Prebeta-1 HDL and Coronary Heart Disease: Review

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OPINION Prebeta-1 HDL and coronary heart disease
John P. Kane a and Mary J. Malloy b

Purpose of review
A negative correlation between HDL cholesterol levels and risk of coronary artery disease has long been
recognized. Emerging knowledge of the molecular speciation and functional properties of HDL provides an
opportunity to study the atheroprotective effects of specific metabolic processes. The discovery of the
quantum particle among the molecular species of HDL (prebeta-1 HDL) and its role in cholesterol efflux from
the artery wall, offer a means of assessing the efficiency of efflux. This review presents observations on the
structure and metabolism of this particle and its emerging role as a predictor of risk for atherosclerotic
vascular disease.
Recent findings
Prebeta-1 HDL is now recognized as the primary acceptor of cholesterol effluxed by the dominant
ATP-binding cassette A1 (ABCA1) transporter in arterial macrophages, a critical step in reverse cholesterol
transport. Several studies have revealed an association between high levels of this particle and risk of
globally defined coronary artery disease and carotid intima-media thickness. Recently, these findings
have been confirmed and extended to include myocardial infarction. High levels of prebeta-1 HDL may
serve as an index of functional impairment of cholesterol efflux or esterification, either of which would be
expected to impede reverse cholesterol transport.
Recent studies underscore the critical role of prebeta-1 HDL in reverse cholesterol transport and its use as a
marker of risk for structural coronary disease, myocardial infarction, and cerebral vascular disease.
coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, prebeta-1 HDL, reverse cholesterol transport

INTRODUCTION efflux mediated by the ABCA1 transporter goes to

A contemporary view of atherogenesis assigns a a very small molecular weight species of HDL, pre-
central etiologic role to the accumulation of choles- beta-1 HDL. The exact structure and composition of
terol and cholesteryl esters in the artery wall within these particles remains controversial but it is agreed
macrophages and transformed smooth muscle cells, that they contain only one molecular species of
and in the extracellular matrix. This accumulation protein, apolipoprotein (apo)A-I, and that their
reflects a dynamic balance between ingress of athe- unesterified cholesterol is then esterified by the
rogenic lipoproteins and efflux of sterol derived action of lecithin-cholesterol acyl transferase
from them. The mechanisms involved in efflux (LCAT). They are then subsumed into larger choles-
have attracted a great deal of investigation, reveal- teryl ester-rich HDL particles from which the esters
ing the participation of at least three pathways can be transferred to acceptor lipoproteins, includ-
involving the ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 ing VLDL and LDL, mediated by cholesteryl
(ABCA1), scavenger receptor type B1 (SR-B1), and ester transfer protein (CETP). These lipoproteins
ATP-binding cassette transporter G1 (ABCG1) trans-
porters, and a less well defined process of passive a
Department of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics,
diffusion. Macrophages mediate the bulk of this
Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California and bDepart-
reverse sterol transport and the ABCA1 transporter Department of Pediatrics, Department of Medicine, Cardiovascular
probably accounts for about ninety percent of total Research Institute, University of C, San Francisco, California, USA
efflux [1]. Any factors that modify the rate of efflux Correspondence to Mary J. Malloy, MD, 555 Mission Bay Blvd. South,
are of importance to the biology of atherosclerotic Room 252 M, San Francisco, California, CA 94158, USA. Tel: +1 415
vascular disease. A major element is the lipoprotein 476 2754; fax: +1 415 502 5658; e-mail:
particles that serve as acquisitors of effluxed choles- Curr Opin Lipidol 2012, 23:367–371
terol. It is now accepted that virtually all of the DOI:10.1097/MOL.0b013e328353eef1

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Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Hyperlipidaemia and cardiovascular disease

