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ENGINEERING MECHANICS 87 IL OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS Basic Definitions Triangle law of forces states that if two forces acting at a point are represented in magnitude and direction by the two sides of the triangle taken in order, then their resultant is given by the (@) third side of the triangle taken in the same order a (b) third side of the triangle taken in the opposite order o (6) sum of the two forces acting o (d) none of the above. a Law of polygon of forces states that (a) if a number of forces acting at a point are represented by the sides of a polygon taken in order, then their resultant is represented in magnitude and direction by the closing side of the polygon, taken in the same order. [] (b) if a number of forces acting at a point are represented in magnitude and direction by the sides of a polygon taken in order, then their resultant is represented in magnitude and direction by the closing side of the polygon, taken in the opposite order. a (©) the resultant of a number of forces acting on a point is the sum of all forces. Oo (4) none of the above. o Two forces P and Q are acting at an angle 0, their resultant (R) is given by (a) R= VP* +O? + 2AB sin 28 O )R=VP+Q7+24B cos Oo ()R=VP’+Q°-2AB os 0 D @R=VP' 40% + 248 cos 20 « ia Two forces A and B are acting at an angle 0 and their resultant B makes an angle «t with the force A, then 6 Asin® (@una= Fre a (6) tan = Fed Oo Bsin@ A cos 0 One TB cost Duna Faso a Two forces A and B are acting at an angle 0 and their resultant R makes an angle a with the force A, then (2) cose A tBi08 OD Wyewae Aten oO VA? +B? = 2B cos Va? +B? + 2AB cos 0 (cosa = —— E80 C_ @ none of the above. o VA? +B? + 2AB cos 0 ‘Lami’s theorem states that if (a) three forces acting at a point are in equilibrium, they can be represented by the three sides of a triangle. _[] (6) the three forces acting at a point can be represented in magnitude and direction by the sides of a triangle, the forces are in equilibrium. (6) three forces acting at a point are in equilibrium, each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two, (d) none of the above. ‘The forces which do not meet at a point are called (a) non-coplanar forces (© coplanar forces (©) non-concurrent forces O(a) concurrent forces. oo 00 10. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. 17. 18, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (OBJECTIVE TYPE) The forces whose lines of action do not lic in the same plane, are called (a) non-coplanar forces © coplanar forces Qa (6) non-concurrent forces D(a) none of the above. o The forces, whose line of action lie on the same line, are known as, (@) coplanar forces (concurrent forces o (0) collinear forces (a) none of the above. a The forces, whose lines of action does not li the same plane but are meeting at one point, are known as (a) coplanar concurrent forces 1 (b)non-coplanar concurrent forces a (c) non-coplanar non-concurrent forces: C1 (a) none of the above. a ‘The forces, whose lines of action lie in the same plane and are meeting at one point, are known as (a) coplanar concurrent forces (coplanar non-concurrent forces QO (c) non-coplanar concurrent forces 1 (a) none of the above. a Coplanar concurrent forces means the lines of action of forces ie in the same plane a the same plane but the forces are not meeting at one point Q the same plane and forces are mecting at one point Oo (d) none of the above. o The forces, which meet at a point, are known as (a) collinear forces (coplanar forces Oo (©) concurrent forces O_ (@)none of the above. o ‘The forces, which lie in the same plane, are called (@) collinear forces OD @ coplanar forces a (©) concurrent forces: O(a) none of the above. Oo Tick mark the correct statement (a) ‘The algebraicsum of the resolved parts of a number of force ina given direction is equal to their resultant. [) (6) The algebraic sum of the resolved parts of a number of force in a given direction is equal to two times their resultant. (©) The algebraic sum of the resolved parts of a number of forces in a given direction is equal to the resolved component of the resultant in that direction. (@) None of the above. o The statement—if three forces acting at a point can be represented in magnitude and direction by the sides of a triangle taken in order, the forces are in equisibrium—is known as (a) Lami’s theorem (®} Lawof polygon of forces Oo (c) Law of triangle of forces C1 @ Newton's law of forces. Oo The statement—the algebraic sum of the moments taken about any point in the plane of forces is ‘zero—is known as (a) Law of polygon of forces O ()Lami’s theorem (6) Newton’s law of forces 1 @)Law of moments. ‘Two couples will balance one another when they are in the same plane and (q) have equal moments and their direction of rotation is same (6) have unequal moments and their direction of rotation is opposite (6) have equal moments and their direction of rotation is opposite (@) none of the above. oooo oo Spe ENGINEERING MECHANICS 89 19. The number of members (#) and number of joints (j) in a perfect frame is given by (a) n=(3)-2) DO &)n=(%j-3) oO (Qj = (2-3) QO @j=Gn-2. o 20. A frame, which has got less number of members than given by the formula n = (2-3), is called a (a) perfect frame O (6) deficient frame Oo (©) redundant frame D_— @ none of the above. oO 21. A frame, which has got more number of members than given by the formula n = (2j —3), is called a (a) perfect frame O @ deficient trame a (c) redundant frame T_ @none of the above. oO 22. A frame, which bas got the number of members equal to the number of members given by # = (2)-3), is called a . (a) perfect frame OD @deticient frame o (6) redundant frame 1 @none of the above. oOo 23. The resultant of two forces each equal we and acting at right angles is, @ £ ow ve o P (vP O OF Oo 24. Two forces of magnitudes 4 and 5 N act at an angle of 60°, the resultant force is equal to (@6N O over Oo (Q7N O @en. o 2S. A body will be in equilibrium when (a) the algebraic sum of vertical components of all forces is zero a (b) the algebraic sum of horizontal components of all forces is zero Oo (6) the algebraic sum of moments of all forces about a point is zero oO (d) all the above. Oo Equations of Motion 26. Rate of change of displacement of a body is called (a) acceleration O @velocity oO (©) momentum CG (a) none of the above. o 27. Rate of change of velocity of body is called (a) acceleration DO velocity Oo (©) momentum 1 @none of the above. Oo 28. The product of mass and velocity of a body is called (a) acceleration DO velocity Oo (©) momentum (1 _— @none of the above. Oo 29. Ifa body is moving with a uniform acceleration (/), then final velocity (V) of the body after time ‘ris equal to (@usife O Wurth Oo (wes none of the above. Oo where u = Initial velocity, S = Distance travelled int seconds. 31. 32. 33. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (OBJECTIVE TYPE) |. Ifa body is moving with a uniform acceleration (f), then the distance travelled by a body after time “? is equal to (a) we + Bf? O wusp o (urs (a) none of the above. a If a body is moving with a uniform acceleration (f), then the distance travelled by the body in nth second is given by w*tLa-2» OD wflo-2 a (ueLen-1) C1 @)none of the above. oO Ifa body is moving in a curved path, the motion of the body is called (a) rectilinear O (rotational o (©) curvilinear O(a) none of the above. oO If a body is moving in a straight line, the motion of the body is called DO (rotational Oo T_ @ none of the shove. Oo |. Ifa body is moving in a circular path, the motion of the body is called (a) rectilinear QD @rouational Q (0) curvilinear D(a) none of the above. Oo Rate of change of angular velocity is called (a) acceleration 1 — @ angolar acceleration (©) kinetic energy 1 @)none of the above. o The relation between linear acceleration () and angular acceleration (a) is given by (@azfxr Qa want a (as i OD jaz o ‘The angular displacement by a rotating body in the mh second is equal to (ora (*5? Ja Oo o(93*)x« Comoe (54) o evs( $ )« where ig = Initial angular velocity of the body moving in a circle 1 = Uniform angular acceleration. ‘The linear velocity (V) of a rotating body is given by (vee O ®Veaxr Oo over (a) none of the above. o The expression ( mV) denotes ’ (a) centrifugal force (kinetic energy o (©) potential energy 1 (@) none of the above. a ENGINEERING MECHANICS 1 40. 41. 42. 4s. 47. A ‘The expression ( “| represents (a) centrifugal force (kinetic energy oO (c) potential energy (a) none of the above. Oo The expression (2 eo?) represents (a) centrifugal force 1 (b) kinetic energy o (c) kinetic energy of rotation (a) potential energy. a A force P of high magnitude acts on a body for a smal is called imerval of time (A/). The product of P and At (a) impulsive force O_ (b) kinetic energy of the body Oo (6) impulse (a) none of the above. o |. The force P in question 42 is called (a) impluse D (b) impulsive force o () propelling force C1 (none of the above. Oo . Energy lost by a body (of mass m and moving with a velocity V) when it strikes another body (of mass M at rest) due to impact is equal to om 1st) Oo mem) OSE (1-7) 1 (d)none of the above. o Tension in a cable supporting a lift, when left is going up is equal to -£ L wow(t ‘) a ww(1+4) Oo ¥ L cow(w *) a cow(e+4) a where /= Uniform acceleration of lift ; and W = Weight carried by lift. Tension a cable supporting a lift, when lift is going down is equal to ayw(1-£ of w(t ‘) a w(t ‘) oO wv £ wor{w ) a caw(ss2) a where f= Uniform acceleration of lift ; and W = Weight carried by lift. ‘When two bodies of mass (m and 2m) are connected by a light inextensible string and pass over a smooth pulley, then acceleration of one body is (a) equal to the acceleration of the other body a (6) two time the acceleration of the other body a (c) halt the acceleration of the other body a (d) none of the above. a When two bodies of mass (M and 2M) are connected by a light inextensible string and pass over a ‘smooth pulley, then (@) tension in both sides of the string will be equal a *() tension in one side of the string is two times the tension in the other side of the string. Oo 49. 50. St. 52. 53. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (OBJECTIVE TYPE) (c) tension in one side of the string is half the tension in the other side of the string Oo (4) none of the above. o ‘Two bodies of masses m, and m, are connected by a light in extensible string and pass aver a smooth pulley. If the mass m, is coming down, then the acceleration of both the bodies is equal to @ ery oOo eenwd we 2 weet For question 49, the tension inthe string will be equal to @ oom 0 ® oe a Fig. 2.14 shows the two bodies of masses m, and m, connected by a light inextensible string and a passing over a smooth pulley. Mass m, lies on a smooth horizontal plane. When mass m, is moving, downward the acceleration of the two bodies is equal to (mi? a ™ mom ir m 18 apg? zr ® =m "se om @ my =m" Refer to Fig. 2.14, the tension (7) will be equal to N Oo oa o mom mena If the weight W in Fig. 2.14 is resting on a rough horizontal plane (having co-efficient of friction as 1), then the acceleration is equal to oad 3 Fig.2.14 myma @ (H+ nie (OW + We oow) OD Omir a Wr - uae (UW + Wg Ws) 0 On a |. If the weight W in Fig. 2.14 is resting on a rough horizontal plane (having co-efficient of friction as w), then tension in the string is equal to (1+ WW (= WWW, @ WW, ow Wi-W WW oO uWiWe One Wat ENGINEERING MECHANICS 93 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 61. 