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a ea Pe HONG KONG SCORPION Scorpion Scale Models’ 1:35 scal i s eee: scale comersion ez Painting Tamiya’s brand oe new 4:35 scale kit | Pe pen AFV Club 1:35 W118 Hellcat Tank Destroyer ee L BEeEa ea) BEER r een REEL TIN M109A3G Mf Melbourne Model Expo 2016 @ and more... i Wl The International Plastic Modelers social (UK) Presents Saturday 12th November 2016 Sunday 13th November 2016 Open: 10.00am to 6.00pm Open: 10,00am to 4.00pm Admission; IPMS Members FREE Adults: £10.00 each day ~ 2 Day Pass: £15.00 Concessions: £7.00 per day Children under 16: FREE The International Centre Telford Shropshire TF1 4JH Almost 400 exhibitors in 2016, including over 190 trade stands and 200 model clubs Incorporating the IPMS (UK) National Competition (\) Contents ~ Issue 125 September 2016 REGULARS p4 NEWS What's new inthe world of miltary modeling p56 SMALL SCALE ‘The latest releases in £72 scale and smaler p58 INCOMING [New kits, accessories ans finishing products p59 BOOKS Recent miltary and modeling tities 60:48 SCALE ‘Luke Pitt explores 1:48 scale miltary models, figures and accessories G6 LAST POST Military Briets 5: Australian Leopard AS! FEATURES 6 THINK TANK Royal Malaysian Police Armoured Vehicles by wlim Grant Miniart 135 Taam p (2 HONG KONG SCORPION [AFV Club 35 scale conversion by Chris Medings p18 TRACKED EXPRESS ‘AF Club 135 MIG Helleat Tank Destroyer by Jose Brito p28 PREVIEW Dragon £35 Pz Beob, Wall Aust. C 30 SAVE ME! ‘Trumpeter 135 €-25 Rebulls by Andy King 36 HARD HITTING CONVERTIBLE Part Two TTamiya's new 35 MIO Tank Destroyer by Brett Green p46 TALES FROM THE CRYPT Tamiya 135 1SU52 50 SHOW REPORT Melbourne Model Expo 2016 p54 PREVIEW Bronco 1:35 Tetrarch Mk ‘OADH Publishing Ltd 2016 “Tet: 0825 222573 Dootle Mi, Doct Lane, Totes, erste, 16 10%, UK September 2016 - Medel Miltary international 3 “GMRISTER BERGSTROM nooo, ale dsgtiy sever prevalent mth fhe cones Tiss sci, bance eco deste to conquer fe Sot tetris, feat Bonen and rate ‘Letonreu fr the Geman peo, Sratin Barbarossa Se gs or knee nthe noon the Eastern Font seer! steps ower — On the 75th aniversary ofthe largest and looses conflict human history comes ChisterBergtr6m's OPERATION | cine acc stie Sensonn sven rps mon nto acters We aa Stam Dubned in time forthe 75th aniversary of te start of Operation Barbarossa on 22nd Jone 2016. itptted wo dametricaly opposed ermed forces agent one aotner. Based on decades of research work Hardback avaiable for £35.00 online from Caserate UK ana book retallersworlade i. ‘MMI Newsdesk, ADH Publishing, Doolittle Mill, Beaute tase ovzeenhon, seagcrdhisey toe Yon, ox ~ September 2016 | 2:i2::ciccHtecdeuntt cary con A | certs ocr amnssin tan f Sper ann ey wa rome erin BARBAROSSA | octet tess reson Sete san ey arama, uvugn AGAINST STALIN Cpertion Barbarossa wes the gest tary canign ma Nstey. Spring tom Hes fanatical inbothcertan and stan archives as waa trvewe wth alae numberof ey oues an veteran ‘hon fo Cesemate forthe norteton and nage www.cosematepubtshing oak GTG RESIN AND FORMER WWII PRODUCTIONS TRACKS We nave some great news fr fans of Wl Productions veliklnk” resin tracks from GTG Resin NEW DRAGON RELEASES FROM ace rsnnamr THE HOBBY COMPANY LIMITED “ Sto verona a the proce rb on 38 snes ‘ede emake it sme wy Fei frp ir Te cart wero ttn eden They tet, stat en Pak 8 a Pog soa ranan You tea a. bn fs hve Sindod to 00868 aach 22 mi He Sct an upnted en nw tata thre hovtlvene stasis et ees ae ont nw tat tr markt ‘hans to he nbby Company inte fhe Sic tay rt ane ayn tant ach Inupesen teat eben tet, iSnedd or mny of au aoe weead t fro tntant ch tn sorta have 3 Li fw ey ay pao ening tere MINIART SU-122 WITH NO INTERIOR fie ce arene that has been set inthe past by WHI! and will be (One of the frequent questions | am hearing about a ‘expected in the future as te lines re-aunch some new releases that feature 1000+ parts and Tam excited ond proud to say these wil tbe ‘compete interior detalis whether simpler versions ‘broduced and made in The Land Down Under and Wil also be availabe. val be avaiable via anew brand known as GTC MiniArthas clearly heard these questions to, and RESIN. You can check for updates via News and they have responded withthe announcement of an Facebook https://www facebook convstaresiny Early Production Su122 without the interior as 8 ‘Along withthe past product ines (otal wil be lense Iaunchad at ance) tare wil ba fou now sete to ‘Compared to 828 parts in the recently ‘come out at launch, Al safes wil be diect via 2 released version withthe Interier, the kit ‘new webstore that Is planned to launch along with Without the interior comprises a total the new product ines. Again! wil share detals on Of 565 parts. MiiArt advises thatthe this 000, rice wll be lower too. 1 have an emall address that you can register ‘The new kt wil stil Include workable vour interest to get onthe email ist as well = track inks, 73 photovetched parts and 8 ‘ igh lee! of exterior deta 1 hope that this news Is music toa fot of ears Well have mare information on ‘and ITeok forward to dealing with al f you soon! UMiiart’s new 135 scale SU family in a ‘Happy to hear requests for what you want to future issue of Mm see Bock out on the market frst, or whet new sets ‘Thanks fo Mnidet fr the information and images you are keen to seein the future” 4: Model mutaryInternatianal- September 2016 eas eee iLd Airbrush | uae Single