley, the 100- and
Women’s College Player of the Year. During 200-meter butterfly as well as the 400- and
her senior year she also led the Bulldogs to 1500-meter free style. He also holds records in
a regular season and postseason tournament the 200- and 400-yard medley, the 200-yard
championship in the niac, earning the No. 9 butterfly and the 100, 500, and 1,650-yard
national seed in the naia National Tournament. freestyle. Martin was also a member of multiple
Hoos became the national discus champion in record holding relay teams: the 400-meter and
1998 with a throw of 165’11”, a mark that still yard medley as well as the 800-meter and yard
tops the Concordia record books. freestyle. He also is the Concordia pool record
Donald Baker hs ’72 co ’76 was a two-sport holder in the 400-meter individual medley and a
phenom during his time at Concordia. He member of the 800-meter freestyle relay team.
lettered three times in football and once in The 1997 women’s golf team was one of the
wrestling. A force on the football field, Baker most successful teams in Concordia’s athletic
carried the ball 617 yards his junior year and history. The squad, coached by Dr. Carl Everts,
earned first team All-niac honors as well as is either tied for or holds 17 school records
honorable mention honors in the Lincoln Journal in women’s golf, including the best score for
Star and the Omaha World Herald. In his senior 18 holes, 352; the best score for 36 holes, 709;
year Baker became the top Nebraska college the best naia National Tournament score of a
rusher with 843 yards and seven touchdowns. Concordia team at 54 holes, 1,133 and the best
He was awarded first team All-niac honors naia National Tournament finish of a Concordia
again and was named to the first teams of the team, 18th. In addition, a majority of these
Lincoln Journal Star and Omaha World Herald. players were members of the most successful
As a freshman on the wrestling team Baker had group of female golfers in school history,
his best season with a record of 9-1 and was the competing in the naia National golf tournament
Doane Invite Champion. three times during their career at Concordia.
Dawn Else ’98 is one of the most decorated Team members included Dawn Else ’98,
female golfers in Concordia history. She Heather Hercules ’01 Krause, Mindy Rohrbeck
currently holds nine individual records including ’01 Irvine, Jill Saunders ’00 Baumgartel and Lisa
the best 36- and 54-hole score for any meet (male Splittgerber ’00 Schmidt.
or female), the Seward Country Club course
 athletics
Volleyball: Concordia’s volleyball team celebrates a point during its victory over Midland Lutheran Nov. 4. Football: Coach Courtney Meyer
brings together a special teams unit before the opening kickoff of the Sept. 27 game against University of Sioux Falls. Soccer: Molly Humlicek wins
the battle for a header against Kansas Wesleyan University, Sept 1. Teammate Mallorie Blanck trails behind.

Fall sports wrap up: Cross country returns to nationals

cross country 4-6-2 in the gpac. Of the Bulldogs’ 10 losses,
With a strong core of returning runners on the eight were by two goals or fewer. Highpoints of
men’s side and lots of young talent finding its the season included defeating Morningside for
way to the front of the pack for the women, the first time in gpac history and making the
optimism was high coming into the fall season. gpac postseason tournament for the first time
The Bulldog men and women each finished as since 2001.
runners-up at the 2008 gpac Championships The Bulldogs were led statistically by a duo of
held in Hastings, Neb. Zach Meineke was freshmen. Aaron Skipworth had 11 goals on the
named the men’s Great Plains Athletic season, and Kolt O’Kelly had nine. Skipworth
Conference runner of the year after placing first was recognized as a second-team All-gpac
in the meet. Dr. Kregg Einspahr was named selection while George Lara Jr. and Bryan Schranz
gpac men’s coach of the year. Alicia Marteney both made the honorable mention list.
was the top finisher for the Bulldogs at the volleyball
conference meet for the women’s team. The 2008 volleyball team felt the growing
Besides Meineke and Marteney, the other pains of being a young program. The Bulldogs
All-gpac runners for the Bulldogs were Luka concluded regular-season play with a record of 9-
Thor, Tyson Billings, Bryan Felker and Ann 22, 5-11 in the gpac. Concordia entered the gpac
Hershberger. Both teams went to the naia National tournament as the seventh seed and finished
Championships held Nov. 22 in Kenosha, Wis. their season in the second round.
The men were sixth at nationals, tying their best- Bright spots for the Bulldogs were junior Dani
ever finish, and the women took 17th. Hoagland and sophomore Chelsea Vaudt. Vaudt
golf and Hoagland led the Bulldogs with 237 and 229
The gpac unveiled its new format in 2008 as a regular season kills respectively. Hoagland was
four-tournament qualifier system (two in the a second team all-conference pick, and Vaudt
fall, two in the spring). After two qualifiers the made the honorable mention list.
women sit in tie for 9th place with Morningside football
while the men find themselves in 11th place. The Concordia football team caught the injury
women’s soccer bug in 2008 and finished with a record of 1-9.
The Concordia women’s soccer team finished the At one point seven original defensive starters
season with a record of 6-12-0 overall and won were out with injury. The end of the season also
three of nine conference matches. The Bulldog marked the end of an era as Courtney Meyer,
squad had just four upperclassmen (one senior) head coach since 1990, announced his retirement
and were plagued by injuries. in October.
Statistically the Bulldogs were led by freshman Postseason conference honors went to
Mallorie Blanck, who tallied seven goals on the six Bulldogs: Andrew Sunderman, offensive
season. Junior Shelley Hermann and sophomore line, second team; Jim Landers, defensive
Sarah Hoffmann were both named honorable back, second team; the honorable mention
mention All-gpac selections. list included Derek Woods, Jeremy Walrath,
men’s soccer
Jamarcus Walker and Dustin Ehlers.
First-year head coach Jason Weides led the
improved Bulldogs to a record of 6-10-2 overall,
athletics 
 annual report
Concordia’s cross country teams begin their season each year in Lincoln,
Neb., at the Woody Greeno Invitational, one of the larger meets in the
region. With a field that includes Division I NCAA teams and top-ranked
NAIA squads, it’s the truest test to see if all of the lonely miles logged

during spring and summer training have paid off.
David Goeglein, left, took a moment before the race to ask for God’s care
and blessing. He was among the top-three group of runners for Concordia
and individually finished 14th out of 324 runners at the meet.
“I’ve made a prayer one of the standard things I do before a race since high

school,” said Goeglein. “It helps to remind me of the real reason for running
and the opportunity God has given me to shine His light.”
The Bulldog men’s squad finished fourth overall at the Woody Greeno and
took sixth place at the NAIA National Championship Race at season’s end.
The Concordia’s women’s team finished 9th at the Woody Greeno and
went on to place 17th at nationals.
annual report 
Homecoming 2008
(right) Brommer Drive bustles with visitors to the annual
Homecoming Fair, a staple of Concordia’s homecoming
festivities since 2005. Concordia’s hopes for earning a
homecoming victory on the gridiron were dashed by
Northwestern College (Iowa), the No. 11-ranked team
in the nation at the time.
(below) Root 66 plays for those attending the fair.
Members pictured are Melanie Maxson, Andrew
Raphelt, Emily Wolters and Jon Ross.

Bruiser the Bulldog entertains Concordia fans

at the stadium on gameday. The new mascot
began his career this fall and was named by

Barry Holst ’86 fields a question on the subject of business ethics and leadership at a forum held
homecoming week. Homecoming 2008 celebrated the 25th anniversary of Concordia’s business
administration program. Business alumni were invited to return and speak with current students.
Others pictured above are, from right to left, Lisa Bartels ’84 Bliss, 2nd Lt. Margaret Ingerslew ’04
(USAF), Capt. Tony Woodruff ’00 (USMC), and Col. K. Luke Reiner ’86 (USA).

 homecoming
alumni news
Alumni News 19 60 s Till We Meet Again is in Lake Forest and have two sons,
Kent Peterman Kurt Bickel ’73 and Christopher, 20 and Andrew, 17.
19 50s ’65 of Vallejo, Calif., Rich Bimler’s answer to
Matthew Heibel ’84 of Lincoln,
Arthur Albrecht ’55 of Broomfield, has retired after a the mediocre meeting.
Neb., began his ministry as principal
Colo., married Geraldine Castens successful career in Released in January,
of Lincoln Lutheran Junior/Senior
Aug. 2. Arthur does solar work and teaching. He now the book is designed
High School on July 1.
serves as a trustee at his church. serves as chair of the as a workbook and discussion guide
City of Vallejo Planning Commission, offering more than 10 strategies David Van
Joseph House ’55
chair of the board of Fighting Back for effective meetings for boards, Houten ’84 and
of Cuyahoga Falls,
Partnership, secretary of the board committees, task forces and other his wife, Robin,
Ohio, was honored
of Mare Island Technology Academy groups that want to empower their announced
as the Cuyahoga
and supervisor of student teachers meetings. the birth of
Falls Chamber of
at St. Mary’s College in Moraga, granddaughter
Commerce 2008 Citizen of the Johnnie Driessner ’78 of Gresham,
Calif. He and his wife, Brooksie, enjoy Juliette on
Year in May. Joe was nominated by Ore., was named executive vice
traveling, especially cruising. May 16. Their
Cuyahoga Falls General Hospital president for strategic planning at
grandson, Kevin Michael, 3, resides
where he has served as a volunteer, Concordia University, Portland. He
with them at their home in Caldwell,
logging more than 3,200 hours, began serving in this newly created
since 1996. His list of community position in September. Johnnie
accomplishments and awards has served Concordia University, Thrivent Financial Consultant
is long and includes service as a Portland in a variety of roles for the Jeffrey Kohls ’85 of Springfield, Mo.,
parliamentarian with the Fraternal past 28 years. earned the Chartered
Order of Police Associates and Financial Consultant
member of their executive board, designation granted
principal of Redeemer Christian Karen Mehl ’80 Brack of Paola, by The American
School from 1963-94 and member of Kan., earned a doctorate in College in Bryn
numerous city boards, commissions educational leadership from St. Louis Mawr, Pa., in August. To earn the
Cletus Pfeiffer ’65 and his wife,
and committees. Joe and his wife of University on May 17. Karen is the designation, Jeffrey completed a
Janice Brommer ’65 Pfeiffer, visited
56 years, Marie, have four children, director of curriculum, instruction series of written examinations on a
Seward, Alaska, in June. The Pfeiffers
20 grandchildren and five great- and assessment for the Spring Hill broad range of financial topics. In
reside in Rochester, Minn., and highly
grandchildren. USD 230 School District in Spring July Jeffrey qualified for Thrivent’s
recommend retirement.
Hill, Kan. prestigious Sierra level for his 2007
On Dec. 31, 2007, Lloyd Willweber Doug Primeau ’67 retired June 30,
Indiana State University conferred achievements. Approximately 575
’57 retired in an effort to expedite 2007, from his 40-year ministry at
the doctor of philosophy degree on of Thrivent’s nearly 2,600 financial
the transition of Zion Lutheran of Peace Lutheran School in Warren,
William Reichhart ’80 on May 3. In representatives qualified for the
Seattle in its plan to merge with two Mich., where he served as a
addition, William earned a doctorate Sierra level.
neighboring congregations. He and classroom teacher and principal.
his wife, Sharon, relocated to Terra in educational administration. He David Freudenburg ’88 was married
Bella, Calif., where Lloyd is filling a 1970 s resides in New Haven, Ind. in 2000 and has a 17-month-old
position as upper grades teacher in Mary Faulk ’71 Mountford of Kregg Einspahr ’82 and wife son, Logan. David began his teaching
the Zion Lutheran Church parish Pearland, Texas, is music director at Suzanne of Seward, Neb., welcomed career at Lutheran High School
school. Lloyd is anxious to return to Trinity Lutheran Church in Houston. Jackson J.W. on July of South Florida. After the school
the Lord’s service and completed Mary revitalized music at the church 15. Kregg is the head closed, he taught at an inner city
the Intentional Interim Minister by building the adult choir and coach for track and public high school. In addition, he
course out of CNH headquarters in starting a popular children’s program. cross country at has coached boys’ varsity soccer for
Livermore, Calif. Mary helped develop the DVD Concordia University, 15 of his 20 years in education. He
Children Making Music, which was Nebraska, and Suzanne works at the and his family reside in Jacksonville,
released from the Commission on University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Fla., where David now teaches at an
Stay in the know with the Worship and made its debut at the alternative school.
alumni e-newsletter Institute for Liturgy, Preaching and Michael ’83 and Kathy Plautz
Church Music in July. ’83 Vick began their 26th year of Tom Barefoot
The Concordia Alumni & Friends
teaching at their respective schools. married Joy
e-newsletter is easy access to the latest James Thomas ’72 Michael is a junior high history/ Malchow ’89
Concordia news. All you need is an
is serving on the physical education teacher and on June 22. The
e-mail account to receive the latest
news on upcoming events, student and
faculty of Lutheran athletic director at Abiding Savior couple resides
faculty achievements and important Theological Southern Lutheran School in Lake Forest, Calif., in Omaha, Neb.,
announcements. The e-newsletter is sent Seminary in and Kathy is a preschool teacher at where Joy is
out periodically throughout the year. Columbia, S.C., as associate professor Light of Christ Lutheran Preschool in director/teacher
Visit of church and ministry and director Irvine, Calif. Both are at their original at St. Mark Lutheran Preschool.
to subscribe. of African American studies. call received upon their Concordia
graduation. Michael and Kathy reside

