Preliminary Matters and Principles

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Preliminary Matters and Principles admissibility, relevance, materiality and weight of

any evidence.
4.18 Equal Treatment of Parties. The parties shall
be treated with equality and each shall be given a 4.28 Rules Applicable to the Substance of
full opportunity of presenting his/her case. Dispute.

4.41. Confidentially of Arbitration Proceedings. 1. The arbitral tribunal shall decide the dispute in
The arbitration proceedings, including the records, accordance with such rules of law as are
evidence and the arbitral award, shall be chosen by the parties to applicable to the
considered confidential except: substance of the dispute. Any designation of the
law or legal system of a given state shall be
1. With the consent of the parties; or construed, unless otherwise expressed, as directly
referring to the substantive law of that state and not
2. For the limited purpose of disclosing to the court
its conflict of laws rules.
relevant documents in cases where resort to the
court is allowed herein.
4.20. Place of Arbitration. 2. Failing any designation by the parties, the
arbitral tribunal shall apply the law determined by
1. Parties are free to agree on the place of
the conflict of laws rules, which it considers
2. Failing such agreement, the place of arbitration
3. The arbitral tribunal shall decide ex aequo et
shall be in Metro Manila
bono or as amiable compositeur only if the parties
3. Unless the arbitral tribunal, having regard to the have expressly authorized it to do so.
circumstances of the case, including the
Ex Aequo Et Bono is a Latin term which means
convenience of the parties, shall decide on a
what is just and fair or according to equity and good
different place of arbitration.
conscience. Something to be decided ex aequo et
However with respect to for consultation among its bono is something that is to be decided by
members, for hearing witnesses, experts or the principles of what is fair and just. A decision-
parties, or for inspection of goods, other property or maker who is authorized to decide ex aequo et
documents the arbitral tribunal may, unless bono is not bound by legal rules but may take
otherwise agreed by the parties, meet at any place account of what is just and fair.
it considers appropriate.
Note: That in all cases, the arbitral tribunal shall
4.22. Language. decide in accordance with the terms of the contract
and shall take into account the usages of the trade
1. The parties are free to agree on the language or applicable to the transaction.
languages to be used in the arbitral proceedings.
Note: a. Which shall apply to any written statement
by a party, any hearing and any award, decision or 4.21 Commencement of Arbitral Proceedings.
other communication by the arbitral tribunal.
1. Submission Agreement: When the parties
b. The arbitral tribunal may order that any agreed to submit to arbitration their pre-existing
documentary evidence shall be accompanied by a dispute.
translation into the language or languages agreed
upon by the parties 2. Agreement to Arbitrate: When the parties
undertake to settle their future controversies
2. Failing such agreement, the language to be used through the arbitral proceedings. It is commence
shall be English. when a request to arbitration is received by the
4.19. Determination of the Rules of Procedure. respondent.

1. The parties are free to agree on the procedure 4.23 Statements of Claim and Defense.
to be followed by the arbitral tribunal in conducting 1. Statement of Claims
the proceedings. Subject to the provision of this
Chapter (Chapter 4 of DOJ Department Order No. When filed; within the period of time agreed by the
98) parties or determined by the arbitral tribunal,

