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For Question 1, write your answer in NOT MORE THAN 3 WORDS.

1 Junid food Industries plan to


For Questions 2,3, and 4, write your answer in NOT MORE THAN 5 WORDS.

In the below, list how Junid's sons helped in the business.

2 .....................................................................
3 .....................................................................
4 ....................................................................

For Question 5 and 6, write your answer in NOT MORE THAN 3 WORDS.

What are the secrets to junid's success?

5 .....................................................................
6 ....................................................................

For Question 7 and 8, circle the correct answer.

7 Which of the following statement justify tapioca chips 'humble'?

A It is a huge industry
B It is eaten during Japanese Occupation
C It is usually regarded as snacks without any economic value

8 Which of the following statement is true

A Junid Hasan started his business after his retirement

B Both the company and the land acquired are in the same state
C the tapioca chips are sold under the Junid Food Industries brand

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