62. ‘Two weights W; and Ware connected by a light inextensible string. Weight Wis placed on a smooth inclined plane of inclination a and W; hangs freely as shown in Fig. 2.15. If W; moves downwards then acceleration is equal to W-Wasina O-Waw) o . t . Wy- Wasinadg , OT Qa lw, Wi +W> cf OW -Wysina Qo ie 218 ig. 2 ia) Ifin Fig. 2.15, weight W, is placed on a rough inclined plane of inclination ct and co-efficient of friction Ws then the acceleration is equal to (W; - W. sin a - wW2 cos a) (W; + W2 sin a - pW cos a) o + W) oc + W2) o (W, - W sina - pW. cos a)g (Wy - W2 sin ag rc 0 Om Qo ‘The time taken by a ball (of weight 500 N) to return back to earth, if it is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity 4.9 m/s is equal to @is O @1s Oo ©2s O @3s. Oo The maximum height attained by a ball (of weight 500 N) which is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity 4.9 m/s is equal to (@) 10cm QO (b)245cm a (€) 1225 cm O(a) 980cm. Oo A tower is of height 100 m. A stone is thrown up from the foot of water with a velocity of 20 m/s and at the same time another stone is dropped from the top of the ‘ower. The two stones will mect after (0) 108 O ss o (2s O (75s. oa |. The maximum height reached by a stone (of weight 50 N) which is thrown vertically upward with an initial velocity 19.6 m/s would be (2) 20m O 196m oO (30m DO @25m. o A body is moving with a velocity of 2 m/s. If the velocity of body becomes $ my/s after 4 seconds, the acceleration of the body would be (a) 1 ms? OD 075 ms* QO () 1.5 m/s? O (0375 mis*. a A body is rotating with an angular velocity of 5 radians/s. Aftcr 4 seconds, the angular velocity of the body becomes 1.3 radians per sec. The angular acceleration of the body would be (2) 3 rads? O @2rads? a (6) 1 rads? O @15raas*, a 67. 69. n. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (OBJECTIVE TYPE) . A flywheel starting from rest and accelerating uniformly performs 20 revolution in 4 seconds. The angular velocity of flywheel after 8 seconds would be (a) 30 rad/s OD 35 rads a (6) 40 rad/s O(a) 55 rad/s. Oo |. A body is moving in a straight line with an initial velocity of 4 m/s. After 5 seconds the velocity of the body becomes 9 m/s. The distance travelled by the body in third second would be (2)6m O @ssm a (65m O @4m oa . A body is rotating with an angular velocity of 5 radians/s. After 4 seconds, the angular acceleration of the body becomes 13 radians/s. If the body is rotating with uniform acceleration, the angle covered by the body in the third second would be (@) 20 radians 1 (&) 25 radians oO (6) 15 radians 0 (10 radians. im . A body is moving with a velocity of 10 m/s. The time required, to stop the body within a distance of S'm, is equal to (@) 3second Ob) Ssecond oO (6) 1 second DO (05 second. o A stone dropped into a well is heard to strike the water after 4 seconds. If the velocity of sound is 350 m/s, the depth of well would be (a) 150m O ()7075m QO (6) 100m O (435.375 m. Oo . A light string passes over a smooth, weightless pulley and has weights 40 N and 60 N attached to its end as shown in Fig. 2.16. The tension in string will be (2) 60N a (6) 50N a ()48N a (2 20N. oa Refer to Fig. 2.16, the acceleration, with which the weight 60 N des- cends, is aay @és a [eon] wé o Fig. 216 (© 28 a (d) Sg. oO |. Refer to Fig. 2.16, the pressure on pulley would be (2) 100N O (9s5Nn QO ()20N O (@son. Oo Fig. 2.17 shows two weights 40 N and 60 N connected by a light inextensible string and passes over a smooth weightless pulley. The weight 40 N is resting on a rough horizontal plane with 1 = 0.3 and weight 60 N hangs freely and is moving downward. The tension in the string would be oo ENGINEERING MECHANICS (@)20N Oo (©) 100N Oo oy ©312N Q (@S50N. oO ir 72. Refer to Fig. 2.17, the acceleration with which weight 60 N descends would be (@) 008g Qo @20 o (©) 100g o @n 50g. aoe 5 Fig.2.17 73. Two weights of 50 N and 150 N (of two blocks A and B respectively) are connected by a string and frictionless and ‘weightless pulleys as shown in Fig. 2.18. The tension in the string would be (@100N Qa (6) 200N Qo ©) 643N Oo S @S0N. Oo 74, Refer to Fig, 2.18, the acceleration to block A would be SON os o £ os a 0M Oo o Fig. 218 o* o 75. Refer to Fig. 2.18, the acceleration of block B would be ws O wf Oo O @%. Projectiles 76. The path traced by a projectile in the space is (@ hyperbolic Ol (parabolic (©) linear 1 @none of the above. 77. The equation of the path travelled by a projectile in space is given as (@)y=xtana. Fada O @®ysxasa Fae @yerma- OD Gyrrina- aE. where x y are the co-ordinates of any point on the path, from point of projection and u = velocity Projection. Qo a Oo a of 81. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (OBJECTIVE TYPE) . The range of the projectile is (a) horizontal distance between the point of projection and the point where the projectile strikes the ground C] (b) maximum vertical height attained by the projectile a (©) half of the maximum vertical height attained by the projectiie Qa (@) none of the above. QO 1. The range (R) is given by w sin? 20 sin 2e oO ow © saistoe (a) none of the above. ‘where a = Angle of projection and u = Velocity of projection. . Time of flight of projectile is defined as the time (@) taken by the projectile to reach maximum height a (6) taken by the projectile to reach maximum height and to return back to the ground o (c) taken by the projectile to return from maximum height to the ground o (d) none of the above. a The time of flight (¢) is equal to usin using (@) 0 ' Oo —_ —s—. (Taina O Oxia o . Maximum height attained by a projectile is equal to w sina usin? oa 0 os a ote oO (a sine | o |. The velocity of projectile at a height k is equal to (a) Vi? + 25h O wari o (Var = gh OD Van=20. o . Velocity of projectile after an interval ‘r’ is given by (a Vi + FP = (2 sin a) x gt OD W&Vu?- sina) x gt a (Vu + 2? = (usin a) x gt C_— @) none of the above. a . Maximum horizontal rauge of a projectile, having velocity of projection u and angle of projection ax «4, is equal to wsin 2x we @ 25 Oo 28 a © 3 Oo @ Se a ENGINEERING MECHANICS 86. 87. 1. 93. 95. |. Watt is the unit of . Pressure in S.I. units is expressed as . One metric horse power is equal to o7 If Rac is the m:ximum range of a projectile, then the range (R) of the projectile when fixed at an angle of 30°, with the same initial velocity would be (VE Rs Qo (0) Rae o (0) Ree (LR mae o o If Rae is the maximum range of a projectile, then the maximum height of the projectile when fired at angle 30°, with the same velocity would be . Dyne is the force acting on a mass of (@) one kilogram to produce an acceleration of one metre per second square (6) one gm to produce an acceleration of one (6) one kg to produce an acceleration of one cm/sec? (d) one gm to produce an acceleration of one cm/sec”. One newton is a force acting on a mass of (a) one gm to produce an acceleration of one m/sec” (b) one kg to produce an acceleration of one m/sec” (c) one kg to produce an acceleration of one cm/sec”. (@) none of the above. . Joule is the unit of (a) velocity (©) work Joule is expressed in S.1. units as (Nims (Nm (@) force (©) work ‘Watt is expressed in S.I. units as @)Nmis ©) I (a) Nim, (Nm (a) 746 watts (6) 550 watts OOo oO oO oOo 600 «OO (@) $Rmae Op Rnae (0) ERmae D1 (none of the above. . The angle of projection for maxinium range of a projectile is (a) 90° Q @30° (c) 60° 0 @s. ). One newton is equal to (2) 10° dyne OD (10? ayne (6) 10° oyne Cl (10 ayne. (6) force (@) acceleration. (6) Nm? (oN. (b) velocity (@) power. (BN ms (d)Nm. (Nim? (Nm. (6) 736 watts (d) 75 watts. o OO oO oO OO OO OO OOOO o000 00 oo 0 98, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (OBJECTIVE TYPE) 98 Momentum of a body is given by (a) mass x velocity Ds () mass x change of velocity a (©) moment x distance D_ @ velocity x acceleration. o 99, The expression / x co (where J = moment of inertia and = angular velocity) represents (a) power OD (©)angular momentum a (©) moment (angular) D1 _ (none of the above. Oo 100. The torque (7) acting on a rotating body is given as T= fo where / = M.O.I. in kg-m? and ct = angular acceleration in rad/sec”. The units of T will be as (a) kgf-m O Nm a (© dyne meter D1 (d)none of the above. Qo Friction 101. Limiting force of friction is defined as the frictional force which exists when a body (a) is moving with maximum velocity O ()isstationary a (c) just begins to slide over the surface C1 (none of the above. a 102. Co-efficient of friction is the ratio of (2) force of friction to reaction between two bodies a (}) force of frietor to normal reaction between two bodies oO (c) force of limiting friction to reaction between two bodies oO (d) force of limiting friction to normal reaction between two bodies. Oo 103. Angle of friction (6) is the angle between the (a) limiting friction and normal reaction oa () timiting friction and the resultant of limiting friction and normal reaction Q (6) normal reaction and the resultant of limiting friction and normal reaction Qo (d) none of the above. Qo 104. The co-efficient of friction (a) in terms of angle of friction () is given by (a) @=tanp O Wne=sing Qa (n=tng O oe a 105. The force of friction which exists when the body is in motion is called (@) static friction Oo © friction o (©) dynamic friction TC _— @) none of the above. Oo 106. Dynamic friction is always (a) more than static friction D_ (6) more than limiting friction Qo (©) less than limiting friction C_— @none of the above. Oo 107. A body of weight W is resting on a horizontal plane. A force P is applied parallel to the plane to move the body. The Value of P, necessary to move the body against the resistance of friction is (a) Whan O ®Wsing Qa (Wang O @Was¢ a where @ = Angle of friction. ENGINEERING MECHANICS 99 108. 110. 11. 112. 113. 