alumni news 
199 0s from 12 years of teaching to be a birth of Camryn Pearl on June 30, University of Notre
After his Concordia graduation stay-at-home mom, and Steven is a 2007. Camryn Dame in May. He and
Matthew Beisel ’92 began his civil engineer. joins Claire, his wife, Elizabeth,
teaching 4. The family celebrated the birth
Paul Philp ’95 of St. Louis, Mo.,
career at resides in of Thomas Stephen
earned a master of sacred theology
Lutheran Deshler, Neb., on April 18. The family calls Austin,
degree in exegetical theology from
School in where David is Texas, home, where Chris is pursuing
Concordia Seminary in St. Louis on
Chattanooga, principal and a doctorate in organ performance
Nov. 9, 2007, and was awarded the
Tenn. He seventh/eighth grade teacher of and serves a teaching assistantship
degree on May 16. Paul serves as an
earned a Deshler Lutheran School, and Diane at the University of Texas under Dr.
admission counselor at Concordia
master’s is a stay-at-home mom. Gerre Hancock. In addition, Chris
degree in serves as assistant pastor at King of
Ryan and Sheila Cihal ’99 Douglas
science education at the University Matthew and Laurie Duncan Kings Lutheran Church in Round
and Kobe, 5 and Jace, 3, rejoiced at
of Iowa in 2000 and taught ’96 Miller celebrated the birth of Rock, Texas.
the birth of
and coached in the Iowa City Lydia Rose on Nov. 8, 2007. The
Skylar Ann
Community School District. He family resides in the Cincinnati,
on June 20.
went on to accept a call to teach Ohio, suburbs
The family
at Lutheran High School in Little where Matt is
calls Salina,
Rock, Ark., where he headed the an aeronautical
Kan., home. Ryan is a pharmaceutical
science program, taught theology engineer with GE
sales rep with Pfizer, and Sheila is a
and headed the cross country Aircraft Engines,
stay-at-home mom.
and track and field programs. He and Laurie enjoys
began his position as head track being a stay-at- 20 0 0s
and field coach at Concordia home mom. Chad ’00 and Laura Walhaug
University Chicago in January. His ’02 Thies of Lincoln, Neb., received
wife Jill is a physician assistant in Talent Plus Inc. Gold Standard
gastroenterology. The couple resides Awards on Aug. 23. The award
’97 and Sarah
in Elmhurst, Ill., with daughter highlights outstanding individual
Jacob were
Keegan, 5. performance of associates who have
united in
marriage on gone above and beyond to meet
June 21. The and exceed associate and client Catherine Heider ’02 of Houston,
Seevers ’92
couple resides expectations. The Thieses were Texas, received a very personalized
and Jodi
in Carmel, among 36 associates to receive the 26.2 mile tour of San Diego, Calif., as
Ind., where award for the 2008 year. she ran the San Diego Rock ’n’ Roll
were married
Oct. 19, Gerrod is Marathon in May with her 80-year-
Daniel Allan and Kristen King ’01
2007. David regional vice president for Magnolia old grandfather. Catherine is in risk
were united in marriage on Oct. 28,
is a Web Health Systems. management with Koch Supply and
2006. The couple purchased their
developer for Trading.
first home
Gallup Inc., and Jodi is a firefighter/ in May in Adam and
paramedic with Lincoln Fire and Omaha, Carissa Conrad
Rescue. The couple makes their Neb., ’02 Hippen
home in Gretna, Neb. where Dan rejoiced at the
teaches birth of Averi
Gretchen Daubendiek ’93 Gorline
special Pauline on May
and her family relocated in July to
education in the Millard Public 13. Hannah,
Cabot, Ark., where husband Jeremy is
School District, and Kristen teaches 3, welcomed Averi home. The
a chaplain assigned to Little Rock Air
kindergarten in the Millard District. family resides in Washington, Ill.,
Force Base and Gretchen takes care
of Thomas, 5, and Andrew, 2. Michael ’98 and Sarah Blakely ’97 where Carissa is DCE at Our Savior
Weider and their children, Gabriel, 5, Jared ’01 and Jessica Joyce ’02 Kite Lutheran Church.
In June David ’94 and Stacy Entzel Sheralynn, 3 and Bethany, 1, relocated of Seward, Neb., rejoiced at the birth
CO ’94 GR ’08 Hall moved their to Indonesia with LCMS World of Sarah Elizabeth on Aug. 21. Jared Jason and Joanna
home to Colorado Springs, Colo., Mission in August. They teach at is a systems analyst/ Koopman ’02
where David is associate pastor/ Sekolah Pelita Harapan Christian programmer at Eden celebrated
director of human care ministries at School in Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang, Concordia University, the birth of
Holy Cross Lutheran Church. Stacy south of Jakarta. Michael teaches Nebraska, and Jessica Michaela Jane on
earned a master’s degree in literacy and assists with organizing the directs the handbells June 4. Matthew,
from Concordia University, Nebraska international standards for the high at Concordia and enjoys being a 3, welcomed
in May. school and Sarah counsels and assists stay-at-home mom. her home. The family resides in
in transitioning the senior students Arlington Heights, Ill.
Steven and Kristen Jenson ’94 Christopher Ahlman ’02 earned
to overseas colleges.
Schroeder of St. Cloud, Fla., a master of sacred music degree, Paul ’03 and Crystal Griess ’03
welcomed Samuel Peter on May 29. David CO ’99 GR ’05 and Diane specializing in organ performance Schmidt of Roca, Neb., announced
He joins Caroline, 2. Kristin “retired” Wiese ’01 Beikmann celebrated the and liturgical studies, from the the birth of Ryker Paul on Feb. 5. Aria

 alumni news
and Jozlin next phase of training, which is due Lutheran Paul Blomenberg ’07 and Amy
welcomed to begin in January 2009. She has Church, and Kleindienst ’07 were united in
Ryker home. approximately two years of training Mandy is a marriage on July
Paul is left before she is combat ready and fourth-grade 6. They reside
art director and illustrator at The regularly takes to the air in an F-15E teacher in Lakewood,
Minnow Project, an advertising “Strike Eagle,” an advanced long- at Christ Colo., where
agency, in Lincoln, Neb., and Crystal range interdiction fighter and tactical Lutheran Paul teaches
homeschools their children and aircraft (correction from last issue). School. physics and
teaches part-time at Lancaster chemistry at
David ’05 and Heather Greseth
Learning Link. Denver Lutheran
’03 Larson of St. Louis, Mo., were
High, and Amy
Scott Ash ’04 of Lincoln, Neb., was blessed by the birth of
teaches at St. John Lutheran Church
featured in The Midlands Business Grace Eden on June 3.
and School, also in Denver.
Journal’s Business Minute in June. David is a student at
Scott is director of operations at Concordia Seminary in Casey Young ’07 and Julianne
Nebraska Sports Council, where St. Louis, and Heather is a first-grade Young ’07 were joined in marriage
he has been employed for 15 years. teacher at Immanuel Lutheran in on June 22. The couple resides in
Wife Monica is a physical education Dave and Molly Watson ’04 Wentzville, Mo. Belton, Texas.
teacher at an elementary school. Seaborn welcomed twins Marley
Kathryn and Camden Elizabeth Cory ’05 and Sara Wagnitz ’04 Jonathan Jank ’08 of Lincoln, Neb.,
Scott and Monica are business
on June 26. The family resides in Rohren have relocated to Anthem, was named director of Seward
owners as MonaVie Distributors.
Phoenix, Md., where Dave is an Ariz., where Cory is completing County Court Appointed Special
They have two children, Eli, 3, and
environmental consultant, and Molly tests to be an advisor with Thrivent Advocates in July.
Tillie, born Dec. 11, 2007.
is a stay-at-home mom. Financial and Sara teaches 3-year-
Michael ’04 and Sara DeFreece olds at Cross of Christ Christian
Daryl ’04 and Rachel Spencer Tewes ’08
’05 Grein were blessed by the birth School.
’02 Werner of Unadilla, Neb., and Jackie
of Isaiah Michael on March 11. The
announced the Brett Muller ’06 and Heather McCullough
family resides in
birth of Haleigh Welty ’06 were married on Aug. 9. ’06 were married
Overland Park, Kan.,
May on July 19. The couple calls Milford, Neb., home. June 7. The
where they serve
Daryl works at couple resides in Omaha, Neb.
at Christ Lutheran Preston ’06 and Megan Carpenter
School. Lincoln Benefit ’06 Schmidt of Anthem, Ariz.,
Life, and Rachel is a registered nurse.

Remembering loved ones

celebrated the birth of Brayden
Margaret Ingerslew ’04 of Seward, In Memoriam
Jose Beaton ’05 was promoted to James on June 18.
Neb., completed Officer Training
School with the U.S. Air Force and first lieutenant with the Marines in
Jeffrey York GR ’06 of Bellevue,
was commissioned on June 18. While March. He and his wife, Liesl Barz Olive Birkes, Friend
Neb., was one of 15 teachers,
in OTS she competed for and earned ’06 Beaton, reside in Milton, Fla., Robert Garmatz HS ’38 CO ’41
chosen from 466
a slot as a Weapons Systems Officer; with daughter Addison, 1. Erwin Meyer ’41
nominations, in
she was one of very few selected for Seth Clemmer ’05 and Mandy the Omaha Public Florence Landmann ’54 Engelken
this slot. She is now with the Navy Grote ’08 were married June 28. Schools who Elmer Etzler ’58
in Pensacola, Fla., in the Naval Flight The couple calls Albuquerque, N.M., received an Alice Dahlyn Buhrdorf ’60
Officer program and awaiting her home where Seth is vicar at Grace Buffett Outstanding Teacher Award Jeannine Mauch ’66

for 2008. Jeff teaches fifth grade at Timothy Heinicke HS ’68 CO ’72
Rose Hill Elementary, where he has
been for seven years.
Alumni News
Concordia welcomes news of alumni accomplishments and other
milestones in the lives of alumni. It is preferred that alumni news be
submitted directly by the featured alumni rather than a third party
so accuracy may be verified. When submitting a death notice, please
send a copy of the obituary, if possible, and include the names and
class years of any survivors who attended Concordia in Nebraska. All
submitted items may be edited.
Send submissions to or, by post, to Concordia
University, Nebraska, Alumni News, 800 North Columbia Avenue,
Seward, Nebraska, 68434.
Missing your yearbook?
Photos are welcome, whether printed or digital versions. Photos will For a limited time, back issues of the Tower yearbook are available for
not be returned. When possible, please send your photograph as a jpeg the school years between 1999-00 and 2006-07. The cost is $15 per issue,
attachment along with your e-mail submission of news. A submitted including shipping. Please send the issue(s) requested, your mailing address
digital photo should have a minimum of 1200 pixels on its longest and a check payable to Concordia University, Nebraska to Karen Chittick,
side. We encourage photos with the alumni in the picture. Please Weller 208, 800 North Columbia Ave., Seward, Nebraska 68434. The back
note that sending an image does not guarantee its publication. Please issues will be stored until June 2009.
submit items for the winter 2008-09 issue by March 1.

alumni news 
Rooted and built up
“Rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as
you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving” from Colossians (2:7)
is the theme for Concordia’s 115th academic year.

As I write this letter of appreciation to you, I do so “abounding

in thanksgiving.” During the past fiscal year, God blessed our
institutional advancement efforts in a marvelous way. Gifts, pledges
and deferred gift commitments from July 1, 2007, to June 30,
2008, totaled $12,349,701—the second highest fundraising year of
the On A Mission campaign and the third largest fundraising year
in Concordia’s history. Thanks be to God! Combined with the
previous five years’ fundraising results, the more than 11,000 gifts to
the campaign have totaled $57,462,999. Again, thanks be to God!
Rooted and built up in him
and Established in the faith,
We are now in the final year of the campaign and have neared the
just as you were taught, threshold of our $60 million goal, a goal that just a few years ago
Abounding in thanksgiving. many considered impossible. However, our God is faithful, and
Colossians 2:7 your tremendous outpouring of support has more deeply rooted
and established Concordia University, Nebraska in its mission of
preparing students to serve and lead in church and world. It will
propel us forward, and, by God’s grace, we will continue to abound
in our service to Him, His church and His world.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you dear friend for your
marvelous support of Concordia, our students, faculty and staff.
Your generous investment in preparing the next generation of those
who will proclaim the Gospel and serve as the very hands and feet
of Jesus Christ inspires and encourages all who serve in this place.


