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Assignment front sheet

Qualification Unit number and title

Pearson BTEC Level 4 HNC Creative Media

Unit 1: Contextual Studies

Student name Assessor name


Date issued Completion date Submitted on

Monday 12th February 2018 Monday 19th March 2018

‘My Media’ presentation slides on my media profile, ‘Individual

Assignment title Profile on a Media Company (preferably one you would like to
work for) and illustrated essay about institutional context of
creative media production and its influence on production

In this assessment you will have the

Learning outcome Task Evidence
LO AC opportunity to present evidence that
(LO) no. (Page no)
shows you are able to:
Understand the
institutional context of Critically review the institutional 4
context of creative media and 1,2,
LO 1 creative media 1.1
production and its evaluate its influence on production.
influence on production

Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully

Student signature: Date:

In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the
following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades

Grade Descriptor Indicative characteristic/s Contextualisation

M1 Identify and apply To achieve M1 you must provide detailed research on the sector
strategies to find An effective approach to study and research industries including film, television, Interactive media and emerging
appropriate solutions has been applied. industries, their control, distribution and marketing presented in ‘My
case study /work placement project and an essay showing an
effective approach to study and research.
M3 Present and An appropriate structure and approach has To achieve M3 you must use appropriately structured and presented
communicate appropriate been used (in the writing of an academic findings in ‘My Media’, the Individual Case study and a
findings essay/Video / Presentation where you properly presented and Harvard referenced summary review
discussed all the points set in tasks). (500w min)

D3 Demonstrate Innovation and creative thought have been

convergent/lateral/creative applied. To achieve D3 you must be able to demonstrate creative thinking in
thinking ‘My Media Profile’, the Individual Case study and an excellently written
and referenced review (500w min)

Please note that for unit assignments assessors should use these or other exemplar indicative characteristics for the individual grade
descriptors from Annexe C of the HN specification or any other relevant indicative characteristics for the particular assignment. The
indicative characteristic should then be contextualised.
Only one indicative characteristic per grade descriptor, M1, M2, M3, D2, and D3 is required.

Assignment brief

Unit number and title Unit 1: Contextual Studies

Qualification Pearson BTEC Level 4 HNC JOURNALISM in Creative Media Production

Start date Monday 12th February 2018

Deadline/Hand-in Monday 19th March 2018


‘My Media’ presentation slides on my media profile, ‘One Media

Industry Profile’ and illustrated summary review about the
Assignment title
institutional context of creative media production and its
influence on production

Purpose of this assignment

This unit aims to develop learners’ understanding of theoretical approaches to media production

In order to inform their own practice and set it within a wider context.


As a BFI researcher, you are required to research Sector industries: including film; television; radio;
publishing; interactive media and cross-platform industries. Your research should include corporate
control structures; access to distribution; sources of income; regulation; legal constraints and self-
imposed controls. The Marketing of corporate and brand identity; including their single and cross-
platform advertising; viral; sponsorship; product placement; impact assessment, e.g. sales figures,
ratings, circulation figures, number of hits, and consumer awareness.

‘My Media Profile’ will be researched and evidenced under below headings,

1. ‘My Media Profile’ will review a high impact news event and its impact across sector industries.
2. A technological innovation in sector industries that you embraced and
3. A popular website, APP, Interactive Media site that you subscribe or engage with.

An Individual case study on a media industry of your choice, which covers corporate control
structures; access to distribution; sources of income; regulation; legal constraints and self-imposed
controls, and Marketing. Marketing includes corporate and brand identity; including their single and
cross-platform advertising; viral; sponsorship; product placement; impact assessment, e.g. sales
figures, ratings, circulation figures, number of hits and consumer awareness in the project work

Summary conclusions of your findings on the differences in commercial and public service corporate
structures, sources of income; regulation; legal constraints and self-imposed controls and Marketing to
be presented as a summary review (500w min).

Tasks: (LO 1: 1.1 and M1, M3, D3)

For this assignment, you are required to research media sector industries: chose one from film;
television; radio; publishing; interactive media and cross-platform industries. Your research should
include corporate control structures; access to distribution; sources of income; regulation; legal
constraints and self-imposed controls. The marketing of their corporate and brand identity; including
their single and cross-platform advertising; viral; sponsorship; product placement; impact assessment,
e.g. sales figures, ratings, circulation figures, number of hits, consumer awareness should be addressed
in the project work undertaken.

Task 1

‘My Media Profile’ will be researched and evidenced under below headings,

‘My Media Profile’ will review a high impact news event and its impact across sector industries.

A technological innovation in sector industries that you embraced

A popular website, APP, Interactive Media site that you subscribe or engage with.