114, ‘The force P is applied at an angle @ with the horizontal plane on which a body of weight W is placed as shown in Fig. 2.19. The value of P, necessary to move the body is equal to Weos@ oO as 0-0) w ine % "ae =) 5 a Ome Qa (d) none of the above a where @ = Angle of friction. Fig. 219 1. Refer to Fig. 2.19, the necessary force P to move the body will be minimum, when (a) O= 2 QO Wo=e ao (0 =92 TD — @none of the above oO where 6 = angle of friction. Refer to Fig. 2.19, the minimum force P to move the body is (@) Wiang OD @Wos¢ a (Wsing DO @Wsing oO where = Angle of friction. : The necessary force P, applied at an angle @ with the horizontal plane, on which a body of weight W is placed, to move the body is (see Fig. 2.20) Hoos Oxs0-0 a ott a a w Wan ¢ Onse+8) Qo Wien Om@-¢ 5 where @ = Angle of friction. Fig? Refer to Fig. 2.20, the minimum force P to move the body is equal to ig. 2.20 (@) Wing DO @Wsing Qo (© Wose DO @Wiang Oo where @ = Angle of friction. Refer to Fig. 2.20, the force P will be minimum when ()O=%® O We-e a (©) 8 =(90-¢) 0 (e=(90-24). Oo ‘The necessary force P, applied parallel to an inclined plane having inclination a with horizontal to move a body of weight W, up the plane is equal to (Refer to Fig. 2.21). in "cose a R @ Wsinas 8 cos ¢ (Waser cos ag Wales) Or cose where @ = Angle of friction, Fig. 221 ooo 100 115. 116. 117, 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (OBJECTIVE TYPE) Refer to Fig. 2.21, if the body is on the point of moving down the plane, then necessary force P will be equal to Or o Oy eet = 2) oOo a wane o Fig. 2.22 shows body of weight W placed on an inclined plane having i Force P is applied horizontally. When the body is on the point of moving up the plane, the necessary value of P is (a) Wsin (a+) O ®Wtan(a+9) oO (c) Ws (a +) O (@Wsin(a-9). Oo Refer to Fig. 2.22, if the body is on the point of moving down the plane, the necessary force P would be g (a) Wsin (a-¢) Oo (b) Wan (a+) oa Ww () Wtan(a-¢) a s. (@ Wain (a+ 4). Oo A ladder of weight 250 N isplaced against asmooth vertical wall and a rough horizontal floor (1 = 0.3) as shown in Fig. 2.23. If the ladder is on the point of sliding, the reaction at A will be (a) 250N (6) 261N (6) 125N (d) SOON. Refer to Fig. 2.23, the reaction at B will be (@) 250N (b)125N (c) SN (@) SOON If in question 118, a man of weight 500 N stands on the ladder at its middle point. The reaction at A will be (when ladder is on the point of sliding) Fig. 223 o000 ooo00 (2) 750N O (b)783N Qa (©)250N OD (@10N. Oo For question 120, the reaction at B will be (a) 750N O (6) 783N oO (c)225N OD (@100N. ao A horizontal force of 400 N is applied on a body of weight 1200 N, placed on a horizontal plane. If the body is just on the point of motion, the angle of friction would be @20 DO w@is26 oa (10 DO (@2s°. Qo A body of weight W is placed on an inclined plane. The angle made by the inclined plane with horizontal, when the body is on the point of moving down is called (a) angle of inclination CD (bangle of repase a (c) angle of friction O(a) angle of limiting triction. a ENGINEERING MECHANICS 101 124, 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133, If angle of friction is zero (a) force of friction will act normal to the plane Qa (b) force of friction will act opposite to the direction of motion Oo (6) force of friction will be zero oO (d) force of friction will be infinite. o If Pis the effort required to lift a Joad (WV), then mechanical advantage (M.A.) is given by P OF O ®Pexw o w 1 Op Oo @ Pew’ oO If D is the distance moved by the effort and d is the distance moved by the load, then velocity ratio (V.R,) is given by 4 D OD O wy a (QdxD 0 os: Qo Efficiency of a machine in terms of mechanical advantage (M.A.) and velocity ratio (V.R.) is given by VR. 1 Oma. 0 ONRMA 5 ott OD @wrR)x(MA). Oo Self-locking machine is one which has efficiency (@) 100% (less than 50% Oo (©) more than 50% 1 @ none of the above. a A reversible machine is one which have efficiency (a) 100% DB less than 50% Oo (©) more than 50% _— @none of the above. im Non-reversible machine is also called (a) ideal machine O (self-locking machine Qa (6) actual machine (a) none of the above. Oo The law of the machine is given by (@) W=mP+C ODO &Pemwec Qo (C=W+mP QO @camw+P a where P= Effort applied, W = Load lifted, ‘m = Constant and equal to the slope of the line, C= Another constant. For an ideal machine (@) M.A. is less than V.R. C1 (6) MA. is greater than V.R. Oo (©) M.A. is equal to V.R. C1 @None of the above. Oo In an actual machine, the amount of friction present may be expressed in terms of effort. Additional effort is required to overcome this friction. The value of additional effort required is equal to oe a Qo (P+ ~ a o where V.R. = Velocity ratio and W = Load applied. 102 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (OBJECTIVE TYPE) 134. The amount of friction, present in a machine, may be expressed in terms of load. Additional load is be lifted if the friction is not present. The value of this additional load is equal to p P (a) WxPXVR O wy a VR. (Q)PxVR.-W oO Opt. Oo 135. The efficiency of a screw-jack for raising a load W is equal to cos a Omar ao a tan (a+ Orme o a where a = Angle of screw (Helix angle) ; and @ = Angle of friction. 136. The efficiency of a screw-jack will be maximum, if angle of screw or helix angle («2 is equal to x x 5-6 DO wi-e a zt O @j- a = Angle of friction. 137. The maximum value of efficiency of a screw-jack for raising a load IW is equal to 1-tang sing © Tsing Qo OF cose o I=sing cos @ OTesing OT ine a 138. The efficiency of a screw-jack for a given value of angle of friction. (@) depends upon the weight lifted only a (B) depends upon the effort applied only a (C depends upon weight and effort only a (d) independent of weight lifted or effort applied. o 139. Fora differential wheel and axle having diameter of effort wheel as D and diameters of two axles as dy and dz (dy > d;), the velocity ratio (V.R.) is equal to 2D 2D ied OD OmRa Qa 2D. D OF-E Oo oF o Centre of Gravity 140. The C.G. of a triangle lies at the point of concurrence of (@) the right bisectors of the angle of the triangle a (6) the medians of the triangle Qa (6) the altitudes from the vertices on the opposite side ao (d) none of the above. Oo 141. The C.G. of solid hemisphere lies on the central radius at a distance (@) trom the plane base TX trom the plane base Oo © = from the plane base 1 @none of the above. a ENGINEERING MECHANICS 142. 