Brian L. Friedrich

president and ceo

Concordia University, Nebraska

 annual report
 annual report
Wake Charitable Foundation Cornerstone Bank - York, Neb.
Mr. Edwin Wergin Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Craig-Meyer
Wheat Ridge Ministries Mr. & Mrs. Michael Daake
Dr. & Mrs. John Roehrs
Honor Roll of Donors Mr. Richard Rossing
Dr. Mira Wiegmann & Prof. Richard Wiegmann Mr. & Mrs. John Davis
Mrs. Otto Wiemer Daws, Inc.
Mr. Gerald Ruroede
Fellows of the Weller Society Mr. Elmer Schardt
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Williams Dell Direct Giving Campaign
Gifts of $10,000 or More Mr. & Mrs. David Witham Mr. & Mrs. Daniel DeLoach, Jr.
Fred Schmid Estate
Anonymous (6) Mr. Ward Wolfram Deloitte Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Allan Schmidt
Mr. Edward Amann Mrs. Eldred Dierker
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Schoening Associate’s Club
Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation Mr. Ronald Dittmar
Mr. & Mrs. Waldemar Seefeldt Gifts of $1,000 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Annis Dr. & Mrs. Warren Doerfler
Mrs. Edward Steinbacher
Mrs. Alois Bader Anonymous (9) Drack, Inc.
Roland Stelzer Estate
Ray Becker Estate Abel Foundation The John Duda Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William Stock
Mr. & Mrs. Darwin Bettmann Mr. Art Albrecht Mrs. Judy Duda
Dr. Martin Stork
Ms. Verna Blanke Mr. & Mrs. C. W. Allerheiligen Dr. & Mrs. Jack Duensing
Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Strieter
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. David Block Andrews Van Lines, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Charles Dull
Mrs. Wayne Tanderup
Mr. & Mrs. Delmar Borchers Mr. & Mrs.+ Ted Augustin Eating Est. Seward, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Tewes
Carol Brauch Estate Mrs. Olga Baack Mr. & Mrs. Mark Eilers
The Sunderland Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Butterbrodt Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Baden Mr. & Mrs. Gary Einem
Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Thom
Dr.+ & Mrs. Robert Cade Miss Viola Bahls Dr. & Mrs. Kent Einspahr
The LeRoy Thom, Jean Thom &
Cattle National Bank & Trust Company Mr. Kenneth Bartels Dr. & Mrs. Kregg Einspahr
T-L Foundation, Inc.
Compass Group, USA Division Mr. Walter Bartels Dr. Daniel Ellis
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Conoco Phillips, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William Bartels Mrs. Tedi Ellison
Mr. & Mrs. Del Toebben
Mr. & Mrs. John Craemer Mrs. Guiomar Barth Mr. & Mrs. Jim Emmons
Mr. Rodney Vandeberg
Mr. & Mrs. Justus Craemer Dr. & Mrs. Ernest Baughman Mr. & Mrs. David Endorf
John Walz Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Dassow 1st Lt. & Mrs. Jose Beaton Mr. & Mrs. Marshall England
Clarence and Ora Zarn Estate
Mr. & Mrs. John Dinkel Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Beckendorf Mrs. Nancy English
Rev. & Mrs. Karl Ziegler
Rupert Dunklau Foundation, Inc. Mr. Scott Becker & Ms. Kris Santerini-Becker Mr. & Mrs. David Erbach
Anna Zobel Estate
Alvin G. Eckert Estate Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beckwith Mr. & Mrs. William Evans Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. E. H. Friedemann Sower Association Mrs. Alice Beethe Mr. & Mrs. Jerald Fangmann
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Friehe Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Mr. & Mrs. John Behrendt Mr. & Mrs. Dave Faszholz
Gainesville Community Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Beineke Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Felker
Anonymous (2)
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Gard Congressman & Mrs. Douglas Bereuter Mrs. Eugene Ferg
Drs. Rodney & Kim Becher
Grateful in Wyoming Mr. & Mrs. Waldemar Bergdolt Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ferguson
Mr. Rex Becker
Dr. Mary Gundelach Drs. Marvin & Shirley Bergman Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Ficken
Dr. & Mrs. R. C. Beethe
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Hacker Mrs. Ardis Bergquist Mr. & Mrs. Harry D. Fike
Loraine Betow Estate
Mrs. Faye Hall Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Berry Mrs. Marie Finnigsmier
Mrs. Karen Blank
Mrs. Alice Hamburg Rev. & Mrs. Edward Bertram First Data Corporation
Chevron Texaco Matching Program
Mr. & Mrs. George Hammersmith Mr. & Mrs. Ken Bickel Foundation of the Nebraska Society of CPA’s
Concordia University Guild - Seward, Neb.
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Hoffman Paul Bierwagen Estate Mr. Robert Fritz
Prof. & Mrs. Gilbert Daenzer
Mr. & Mrs. C. G. Holthus Ms. Barbara Blanco Mr. & Mrs. Rick Fritz
Drs. David & Grace-Ann Dolak
Mr. Milton Holtzen Rev. & Mrs. Charles W. Blanco Elfrieda Frueh Estate
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Dumke
Drs. Jeff & Erin Huebschman Mr. & Mrs. Werner Blank Dr. & Mrs. Leon Gebhardt
Dr. & Mrs. Carl Everts
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hughes Dr. & Mrs. Mark Blanke Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Gehring
Mr. & Mrs. Junior Fischer
Hughes Brothers, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Blase Mr. & Mrs. Dan Gengenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fliege
Ferra Hunter Estate Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bliss Dr. & Mrs. John Gerber
Fountain Of Life Lutheran Church -
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Joeckel Sun City, Ariz. Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Blomenberg Rev. & Mrs. Eugene Gierke
Jones National Bank & Trust Company Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Brian Friedrich Mr. & Mrs. John Blomenberg Mrs. Wilhemina Giesman
Mrs. Paul Kaldahl Dr. & Mrs. Edwin Gerler Jr. Mr. Byron Bockelman Rev. & Mrs. Dan Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. William Kernen Mrs. Eric Goeglein Prof. & Mrs. James Bockelman Fred & Mary Girbony Estate
Kiewit Companies Foundation Mr. Scott Grau Mr. David Bode Mr. & Mrs. J. Paul Glahn
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Knuth Dr. Vern Harnapp Boeing Company Mr. & Mrs. Harlan Glanzer
Benjamin Kouhns Estate Mr. & Mrs. Philip Heidemann Mr. & Mrs. Earl Bohlen Mr. & Mrs. Norman Glock
Dr. & Mrs. Karl Kreft Dr. & Mrs. Vance Hinrichs Ms. Katherine Bolland Mr. & Mrs. John Goeke
Mr.+ & Mrs. Raymond Laabs Mr. & Mrs. Barry Holst Mr. & Mrs. Bret Bollmann Dr. Eunice Goldgrabe
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Harvey Lange Dr. & Mrs. James Holste Dr. & Mrs. Ron Bork Mr. & Mrs. Merle Golnick
LCMS Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Robert Hutsell Harley Bovee Estate Good Shepherd Lutheran Church -
Ms. Shirley Liesener Immanuel Lutheran Church - Livermore, Iowa Mr. & Mrs. Kurth Brashear Collinsville, Ill.
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Lillich Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Jungmann Ms. Pauline Braun Wilma E. Gosch Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Lillich Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Klein Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bremer Mrs. Madora Gotsch
Lutheran Community Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Paul Kleine Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Bridges Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grabbert
Ms. Kristi Matus Mr. & Mrs. William Kloeber Mr. & Mrs. Byron Brigham Mrs. Meurice Graff
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCourt Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Knudten Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Brink Mr. & Mrs. Donald Grant
The Meinders Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert Knuth Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Brommer Graybeal Construction Company, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Kotil Mr. William Brommer Mr. & Mrs. Frank Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Meyer Dennis B. Kouhns Memorial Endowment Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Brott Mr. & Mrs. Delmer Gremel
Mr. Wilfred Mueller Mr. & Mrs.+ Elmer Krause Mr. & Mrs. Brumbaugh Dr. & Mrs. Larry Grothaus
Mr. Albert Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Gerrod Lambrecht Mr. & Mrs. Robert Burnham Growth Design Corporation
Mr. Lester Muller Mrs. Welma Langseth Mr. & Mrs. Art Busha Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Gubanyi
Nebraska Independent College Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Richard Laughlin Rev. Dr. & Mrs. R. John Buuck Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Guenther
Mr. & Mrs. Dick O’Dell Virgil & Janet Leckband Estate Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Carlow Rev. & Mrs. Ralph Guetersloh
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Oelke Lexmark International, Inc. Mrs. Marcalee Carroll H & S Plumbing
Dr. & Mrs. Fred Ohlde Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Luebbe Cessna Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hackmann
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Oppel Mrs. Frances Matera Mr. & Mrs. Michael Chaffee Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Hageman
Arthur amd Emma Parpart Estate Nebraska Humanities Council Dr. & Mrs. Charles Chance Mr. & Mrs.+ Marvin Hagen
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company Mr. & Mrs. Robert Oetting Ms. Rosalyn Chmelka Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Pooker Mr. & Mrs. Matt Owens Mrs. Marguerite Christman Mr. & Mrs. Otto Haman
Drs. William & Judith Preuss Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Probasco Mr. & Mrs. Walter Classen Miss Elly Hardekopf
Marvin Quitmeyer Estate Rev. & Mrs. Ralph Schmidt Dr. Doris Clatanoff & Mr. Duane Clatanoff Mrs. Erwin Harmening
Mr. & Mrs. Don Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Schwan Concordia Publishing House Rev. & Mrs. Elvin Harms
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Riffel Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Seaman Mr. & Mrs. Warren Consoer Mrs. Don Hartmann
Mr. & Mrs. William Roehrs Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Siepman Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Cook Mrs. Richard Hartmann

annual report 
annual report 
Concordia Support by Class
High School 1962 33% 1943 43% 1976 24%
1929 50% 1963 22% 1944 56% 1977 15%
1930 0% 1964 16% 1945 50% 1978 21%
1931 0% 1965 26% 1946 56% 1979 26%
1932 33% 1966 26% 1947 47% 1980 23%
1933 50% 1967 26% 1948 32% 1981 19%
1934 33% 1968 38% 1949 33% 1982 23%
1935 0% 1969 23% 1950 47% 1983 27%
1936 0% 1970 39% 1951 51% 1984 19%
1937 0% 1971 21% 1952 52% 1985 20%
1938 83% 1972 25% 1953 47% 1986 22%
1939 75% 1973 16% 1954 54% 1987 23%
1940 43% 1974 10% 1955 40% 1988 23%
1941 100% College 1956 43% 1989 28%
1942 50% 1923 0% 1957 47% 1990 25%
1943 44% 1925 0% 1958 50% 1991 17%
1944 60% 1926 0% 1959 45% 1992 18%
1945 0% 1927 0% 1960 43% 1993 14%
1946 64% 1928 0% 1961 37% 1994 15%
1947 46% 1929 0% 1962 37% 1995 10%
1948 50% 1930 0% 1963 32% 1996 13%
1949 52% 1931 0% 1964 33% 1997 13%
1950 65% 1932 40% 1965 36% 1998 8%
1951 43% 1933 0% 1966 32% 1999 9%
1952 52% 1934 25% 1967 25% 2000 6%
1953 46% 1935 50% 1968 26% 2001 11%
1954 37% 1936 100% 1969 22% 2002 10%
1955 43% 1937 60% 1970 23% 2003 9%
1956 53% 1938 20% 1971 22% 2004 11%
1957 53% 1939 33% 1972 21% 2005 6%
1958 21% 1940 50% 1973 22% 2006 5%
1959 23% 1941 45% 1974 26% 2007 4%
1960 34% 1942 35% 1975 23% 2008 2%
1961 31% Reflects living alumni with an active address