action gravity feed airbrush & compressor kit nether you area beginner or an compared to others in the market enthusiast, tis Spraycratt kit The single aetion Is 8 method of activating is for you. Firstly, you wil be irorush whereby degressing the trigger impressed wth now easy Its to vers air and drawing back onthe trigger set this up as the hose is push for both ases paint. All gravity aibrushes have @ {compressor and alrorush you are stuck, ‘an top ofthe body, less alr pressures the kit comes with an easy step by step required as the paint Is drawn tothe to. instructions with images ‘The SprayCraft range i a collection of The compressor itsels very compact and great value arorushes,ready-tovuse kts and comes with a holder to place your airrush accessories forthe beginner as wel asthe Se cps on he ef the comaresso,_erthsis From esy tows dl eton ‘an acid bonus hw quiet the airs Shraycrt eerste ight soon Sy Sp ita esa ye pe te Contents a eta spy? “op ovat eine eit tei edhe Sade Ue eae ten ee Z ‘Compressor . See eee Mot 4 ‘ eros pt yes gs wp, ea -_ i i More information et THT EEE eer 2016 Modet Mary Iteration 5 Fs Think Tank. Royal Malaysian Police Armoured Vehicles LATA eS 7}| Tea Load VEHICLES eS OR Iam URNA L nace meee OOO he Muzium Pols Diraja to the Royal Malaysian Paice ‘Malaysia (Royal Malaysian Museum, the frst pace of Police Museum), which hardware you will eome across ‘opened in 196 In Jalan is @ Cessna U2066 formeriy of Perdana, is about five minutes’ the Air Wing and its just behind tax cde from Kuala Lumpur this aircraft thatthe tems of Central Ralway Staton. Ie tlle real interest to mlltary venile the story of policing in Malaya/ enthusiasts ae tobe found, These Malaysia since the arial of face an Armoured Wickham Troly, a Portuguese in 5M with an empha- GMC CISTA, a Ford Lynx Scout Car ss onthe period of British contrat and a GKN Defence (Sankey) AT When policing was organised on a 105. The first thee took pat in the Droper quasi military footing. Tre Malayan Emergency, whieh lasted Important part thatthe Federation from 1948 to 1960, wile the AT 101960 Emergency in nhich 1346 the 1980s, palicemen died, nearly Tour times When the Communist Tecrorists, the losses suffered by the British commonly knewn as CTs, began ‘Army-is also covered in consider their campaign to et the get rid fable etal, The museum azo takes of British contrel of Malaya their ride in the achievements of the favourite target was the railway resent day force. system that passed through long Fer the miltary vehicle enthusi- stretches a sparsely populated ast there are a numberof armoured jungle. The track could easy be \ohicles used inthe emergency and ited or blown up with ite chance in mote recent ties, of being caught bythe British Army. [As you walk down the driveway ‘enous Wen Tey RMT, Neo sae apts ie AVE Tho 20 int ers be ANT okra ne tarp) 6 Mode! Miltary International - September 2016 ‘GHCEITA Tio pna ot (rere haga) WCHRAM ARMOURED TRAILER introduced to protect the track but ie was not until a number ot years had passed thatthe idea! Solution was achieved inthe form ofthe Wickham Armoured Taller built by D Wickham and Company of Ware, Hertfordshire. They are rather attractive itl boasts \which offered litle in the wav of hancholds to an attacker wanting to climb on board Ths venice, AAWT 63, whichis dlsplayed on Its own streteh of raivay tin, weighs two tons and was protected ‘against bullets and shrapnel from ‘renades. Armed with a machine- ‘un, ina small turret, and 3 Searchlight for night work was able to carry six armed policemen, {and a rive, and tis number wae ‘usually able to deal withthe small rumbers of men which normally ‘made up each terrorist group. The normal tactes were to use the Wiekhams either singly (hey could move under ther own power) to scout a section of track, or have fone atthe head ofeach train. in addition, they could be used to Carry mal, money and VIPS. With the end ofthe Emergeney in 1960, they were immesitely withdrawn from a combat rale but continued in use for ralway track inspection and pai. This is develope trom a traly that was bul for track maintenance ana is {2 good example of Beating swords Into ploushshares. cst Ws behind this is BB 8724 a {Gc CIBTA atmoured truck, one of many such veicies used by farmed forces of the Federation of Maloy. The museums exemple was delivered tothe Neger, Sembilan Contingent on September 2,195 It was uses by the Junale Squad which operated around the settlement areas” which were newly bul ortiieé vilages into ‘which traditional vilagers were Festi for their own safety and ta prevent the CTs rom getting access to food and shelter. The CISTA, as its designation suggests was based on the chassis of the CIS Canadian Miltary Pattern truck and 3961 were produced with armoured bodies supolied by the Hamilton Bridge Company. They were widely used by the Canadian and British Armies in WWII and atthe end ofthe war large numbers were disposed of in Europe andin Souti-East Asia. Some of these venicies changed ‘ownership several times In Keeping with the poltical situation in the region. These pugnaclous vehicles were Just armoured tucks but reliable fnd mast usetu when up against fan enemy armed mosty with rifles, Which made them fea Tor Malaya, Wath teirabitty to carry a «river and seven armed policemen they were useful in rushing a squad to investigate, or intervene inan incident. n asiton, they catred