Research the background to your own media choices in ‘My Media Profile’ individual presentation.
Review a high impact news event and its impact across sector industries.

A technological innovation in sector industries that you embraced and a popular website, APP,
Interactive Media site that you subscribe or engage with from sector industries and demonstrate your
own use of technological innovations including interactive media and cross media technologies.

Gather appropriate research material, clips, photographs and articles with relevance to the discussion
from books, magazines and other e-resources in the library or online websites, and reference URL links
used in bibliography.

Present ‘My Media Profile’ presentation slides to illustrate your engagement with sector industries and
their products & marketing.

Task 2. Use the institutional contexts of One Media industry to share with the class, discussion your
Individual research topics and own reading to analyse corporate control structures and distribution,
sources of income, regulation and legal constraints and the marketing of brand identity. Reference the
indicative content to develop a detailed understanding of the learning outcomes.
Present your findings Your Research/work Placement to the Class Group as a Presentation/
Report or Television studio programme.

Task 3. Write A summary review on Media industries addressing the issues facing 21st Century
Broadcasting and demonstrating your understanding of the institutional context of creative media
production and its influence on production.

(500words min.)

Evidence Evidence
Summary of evidence required by student
checklist presented
‘My Media Profile’ will be researched and evidenced under the headings:

A high impact news event and its impact across sector industries. A
technological innovation in sector industries that you embraced. A popular
website, APP, Interactive Media site that you subscribe or engage with.
Task 1 Gather appropriate research material, clips, photographs and articles with
relevance to the discussion from books, magazines and other e-resources in
the library or online websites, and reference URL links used in bibliography.
Present ‘My Media Profile’ Presentation slides to illustrate your 12/2/2018
engagement with sector industries and their products & marketing
by the agreed deadline.
Use the institutional contexts of One Media industry developed through our
discussion on your chosen research topics and own reading to analyse their
corporate control structures and distribution, their sources of income,
regulation and legal constraints and the marketing of their brand identity.
Reference the indicative content to develop a detailed understanding of the 19/03/2018
Task 2
learning outcomes.
Present your findings Your Research/work Placement to the Group
as a Presentation Report / Television studio programme / Mobile
Journalism Report

Write a summary review from your Peer Learning experience in Task 2,

demonstrating your understanding of the institutional context of creative
Task 3 media production and its influence on production. 19/03/2018

(500 words min)

Sources of information:
Links: This unit links with the following units in the Edexcel BTEC HNC in Creative Media
Unit 11: Film Studies
In addition this unit should provide background understanding for specific media production and
Professional development related modules.
Your Essential Sources and Casework for this unit are provided in Moodle:
Contextual Studies for Creative Media Production Sem 1

Moodle Sources – Selection of PowerPoint’s (examples illustrated in class)

 Audience Theories Readings for Test 2018 Word document

 Ownership Models for Creative Media Industries file
 News Corporation - Global Commercial Media Industry Model file
 BBC Technologies of Production file

www.screenonline /genres/narratives/codes-and-conventions/ /username - newsiest - Password - Khyber pass
Electronic Sources
DVD Filmography
The Corporation
Good Night & Good Luck
Moodle Sources – Selection of PowerPoint’s (examples illustrated in class)

There are also books in the college library for reference material
1 Nelmes, Jull An Introduction to Film Studies.
Visible nations; Latin American
2 Noriega, Chon A.
cinema and video

3 Grant, Barr Keith Film genre: from

iconography to ideology.

5 Altman, Rick Film/Genre.

Grant, Barry Film genre: from

Keith iconography to ideology.

Beyond the multiplex;

9 Klinger, Barbara
cinema, new technologies,
and the home

Cinema in Northern
Hill, John
Ireland: film, culture

Kolker, Robert Film, form, & culture.


Willemen, Paul
Theorising national cinema.
Vitali, Valentina
Kolker, Robert Film, Form, & Culture

The Film studio: film

O'Regan, Tom
production in the global
Goldsmith, Ben

Phillips, William Film: an introduction.

Achievement Summary

Pearson BTEC Level 4 HNC

Qualification Diploma in Creative Media Assessor name Faustina Starrett

Unit Number and Unit 1: Contextual Studies Student name


Criteria To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the Achieved?
Reference student is able to: (Tick)
LO 1 Understand the institutional context of creative media
production and its influence on production
1.1 critically review the institutional context of the creative media
1.1 and evaluate its influence on production

Higher Grade achievements (where applicable)

Grade descriptor Achieved? Grade descriptor Achieved?

(Tick) (Tick)
D3: Demonstrate
M1: Identify and apply strategies to find convergent/lateral/creative
appropriate solutions thinking

M3: Present and communicate

appropriate findings

Assignment Feedback

Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Signature Date

Student Signature Date


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