Mr. & Mrs. William Hartmann Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eldor Kaiser Marathon Oil Matching Gift Program Mr. & Mrs. Art Ortlieb
Mr. & Mrs. James Hartwig Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kaiser Mr. Matt Marty & Mrs. Kayla Luehmann-Marty Pac ‘N’ Save
Ms. Sandy Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Kaiser Drs. Paul & Janice Massmann Rev. & Mrs. J. Robert Paulson
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Hebel Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Pete Kenow Mr. Patrick McGinty Mr. & Mrs. William Peters
Ms. Edith Heideman Ms. Louise Kielsmeier Dr. & Mrs. Mark Meehl Mr. Norman Petersen
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Heider Kingery Construction Company Miss Marjorie Meier Dr. & Mrs. Jerrald Pfabe
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Hellbusch Dr. & Mrs. John Kinworthy Mr. & Mrs. Ned Meier Mrs. Arnold Pfeiffer
Rev. & Mrs. David Helmer Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kirchner Memorial Health Care Systems Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Pfeiffer
Mr. & Mrs. Don Henning Mr. & Mrs. Serle Kirchner Merle’s Greenhouses, Inc. Pfizer, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Henning Mr. & Mrs. Mike Klintworth Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mettenbrink Prof. & Mrs. Robert Pflieger
Mr. & Mrs. Myron Heny Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Knapp Mr. & Mrs. Alan Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Russell Pflieger
Dr. Robert Hermann & Mrs. Julie Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Neal Koch Dr. & Mrs. David Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Pflug
Hermann Mr. Robert Koehler Mr. & Mrs. Henry Meyer Mrs. Helen Pingel
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Hershberger Mr. & Mrs. Alan Koepke Mrs. Norma Meyer Mr. Ronald Pinkepank
Mrs. John Heussman Mr. & Mrs. James Koepke Miss Rachel Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Plamann
Dr. Herman Hiesterman Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kohlwey Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Ken Pohlman
Rev. Joel Hiesterman Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kolterman Dr. & Mrs. Stan Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Pomerenke
Dr. Mary Hilgendorf & Mr. Duane Hilgendorf Martin and Peggy Koopman Dr. & Mrs. Jack Middendorf Rev. & Mrs. Norman Porath
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hintz Mr. Bruce Korte Mr. & Mrs. Harold Milbrath Mrs. Ruth Pralle
Mrs. Carolyn Hoegemeyer Helen Kouhns Estate Arthur and Gertrude M. Miller Estate Mr. Gene Quade
Mr. Patrick Hofer Mr. & Mrs. David Krenz Mr. & Mrs. Dale Miller Mr. Richard Rathke
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hoger Mr. Howard Krieser Mr. & Mrs. James M. Miller Mr. Stephen Ratz
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Holle Mr. & Mrs. Emil Kriewaldt Mr. & Mrs. Duane Miner Mr. & Mrs. John Rehberg
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Paul Holtorf Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kromminga Rev. & Mrs. Ray Mirly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rehkop
Mr. DuWayne Holtzen Evelyn Kruger Estate Modern Methods, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Twane Reker
Mrs. Bohdan Horak Mr. & Mrs. Ron Kuehn Mr. & Mrs. Paul Moeller Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Rhode
Mr. Theodore Huebner Mrs. Jo Ann Kuhns Mr. & Mrs. Tim Moll Mrs. Sarah Rigby
Mr. Morris Huelle & Mrs. Velma Krueger Huelle Mrs. Emil Kurth Mr. C. Richard Morris Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rinker
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Huffman Mr. Walter Lammers Dr. Russell Mosemann Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Robinson
Mrs. Virginia Hughes Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Langevin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mueller Dr. Jenny Mueller-Roebke & Mr. Stan Roebke
Ms. Amanda Husberg Mr. & Mrs. Donald Langewisch Dr. & Mrs. Willis Mundt Rev. & Mrs. Gerald Roggow
IBM Corporation Mr. Thomas C. Latter Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Naber Mr. & Mrs. Donald Rolfsmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Irmer Paul & Sandy Lawin Mrs. Florence Natzke Herman Rope Estate
Mr. J. Paul Jacob Rev. & Mrs. Richard Lewer Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Neben Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Jacob Alta M. Lindeburg Estate Nebraska State Reading Association Mr. & Mrs. William Roundey
Mr. & Mrs. K. Kirk Jamison Mr. & Mrs. Alva Lohse Mr. Roger Neit Dr. & Mrs. Alan Runge
Mrs. Betty Janke Dr. & Mrs. Richard Luebbe Nelnet, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Lambert Runge
Mrs. Charlotte Jans Mr. William Luebbe Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Neujahr Runza, Inc.
Rev. & Mrs. Marcus Jauss Mr. Arnold Luedders Mr. Curtis Nierman Mrs. Dolores Sander
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Jerke Mrs. Margaret Lukas Valeria Nolte Estate Mr. & Mrs. Reed Sander
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Johnson Lutheran Foundation of Texas Dr. & Mrs. Stan Obermueller Mr. & Mrs. William Sandman
Dr. Jean Jones & Mr. David Jones Lutheran Good Samaritan Society - Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Oetting Rev. William Scar & Dr. Elizabeth Usher
Mr. & Mrs. James Jordan Corona Del Mar, Calif. Elmer Ohlmann Estate Rev. & Mrs. Robert Schaedel
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Jungemann Mrs. Juanita Lutz Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ohlmann Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schafer
Mr. Lon Jungemann Mr. George Mack Mr. & Mrs. R. Warren Opel Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Schaff
Drs. John & Kristy Jurchen Dr. & Mrs. Martin Maehr Mr. & Mrs. Dale Orlowski Mr. & Mrs. Ron Schardt

 annual report
 annual report
Concordia named best value
by U.S. News and World Report
Concordia was one of 10 aid. This, combined with Based on the first tier ranking
Midwest baccalaureate schools Concordia’s overall ranking, and an overall score of 64,
to be named to U.S. News & made the university the only Concordia also compares well to
World Report’s 2009 “Great Nebraska school in this value- schools in other categories and
Schools, Great Prices” rankings. based list. regions. Concordia Nebraska
The specialized category Concordia moves up in is the top-ranked school in the
recognizes the value of the overall U.S. News & Concordia University System
overall education at those World Report rankings and placed third among the
schools ranked above average Concordia also moved to members of the Great Plains
academically with a large No. 18, up one spot, in the Athletic Conference. Criteria
percentage of their student overall rankings of the evaluated in the rankings
body receiving need-based aid. Midwest baccalaureate included academic reputation,
More than three-quarters of institutions, remaining the retention and graduation rates,
Concordia students receive aid highest ranked school in faculty resources, student
based on need, and 99 percent Nebraska in this category. selectivity and alumni support.
receive some type of financial

Ms. Cynthia Scheer St. Peter Lutheran Church - Holyrood, Kan. Dr. & Mrs. Van Vahle Mr. & Mrs. Roger Aufdemberge
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Scheer Rev. & Mrs. John Stelling Dr. & Mrs. Darrell Van Luchene Dr. & Mrs. Ted Aufdemberge
Mr. & Mrs. Berne Schepman Rev. Harold Stelzer Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Van Velson Mr.+ & Mrs. Fred Aupperle
Dr. & Mrs. Lee Schluckebier Mrs. Roland Stelzer Dr. & Mrs. A. Paul Vasconcellos Mr. & Mrs. Clyve Baade
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Schlueter Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stillahn Paul Vetter Estate Mr. John Baden
Mr. & Mrs. Arlen Schomacker Ms. Eleanor Stolp Mr. & Mrs. Mike Vincent Mrs. Clara Baer
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Schram Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Straub Volzke Funeral Home Dr. Jennifer Baker & Mr. Paul Baker
Miss Janice Schulz Mr. & Mrs. Wally Streuter Mr. & Mrs. Chad Von Kampen Mr. Alan Baldwin & Mrs. Janet Cheney-Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Seevers Helen Strickert Estate Rev. & Mrs. Marion Von Rentzell Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bartholomew
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Seevers Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Strom Mrs. Jan Von Seggern Mrs. Cynthia Beane
Mrs. Neal Sell Mr. & Mrs. Peter Strom Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Wacker Mr. & Mrs. Harlan Becker
Dr. & Mrs. Norman Sell Mrs. Lois Struve Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer Wagner Dr. & Mrs. Floyd Behrens
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Senkbeil Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Stuewe Mr. & Mrs. Max Wake Mr. & Mrs. Milton Bek
Seward Arts Council Dr. & Mrs. John Suhr, Sr. Miss Kathryn Wall Rev. & Mrs. Gary Bender
Seward Physical Therapy Service, P.C. Dr. & Mrs. Jack Swanson Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Walter Mrs. Jacques Berger
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Shaffer Dr. & Mrs. Donald Sylwester Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Orville Walz Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bergt
Rev. & Mrs. Steven Sirek Mr. & Mrs. Tim Taube Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Warneke Mr. & Mrs. Duane Beune
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Skov Mrs. Edgar Terrass Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Webster Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bierwagen
Dr. Londa Borer-Skov & Mr. Luther Skov Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Terry Mr. & Mrs. Mark Weinrich Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Blank
Mr. Lawrence Smith Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Tewes Mr. & Mrs. Donald Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Duane Blobaum
Mr. & Mrs. Lucas Smith Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Thies WellnessOne of Lincoln, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James Blomenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Smothers Mr. & Mrs. James Tobaben Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wenck Mr. & Mrs. Fred Boerger
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Sparenberg Town & Country Masonry Contractor, Inc. Mrs. Edward Werner Mr. John Boldt
Spatial Analytics, Inc. Kearney Tri-Co Community Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Werth Mrs. Joan Borchard
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Spitsnogle Trinity Lutheran Church, Martinsberg - Ponca, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Wiegardt Dr. Vicki Boye
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Spiva Neb. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Wiesehan Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Bracht
Sprint Foundation Matching Gift Mr. & Mrs. Donald Troester Rev. & Mrs. Lloyd Willweber Ms. Ruth Brammeier
St. Peter Lutheran Church - Gresham, Neb. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Urban Mr. Lloyd Windfield Miss Lillian Brandt
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Theodore Wolfram III Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Bredow
Total Giving by Source Mr. & Mrs. A. Wolter
Mr. & Mrs. L. K. Wolter
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bremer
Lt. Col. Herman Bretzer
Mrs. Lucille Woodring Rev. & Mrs. Arthur Brinkmeyer
Faculty & Staff 2% $171,964
Alumni & Parents 16% Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Young Mrs. Dara Greene Buckendahl
$1,090,178 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Zabka Ms. Mary Budde
Estate Gifts 17% Zabka Funeral Home Mr. & Mrs. Brad Buerck
Regents & William Zimmerman Estate Dr. & Mrs. Paul Burger
Foundation Mrs. Lana Cargill
Businesses, Board 12% Builder’s Club Christ Lutheran Foundation - Lincoln, Neb.
$810,883 Gifts of $500 to $999 Mr. J. Gordon Christensen
& Foundations Anonymous (5) Mr. & Mrs. Alan Christian
Ethel S. Abbott Charitable Foundation The Clark Enersen Partners
31% Acxiom Corporation Rev. & Mrs. Martin Cloeter
Friends 21% Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Anschutz Drs. Bruce & Stacy Creed
$1,454,554 ARAMARK Management Services Crown Of Life Lutheran Church - Sun City, Ariz.
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Arcement Rev. Garry Dassow
Churches & Church Organizations 1% $52,354 Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Aufdemberge Mr. & Mrs. Ron de la Motte