out vst to the Speciat Constables’ Posts scattered around and payrolls. Tis viele made ts last public appearance at an End of the Emergency parade in Kuala [Lumpur on Juy 31,1960. Foo Lynx scour caR The second World War Two vehicle to be operated by the Federation of Malaya Police Force was 88, 8124, 2 Ford Lynx Scout Car, whieh hn been designed, an bul, in Canada, 3255 were anufactured b Mansueto atone (tere) {EC TA. Ths new stows erp obs Nae mega ‘trad one ate same tar apa) ‘STA Treat E72 sein wel sans, i's pita) 7 ft A | Fave a co Es ‘Woo nr ore Le 82 Ts os ne veiw ie dev ome ‘September 2016 - Mode! Miltary Internatio ‘A Think Tank. Royal Malaysian Police Armoured Vehicles <4 between 1942 and 1948 by the Ford Motor Company utilising hulls rade by International Harvester ‘The Lynx which had a covered oo, suffered from a number of faults including overheating engines and rear axe failures that, when rectiie,resuited in the Vohiele being redesignated the {yn The Lynx It ha no ros merely a canvas cover. I was widely used io British and Canadian armoured units and as 2 reconnasance vehicle it had only 4 Bren gun anda rifle in the vehicle for the crew's protection. ‘The example in the museum has the registration 88 128 and was delivered tothe Kelantan Contingent ofthe Police Force fn ly 24, 1952 and although capable of carrying just two people it performed its duties asa convoy escort to everyone's satisfaction Iwas also most usetl for transporting senor officers around their areas of responsiiity 'BB 8128 has been fitted with 2a rudimentary turret whieh could take a Bren gun anc ke the CISTA It proved up to all the tasks it was require to perform. HN DEFENCE (SMMKEY) AT 15 SATON The last vebcle was BBA 6195, GKN Defence (Sankey) AT 105 Saxon which began ite as a private venture to produce a comparatively cheap but reliable troop transporter which would tise as many readily avaiable commercial parts as possible. I went through the prototype before arriving atthe deficitive {AT 105 ang low level production began in 1976, but it was not ‘unt $90 were ordered for the British Army to replace Humber FV1609 “Pigs", Saracens and some ‘arly prosution FA32s that it achieved rea success ‘The Saxon has also been bult a= ‘a command car, ambulance, mortar carrier and aigt recovery vehicle. It was designed to be blast proof by clrecting explosions from mines ut tothe sde of the vehicle, to. protect the two crew and eight Eoldlesitcouls carry. Forty were purchased for the however this particular vehicle had a comparatively short service Iie of lust over three years twas delivered to the Sth Armoured Car ‘Squadron ofthe Central Brigade Field Force basea in Cheras, ‘and then transferred tothe 7th ‘Armoured Car Squadron in Johore Province. On September 17,1986 It was badly damaged while being crwven by a learner ceiver ang hoa ‘GOs San) ATHSBDA OS Tse wt hey nner 72 mc pm Baseanapowee tga phe) — to be written of It then remained Mode! mttary International - September 2016 In storage until it was donated to is required, Ferret scout cars and the Police Museum on February Cadillac Commando VISOD armed 24,1997. with a 20 mm Oerikon cannon are ‘The RMPF naturally stlluses also in service withthe RMPF. vehices, usualy Unimog trucks, to transport its personnel on normal SOURCES duties, however the Saxons ate A visit tothe museum, and lused when extra protection for information obtained trom the sttt the police officers, or frepower, in June 2010. Tetate of e Fforsi o a Poe (ators here) 1135 accurate and highly ‘and accessories September 2016 - Model Miltary international 9 KIT PREVIEW trie 125 1-40 Soviet Mach Trk = Ke No. 37002 emer PRE Uh SOVIET MEDIUM TANK . : Luke Pitt i ers ® = | examines one of the missing LH f links of Soviet armour, but , G27 i missing no ee se! more thanks lea Uf sania | to MiniArt! Sos 7 =| (| =| | TRACKED CLAS: Jory few tanks produced photoetcned ana" clear parts, The best method for gung these ‘uring the Second World" Now some of you may ask, €o would the "auld glue, wat and ‘ar lokes modern in we really nees that many parts? drape” method the classical sence!” Wel the short answer maybe. ‘The ture sembly comes an tn of ony wo name he H'youreak the parts down. next andi suite detalled ana American Challee andthe Rusian, 247 are forthe tracks, 29 for the complex. The turret halves are ‘aa tnat | outa eeseroe fnaine and 92 torte interior. Sevmmetia! nt wn al te {shaving 9 modern look. 82th Most modelers complain aout interior cotalnfites. The only fanbites a balances design thatthe sheer volume of parts boory execute pat inns Was pleasing tothe eye. Includes ints dey but bythe assembly ithe trp atthe bach The Taal war a recut fame foken vil am them the ofthe turret. looks and feet at amoderization rogram —_—kt nat setae enough EAD image and would best Incorporating a ive tran Construction starts withthe be replace. Aporaded to match the one sed engine and inthis pariear “The instruction booklets wel In f-54, Me upgrade includes the version has Inloded weranicase usrated and very easy to fw. ¥-54 12evlnder engine ‘starish’ and mounts that citfereniote Four tnshing options ae Toad wheels and conventions! it trom the st verslons of he ncluded, The frst = urientied EE toothed drive sprocket It also 44, Most ofthe ower hal enol tank, Res Army 19603 tad an lnceased ammunition Interior ethan fited tothe 70s) and the second is 8 93rd stowage ané improved