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Speakout intermediate unit 7-9

Unit 7.

Speaking topics: success, ability, qualifications

- Is there any successful person who you appreciate?

- What advice would you give to someone who wants to be successful.
- Do you have a special skill/interest? How many hours do you think you have spent
practising it?
- Do you agree that if you practise something enough, you can become world-class at it,
or do you think you need to have a natural talent?
- What things have you been successful at? Why?
- What special talent do you have?
- What kind of qualification is required to your job?

Grammar: present perfect simple and continuous, past and

present abilities

- a „megtörtént” a
Present perfect S+have/has+V3+O+Adv. - kulcsszavak: yet,
already, since, for,
recently, lately, this
morning, up to now,
just, in the past few

- az idő kap hangsúlyt

Present perfect cont. S+have/has+been+Ving+O+Adv. - a cselekvés nem
zárult le, csak
. megszakadt. nem
eredménye, hanem
„jele” látszik.

Can/could „Állandó” képességek

To be able to/ manage to „Egyszeri” képesség, sikerül, azon igeidőkben, ahol can/could
nem használható

Writing: summary, an internet post

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