143, ‘The C.G. of a semi-circular lamina lies on the central radius ata distance of @ £ from base diameter oOo @ = from base diametet © & from base diameter (a) none of the above. Th C.G. of a solid right circular cone lies on the axis at a height (q) half of the total height above the base (®) one-third of the total height above the base (c) one-fourth of the total height above the base (@) none of the above. 144, The C.G. of a thin hollow right circular cone lies on the axis at a height (a) half of the total height (one-third of the total height (©) one-fourth of the total height C1 (a)none of the above, 145. The C.G. of a semi-circular arc is at the central radius at a distance of (@) % trombase diameter C )¥ trombase diameter (6 ¥ above base diameter CZ above base diameter. 146. The C.G. of a quadrant of a circle is at a distance of (a) ZX trom the axis Oo $F trom the axis (9% from the axis OD @¥ trom te axis. 147. The C.G. of a thin hollow hemisphere is at a distance of (a) 5 from base Oo @ $ from base © i from base D(a) none of the above. 148. The C.G. of a solid cone lies on the central axis at a distance of (@) fof the total height above base 1 — @hiale the total height above base (©) Gof the total height above base D1 — @ 245 of total height above base. 149. The C.G. of a hollow cone lies on the central axis above base at a distance of (@) Sof the total height ©) halt of the total height (6 dot the total height OD @ 2S ofthe total height. 150. The C.G. of a hollow pyramid lies on the central axis above base at a distance of (@) fof the total height C1 @ fot the total height (©) fof the total height O — @ 2S of the total height. 151. The C.G. of a hollow cylinder lies on the vertical axis above base at a distance of (@) Lh of the total height C1 & fed of the total height (©) half of the total height (a) 2th of the total height. 103 00 ooo0 0 oo 104 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (OBJECTIVE TYPE) 152. The C.G. of a parabola as shown in Fig. 2.24 lies on the axis OB at a distance of (@) Hh of OB (4h oron (©) 25th of QB @ fra of 0B. Moment of Inertia ooaa ° c Fig. 2.24 153. IfA = area of the body, /g = moment of inertia of body about an axis passing through its C.G. and Ij = moment of inertia of the body about an axis parallel to the axis passing through C.G. and at a distance x, then according to the theorem of parallel axis (@) Ig =1p +x? OD Wh=l+a? a (\lo=lg-A? 1 (none of the above. ao 154. Iff,=M.O1. about x-axis and J, = M.O.L. about y-axis, then moment of inertia about z-axis is given by (@)h=l-l, O ®L-4-% oO ©OhL=kxl, CT none of the above. Oo 155. A thin rod of length L and mass M will have moment of inertia about an axis passing through one of its edge and perpendicular to the rod, MP Me Or 0 Ome Qa ML Mi? oy o ya's a 156. Moment of inertia of a rectangular section haying b = Width and d = Depth about x-axis is given by Ba @h= 45 O w+ o 2, Oke Be © none of the above. Oo 157. M.OL of a circular section of diameter d about an axis passing through its C.G. lying in the plane of the section is given by axd* dt oS 0 wee o nett 1 @none of the above. a 158. M.O1L. of a triangular section about an axis passing through its base is given by 2 . re Oo ot a bi? (les 1 @ none of the above Oo where b = Width at ase and h = Height of tfiangle. ENGINEERING MECHANICS, 159. 161. 167. 168. M.OLL. of a triangular section, about an axis passing through its C.G. is, bie bie @resy O lr @ 3 ont C1 — @none of the above. |. M.O.1. of a solid sphere of mass. M and radius R is given by MR? 2 @re5 o (T= Emre MR? 3 ona OD @i=zuie. M.O1L of a thin spherical shell of mass M and radius r is given as @ 2a? Oo ww ime © Bue Oo w@ ue. . M.O.1. of a solid cone about its vertical axis is @ Bae OD wine 3 3 © oe? Oo @ gue. }. The units of moment of inertia of mass are (@) kg-m? OD kgm? ()kg-m OD @kg-m‘*. |. The units of moment of inertia of area are (a) kg-m? OD kgm? (Om C1 (a) none of the above. . M,O.L. of a solid cone about an axis passing through its C.G. and parallel to base is 3 3 (a) Tom? Oo ® zur 3 2 10 oxe(?+4) O wen. . M.O.L. of a solid circular cylinder about vertical axis is 3 3 (a) igMr QO weMP (©) bur Oo @ ue . M.OLL. of elliptical section, of major axis = D and minor axis = B, is (a) a Oo ® a a © xav* O @Rre. Polar moment of inertia of a circle (Ip) is given by one Oo ws oxe 0 ws. oa Oo oO oOfF 00 o 106 169. 171. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (OBJECTIVE TYPE) Polar moment of inertia of a rectangle (b x h) is given by bie ns ot oa oF a 2 mee o @ Zhen. oO |. Polar moment of inertia of an equilateral triangle of sides x is given by Fa x OR Oo Ons Qa x x OF Oo oF o Polar moment of inertia is (@) the moment of inertia of an area about an axis parallel to centroidal axis Qo (®) equal to moment of inertia o (©) the moment of an area about an axis which is not lying in the plane of the area Oo (@) the moment of inertia of an area about a line or axis perpendicular to the plane of the area. Oo ‘The moment of inertia of a triangle (having base = b and height = h) with respect to an axis through the apex and parallel to the base is be bi Oy O Oy ao ba’ bn OF 0 oy: Oo |. Newton’s second law for rotary motion states that (a) rate of change of rotation of a body about a fixed axis is directly proportional to the impressed external force and takes place in the direction of force. o (6) rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the impressed force and takes plane in the direction o of force. (©) rate of change of rotation (angular momentum) is directly proportional to the impressed external torque and takes place in the direction of force. oa @) none of the above. Qa 174, The relation between extemal torque (7) acting on a body and the angular acceleration (a) is given by @ret O wr-¢ o (QTela 1 (@)none of the above Qo where 7 is in newton-metres. Circular Motion 175. Ifa body is moving in a circular path, a force comes into play which acts along the radius of circular 176. path and is directed towards the centre of the path. This force is called (@) centrifugal force 1 @ centripetal force Qa (©) shear force 1 @none of the above. Oo ‘The force, acting on a body moving in a circular path along the radius away from the centre of the path, is called (@) centrifugal force 1 (@)centripetat force Q (6) shear force (@)none of the above. Qa ENGINEERING MECHANICS 107 177. 178. 179. 181. Centrifugal force is given by 2 or O whe? ot a ont where W = Weight of body in kgf, V = Linear velocity, = Angular velocity, and _r = Radius of circular path. ‘The expression 7 x c (where T = torque in N m and angular velocity) gives (a) work done due to rotation horse power o (©) power in watts O @ force. Oo Kinetic energy due to rotation is expressed as (a) KE. a Jo? OKE=5F C (@) none of the above. ). Radius of gyration is expressed as afm T @keVF 0 @® ve 1 (k=Val Oo @ Ta Oo Super-levation (or banking) of roads is the process of (@) raising the inner edge of the road above the outer edge o (8) raising the outer edge of the roads above the inner edge Qo (©) keeping both the edges at the same level oO @) none of the above. a . The angle of super-clevation (or banking) is given by > av av (a) 0 = tan! — ) 8 = tan — Oo @ bout OD & stan v stant stant (Osun & O @e=un w oO where V = Velocity of the vehicle, r = Radius of circular path. The maximum velocity of a vehicle on a level circular path to avoid skidding is given by Vv £ () ner o (@) , O wvrer oe 0 ot a © @ @ Tie where 11 = Co-efficient of friction between the wheels of the vehicle and the ground = Radius of circular path. 108 184, 187. 188. 189. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (OBJECTIVE TYPE) The maximum velocity (Vx) Of a Vehicle on a level circular path to avoid outer-turning is given by oVE Oo ove Qo ove Oo ove o where /t = Height of C.G. of the vehicle from the ground level d= Distance between the centre lines of the wheels Radius of circular path. . The gravitational acceleration at a place is 6 times the value of gravitational acceleration at earth, the weight of thé body at that place will be (a) one-sixth of the weight at earth O @ same as at earth Qa (©) 6 times the weight at earth C_— @) none of the above. Qo A flywheel, mounted on a shaft, weighs 500 kg and has a radius of gyration SO cm about its axis of rotation. If the flywheel starts from rest and shaft is subjected to a moment of 625'N-m, the speed of shaft after 4 seconds is equal to (@) 30 rad per see OD (20 rad/sec (©) 10 rad per sec DO (a 40 radjsec. Accurved road is generally provided a slope, which is known as (@) angle of banking (angle of repose (© angle of friction C1 @ angle of reaction. ‘The angle of tanking provided on the curved roads depends upon (@) the velocity of vehicle only () the square of velocity of vehicle only (6) the square or velocity of vehicle and radius of circular path (@) co-efficient of friction between the vehicle and road contact point. To prevent side thrust on the wheel flanges of a train, moving round a curve (ajoutside rails are raised © inner rails are raised (c) rails are kept at the same level a oo OO ooo0 oo Simple Harmonic Motion 190. 191. A body is said to describe simple harmonic motion if it moves in a straight line such that (@) its acceleration is proportional to its distance from a fixed point on the straight line and is directed away from the fixed point (©) its velocity is proportional to its distance from a fixed point and is directed towards the fixed point a (©) its velocity is proportional to its distance from a fixed point and is directed away from the fixed point (@) none of the above. The time period of one oscillation of a simple pendulum is given by wave a wnyE oxvE a onvz. ENGINEERING MECHANICS 192. 193. 194. 195. 196, 197. 198. 199, Beat is equal to (@) one oscillation (twice the oscillation (©) half the oscillation C1 (a) none of the above. Ifa pendulum executes one beat per second, it is called (@) simple pendulum © @second’s pendulum (©) compound pendulum: OD @)none of the above. Length of a second’s pendulum is equal to (@) 50cm DO ©%4an (6) 150 em O 80cm. The periodic time (7) of a S.H.M. is given by © x @T=x Oo OT=35 2x 20 @T=> oa @T=2. The velocity of a particle moving with S.H.M. is maximum, when it is at (@) extreme position (8) its mean position (6) a point between its mean and extreme position (2) none of the above. ‘The acceleration of a particle moving with S.H.M. is maximum, when it is at (@) its extreme position (8) its mean position (6) a point between its mean and extreme positions (2) none of the above. The velocity of a particle moving with S.H.M. is zero, when it is at (@) its extreme position (®) its mean position (©) apoint between its mean and extreme position (d) none of the above, ‘The acceleration of a particle moving with S.H.M. is zero, when it is at (2) its extreme position (8) its mean position (6) a point between its mean and extreme position (@) none of the above. ‘The period of oscillation of a helical spring is given by ie rene O ©rex : orevE a orexyE where 8 = Static extension. 