radio lower hllbelly pan including the __OWvision Tank used ina Tearing Sets. The orginal fenders were workable forin ars The ull” Regent. The ties 2 24th feslaceg with ones inthe T-54-_siges are then attached itn a “Tron” Dison tank in Latvia Style and contiguation The the associated interor deta, 1974-76 andthe sts Tonk ‘tonage was changed tothe let Allo the pestle parts are very fram the Training Regiment Tha rectangular erteena fal Wl one sn xb ine dats on May Tank Command Schoo tanks. The tek received « mount gf surteces, Leningrad Miltary Sete, 1970s for anantisreratt machine gun Act tral reveslsthat a —_-lafeinreen with the lst and included T-54-style heedight the major components go tgetver having white wash cluster wt almost no ile requed othe cesual observer tis The assembly sequence then ONCLSION hardto dtnglsh between an cas out tvattachallthePdely ve checkeathe price one aaw anda 54 ite parts tothe hull would, for ths Kit anc was somewhat [remember if you wanted to wacn aginst this and attach these sprites at what good 3 model Russian tank backin the inthe fina assembly sequence fo. itrepresets. You wil want 1980s it was either aT-34 or KV. avoid braking them off while you = for nothing in the way of that did excite, then you just build. The startish road wheels are aftermarket. inthis Kityou have hhadto scratch build something. handled well and may be the best a complete interior, incvidual_ ‘Times change and we seem to representations in plastic Ihave tracks, outstanding photo etch be awash with every conceivable seen thus far slide moulded qun barre anc an Russian vehicle ever produced MiniArt is koown for their accurate outing This ew MiniAct comes in fine photoctch and this Kits tle me, you want 2 quicker ‘large box and consists of 8 no exception. The gile work In bull simply disregard the interor ‘hopping TBO pieatic parte over particular ie very fine antiily a ou won't son any of er sprues. “he tracks are of the inavidual when the models complete at Also Included are 62. type and are very well detailed. any rate. The only real negative =) with this Kit isthe lack of marking Choices any colour you want as ing as itis green Highly Recommends. 10 Mace! Miltary international - September 2016 oe eee ae as £8.50 « nce rope - £4.45, Worldwide - £6.45) Available direct from our offices on +44 (0)1525 222573 (or online at: Print Your Own oo as Plinths... Tiger ad 3 A Modern study of Fgst.NR. 250031 == Fenner eave rey eaten et art y. Instant Download .PDF Files! FESR eet epee FEATURE ARTICLE #7 cup 135 e1 y Ike a ot of people, ve ‘always hac a tkng for ‘te CVRCT) family with its reputation fr speed and long service all over the world from the 1970s to the present day with ‘a host of users. Considering my Tking for British armour ofall eras, Itsurpeised me when realised t've never actually built one Im particular, have aways ikea the look ofthe earir versions and hen | found out new company Scorpion Miniature Modes was releasing a conversion forthe, now somewhat aging, AFV Clb Scorpion ‘Te as ‘The AFV Club Scorpion isa nice Lit despite its age with decent detail, good ft and 2 great price. Its only rea serious érawbacks are thatthe track is to short (whieh ‘means It can pul ff Iaers it you are unlucky and don't replace it) {and the photoretched cover forthe exhaust is exceptionally sti, which ‘an make it hard to form to the 12 Mee! Miltary internat September 2016 LUNG correct shape. ‘The PE Is nota real issue with this conversion. The early CVRCT hada solid exnaust cover which isreplace with a resin part inthe ‘SM ht Previously the best solution for the track was the Friul Model set (ATL 106), However, timing was very serendipitous because [AFV Club has also ust released a new set of plastic ‘workable’ track for CVR(T (ret: AFV 35290). {purchased some of these via ‘Scorpion Miniature Models, song with a Set oftheir new decals for The only parts of construction that required some planning and thought were the new suspension parts trom the SMM Kit and the early transmission cover aso from the SMM Kit ‘Conversion ofthe transmission ‘over requires cutting ut the vA Chris Meddings transforms AFV Club's 1:35 scale Scorpion into an early version using Scorpion Miniature Models’ conversion. HMA WAM AAAnNINL 0) existing cover fom the AFV Club ‘upper deck and rapping in the resin pat. Ths isnot complicates but It does require some real care ‘and precision inthe cutting and removal of the AFV Club cover. To achieve a clean square hole of the right size | eriled hoes inthe comers ofthe cover and scored the ledges, inthe recess ofthe moulded cover, with a fresh seatpe. This was time consuming as you cant cut too hard or deep n'a single pas or the blade wil sip and score the parts surrounding the cover, but with 3 lot of patience and care it can be then inserted the SMM engine dock andit was just a touch ‘mallee than the hole, 80 filed around the outside, sanded smooth {and rescored the pane line. You il also need to add ine of Bolt heads t the deck above the transmission cover. | used one ot iy current favourite tools; the RP ‘Models hex punch, to punch out some Imm bots Next | ha to tackle the wading Vath SURFIUN screen, Early CVR(Ts were ited with deep wading seroens fitted to the wide ange between the upper ‘and lower hulls. On some these ‘ere enclosed in aluminium boxes, ‘mothers they were exposed. The ‘AFV Club kit comes with nether but the