annual report 
annual report 
Mr. & Mrs. Nickey DeRose Mr. & Mrs. Dean Hollatz Dr. & Mrs. William Niebergall Mr. & Mrs. Milton W. Schmidt
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Paul Devantier Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Holtorf Mrs. Loretta Niemann Mrs. Lorna Schmieding
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dieckhoff Dr. & Mrs. LeeRoy Holtzen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nieting Mrs. Katherine Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. E. Paul Dieckhoff Dr. & Mrs. Robert Huckfeldt NIFCO Mechanical Systems, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. M. Daniel Schroeder
Rev. & Mrs. David Dobbertien Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Huebschman Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Nitschke Rev. & Mrs. Wayne Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Koy Domann Huffman Engineering, Inc. Mrs. Lucille Norem Mr. & Mrs. Harold Schuessler
Dow Corning Corporation Mrs. Irene Huffman Northwestern Mutual Foundation Dr. Armin Schulz
Down Under Pottery Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Huffman Mr. Paul Nuechterlein Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Schulze
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Dubbe Mrs. Elaine Hughes Oberon Adomments Mr. & Mrs. William Schwab
Mr. & Mrs. Rollin Duensing Mr. & Mrs. William H. Jacobsson Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Oerman Mr. & Mrs. Ryne Seaman
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dunklau Ms. Betty James Mrs. Elton Ohlman Dr. & Mrs. John Seevers
Prof. & Mrs. Donald Dynneson Rev. & Mrs. Frank Janzow Ms. Jean Olson Mr. & Mrs. Philip Seevers
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Eberhard Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Jeppesen Mr. & Mrs. John Olson Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Seim
Mr. & Mrs. James Eggert Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Jobe Mrs. Ernest Oppliger Seward Club Volleyball
Ms. Ann Eggold Mr. & Mrs. Donald Jorgensen Mr. & Mrs. George Ott Seward Jr. Women’s Club
Mr. & Mrs. Emery Eickhoff Mrs. Deborah Kadera Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Otten Shell Oil Company Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Einem Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kane, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Otten Mr. Phillip Shelp
Emanuel Lutheran Church - Milbank, S.D. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kautz Mr. & Mrs. Rex Owens Mr. & Mrs. Ron Siffring
Mr. & Mrs. David Endorf Dr. & Mrs. Charles Keseman Pacific Hills Lutheran Church Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Neil Skov
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Endorf Kiewit Building Group, Inc. - Omaha, Neb. Mr. & Mrs. Norval Skov
Drs. Mike & Alice Epstein Mr. Friedrich Klaus Mrs. Edward Parker III Rev. & Mrs. Richard Skov
Mr. & Mrs. Len Ermold Mr. & Mrs. Donald Klein Mr. & Mrs. Curt Parkhurst Mr. & Mrs. Ray Sloup
Mrs. Cornelius Esslinger Mr. & Mrs. John Knight Ms. Karen Parn Dr. & Mrs. Elmer Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fehlberg Mr.+ & Mrs. Bradley Knudsen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parton Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Smith
Ms Erlene Fett Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Koeller Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Paulsen Mr. Steven Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Fischer Mrs. Loraine Kohlwey Mr. Arthur Paulus Rev. & Mrs. Russell Sommerfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fischer Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Korbitz Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Perry Robert Sorensen Estate
Dr. Rebecca Fisher & Mr. Scott Fisher Rev. Dr. & Mrs. David Krause Mr. Victor Peter St. John Lutheran Church - Ellisville, Mo.
Drs. Kenneth & Karen Follett Mr. & Mrs. Kermit Krieser Rev. & Mrs. Robert Petersen St. Matthews Lutheran Church -
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Forke Rev. & Mrs. Larry Krueger Mr. & Mrs. David Petrie Cedar Bluffs, Neb.
Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Fortmeyer Mr. & Mrs. David Kumm Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pettit St. Paul Lutheran Church - Concordia, Mo.
Mrs. Ervin Freudenburg Mr. Les Lance & Ms. Linda Birkes-Lance Mr. & Mrs. Joel Pinnt St. Paul’s Lutheran Women’s Guild -
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Frieden Mr. & Mrs. David Lange Rev. & Mrs. Gary Pohl St. Joseph, Mo.
Ms. Mildred Furness Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Langewisch Mrs. Merlin Pohl Mrs. Paul Staebler
Mr. & Mrs. Quinton Furr Rev. & Mrs. Donald Langhoff Mr. & Mrs. Gary Pomerenke State Farm Companies Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gaede Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Larson Mr. Reuben Pralle Mr. & Mrs. Scott Staub
Prof. Betty Galen Mr. & Mrs. Travis Lebo Mr. & Mrs. Delmar Quade Mr. & Mrs. David Steinbacher
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron L. Gard Mr. & Mrs. Paul Leckband Mrs. Bonnie Quesnel Mr. & Mrs. Paul Steiner
Mrs. Estella Garner Mr. & Mrs. Ranney Leek Miss Michelle Quinlan Ms. Gretchen Stelling
Mr. Gerald Geiselman Dr. & Mrs. Mark Lemke Mr. Thomas Raabe Dr. & Mrs. Richard Stevens
Mrs. William Geisler Lenox, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Alan Ragoss Mrs. Ruth Stroemer
Giddings & Lewis Foundation, Inc. Lincoln Pediatric Group Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Ramsey Mr. & Mrs. Bradd Stucky
Eric Giebler Photography Mr.+ & Mrs. Don Lippert Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Rapp Mrs. Margaret Swetnam
Mr. & Mrs. John Glanzer Mr. & Mrs. Larry Luedders Mr. & Mrs. Marlin Reiners Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth Sype
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glanzer Mr. & Mrs. Howard Luehmann Dr. & Mrs. Edward Reinke Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Tewes
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Glawatz Mr. & Mrs. Merlyn Lutter Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Renzelman Mrs. Priscilla Thate
Dr. & Mrs. Eldon Gleichman Mr. & Mrs. Allan MacDonald Mrs. Theodore Rhode The Pentair Foundation
Mrs. Edythe Gohr Prof. & Mrs. James Mackie Mr. Gerald Rinne Mr. & Mrs. Allen Timm
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Goings Dr. & Mrs. Robert Malzahn Prof. & Mrs. Tim Rippstein Mrs. Lorine Timmermann
Mr. & Mrs. John Gossin Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Manning Mrs. A. H. Rolfsmeier Mr. & Mrs. Gene Toepke
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Graft Mr. & Mrs. Art Matasovsky Miss Darla Rosendahl Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Tonjes
Mrs. Adelbert Grau Mr. & Mrs. Steven Matter Mr. & Mrs. Steven Rozek Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Topel
Mr. Adam Greene Miss Amy McClellan Mr. & Mrs. Noel Ruhter Town & Country LWML - Sacramento, Calif.
Mrs. Alice Gunderson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald McClellan Mrs. Otto Sahn + Dr. & Mrs. Paul Trautman
H & S Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Mr. & Mrs. Errol McGlaughlin Mr. Max Schamber Trinity Lutheran Church - Atchison, Kan.
Rev. & Mrs. Loel Haak Mr. & Mrs. John Meier Dr. & Mrs. Albert Scharen Trinity Lutheran Church - Peoria, Ill.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hall Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Meier Mr. & Mrs. Arlan Schellhorn Trinity Lutheran Church - Roselle, Ill.
Mr. James Hardt Mr. & Mrs. Alan Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schimm Mr. & Mrs. Paul Troester
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Harman Mr. & Mrs. Courtney Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schleiger Dr. Janell Uffelman & Mr. Ron Uffelman
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Hauser Mr. & Mrs. David Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Dale Schmidt Sr. Union Pacific Corporation
Mr. Yuji Hayashi Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Milton A. Schmidt Verizon Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Orlin Heck Ms. Doris Meyer
Mr. Victor Heggemeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Heidtbrink
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Meyer
Miss Kay Meyer Campaign
Campaign ProgressProgress as 30,
as of June of June
200830, 2008
Ms. Esther Heine Mr. & Mrs. Richard Meyer $70,000,000
Governor & Mrs. Dave Heinemann Mr. & Mrs. John Meyerhoff
Mr. Harold Heins Miss Dolores Mielke $60,000,000
Dr. & Mrs. David Held Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Miesner
Miss Samantha Hellbusch Mr. & Mrs. Greg Miller $50,000,000 $45,113,298
Mrs. Glo Hennig Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hentzen Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Moderow $40,000,000 $34,944,963
Mrs. Evelyn Herzberg Mr. & Mrs. John Moentmann
Mr. Paul Hillmann Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Molzer $30,000,000
Mrs. John Hingst Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Morlok $20,679,769
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Hinkle Mr. Leslie Morris $20,000,000
$13,809,130 Capital
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hinman Mrs. Viola Mueller
Miss Vaneta Hinrichs Mr. Douglas Murray & Ms. Joan Miller-Murray $10,000,000 $5,836,191 Endowment
Mr. & Mrs. Newell Hoback Mr. & Mrs. Merwin Nathan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hoelz Mrs. Velma Nathan $0
200203 200304 200405 200506 200607 200708
Mr. Steve Hoffschneider Nebraska Eastern Reading Council YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6

 annual report
 annual report
HHPAC arena to
Ms. Nancy Wachs Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Brockshus
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wachs Rev. & Mrs. Scott Bruick
Mr. & Mrs. Arlan Warneke Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Brunkhorst
Weathercraft Company of Lincoln Mrs. Leta Brunkhorst
Mr. & Mrs. William Webb
Mrs. Helen Wegehaupt
Mrs. Natalie Wehrman
Mr. & Mrs. John Bruns
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Buescher
Mrs. Helen Bunge open its doors for
Mr. & Mrs. David Wenck Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Burger
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. William Busacker
Mr. Richard Will Rev. & Mrs. Mark Bussert
Willmar Electric Service Mr. & Mrs. Neal Castens
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Melvin Witt Caterpillar Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Wolken Mr. & Mrs. Rollin Cattau The arena section of the new Health, Human Performance
Mr. J. Paul Woodburn Mr. & Mrs. Jay Cattle
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Woolery Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chapin and Athletic Center will be ready to host the May 2009
Mrs. Hugh Wright Mr. & Mrs. Gary Chapman commencement ceremony, according to Pete Kenow,
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Wright Mr. Norbert Charleswood
Mr. & Mrs. James Yagow Mr. & Mrs. M. R. Christensen
vice president for institutional advancement. The new
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ziegler Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Christjaener facility will also serve as the site of the Nebraska District
Zion Lutheran Church - Claflin, KS Mr. & Mrs. Waldo Cloeter lcms Convention in June and the celebration of the 125th
Mr. Richard Zwemke Mr. & Mrs. Roy Coffman
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Zwick Concordia Bookstore anniversary of St. John Lutheran School of Seward in July.
Mr. Daniel Conkling Fall 2009 will find all hhpac classrooms in use, and the
Leader’s Association Mr. & Mrs. Andy Contreras
Gifts of $250 to $499 Mr. & Mrs. Martin Cordes
volleyball and basketball teams will be in the new building
Anonymous (4) Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Cordt during the 2009-10 academic year. Grand opening for the
3M Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Coslet arena is set for homecoming weekend.
48 Bowl, Inc. Mrs. Beverly Creed
Abendmusik Mr. & Mrs. Milt Cross
Ms. Peggy Dankert
Fundraising continues
Miss Velma Adam
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Adams Rev. Bernard Danner Construction costs of $23 million have been secured
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Aegerter Dan’s Golf Shop through fundraising and bonds, according to Kenow, and
Mr. Bob Ahrens Mr. Carl Dantzler
Ms. Doris Alberg Mrs. Rose Detloff fundraising efforts now focus on furnishings for the arena
Mr. & Mrs. James Allen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dickhudt and fieldhouse. “About $2.7 million remain to be raised
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Dittmer
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Allen
Dr. & Mrs. Clarence Dockweiler
for furnishings,” says Kenow.
Mrs. Irma Alpers
American Express Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Doll The last phase of the project, the renovation of the
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Amey Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dollase current physical education building, is estimated to cost
Anheuser-Busch Company, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Drews
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Aurich Mr. & Mrs. George Duerr $10 million.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Baack Rev. & Mrs. Alfred Ebel
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Balsters Mrs. Dorothy Ebner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Balzer Rev. & Mrs. David Ebs Mr. & Mrs. Terry Gerdts Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Helmer
Ms. Sandra Barber Edward D. Jones Investment Company Mr. & Mrs. Lenard Geres Mr. & Mrs. DeWayne Hempelmann
Rev. & Mrs. Steve Barckholtz Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Eickmeier Rev. & Mrs. Oscar Gerken Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hencye
Mr. & Mrs. David Bathke Miss Karla Einspahr Mr. & Mrs. Paul Germeroth Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hergenrader
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Paul Eisenbraun Rev. & Mrs. Charles A. Gierke Mrs. Arthur Herpolsheimer
Rev. & Mrs. Wesley Baumeister Elite Custom Technology Rev. & Mrs. John Gierke Rev. & Mrs. Robert Herring
Mr. Kevin Beck Mr. & Mrs. Weldon Endorf Dr. & Mrs. Paul Gierke Mr. Vernon Herzberg
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Becker Mr. Elmer Engelbart Dr. & Mrs. Herman Glaess Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hight
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Beckman Entergris Matching Gift Program Mr. & Mrs. Harold Gohl Mr. & Mrs. Don Hingst
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Beckmann Mr. & Mrs. Todd Epke Mrs. Hollis Gordon Mrs. Donald Hinkel
Bella Vista Lutheran Church - Bella Vista, Ariz. Mr. & Mrs. Brent Erickson Grace Lutheran Church - Platte Center, Neb. Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hintz
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Bentz Mr. & Mrs. James Erxleben Mr. & Mrs. Peter Grass Hinz Music
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Bergdolt Exxon Mobil Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Duane Grasz Mr. Mark Hockemeier & Mrs. Jodi Groeteke
Miss Carolyn Bergt Mr. & Mrs. Charles Falk Mr. & Mrs. Michael Greig Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hoerauf
Mr. & Mrs. M. Andrew Berkbigler Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Faszholz Mr. & Mrs. Allen Grohn Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Berlin Mr. Walter Faszholz Mrs. Cecelia Grosse Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hofman
Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Beune Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ferrin Mr. & Mrs. Peter Grothaus Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Hollman
Rev. & Mrs. Burnell Beyers Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fillman Mr. & Mrs. Steven Haase Dr. & Mrs. Robert Holtz
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Birkholz Mr. & Mrs. Karl Fink Miss Lucile Hahn Mr. & Mrs. Paul Holtzen
Dr. & Mrs. Alan Birtch First Presbyterian Church - Lincoln, Neb. Mr. & Mrs. Vic Hammer Mr. & Mrs. Donald Holz
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Bisping First Trinity Lutheran Church - Bloomfield, Neb. Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Horn
Rev. & Mrs. Harold Block Mr. & Mrs. David Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Harmening Dr. & Mrs. Wallace Horton
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Boche Mr. & Mrs. Michael Flandermeyer Mr. Marvin Harmes Mr. & Mrs. Paul Huckestein
Mr. & Mrs. James Bode Mr. & Mrs. Donald Frank Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Harney Mr. & Mrs. Tim Huebschman
Dr. Martha Boelter Mr. & Mrs. Carl Franzen Dr. & Mrs. Delwyn Harnisch Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hunter, II
Mrs. Sigmund Bohnet Mr. Timothy Freitas Mr. David Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Leland Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. John Boll Mrs. Daniel Frerking Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hart Mr. & Mrs. Mark Jagels
Mr. & Mrs. John Book Mr. Ronald Freudenburg Mr. Ray Harvie Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jank
Mrs. Dale Bork Mr. Ronald Friedrich Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hay Mr. & Mrs. Steven Jastram
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Born Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fuchs Mr. & Mrs. Ron Hayek Mr. & Mrs. David Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bowin Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Fugitt Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Heibel Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Jensen
Mr. Ralph Brauer H. B. Fuller Company Mr. Marvin Heidenreich Mr. & Mrs. E. Jerry Jenson
Mrs. Ruth Brauer Mr. & Mrs. Gary Gable Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Heidorn Mr. Kenneth Johnsen
Dr. & Mrs. William Braun Duane Gabriel, CPA Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heidtbrink Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Johnson
Mr. Erich Bredehoeft Mr. Kevin Garbers Mr. & Mrs. Milton Heins Ms. Marla Johnson
Ms. Norma Brengman Mr. & Mrs. David Geidel Rev. & Mrs. Dwight Hellmers Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Joyce
Mrs. Marjorie Brockshus Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Gellerman Dr. & Mrs. Joel Helmer Dr. & Mrs. Mark Joyce