2. Falling such agreement, the arbitral tribunal Content of the Statement of Claims;
may, subject to this Chapter, conduct the
a. the claimant shall state the facts supporting
arbitration in such manner as it considers
his/her/its claim,
b. the points at issue
Note: The power conferred upon the arbitral c. and the relief or remedy sought.
tribunal includes the power to determine the
Including all documents they consider to be
Effect of failure to file Statement of Claims: the b. The arbitral tribunal or a party with the approval
arbitral tribunal shall terminate the proceedings. of the arbitral tribunal may request from a court of
(Article 4.25) the Philippines assistance in taking evidence.
2. Statement of Defense c. A party may bring a petition under this Section
before the court in accordance with the Rules of
When filed; within the period of time agreed by the
Court or the Special ADR Rules (Contempt)
parties or determined by the arbitral tribunal,
Content of the Statement of Claims;
Decision and the Arbitral Award
a. the respondent shall state his/her/its
defense in respect of these particulars, 4.29. Decision-Making by Panel of Arbitrators.
Including all documents they consider to be 1. When there is only one arbitrator the
relevant. decision shall be made by the single
Effect of failure to file Statement of Defense: The
2. When there are more than one arbitrator,
arbitral tribunal shall continue the proceedings
any decision of the arbitral tribunal shall be
without treating such failure in itself as an
made, by a majority of all its members.
admission of the claimant’s allegations. (Article
However during the course of the proceeding
Note: Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the parties may settle the dispute. Upon settlement
either party may amend or supplement his/her the arbitral tribunal shall terminate the proceedings
claim or defense during the course of the arbitral and, if requested by the parties and not objected to
proceedings, unless the arbitral tribunal considers by the arbitral tribunal, record the settlement in the
form of an arbitral award on agreed terms. Such an
it inappropriate to allow such amendment having
award has the same status and effect as any other
regard to the delay in making it.
award on the merits of the case. (4.30. Settlement.)
4.24 Hearing and Written Proceedings.
4.31. Form and Contents of Award.
1. Subject to any contrary agreement by the
parties, the arbitral tribunal shall decide whether to In what form; the arbitral award shall be made in
hold oral hearings for the presentation of evidence writing and shall be signed by the arbitrator or
or for oral argument, or whether the proceedings arbitrators. In arbitral proceedings with more than
shall be conducted on the basis of documents and one arbitrator, the signatures of the majority of all
other materials. members of the arbitral tribunal shall suffice,
provided that the reason for any omitted signature
2. Provided that: The parties shall be given is stated.
sufficient advance notice of any hearing and of any
meeting of the arbitral tribunal for the purposes of Content: 1. The award shall state the reasons
inspection goods, other property or documents. upon which it is based
3. All statements, documents or other information 2. The award shall state its date and the place of
supplied to the arbitral by one party shall be arbitration.
communicated to the other party. Also, an expert
report or evidentiary document on which the arbitral Service: After the award is made, a copy signed by
tribunal may rely in making its decision shall be the arbitrators shall be delivered to each party.
communicated to the parties.
4. During the Hearing and Written Proceedings the
arbitral tribunal may appoint one or more experts to
Article 4.33. Correction and Interpretation of
report to it on specific issues.
Award, Additional Award.
It may also require a party to give the expert any
relevant information or to produce, or to provide When filed: within thirty (30) days from receipt of
access to, any relevant documents, goods or other the award, unless another period of time has been
property for his/her inspection. (4.26. Expert agreed upon by the parties:
Appointed by the Arbitral Tribunal.)
a. Correction of Award: A party may, with
5. During the Hearing and Written Proceedings notice to the other party, request the arbitral
tribunal to correct in the award any errors in
a. The arbitral tribunal shall have the power to computation, any clerical or typographical
subpoena witnesses and documents when the errors or any errors of similar nature;
relevancy of the testimony and the materiality
thereof has been demonstrated to it. b. Interpretation of Award: A party may, it so
agreed by the parties and with notice to the
other party, request the arbitral tribunal to
give an interpretation of a specific point or (b) where the asset to be attached or levied upon,
part of the award. or the act to be enjoined is located;
c. Additional Award: A party with notice to the
other party, request, the arbitral tribunal to (c) where any of the parties to the dispute resides
make an additional award as to claims or has its place of business; or
presented in the arbitral proceedings but
omitted from the award. (d) in the National Capital Judicial Region at the
option of the applicant.
Article 4.34. Aplication for Setting Aside an
Exclusive Recourse against Arbitral Award. Procedure Recognition and Enforcement of
When filed:
1. Filing of application: The party relying on an
1. Within three months after the had received award or applying for its enforcement shall
the award file with the Regional Trial Court the original
or duly authenticated copy of the award and
2. However if a request had been made the original arbitration agreement or a duly
under Article 4.33 (Correction and authenticated copy thereof. If the award or
Interpretation of Award, Additional Award) agreement is not made in an official
from the date on which that request has been
language of the Philippines, the party shall
disposed of by the Arbitral tribunal
supply a duly certified translation thereof
into such language.
Where filed: before the Regional Trial Court 2. Refusing Recognition: An arbitral award,
may be refused, at the request of the party
Grounds: against whom it is provoked on the
following ground;
1. Defect in the Arbitration Agreement A. Defect in the Arbitration Agreement
2. Violation of due process B. Violation of due process
3. Lack or exess of jurisdiction on the part of C. Lack or exess of jurisdiction on the part
the arbitral tribunal of the arbitral tribunal
4. The arbitration agreement was violated C. The arbitration agreement was violated
3. Recognition: Once confirmed shall be
Recognition and Enforcement of enforced in the same manner as final and
executory decisions of courts of law of the
Awards Philippines.
4. Appeals: The decision of the Regional Trial
Article 4.42. Summary nature of proceedings
Court recognizing, enforcing, an arbitral
before the court. A petition for recognition and
award may be appealed to the Court of
enforcement of awards brought before the court
shall be heard and dealt with summarily in Appeals in accordance with the rules of
accordance with the Special ADR Rules. procedure to be promulgated by the
Supreme Court. The losing party who
Distinction must be made between: appeals shall post a counter-bond executed
if favor of the prevailing party equal to the
1. Convention Award: an arbitral award, made amount of the award in accordance with the
in a state, which is a party to the New York Special ADR Rules.
Convention. Its recognition and However when the parties stipulate
enforcement shall be governed by New that the arbitral tribunal’s award or decision
York Convention as implemented by the shall be final. Such stipulation carries with it
IRR. a waiver of the right to appeal from an
2. Non-Conventional award: a foreign arbitral arbitral award but without prejudice to
award made in the state which is not a party judicial review by way of certiorari under
to the New York Convention. It cannot be Rule 65 of the Rules of Court.
recognized or enforced under the ADR Act
of 2004 but it may be deemed as
presumptive evidence of a right as between
the parties in accordance with Section 48,
Rule 39 of the 1997 Rules of Civil

Where Filed: Proceedings for recognition and

enforcement of an arbitration agreement shall be
deemed as special proceedings and shall be filed
with the Regional Trial Court where:

(a) the arbitration proceedings are conducted;

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