Scorpion Models kit provides the boxed in version. For ‘some reason It doesnt quite ine ‘up and trth be told | would rather the joint was next to a buckle; but with some judicious trimming and fing, 1 got it te work. Note that You wit need to remove the Bats {rom the top ofthe flange to get ‘On the engine access hatch, | took afew minutes to adda tie Individuality tothe kit and carefully sliced under one ofthe handles to ‘make It look ike it had been bent at some point ‘Next | worked on tning up the ‘suspension. This was relatively straightforward for the most part. The torsion swing arms are ‘numbered so they are easy enough to get in the correct position, ‘and the Idler maunt fs also easy ‘enough to place but care must be taken when placing the dampener ‘mechanisms and arms, The Simplest way to dos: referring toreference photos, pace the arms frst at te right angle then place the dampeners on the ends. ‘After the wheels were on | had ‘look atthe AFV Club track. Care has tobe taken ast every delieate with finely reproduced detail finer {than the alternative option the Ful Medel set, But this means that tis a itl fragile. | needed to clean ite lash ofthe ends of teach ink. The set is advertised as ‘workable’ with no glue require. In practice they ware strong enough te gently tease into shape in runs fon the mode, but kept coming ‘apart 50 | gied them in place wth a ite Tamiya Extra Thin between, teach ink. For the price, andthe etal you get | would cal this set the best avaiable option and pretty essential for a good bul ‘The rest ofthe build realy needs Ittle cscussion. The build was simple, and thanks to the auality fof the masters and casting of the Scorpion Miniature Models set, ice and easy. There area few locating holes t fl on the turret where arts are replaces by resin, but nothing too demanding. The only things | added that were either in the AFY kt or the conversion; namely a erry can holder on the left side of the rear turret bin, and an ammo tin welded tothe upperiet turret side, as seen in contemporary photos. ‘The can holder was made from spare strios of PE. The ammo tins a standard pattern and t from that and mage each sie by laminating two thin sheets of 8thou styrene together and cutting the embossed parts out of the upper layer to get the pressed shape seen on the real thing. Handles were made from 0.3mm lcke rod from Albion Alloys With al hat done, had a last neck around for scratches and ‘sans of tool marks etc. to clean up ‘and prepared to prime the bul. aNTING 1 startes by priming the whole thing with Tamiya white primer froma can. lused to be a ecicated user of acrylics but last year | tried Tamiya paint and nave never looked back 's tougher, atomises far better and dres much thinner, probably because you nees to put lesson, le cures quickly and scratches off far less easly after thas cured. Also, and its @ huge us for me: It never ever clos that airbrush, lean spray all day and half the week without 2 ful ‘leant With Vallejo, ona good day {might get 10 minutes betore the noztle clogged. With a solid coat of white primer cured on the made | started with the Bronze Green of the two colour camouflage scheme. 1 used Tamiya TUN Green ana NATO Green mixed witha ite Dark Yellow. This Is far lighter than Branze Green, and ‘much greener (you need a brown tinge for a good Bronze Green) but ao that would be addressed later Inthe weathering anc moderating ofthe colour through fiers. (Once this was dy, freehand airbrushed the Black caro. 1 have Sotar 20/201 use for this ast ves a superbly thin ine consistently and easily. | sprayed a thicker outline of black mised with brown and blue fo te disruptive camouflage and filed ii, then sea tis fine ine to sharpen the ledges of camo patches. | mixed the black with the other colours for two reasons; firstly to ighten it slightly, and secondly to give ite to the colour. Pure black i incredibly ft. t ean rob the areas you use Item of detall ana orm because of Its ability to latten out ight and shade, going lighter allows you to ‘overcome this but never use white: Itaeadens the colour even further {and ean even make it ook toy tke {and dull. Using colour gives archer ‘more ively ‘blac’ Also it means you can use pure black to shade. ‘Before | cous start working onthe colours overall with Fiters washes and weathering | painted the details and added the decals. Its important todo tis betore you start weathering asthe point of filters to tie everything together, and you cant do that if hasn't been applied equally ll over For the tyres anc rubber track ads | mixed a mie-orey with Vallejo Model Colour blac, white La —— ‘anda touch of brown to stop it being too lat. This was divted to a mill-lke consistency to ai flow ‘and carefully acded tothe right Darts. The metal track parts were painted with a mix of darker grey ‘and mare brown. {painted the lights and periscopes silver next, Then when that was fully dry | used Tamiya clear orange and red forthe lights, ‘and clear artist's acryle medium to the headlohts to adda sheen. (nthe periscopes | painted ther with tinned ight blue and when that was dry | added more acryle ‘medium fora glassike sheen, ‘The tools presented a choice. 