annual report 
annual report 
Mr. Richard Jungck Rev. & Mrs. John Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Donald Reeb Dr. & Mrs. Robert Sylwester
Mr. & Mrs. David Jungmeyer Mrs. Ruth Meyer Rev. & Mrs. David Reed Mrs. Roland Sylwester
Mr.+ & Mrs.+ William Kahre Ms. Susan Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Reetz Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Tabberson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kalbfleisch Mr. Victor Meyer Mr. & Mrs. David Reuss Miss Nancy Tagge
Mrs. Edwin Kamprath Mr. & Mrs. John Michel Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Richert Mr. & Mrs. Todd Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kamprath Mr. & Mrs. Roger Michel Mr. & Mrs. David Richterkessing Mr. & Mrs. David Teasley
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kard Midwest Laboratories, Inc. Mr. Don Richters Ms. Lynette Tegtmeier
Mr. Steven Kellogg Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Millard Richters, Inc. The Nebraska Arts Council
Mr. & Mrs. William Kerbel, Jr. Mrs. Helen Miller Prof. Judith Ripke & Mr. Mark Ripke The Procter & Gamble
Dr. Jane Kercher Dr. & Mrs. Mark Minchow Rev. & Mrs. James Ristvedt Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Thiel
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Kesse, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joel Minster Mr. & Mrs. Ken Roberts Mrs. Lavern Tietz
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Kindle Mr. Phillip Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Duane Rohmaller Mr. & Mrs. Robert Timm
Kirby Roth Insurance Mr. & Mrs. John Mohrhardt Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Rolfsmeier Mr. & Mrs. Willard Timmerman
Mrs. Marilyn Kirchner Rev. & Mrs. James Moll Dr. & Mrs. Richard Rolfsmeier Ms. Marcine Todd
Mr. Craig Kirschner Glenn Mooberry Estate Mr. Allan Rowe & Ms. Heidi Hennig-Rowe Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Trautmann
Mr. Kevin Kisker Mr. & Mrs. Don Morner Dr. & Mrs. Brent Royuk Mr. & Mrs. Todd Treiber
Mr. & Mrs. David Kjergaard Mr. & Mrs. Brian Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Royuk Mr. & Mrs. Richard Troester
Mr. & Mrs. Luther Klenke Miss Kathleen Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rubel Mr. & Mrs. Ken Tschopp
Mrs. Dale Knop Mr. & Mrs. Allen Mundt Mr. & Mrs. W. Albert Rubke Mr. & Mrs. Brett Turley
Mr. & Mrs. George Knudten Mr. & Mrs. Miquel R. Munoz Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Ruschmeyer Mr. & Mrs. Larry Uden
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Koch Mr. & Mrs. Jay Musfeldt Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Rutz Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Uffelman
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Koch Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Mussman Mr. & Mrs. Paul Salchow Jr. Ms. Diane Uhlig
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Koehnke Mr. & Mrs. Paul Narjes Dr. & Mrs. Neil Sandfort Mr. & Mrs. Tim Unick
Mrs. Donald Kolterman Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Nast Mr. & Mrs. Terry Saner Union Bank And Trust - Lincoln, Neb.
Mr. & Mrs. David Koopman Ms. Lillian Neeck Mr. & Mrs. James Sanft Mrs. Gertrude Vahlkamp
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Koopman Mr. & Mrs. Don Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Santel Mr. & Mrs. George Vasilauskas
Rev. & Mrs. Glenn Korb Dr. Alan Nielsen Rev. & Mrs. Dale Sattgast Mr. & Mrs. Jay Vest
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Kotera Dr. & Mrs. George Nielsen Mr. & Mrs. James Sauder Mr. & Mrs. Leland Vette
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Kraayenbrink Mr. & Mrs. Laurel Niemann Ms. Janet Sauer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Voelker
Dr. Glenn Kraft Miss Cathy Nightlinger Schaefer Restaurants, Inc. Mrs. Leroy Vogel Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kramer Mrs. Gilbert Nordhausen Ms. Margaret Schafer Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wade
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Krone Ms. Arlene Norris Mr. & Mrs. John Schamber Mr. & Mrs. Earl Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Krueger Mr. & Mrs. Gary Norton Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Schaus Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Kruse NSK Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Scheid Dr. & Mrs. Donald Wall
Mr. Elmer Kruse Mr. John Nuechterlein Ms. Carolyn Schipporeit Mrs. Mildred Wallace
Dr. & Mrs. William Kuhn Miss Remkea Ockander Dr. & Mrs. Robert Schleef Rev. & Mrs. Randy Walquist
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Kurth Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Oetting Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Schleicher Mr. J. Scot Walter & Mrs. Dianne
Dr. Johnathan & June Laabs Mr. & Mrs. Craig Oldenburg Dr. & Mrs. D. L. Schmidt Hobratschk Walter
Mr. & Mrs. James Laddusaw Mr. & Mrs. Larry Olsen Rev. & Mrs. James Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Walther
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Lail Mr. Melvin Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Lee Schmidt Dr. & Mrs. John Walther
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Landon Mr. & Mrs. David Olson Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Paul Walther
Mrs. Vera Lange Mr. & Mrs. Howard Olson Mr. & Mrs. Norman Schmidt Mr. Gregory Warneke
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Larson Mr. & Mrs. Elton Oltjenbruns Rev. & Mrs. Paul Schmidt Wayne’s Body Shop
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Lee Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Opel Mr. & Mrs. Lee Schneider Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Webster
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Lieb Mr. & Mrs. Tobin Ortstadt Mr. Richard Schneider & Mrs. Nickki Mr. & Mrs. Jon Weerts
Dr. & Mrs. Vern Liermann Mr. & Mrs. Clemens Otten Vahle-Schneider Mr. & Mrs. William Wegner
Lincoln Lutheran School Association Our Savior Lutheran Church - Newton, Iowa Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schnitker Mr. & Mrs. David Weinz
Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Mark Owens Miss Ellen Schoenbeck Mr. & Mrs. Norman Wellmann
Mrs. Marilyn Lindner-Bombeck Mr. & Mrs. Harold Parde Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Schoenherr Mrs. Russell Wenck
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Lisius Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Paul Mr. & Mrs. David Schrader Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Wendel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert List Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Pauling Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Schroeder Ms. Elaine Wendt
Mrs. Florence Listvan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pautsch Ms. Carolyn Schuette Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Wetjen
Mr. & Mrs. George Locke Peace Lutheran Church - Columbus, Neb. Mrs. Lois Schuetz Mr. & Mrs. Lewis White
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Lohmann Ms. Susan Peck Mr. & Mrs. Don Schultz Mr. Leon Wiese
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Luebke Dr. & Mrs. Carroll Peter Ms. Jolene Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Wiley
Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer - Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Peter Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Schulz Dr. John Willhardt
Cushing, Okla. Mr. & Mrs. Daryle Peters Science Applications International Corporation Windstream Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Lutringer Mr. & Mrs. Walter Peters SCILL Mr. & Mrs. Russell Wissing
Mr. & Mrs. Anton Lutringer Rev. & Mrs. Wendell Peterson Mr.+ & Mrs. Mark Seboldt Ms. Bev Wobig
Mr. Donald Lutz Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Pettijohn Rev. & Mrs. Roger Sedlmayr Women’s League of St. John Lutheran Church
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Maessen Mr. & Mrs. Harold Pfeifer Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Seifert - Topeka, Kan.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Maier Mrs. Ruth Pfeil Seward County Treasurer Dr. & Mrs. Larry Wooster
Mrs. Delmar Maier Ms. Bernice Pfingsten Seward Dairy Queen Mr. Charles Worm
Ms. Janette Marcus Rev. & Mrs. Ronald Pfluger Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Siffring Worth Hyddrochem of Houston, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Markin Mr. & Mrs. Norman Poppe Sinclair Hille & Associates, Inc. York News - Times
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Marquardt Poppe Mortgage Services, LLC Mrs. Ralph Skov Mrs. Jo Young
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Marschman Practice Solutions Mrs. Joan Sothan Ms. Janice Yung
Miss Holly Matzke Prairie Life Health Club Mr. & Mrs. Eric Spaeth Dr. & Mrs. Rob Ziegler
Rev. & Mrs. Herman Mayer Mr. James Prange St. Michael Lutheran Church - Richville, Mich. Zion Lutheran Church - Plainview, Neb.
Mayo Clinic - Scottsdale, Ariz. Rev. & Mrs. Mark Press St. Paul Lutheran Church - Strasburg, Ill.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCarty Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Preston Mr. Robert Stach Two Minute Club
Mr. & Mrs. John McCormick Rev. & Mrs. Matthew Prince Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stadie Gifts of $123 to $249
Mrs. Lisa McFarland Principal Financial Group Foundation Miss Maxine Steil Anonymous (4)
Mr. & Mrs. John McKinney Dr. & Mrs. Take Pullos Dr. Michael Stelmachowicz Ms. Susan Adam
Mr. & Mrs. Lane McKown Dr. & Mrs. Mark Puls Mr. & Mrs. Chad Stepanek AEGON Transamerica Foundation
Mr. Donald Meier Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Radtke Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Stirtz Mr. & Mrs. Arlen Ahlers
Rev. & Mrs. Harlan Meier Rev. & Mrs. George Rakos Mr. & Mrs. Byron Stolzenburg Rev. & Mrs. Richard Albers
Dr. & Mrs. Darrel Meinke Mr. Zachary Rathje Mr. & Mrs. Donald Strauch Mr. & Mrs. Paul Albert
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Meyer Mrs. Shirley Rauscher Mrs. Edgar Stuhr Mr. & Mrs. William Allmen Jr.
Rev. & Mrs. Glenn Meyer Redeemer Lutheran Church - Atwood, Kan. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swan Mr. & Mrs. Ted Allwardt

 annual report
 annual report
Mr. & Mrs. David Alpers Centennial Lutheran LWML - Superior, Neb. Mr. & Mrs. Harlan Freudenburg Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Heggemeier
Ms. Susan Andersen Chase Suites Hotel Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Frey Ms. Lynn Heidorn
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cheney Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Friedrich Mr. & Mrs. Mark Heidorn
Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cheney Mrs. Ruby Friedrich Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Heinemann
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cholcher Mr. & Mrs. Gary Frisch Mr. & Mrs. Paul Heins
Mr. Terry Annable Mr. & Mrs. Rick Chrisman Mrs. Alice Fritz Mr. & Mrs. Kent Heise
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Anschutz Dr. & Mrs. Carl Christian Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Fritz Mr. & Mrs. Erich Helge
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Apetz Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Claasen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gardner Mr. & Mrs. F. Helmreich
Mr. & Mrs. James Armbruster Mr. & Mrs. Bryce Clausen Mr. William Gastler Mr. & Mrs. Allen Helms
Awards Unlimited, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clay Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Gaunt Mr. & Mrs. Allan Hendrickson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Baacke Rev. & Mrs. Daniel Cloeter Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gebhardt Mr. & Mrs. Robert Henkel
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Baden Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cloeter Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Geisler Mr. Robert Henninger
Dr. Marian Baden Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cloeter Mr. & Mrs. David Germeroth Mr. & Mrs. Ron Henschen
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bader Mr. William Cochran Jr. Dr. Renea Gernant Mr. & Mrs. Michael Henson
Mr. Al Baeder Mr. & Mrs. Michael Coe Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Gesell Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hermann
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Baehr Concrete Works, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Glandorf Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hermann
Rev. & Mrs. Donald Bahr Dr. & Mrs. Gary Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Don Gleichman Mr. & Mrs. Ron Hershberger
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bakenhus Mr. & Mrs. Earl Cooksey Mr. & Mrs. Loren Goehner Dr. & Mrs. Guenther Herzog
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Baldinger Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cornett Mr. David Goff Rev. Dr. & Mrs. John Herzog
Miss Kira Baldinger Miss Dorothy Costley Mr. & Mrs. Art Goldgrabe Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hiam
Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Banahan Rev. & Mrs. J. Jeffrey Crane Rev. & Mrs. Scott Goltl Mr. & Mrs. Roland Hilgendorf
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Barnes Crete Glass Company Rev. & Mrs. Jeremy Gorline Mr. & Mrs. William Hilgendorf
Rev. & Mrs. Howard Barth, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Daniels Rev. & Mrs. Mitchell Gowen Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Barton Mrs. Marjorie Davis Mr. & Mrs. H. Lee Graff Hillcrest Country Club
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Barz Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Davis Mr. Bo Graham Miss Dianne Hinz
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Battaile Mrs. Elda Deardoff Mr. & Mrs. Michael Grasz Col. Gloria Hoban & Mr. John Hoban
Mrs. Harold Bauer Maj. Gen. & Mrs. Oscar Decker Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gray Mr. & Mrs. W. John Hoener
Mrs. Luella Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Lavern Deke Mr. Wayne Gray Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Hoffmann
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Beck Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Dellar Mr. & Mrs. Tom Greenawalt Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hofts
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Becker Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Delventhal Mr. & Mrs. Gary Grefe Mr. & Mrs. David Hohbein
Mr. & Mrs. Dallas Beikmann Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dettling Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Greunke Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Holderman
Mrs. Mildred Beikmann Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Diekmann Mrs. Lyle Greunke Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Holle
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bender Mr.+ & Mrs. Brian Dietrich Rev. & Mrs. James Groerich Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Holste
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Bentz Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dinesen Mr. & Mrs. Al Groff Mr. & Mrs. Robert Holste
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Berning Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Dittmar Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Grotefendt Mrs. Lloyd Holsten
Ms. Pamela Bernreuter Mrs. Joe Divis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gruber Mr. & Mrs. Glennis Holtmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Biar Rev. Dennis Dobbins Miss Jennifer Grundmeier Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Holtmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Bierman Mr. & Mrs. Howard Doerr Ms. Victoria Grundmeier Mr. Jerry Holtorf
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Bimler Mr. & Mrs. Robert D’Orazio Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gudgel Rev. & Mrs. Merlin Holtzen
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Biskupski Mr. & Mrs. Devin Doremus Mr. & Mrs. James Guebert Rev. & Mrs. Charles Horkey
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bittfield Mr. & Mrs. Matt Duchek Ms. Sonja Gulbrandsen Rev. & Mrs. Claude Houge
Mr. Matthew Blackford Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Duensing Mrs. Norman Gutz Mr. & Mrs. Don Hough
Mr. Tim Blatnik Mr. & Mrs. James Duitsman Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gythiel Rev. & Mrs. Martin Hoyer
Mrs. Waldemar Bloch Mr. & Mrs. Dan Easterday Miss Carol Haak Miss Patricia Hruza
Mr. Benjamin Boche Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ebel Dr. John & Janis Haggstrom Mr. & Mrs. Riley Hubach
Mr. & Mrs. Rupert Bock Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Eckert Mr. & Mrs. Allan Hahn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hubner
Ms. Arline Bode Mr. & Mrs. Olin Edler Mr. & Mrs. Don Hahn Mr. & Mrs. Paul Huckestein, Sr.
Ms. Ruth Boerger Mr. & Mrs. James Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hahn Mr. Ken Huebner
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Boettcher Mr. Arnold Ehlers Hairtrix by Tina Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Hunter
Ms. Wilma Boggs Miss Viola Ehlers Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hannon Mr. Henry Iburg
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Boll Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Einspahr Mr. & Mrs. Wilferd Hansel Idaho Power Company
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Bolte Mrs. Olga Eitzmann Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hardt Mr. & Mrs. Leon Igo
Mrs. Armond Borchardt Mr. & Mrs. Tauno Ekonen Mr. John Harer Mrs. Ruth Immerfall
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Borchert Mr. & Mrs. James Eller Rev. & Mrs. Anthony Harman Ms. Marie Isern
Rev. & Mrs. Richard Boring Embarq Matching Gifts Program Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Harmon Mr. & Mrs. Tim Jank
Rev. & Mrs. Ted Bourret Emmanuel Lutheran Church - York, Neb. Mr. & Mrs. Jason Harnisch Mr. & Mrs. Tim Janousek
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bowser Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hartmann Ms. Linda Janssen
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ernstmeyer Hauff Sporting Goods Company Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Jensen
Mrs. Elizabeth Brandt Mrs. Yvonne Eschmann Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hauschildt Mrs. Irma Joern
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Brandt Mrs. Helen Esslinger Mr. & Mrs. William Hawke Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Joerns
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brandt Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Eulert The Heart of Experian Mr. & Mrs. Seth Johannsen
Ms. Marjorie Bredow Faith Lutheran Church - Sioux Falls, S.D.
Ms. Rebecca Brewer Mr. & Mrs. William Fecht
Charles & Linda Brockmann Mrs. Ginny Federwitz
Ms. Kim Brockmann Mr. & Mrs. Jim Fehringer Sources of Income
LCMS Subsidy 2%
Mr. Floyd Brown Mr. & Mrs. Mark Filter
Mrs. Loralee Bruns Rev. & Mrs. Henry Fingerlin Federal & State Aid 2%
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Buesing First Good Shepherd Lutheran School - Las Other Income 2%
Mr. & Mrs. Byron Buhr Vegas, Nev.
Rev. & Mrs. Paul Bundschuh Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Burgdorf Mr. & Mrs. George Fish
Miss Susan Burgdorf Mr. & Mrs. Timothy FitzGerald Gifts & Grants 24%
Miss Diana Burnell Mr. & Mrs. Ray Flesner
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Buss Mr. & Mrs. Orville Fluegge
Mrs. Ardella Butler Mrs. Janice Foley
Rev. & Mrs. Charles Byer Mr. John Franck Tuition
Mr. & Mrs. John Byrum Mr. & Mrs. Donald Franzenburg & Fees
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Camberg Mrs. Alfred Freitag 63%
Campbellot, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Art Frese Endowment Support 7%
Caring & Sharing Program, Inc. - St. Louis, Mo. Mr. & Mrs. Leland Frese
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Caspersen Mr. & Mrs. Paul Frese
Mr. & Mrs. Curt Cattau Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Allen Freudenburg

