National Policy On Vos (Voluntary Organisations), 2007: Public Service

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National Policy on VOs (Voluntary Organisations), 2007

(Aim: to strengthen, promote and develop VOs)

VOs = organisations engaged in public service; ethical, cultural, social,

economic, political, religious, spiritual, philanthropic, & scientific and

o private
o not for profit
o with defined aims and objectives

The Govt. wants:

 to create an enabling environment for VOs that stimulates their enterprise

and effectiveness, and safeguards their autonomy

 to enable VOs to legitimately mobilise necessary financial resources from

India and abroad

 to identify systems by which it may work together with VOs based on the
principles of mutual trust and respect, and with shared responsibility

 to encourage VOs to adopt transparent and accountable systems of

governance and management

National Policy of Empowerment of Women, 2001

(Aim: to bring about the advancement, development and empowerment of women)

The Govt. wants:

 to create an environment, through positive economic and social
programmes and schemes, for full development of women and for
enabling them to realise their full potential
 to make them enjoy de-jure and de-facto all human rights and fundamental
freedoms on equal basis with men in all spheres – political, economic,
social, cultural and civil

 to provide them with equal access in participation and decision-making in

social, political and economic life of the nation

 to give them equal access in healthcare, quality education at all levels,

career and vocational guidance, employment, equal remuneration,
occupation health and safety, social security and public office, etc.

 to strengthen legal systems aimed at elimination of all forms of

discrimination against women

 to change societal attitudes and community practices by active

participation and involvement of both men and women

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