's pretty standard in modelling to.doa nice wood finish on tot hanes, but my own experience of British military tools is that they are painted green drab so that's hat Idi with the tool handles on the Seorpion. ‘Scorpion Miniature Models. provide their own set of decals for Hong Kong Scorpions which |s great as options for postwar British Markings can be thin on the oround! The decals went on reasonably well but were a litle {ragile. Especially the As, so take care with your setting solutions. ‘But they were commendably thin reducing the need to add Johnsons Klear to eliminate the edges ‘With all his done | set the model ‘aside for 24 hours to ensure a the various painting and marking components were fully cured before weathering fara sme ‘ean atenon ere non ante espresso be ‘Seca Poa pene et ie, (rer perenne warn pee ines oh ‘ie ete ft seen sae oon Doras oor Fh par oe eer “Thesiger bay ere SN ba aon gen an as FE Wer eta. ‘ond dann ‘oa ine ood der of Hin nde oe ne vo Duttary international 13 eae tan ‘ev ont ero ‘WEATHERING "started by adsing smal spots of neat ol aint in lghter versions of the base colours to key areas, and blending itn witha dry brush to ‘highlights. Be sparing withthe oll a tiny dab goes a long way and easier to add to an effect than to try toremove it. ext | ined a ‘itr’ neat of ram umber ol paint with ol thioners, and applied tis al over to unity the finish a ttle and reduce the contrast of the camouflage for & ‘more ‘in sale fee. Now before | go further an ‘acmission ofan error and & word of wating have nat lang been using ‘Tamiya paints and as much 251 fave them |am finging out new things about them stil. n this case "ound out that my regular artist's cll thinner; Windsor and Newton Sansodor, melts Tamiya paint. | ‘managed to control it but meant leaving the model to reure/ resettle fora couple of days ater the frst titer. For the second fiter used ‘enamel thinner to thin the ols fand hac no issues with that a al (on Tamiya pant. For this fit | mixed alight colour; to 2 sort of sand colour with varius ols. For ‘after you must keep it heavily Giuted; mare ike tinted thinner than thned palt. | wick of mast ofthe titer fom a wide soft ft xR 107 So tip over the model from the highest elevation of @ panel tothe lowest. ‘The temstation isto keep applying it until you can see a Getrite effect, but the fier wit fry more visible than it was wet and fit's too wet you wil get tige marks and other uncesirable ctfects ts better let it ry then Apply more later if desired. Thi ‘ives you more control IW you apply more than you want you cen clean It off instantly With a clean brush dampenes with thinners, but be gentle; f you do this too much you can remove previous fier layers too. “The ignter fier helpes to tt everything slighty without washing out and with the earir darker filter acted together to acd depth and variation tothe finish. At this stage Ile tory for 2 few hours, not long as its mostly thinners rather than paint on the ‘model, Probably around 8 hours. When i thovant it was OK to proceed mixed some lighter green oil and added a tiny dab, maybe around a millimetre across, of neat ‘mixed paint to selected areas and Used a shor bristled soft cry brush with no pain or thinner to bind it Inte the surface. do tia on a matt surface so only adda tny bt at @ time asthe matt pant underneath ill absorb it incre fast and i's hard to remove without removing previous applications of paint. used i to add contrast and highight deta, adcing depth and Interest tothe finish, Less ie more Inthis, you create the impression of contrast without making It too strong. To add highlights to the black | mixed a lighter version ofthe ‘black | used forthe basecoat, inne sitar oe mem ‘again in ols and again with no ite at al, and cid the same as the green. To counter the lightening, and ‘add another layer of depth also Used darker colours, avery dark bronze green on the green and = ure black on the black’ to add shade. This is why |ddn't use black fectne with, to give me room ta ‘add shacing with black later, as Wellas a pinwasn. This layering of ois was bul up In several appications, ait at ‘atime to ensure it achieved the Took wanted without going too fer, When this was done it needed ‘much longer to dry due tothe fact ‘used neat ols, so! put the model aside fora coupe of days, covered to stop any stray speck of dust {rom lodging in the crying ols. ‘Once this was dry I topped up the pin wash. | must admit this ded brush and careuly drag the SSgne ar tlog vn vase igh srw et pysende Da ozumdaen vB wh les of Gd ll ln ¥4 ‘wee! mittary international - September 2018 spt ses a eh A aa 's one of my favourite stages. used enamels for this cuted with enamel thinner as it cssolves the paints into finer particle plgments than ol pats ike it It ages great definition to details, something that can be los itt fon dark camo schemes ts best done, as withthe oll tages above, In severa thin apolcatons. t you fare careful (on 3 low blow setting you can use a hairdryer to dry 2ch coat and get several done in ‘an hour, but be caret hairdryers ‘iso make resin droop so never let {he actual model get warm, ust an DUT "use two mediums for aust ang and pigments. start by ading pigments, dlited (r perhaps Suspended would be mare accurate) in enamel thinners. | use this s a wash around areas where larger deposits would eceur To relnforce this used a but ‘applying it sparingly much tke 2 pinwash and lt it around various fetalison the lower hull ‘hept using these two techniques and building up the etfet over several applications Until had the heavy Buildup in some areas | required. ‘fter tie | used a cry brush