109 oO oo o00 oo ooo0o0 oooo ooo00 oooo a o 110 201. 202. 203. 205. 208. 209, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (OBJECTIVE TYPE) For a compound pendulum, the time period is given as fe Ke +h OT O @r=2x o (QT =2x & Oo ory ee a where Kg = Radius of gyration ‘= Distance from the point of suspension and centre of the gravity of the body. Centre of percussion is a point at which (a) resultant pressure force is supposed to act a (B) weight of the body is acting o (©) if a blow is given, no reaction will be felt at the point of suspension of a body Qo (@ resultant force of buoyancy is supposed to act. Qo Centre of oscillation and centre of suspension for a compound pendulum are (@) acting at the same point C1 (interchangable Qa (c) not-interchangable C1 (a) none of the above. Oo |. The velocity of a particle moving with S.H.M. at a distance from mean position is given by @Va?-¥) O mev?-F a Oo wove o eV (1-5) where r= Amplitude of the motion, and « = Angular velocity. ‘The acceleration of a particle moving with S.H.M. at a distance y from mean position is given by @-oy? QD @ay* oO @-0y 0 @-w%. o 1. The sino or loss of number of oscillations are given by a dn dl _de @ 2-4 OD wet Qa “ =. a dn de _ al oF 0 @F 3" a . Ata nplace, tte clock will go slow if (a) length of pendulum is increased C1 (®) length of pendulum is decreased oO (©) mass of its bob is increased (none of the above. Oo ‘The length of a simple pendulum which has the same time period as compound pendulum is given by one O owe a (@h+ zg O @r +s ao where / = Length between the point of suspension and centre of gravity, and k= Radius of gyration. The time period of a simple pendulum will be doubled if (a) its length is doubled OD @ its length is halved o (6) its length is increased four times 1 @its length is increased eight times. ao ENGINEERING MECHANICS it 210. Ata place, a clock will go fast if (a) its length is increased C1 (bits length is decreased a (€) mass of its bob is increased CT (a) mass of its bob is decreased. Oo 211. The maximum velocity of a particle moving with S.H.M. is 2 m/sec and maximum acceleration is 20 m/sec’. The frequency of the motion is equal to 20 10 @> oOo ® x a 8 O of. a 212. A body moving with S.H.M. is having frequency as three vibrations per second and amplitude as 20 cm. The maximum velocity of the body is equal to (@)0377m QO 377m a (6) 37.7m OQ (@0.00377 m. oO 213. The periodic time (7) of a particle with S.H.M. is (a) directly proportional to the mass of the particle a (6) directly proportional to the angular velocity Oo (c) directly proportional to the square of angular velocity. Oo (d) inversely proportional to the angular velocity. Oo Basic Definitions 214. A force is acting on a mass of one kilogram and produces an acceleration of one metre per second square. Then the force is known as (@) dyne DO newton a (0) ke-weight OC ket. Qo 215. A force is acting on a mass of one gram and produces an acceleration of one cm per second square. Then the force is known as (@) dyne O newton o (c) gm-weight O (gmt. a 216. One newton is equal to (a) 10° dyne O (10 ayne Qo (©) 10° dyne O(a) 108 ayne. Oo 217, The linear acceleration fis equal to dy dy oF O ws a as oF C1 @any one of the above Qo (©) none ofthe above. a 218. The acceleration of a body moving down an inclined smooth plane is equal to (a) gcos 8 O @-gsine a ()gsind O @gtne a where 0 = Inclination of plane with horizontal. 219. The acceleration of a body moving up an inclined smooth plane is equal to (a) gcos® DO @-gsine Q ()gsin® O @gtne Oo where @ = Inclination of plane with horizontal. 12 220. 222. 227. . MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (OBJECTIVE TYPE) ‘The acceleration of a body moving down a rough inclined plane is equal to (a) gsin® OD Wglsino-p os 9} Qa (Cg tan O @g{sine-psing} Oo where 0 = Inclination of plane with the horizontal. - The Mius of gyration (b) for a circular lamina is equal to (ER Oo of a (6) 0.6324 8 O j@osr Oo where R = Radius. The radius of gyration (k) for a solid cylinder is equal to (@vER Oo wt a (0) 0.6324R O @osr. Oo |. The radius of gyration (k) for a solid sphere is equal to @vR ow, o (©) 0.6324R O @os. Oo |. The kinetic energy due to rotation of a body is equal to (@) $0? O Ov oa (Uw? 0 @yeo. a . Ifa body is having motion of translation as well as motion of rotation, then total kinctic energy is equal to @ int OD wp s jo? oO © dn¥ + Sor C1 (a) none of the above. oO ‘The angular acceleration («) of a rotating body is equal to o# Qo wf o @o% 1 @ any one of the above. o The radius of gyration (k) is equal to ove 0 wr a (oval a ave a where J = Moment of inertia, and A = Area. When a projectile is projected on an inclined plane, the range on the inclined plane will be maximum if (a) 2a-f = 90° DO ®2a+p=90° a (c)a+2p = 90° O @a-2B=90° Qo where ot = Angle of projection with the horizontal, and B = Inclination of the inclined plane with the horizontal.

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