annual report 
annual report 
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Jopp Mr. & Mrs. Charles Marlatt Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Penrose Rev. & Mrs. Roger Ruff
Dr. Carl Jorgensen Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Marquardt PepsiCo Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Ernest Rumpeltes
Drs. W. James & Edith Jorns Mrs. Melvin Marschel Rev. & Mrs. Clemens Pera Rev. & Mrs. Randy Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Joseph Miss Patricia Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Peretto Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan
Mr. Kurt Jostes Ms. Lois Martensen Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick Petersen Mrs. Marvel Sanders
Mr. Lester Jung Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Martin Mr. Lowell Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sandor
Mrs. Yvonne Junge Mr. & Mrs. Paul Martin Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Ivan Peterson Ms. Jolene Scalzo
Mrs. Doris Justus Ms. Marcel Maupin Mr. Ronald Pfantz Rev. & Mrs. Allen Schade
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Kammerlohr Mr. & Mrs. Ronny May Mr. & Mrs. R. Charles Pflieger Jr. Ms. Karen Schade
Mr. & Mrs. Fredric Kamprath Mr. & Mrs. David McCarty Mr. & Mrs. Kelby Pflughaupt Mr. & Mrs. Jay Schaefer
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kane Mr. & Mrs. John McCullough Mrs. Stewart Pflughaupt Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Schamber
Mr. Ken Kasten & Mrs. Joycelyn Mrs. Kenneth McFarlin Rev. & Mrs. Paul Philp Mrs. Vera Schardt
Wiseley Kline Kasten Mr. & Mrs. Mike McGinnis Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Pitonyak Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scheer
Mrs. Lawrence Keiser Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McMurtrie Mr. & Mrs. Leland Pitsch Ms. Lila Scheer
Mrs. Carol Nehrig Kell Ms. Karen Mead Mr. & Mrs. Charles Plautz Mr. Ian Scheitle
Janis Keller Mr. & Mrs. Charles Meek Mr.+ & Mrs. Ewrin Pohl Mr. & Mrs. Brian Scheller
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Kellner Mr. & Mrs. John Meier Miss Barbara Polehna Mrs. Sandra Schenck
Rev. & Mrs. Adrian Kelly Mr. & Mrs. John Meiller Mrs. Harold Pooker Mr. & Mrs. David Schernikau
Mrs. Margaret Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Steve Meinzen Ms. Eleanor Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Larry Schick
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kern Mrs. Robert Melin Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Price Rev. & Mrs. John Schinkel
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Kierstead Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Menzel Mr. & Mrs. Eric Priebe Miss Mary Schinnerer
Mr. & Mrs. Mick Klein Merrill Lynch Mr. & Mrs. John Prim Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Schinnerer
Mr. Paul Kluempers & Ms. Sarah Hanssen Rev. & Mrs. Robert Merz Mrs. Bonita J. Proeschold Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Schipull
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Knippenberg Messiah Lutheran Lambs Staff - Plano, Texas Prudential Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Schkade
Mr. & Mrs. Soren Knudsen Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Metzner Rev. & Mrs. Carl Pullmann Mr. & Mrs. Scott Schlapkohl
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Knueppel Mr. & Mrs. Randy Meyr Mr. Ernest Quillen Mr. & Mrs. Jason Schleicher
Mr. Rodney Koch Mr. Raymond Meysenburg Mr. & Mrs. Arlen Quinn Mr. & Mrs. K. H. Schlichtemeier
A. K. Koester Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Miesner Dr. & Mrs. Merle Radke Mr. & Mrs. Steve Schlie
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Kohlmeier Col. & Mrs. David Mietzner Dr. Marjorie Raess Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schluckbier
Mr. Charles Kohlmeyer Ms. Bernice Miller Dr. Paula Blomenberg & Mr. Charles Rager Mr. & Mrs. Dan Schlueter
Mr. Sujay Kollipara Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Miller Mr. & Mrs. Don Range Dr. & Mrs. Arnold Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Myron Kolpin Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Miller Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rathe Rev. & Mrs. Charles Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Kolsrud Mr. & Mrs. Michael Miller Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Reed Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Koopman Rev. & Mrs. Robert Miskimen Mr. & Mrs. Mervel Reed Rev. & Mrs. Eugene Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Al Koschmann Ms. Ruth Modr Ms. Nell Reinap Ms. Laurie Schmidt
Dr. & Mrs. John Kovac Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Moerbe Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Reiner Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Steven Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kozanecki Daniel Moravec & Carol Teinert-Moravec Mr. Jerome Reinertson Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Schmidt
Miss Phyllis Kraft Mrs. David Morkert Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Reinke Rev. & Mrs. Scott Schmieding
Mr. & Mrs. John Kratzenstein Dr. & Mrs. Russell Moulds Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Reiser Mr. & Mrs. Steve Schmoll
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kroger Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Muehl Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Remmers Mr. & Mrs. Josh Schnakenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Krueger Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Randy Renken Miss Rebecca Schnackenberg
Mr. & Mrs. William Krueger Rev. & Mrs. Paul Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rich Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. David Krumbach Mr. Ralph Mulford Mr. Richard Ricketts & Ms. Adelle Rev. Thomas Schoech
Ms. Faye Kruse Ms. Angela Muller Koslowske Ricketts Rev. Walter Schoedel
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kruse Mr. & Mrs. Harold Myhre Rev. & Mrs. Robert Riggert Mr. & Mrs. Robert Scholl Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Kruse Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Naber Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Ring Mr. James Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Kuchenbecker Nebraska Bookstore Mr. & Mrs. John Ringers Ms. Linda Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. John Kuehn Nebraska Womens Amateur Golf Association Mr. & Mrs. John Rittenhouse Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Schultz
Mrs. Iris Kuerbitz Mr. & Mrs. David Neeley Mrs. Leora Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schultz
Kuhlman Construction Ms. Eleanor Neeley Mr. & Mrs. Don Roby Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Schulz
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Kuhlmann Mr. & Mrs. Fred Neidhold Mrs. Melissa Rock Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Schulz
Mr. & Mrs. La Vine Kumm Ms. Beverly Neitzel Mrs. Bonnie Rodenberg Rev. & Mrs. Steven Schumacher
Mr. Dennis Kunkel Mr. & Mrs. Corey Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Derron Rolf Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schutte
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Kunkel Mr. Lyle Nelson Mr. Paul Rosenthal Dr. & Mrs. Wilfred Schutz
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kym Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rost Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Laird Mr. & Mrs. Lee Nickolite Mr. & Mrs. Allan Roth See the Trainer - Lincoln, Neb.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lambrecht Mr. & Mrs. Orville Nieman Mr. & Mrs. Gary Rottmann Mr. Daniel Seim Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Emil Lampe Mr. & Mrs. Harold Niermann Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Ruesch Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Selby
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lawrence Mrs. Kenneth Niles Types of Gifts
Lee’s Refrigeration Mr. Ralph Nitz
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Leggott Mr. Don Nolte
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Leimbach Northern Shawnee Chapter of Thrivent Types of Gifts
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lelle Financial - Meriden, Kan.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Lewer Northrop Grumman Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David Lietz Ms. Linda Norton $16,000,000
Current Gifts
Lindner Painting, Inc. Mr. Robert Nuttelman
Mrs. Jaqueline Loontjer Mr. & Mrs. Duane Nyen Bequest Gifts
Mr. & Mrs. John Lottes Oak Prairie Nursery $12,000,000
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lovegrove Mr. & Mrs. Dennis O’Brien Deferred Gifts
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lubs Mr. & Mrs. David Ochs $10,000,000
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Luebke Mrs. Jerome Ommen
Mrs. Bernice Luedders Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Orlowski $8,000,000
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lukas Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Osten
Rev. & Mrs. Michael Lutz Our Redeemer Ladies Aid - Staplehurst, Neb. $6,000,000
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Lyon Pallat & Schaefer Contracting $4,000,000
Mr. & Mrs. Don Mac Mr. Donald Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Mackey Paul Daniels Interiors $2,000,000
Mr. & Mrs. Brendel Maier Mr. & Mrs. Harold Peacock
Mr. & Mrs. Hersey Mangels Mr. Martin Pedersen $0
Mrs. Lois Marks Mrs. Janice E. Pena 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007 2007/2008