te dust plgments pretty mach allover the model used catton buds dampened in enamel thinner te scrub the ploments from areas where | wanted it removed or thinner eaving itm areas where 1 wanted it This method alowed me Control the fade ofthe dust from very lghtZnone to heavy build up in a realistically graduated way ‘Under the hull added fo the fect ofthe Bull-up of dust by fading thicker ples and layers of Digment xing each layer with AK Digment fer and wating fr it to fry before adding more Eventually got toa stage where | felt the lok | was going for: the dust picked up by diving in high summer on dusty roads, was chieved and | finished i off with & Alek spray of Tamiya fat clear to fic all and seat. ‘conctusion The AFV Kit holds up very well for Its age. Although itis one oftheir carer Ks, and they have come 3 tong way since then it's stilla very (004, buildable solid it. The track ‘Supplied in the ht has always been 2 probiem but wil early and tate workable track now availabe from JAFV Club, t's possible to more than overcome this and end up ‘The Scorpion Miniatures Models conversion is really excellent. Easy to clean up and use and a antic gs ate eect an en ate cry very attractive conversion. My ‘only gripe being the separation of the sereen could nave been done next toa strap to help hide it, but It's a minor iseue and one tat di ‘not detract from the set overall, ‘The SMM decals were very thn ang setted very wel indeed. An enjoyable but culck project TSE UPC a OU TUS Pa TUE a Est [LF PUREE Uma oe ing oF you just need to replenish the stocks! poth NEW and EXISTING subscribers. scriber, we will simply extend your a further 2 years, so do not wait until your NEW TODAY while stocks last! a Cheat Ce rare THI GIFT OPTION 2 woud preter as your first choice. First name Surname. Address Country Postrip code Telephone Number Email TC Lea oa 15 Plece Craft & Model Tool Set ee eet teat tok 15 esl ol ate pl oon a nes cching ot wring hen ig De ee ee ee io rod Toca Sead ene reer ao) oe Talent rose tee ote eer a) etry DR srs perry oa CR TIETHGT iT ‘wor DOT tu Se ees DE CET Sainte PET aL Subscription runs out, RE i 9 Piece Plastic Modelling Tool Set & 16 Piove Presisin Craft Knife Set Feet tenets eter eas pee Bee RG eae nc! pnaeiennntes ee eet emer) Se as ee eee ete et ay Dee eer eee ey eae ee ee eer a etna eer peti nets lade ere ee Teed De aie) rea) ele teen ea roo end ee a roca te erate eT Seem) FEATURE ARTICLE *7y cu 1:35 18 Hatt tink Desrojer » ND. 35015| José Brito adds stowage and new metal tracks to AFV Club's M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer. 18. Moe Miltary international - September 2015 Gene eee earn aS Ste tee Seer) land it was the fastest tracked armoured fighting vehicle Co aC et nua ieee ett ee Crary ee eee BE a eto Leena ee) rete tats The main disadvantages ofthe MIB was its very laht armour, Cac re eee oer the frontal armour of later German designs such asthe Tiger aoe ee eee as pee i eer reas ee ae rt eee eee Pee ce ee renarrated re eee ee econ Eee eee Rear aa eee et eres ‘These were rebut and refursshea by Brown & Root in northern ene ey eee ts Peet eat re ead A ee or ne ers eed Pere eter inert Ireret ean) ea eee Een) IMI8s uni thei chassis and hulls were worn out t which point een rine Ee cee Re ced sce rae) ee een ere ey tormake a great replica is inside the Box. The kt fs made in their Prone eee eet ee eet td Ce ete tee ct) ets Pe occ ner Uae ed a eae Re orate iether eto Pet cere Cece a eens Ose) TT erie) ev SSeS oer reat nner aan coe eaten Tecan este seated Seiten a ete oo eon Sees ees piresten esti erect erence ere etd See ee en TRACKS eee eee ‘pinion, yes! The vinyl tracks provided by AFV CLUB are Pere ern en ee ira es ramen meer eng Porte een reen at etre cy Sete rr eters et eee rng Poor een nett tires eterno Pieerneerer metric erent’ para tec en nee tee mero 20 ode! Mitary International - September 2016 sca ene catia ee A ans mate aly ‘rere erating aan alae hoa he map we Wh not acur altace ms neh ot hae eens wei HAND PICKED FOR 2016 Revell = build vou Dream! SN Bh te) oo On, 95 A OS amazoncouk es Para 1a 7019/3) f # See eee aside ae ile ‘ses Ds Ne T2502 wets eM ay te at 22 Model Mitary International - September 2016 FEATURE ARTICLE #9¥ cup 1:35 18 Hse lank Destroyer» No WEATHIERING AND FINISHING a) lie » PS D>. ee eee ee ee ee en ee een ee ee ee ee Se ree ee er stant rate waar need STR aLer camaro amet mine Mee cao Poe reer Aree eee Lh en Deere ea tee ae ey Teen a et tn eet et an ae ec ceeieeineinic? setback ea Pe eae Meee een nnn nnn ee ee eee en Pg “| Peete ekaretelioat ant oat Laer aeons eat ane mi Criet d| enka ckiatenianin Aenean ee nal cn iace nent aetna esteaercel smesbenia eee eee a a et airy St eerie neat ene] sinning ee See eed Cau ees ae eae CONCLUSION This was avery enjoyable project. The Mig trom AFV is not a “state ofthe art it, but even 89, with some minor Getals and Friuimodel tracks it can be into ance replica, 'WWIt Altes subject and jst not about another Tiger or Panther, roe 1706 Sti Babe Tas ‘Accessories Used: atid ty ime 6 [adc el Pat es es ec Wea te ae Paints and Finishing Products: Duo aa te, ie te toners Patt tees lepine tas oc ot se tes sities Sant pet References used Se ete tan Earl yt itt tore Biseenn yen ‘Available fom vow aie Fo gens ep: ie ae 26 wosei miitary International - September 2016 “The M18 Hellcat from AFV Club is a nice kit and all that we need to make a great replica