 annual report
 annual report
Mrs. Jean Selle Mr. & Mrs. Richard Thompson Dr. & Mrs. Paul Zimmerman Immanuel - Louisville
Mrs. Nita Sellman Mr. & Mrs. William Thompson Zion Lutheran Church - Hubbell, Neb. St. John - Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. John Senechal Mr. & Mrs. Allen Thorp Dr. & Mrs. Rudy Zoch St. Paul - Malcolm
Dr. & Mrs. Al Senske Mr. & Mrs. John Tiedemann Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Zoch Trinity - Martinsburg (Ponca)
Dr. Leah Serck Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Tietz Mr. Douglas Zuellner Immanuel - Merna
Seward Lumber Mrs. Janet Tonkinson Mr. Allen Zum Hofe Good Shephard - Milford
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Shaw Mr. & Mrs. E. Kenneth Tooley Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Zumhofe St. Paul - Minden
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Shaw Ms. Brenda Topil Christ - Norfolk
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Sheldon Ms. Paula Triebenbach Nebraska Association of Grace - Norfolk
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shelemey Trinity Lutheran Church - Chariton, Iowa Congregations for Concordia St. Peter - North Bend
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sherman Triple Crown Sports, Inc. (NACC) 2007 Donors* Beautiful Savior - North Platte
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Shipley Troyer Insurance Our Redeemer - North Platte
Trinity - Amherst
Mr. & Mrs. Marwan Siagian Mr. & Mrs. Gary Truwe Our Savior - Odell
Trinity - Arapahoe
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Signor Miss Clara Twork Bethlehem - Omaha
St. Paul - Arlington
Silpada Designs, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Voelker Divine Shepherd - Omaha
Immanuel - Atkinson
Ms. Laura Simon Mr. Jeremy Voeltz King of Kings - Omaha
St. Paul - Beatrice
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Sims Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Vollrath Pacific Hills - Omaha
Trinity - Blair
Rev. & Mrs. Clare Skov Mrs. Lydia Volz St. Mark - Omaha
First Trinity - Bloomfield
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Smith Mr. Larry Voorhees & Mrs. Lois Hartmann Christ - O’Neill
Christ - Cairo
Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Smith Mr. & Mrs. Verlon Vrana St. Paul - Orchard (Venus)
St. John - Chester
Ms. Joy Smith Mr. & Mrs. LeMoyne Waak St. John - Ord
Christ - Columbus
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Sneller Mr. & Mrs. Norman Wachlin St. John - Palmer
Immanuel - Columbus
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Snider Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Wachsmann Zion - Pawnee City
St. John - Columbus
Rev. & Mrs. Scott Snow Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Wallace St. John - Pierce
St. John - Cordova
Ms. Deloris Sombke The Walt Disney Company Foundation Zion - Pierce
Redeemer - David City
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Sombke Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ward Grace - Platte Center
Immanuel - Daykin
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Sommerfeld Mr. Jeffrey Warneke Bethlehem - Pleasant Dale
St. Peter - Deshler
Mr. Elmer Sorensen Mr. Kenneth Warner Bethlehem - Ravenna
St. Peter - Elk Creek
Mr. David Sperling Rev. & Mrs. Paul Warnier Immanuel - Rising City
St. Paul - Fall City
Sports Express Mrs. Karen Warren Faith of our Fathers - Roca
Trinity - Foster
St. James Lutheran Church - Lafayette, Ind. Mr. Agnes Wasinger Calvary - Rosemont (Blue Hill)
Grace - Franklin
St. John HOPE Fund - Seward, Neb. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Waterman St. Mark - Ruskin
Good Shepherd - Fremont
St. John Lutheran Church - Alta, Iowa Mr. Brent Watson Immanuel - Schuyler
Zion - Garland
St. John Lutheran Church - Decatur, Ind. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Watson Trinity - Schuyler
Holy Cross - Goehner
St. Peter Lutheran Church - Orchard, Neb. Mrs. Matilda Weber Zion - Scotia
Grace - Grand Island
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stamp Mrs. Deborah Wedde St. John - Seward
Peace - Grand Island
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stanerson Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Weeder Zion - Shelton
Trinity - Grand Island
Mrs. Helen Stansberry Mr. & Mrs. Luke Weerts St. Peter - Snyder
Zion - Grant
Ms. Louise Stark Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Wehling Christ - St. Paul
St. Peter - Gresham
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stauffer Mrs. Herman Wehrspann Centenniel - Superior
Good Shepherd - Gretna
Mr. & Mrs. Allyn Steffens Mr. & Mrs. Joel Wehrspann St. John - Tecumseh
Zion - Harbine (Jansen)
Mrs. Gordon Steffens Miss Peggy Weidler Immanuel - Tilden
Trinity - Hebron 9 Friedensau
Dr. & Mrs. Alan Steinbach Rev. & Mrs. Paul Weisenborn Peace - Waco
Mt. Calvary - Holdrege
Mr. & Mrs. Werner Steinbach Mr. & Mrs. Jared Weiss Our Redeemer - Wahoo
St. Paul - Holstein
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Stetzel Mrs. Evelyn Wellman Trinity - Walthill
Trinity - Howells
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Stevens Wells Fargo & Company Trinity - Walton
Zion - Hubbell (Chester)
Dr. & Mrs. James Stevenson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wendt Golgotha - Wausa
Zion - Imperial
Mr. & Mrs. William Stevenson Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Werner Peace - Waverly
Zion - Juniata
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Stigge Mr. & Mrs. Donald Werner Grace - Wayne
Holy Cross - Kearney
Mr.+ & Mrs. Jim Stigge Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Werner St. Paul - West Point
St. Paul - Kenesaw
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Stirtz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Werner St. John - Wilcox
Immanuel - Laurel
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Stoltenberg Ms. Fern Werning St. Paul - Wisner
Calvary - Lincoln
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Storck Rev. & Mrs. Jay West St. Peter - Wymore
Christ - Lincoln
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Stover Mr. & Mrs. John Westrem Emmanuel - York
Faith - Lincoln
Dr. & Mrs. John Strauch Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Weyer
Holy Savior - Lincoln
Mr. Ralph Streicher Mr. Jacob Wiegmann *2008 NACC donations are still being received
Immanuel - Lincoln
Mr. Craig Struss Mr. & Mrs. Tom Wille throughout the year and will be noted in next
Redeemer - Lincoln
Mr. John Strutt & Ms. Audrey Jonas-Strutt Mrs. Carol Wilson year’s Annual Report.
Trinity - Lincoln
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Stuckwisch Mr. & Mrs. Clare Wiltse II
Mr. & Mrs. John Stucky Wimmer’s Meat Products
Studio e Photography Mr. & Mrs. James Winckler
Dr. & Mrs. Ross Stueber Dr. & Mrs. Alan Winegarden
Ms. Lucille Stuffing Rev. & Mrs. Paul Winningham
Mr. & Mrs. Reiny Stuhr Dr. & Mrs. Walter Winters
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Suden Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wofford
Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Wogahn
Mr. Patrick Sullivan Mrs. Elaine Wolf
Sun Valley Lanes - Lincoln, Neb. Rev. & Mrs. Richard Wolfram
Mr. Joel Sund Mr. & Mrs. Ted Wolfram IV
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Sunderman Rev. & Mrs. Michael Wollman
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Swanda Mr. Lorin Woltemath
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swearer Mrs. Darla Wolters
Mrs. Ruth Taylor Mr. & Mrs. John Wood
Mrs. Arlene Teut Mr. Donald Wrieth
Ms. S. Kay Thaden-DeBoer Mrs. Willard Wurm
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Theel Mrs. Barabara Yurich
Rev. & Mrs. Harry R. Theiss Rev. & Mrs. Mark Zehnder
Dr. & Mrs. Vic Thoendel Mr. Allan Zeitz
Mr. Don Thomas & Mrs. Michal-Linda Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ziegler
Mr. & Mrs. John Thomas Dr. & Mrs. Woody Ziegler

annual report 
annual report 
US Postage
Seward, Ne
800 North Columbia Avenue
Seward, Nebraska 68434

Preparing Servant Leaders for Church & World

Visit for the most recent 24-March 3 W/M Basketball at GPAC tournament Singers & Chorale Concert, St. Gregory
schedule and ticket information. Home games and major 26-28 Still Life with Iris, Weller Auditorium, 7:30 p.m. Seminary, Seward, 4 p.m.
meets or tournaments are listed below for athletics. March 23 Baseball vs. Midland Lutheran College (2), 4:30 p.m.
4 Baseball vs. Wesleyan University, 4 p.m. W Golf at GPAC Qualifier #4, Orange City, Iowa
5-7 Track & Field at NAIA Indoor Nationals, East 24-26 Track & Field at Drake Relays, Des Moines, Iowa
14 Handbell Choirs Concert, Music Center, 3 p.m.
Tennessee St. Univ., Johnson City, Tenn. 25 Track & Field at Hastings Open, Hastings, Neb.
16 University—Community Band Concert, Weller
Auditorium, 7:30 p.m. 6 Baseball vs. York College (2), 5 p.m. 26 Track & Field at Nebraska Open, Lincoln, Neb.
18 End Fall Term 8-15 Baseball Spring Break Trip to Texas 29-May 1 Softball at GPAC Tournament
24 Christmas Break – Offices Closed, through Jan. 4 9-13 Spring Recess 30-May 2 Baseball at GPAC Tournament
27-31 M Basketball at Grand Canyon Classic, 11 W Basketball at Nationals, Sioux City, Iowa
Commencement Weekend
Phoenix, Ariz. 20 IMPROVables Performance, Studio Theatre,
Music Center, 7:30 p.m. May 8 Baccalaureate Service, St. John Lutheran
29-30 W Basketball at Webber International Invite,
Church, 7:30 p.m. with ceremony at Health,
Babson Park, Fla. 21 Felix Hell Concert, visiting organist, Recital Hall,
Human Performance and Athletic Center
January Music Center, 3 p.m.
to follow
7 W/M Basketball vs. Hastings, 6/8 p.m. 22 Concordia Art Faculty Exhibition opening
May 9 Commencement, Health, Human
reception, Marxhausen Gallery of Art at 1
10 W/M Basketball vs. Sioux Falls, 2/4 p.m. Performance and Athletic Center, 10 a.m.
p.m. with gallery talk at 2 p.m.
12 Start Spring Term Felix Hell Concert, visiting organist, Recital Hall,
Opening Service, Weller Auditorium, 9:30 a.m.
16-17 Track & Field at Holiday Inn Invite, Devaney
Music Center, 3 p.m. We’re coming to see you!
27-28 M Tennis at CIT, St. Louis, Mo. Alumni and friends, please join us in your area
Center, Lincoln, Neb.
28 Gathering of the Talents for our 2009 music tours:
17 W/M Basketball vs. Mount Marty, 2/4 p.m.
29-April 2 Osten Observatory Week, public viewing Chamber Choir Tour – Feb. 4-9
18 Water * Land * Sky: Selections from available each evening 9-10:30 p.m.
Concordia’s Permanent Collection opening N
orth Platte, Neb.; Denver, Arvada, Parker, Aurora and
31 Way of the Cross, Weller Lobby, 6:30 p.m. Ft. Collins, Colo.; Cheyenne, Wyo.
reception, Marxhausen Gallery of Art at 1
p.m. with a gallery talk at 2 p.m. 31 Baseball vs. Peru State College, 3 p.m.
University Wind Ensemble Tour – March 6-15
Elizabeth Grimpo Faculty Recital, Recital Hall, April Wichita, Kan.; Dallas, Tomball, Houston and Austin,
Music Center, 3 p.m. 1 Track & Field at Midland Throws Meet, Texas; Oklahoma City, Okla.
19 TLEC Mortgage Burning Ceremony, Founders Fremont, Neb.
University A Cappella Choir Tour – March 25-30
Plaza, after chapel 2 Spring Honor Recital, Recital Hall, Music D
es Moines, Iowa; Valparaiso, Ind.; Rochester Hills,
20 M Basketball vs. Dana, 7:30 p.m. Center, 7:30 p.m. Frankenmuth and Rochester, Mich.; Fort Wayne, Ind.
21 W Basketball vs. Dana, 7:30 p.m. 3-4 Leah and Rachel, Studio Theatre, Music Center,
24 Track & Field at USD Graphic Edge meet, Univ. 7:30 p.m. Visit for complete tour schedules
of South Dakota, Vermillion, S.D. 5 University A Cappella Choir Concert, St. John and information.
25 Organ Plus… Concert, Recital Hall, Music Lutheran Church, Seward, 3 p.m.
Center, 3 p.m. 6 M Golf at GPAC Qualifier #3
28 W/M Basketball vs. Doane, 6/8 p.m. 7 W Tennis vs. Hastings, 4 p.m.
30-31 W/M Basketball host Concordia Invitational 8 M Tennis vs. Hastings, 4 p.m.
31 Track & Field at Adidas Classic, Devaney
10-13 Easter Break Take the time
10-11 Track & Field hosts Concordia Invite
Center, Lincoln, Neb. 11 Baseball vs. Dakota Wesleyan University (2), 2 p.m.
If you know students who
14 Baseball vs. Doane College, 7 p.m.
3 M Basketball vs. Midland, 7:30 p.m. 15 M Tennis vs. Doane, 4 p.m. should consider coming to
4 W Basketball vs. Midland, 7:30 p.m. 16 W Tennis vs. Doane, 4 p.m. Concordia for college, tell
10 W Basketball vs. Nebraska Wesleyan, 7:30 p.m. 17 Academy for Excellence
11 M Basketball vs. Nebraska Wesleyan, 7:30 p.m.
them your Concordia story and
Baseball vs. Dordt College (2), 5 p.m.
14 W/M Basketball vs. Dordt, 2/4 p.m. 17-19 One Act Play Festival, Studio Theatre, Music invite them to visit!
15 Kristen Martincic and Janice Jakielski: Recent Center, 7:30 p.m.
Work opening reception, Marxhausen Gallery 18 Track & Field at Doane Relays, Crete, Neb.
of Art at 1 p.m. with gallery talk at 2 p.m. Baseball vs. Morningside College (2), 1 p.m.
Concordia Blue Daze are visit days for
Chamber Choir Concert, St. John Lutheran 19 Annual Student Art Exhibition opening reception,
prospective students and their families:
Church, Seward, 3 p.m. Marxhausen Gallery of Art at 1 p.m. with gallery
21 Track & Field at GPAC Championships
Jan. 23 • Feb. 27 • March 27 • April 24
talk and awards presentation at 2 p.m.
23 American Guild of Organists Student Recital, University Wind Ensemble Concert, Weller For details, see
Recital Hall, Music Center, 7 p.m. Auditorium, 2 p.m.

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