is inside the box... 7,7 ‘September 2015 - Model Miltary international 27 KEIT PREVIEW oxagon 1:35 Ps. eo gl Aust C XN 6812 OBSER Andy King sifts through the many parts in Dragon’s newest Panzer II boxing, the 1:35 scale Pz. Beob.Wg.II Ausf. C. ne Panzer Wes been _get two turrets but It’s the one Witted before by Dragon with the round hale in the top that in varius forms and applies to tis model this time it depts ‘Along with the parts markes 2 Beobachtunaswagen or as notforuse’, the actual parts (Observation vehicle that was count is substantially reduced and ‘used for artilry spotting. This although they wil fil our spares one is citferent froma thelest Box, It's entirely possible that Couple of Dragon releases that there are enough bits In hereto ‘have reviewed cecently as make other versions ofthe Panzer this particular vehicle actually If you can find the instructions existe, although haw many were online from ether Dragon Panzer but m not entirely sure as Whit it wil be possible to cross Information is sketehy.. relerence the parts availabe ‘Dragon ite uauly-come With Anyway, ont the rest ofthe LOT of parts from aitterent hit and t's good to see thatthe tits and this ones no exception, Maglcindvidual rack links are With sprues from heir Panzer supplied, once again colour coded IWF, Marder and Bison making in ight and dark qrey depending, fan Sppearance, In fact the two on which side they are fitte. “maller sprues (C) from the Bison Dragon has got well away trom ‘are not evenilsted on te parts supplying metal barrels nowadays Inventory atthe start ofthe but the kit one is pretty 900d ana instructions (along with sprues just requires the holes inthe flash Rie, Pandthree marked). Two suppressor opening up with a fin frets of etched metal ae Included ri (and | mean fine). ‘lus two decal sheets and again __‘ronealy for such a small only one of each is listed. You also tank the kit has a very well —_ & 455 Dp, 2 4 | rir i 28 Mode! itary International - September 2016 RVATION PANZER etae interior that includes a transmission, drivers position {uret and radio operators Bosition This great but even with all the hatches open it willbe har to soe tall Ta be nitpleky | would have hed tohave seen the tread pate on reer the Tenders replieates underneath ‘that Dragon did 0 well on thee Panzer lls and IVs. For the rear {he option to mode! traisedor the ech end lowered {abit ofa cop out as tnere are only tho and both are from unidentified Units. Colours for the darker ‘chee are grey and black (which sounds iffy) but forthe ether one YOU QUeSS Is aS good as mine as attough the base colours tstes ee ‘3s H402 Green Brown (nhich also sounds ify te other colours not sted at all Better stil ust go withthe box art of green over a base of dark yellow Dragon does Panzers realy well and ths Kt ook to be no ‘exception. The only thing you need to do before starting this Is tocheck exactly what parts are be confusing especialy withthe nn) sprues that are not liste. ‘The bonus however, a: statea above is that amongst those parts there should be encucn to build anather version that there is plenty of information about rather thanite one depictes inthis kit. Perec friars a ein CO) On TU TB ema 3 HOW TO BUILD... ‘Angus Creighton The Steel Wheeled Tiger | book Nome. Postini code country Telephone Number NOW, AVAILABLE NEW How to Build The Steel Wheeled Tiger ! ‘ANew and revised edition of the ultimate guide to building the Tiger I Stee! Wheeled version by Angus Creighton. The new revised edition includes: ™ Early-batch Sturmtiger, using Tamiya’s 1:35 kit with, factory zimmerit, Modelikasten battle-tracks 1 Late-batch Sturmtiger, using Tamiya’s 1:35 kit, Dragon late pattern road wheels, extra frontal armour, no zimmerit, ModelKasten battle-tracks Dragon's 1:35 Tiger | (SPzAbt 510 1944-45), ModelKasten transport tracks Wand more... he “Entwicklung” oF “E-series! were preposals for standaraising and simplitying German tank design and attempt to reverse the ‘complications and poor production Fates ofthe then current crop of tanks. There were tobe sie weight classes in total with the E'S the lightest and the E-100 as rect replacement feral Panzer WAV variants. ‘As with al the ‘paper panzers, they were too ite and toe late as the war finshed before any of the designs (except for one £100 chassis left the drawing boards. If they ever did get into production in large numbers it might have been a ciferent story onthe WW Dottetiel but that's one fer otners todebate, 30 Moe! Miltary Internationa consTucON {few years ago a modeling buddy fof mine gave mo 2 Trumpeter 1356-25 ‘Paper Panzer’ that he fad started but got bored with very soon after. He was going to throw it out but just HAD to give the poor thing a good home and enced up in my stash, where it lurked until very recenti. Iwas sctunly looting tor something fis when | found the kit again £0 "opened the box and had a fook at what would be involved to bring it Deck from the dead. Everything was stil inthe box (except forthe etch enaine deck ‘ils, the hul root glved on was the option with the small turet, the barel had had a chunk taken out of It at some point and the ‘in tracks naa Been staples 98 "recall my budéy had terrible ‘September 2018 trouble getting them to stick together. Fortunately Trumpeter also supplied individual track inks Inthe kt. ‘Anyhow, fancying something

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