particle among HDL species. Although it turns over

KEY POINTS rapidly relative to apoA-I, it is possible to measure
 Prebeta-1 HDL is the principal acceptor for cholesterol accurately its steady state level in plasma. This level
effluxed from the artery wall, and thus plays a critical is a reflection of the algebraic sum of the rates of
role in reverse cholesterol transport. generation and removal by the diverse metabolic
reactions involving HDL molecular species, but
 The level of prebeta-1 HDL reflects the efficiency of
appears to be dominated kinetically by cholesterol
efflux of cholesterol from the artery wall.
efflux. Therefore, it is a direct reflection of the
 A high level of prebeta-1 HDL in plasma is an efficiency, together, of efflux and of cholesterol
independent marker of risk for structural coronary esterification. The relationship of the prebeta-1 level
disease and myocardial infarction. to risk of atherosclerotic disease was not predictable,
a priori, because a deficiency of this particle could
impede efflux. If efflux were impaired at the level of
the ABCA1 transporter, or if esterification by LCAT
ultimately deliver most of their cholesteryl esters to were impaired, the risk of atherosclerosis would
the liver, which can secrete cholesterol, per se, or as increase and the level of prebeta-1 HDL would
bile acids, into the bile. Prebeta-1 HDL is regenerated rise. Recent studies have shown that plasma levels
during the CETP-mediated transfer process. This of prebeta-1 HDL are a strong indicator of risk,
series of reactions constitutes the prebeta-1 HDL not only of structural coronary disease but also of
cycle, which is the chief engine of removal of cho- myocardial infarction, suggesting that impaired
lesterol from arteries. (Fig. 1) Because prebeta-1 HDL efflux of cholesterol or its subsequent esterification
enters plasma de novo and is produced or subsumed is a dominant process in atherogenesis. This
in reactions involving the interconversion of mol- risk relationship is independent of essentially all
ecular species of HDL, it is emerging as the quantum known risk factors, including total HDL cholesterol,

Reverse cholesterol transport

the prebeta-1 HDL cycle



CETP Chylos
spherical VLDL
(alpha) HDL IDL


cholesterol SR-BI

Peripheral cell


Removal and degradation De novo synthesis of apo A-I
Prebeta-1 HDL
Liver and intestine

FIGURE 1. The prebeta-1 HDL cycle. The steady state level of prebeta-1 HDL in plasma reflects opposing rates of formation
and removal. It acquires free cholesterol effluxed by the ABCA1 transporter that is then esterified by lecithin-cholesterol acyl
transferase (LCAT), forming large diameter HDL particles of a mobility. The prebeta-1 HDL accretes into the a particles as they
are formed. Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) transfers cholesteryl esters from a HDL into acceptor lipoproteins that
ultimately deliver cholesterol to the liver. Prebeta-1 HDL is regenerated in this process. In parallel, cholesteryl esters from a HDL
are delivered to hepatocytes by the SR-BI receptors. ABCA1, ATP-binding cassette A1; PLTP, phospholid transfer protein; SR-BI,
scavenger receptor type B1.

368 Volume 23  Number 4  August 2012

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Prebeta-1 HDL and coronary heart disease Kane and Malloy

strongly supporting the emerging concept that prebeta-1 HDL to a crosslinking reagent was inferred
studies of the molecular speciation and functional to indicate that there is a single copy of apoA-I in the
properties of HDL will be superior indicators of risk particle [9], but the conformation of the protein may
to measurements of HDL cholesterol. not be susceptible to crosslinking. Also, the relative
proportion of lipid–protein is appropriate for a
particle containing two copies of apoA-I. We have
WHAT IS PREBETA-1 HDL? obtained cryoelectronmicroscopic images that are
The discovery that preparative ultracentrifugation, a compatible with a twisted ellipse conformation con-
technique that had provided facile isolation of other taining two copies of apoA-I (Schumaker VN, Phillips
lipoproteins, leads to destruction and loss of a num- ML, and Kane JP personal communication). Many
ber of molecular species of HDL, demonstrated the studies have been carried out with reconstituted HDL
need for nondenaturing means of isolating HDL particles that form when apoA-I is sonicated with an
if their detailed structures were to be revealed [2] excess of phospholipid. The resulting particles are
Development of the strategy of selected-affinity discoidal. Similar particles are not found in normal
immunosorption [3] provided the means for plasma, but discoidal forms are demonstrable by
retrieval of HDL particles under minimally denatur- electronmicroscopy in LCAT deficient plasma.
ing conditions. In addition to other species of HDL,
this method revealed a particle with prebeta mobi-
lity that could be isolated in bulk by electrophoresis METABOLISM OF PREBETA-1 HDL AND
[4]. This species has a particle mass of about 65 kDa. REVERSE CHOLESTEROL TRANSPORT
About ninety percent of the mass is protein, exclu- Prebeta-1 HDL enters the plasma compartment via
sively apoA-I. This amount of protein would accom- newly synthesized apoA-I from hepatocytes and
modate two copies of apoA-I per particle. The intestinal epithelial cells, in a monomeric form after
remainder of the mass is comprised of unesterified cleavage of an N-terminal hexapeptide. It appears to
cholesterol and phospholipid, a small amount of be acted upon initially by the ABCA1 transporter
cholesteryl esters, and no triglyceride. The apoA-I in [10] to form a particle of larger Stokes radius before it
these particles has less helical conformation than in can participate in lipid efflux. ApoA-I is also found
other HDL species [5]. Later studies characterized a in nascent VLDL and chylomicrons that release it to
monoclonal antibody that discriminates between plasma upon hydrolysis of their triglycerides by
the conformation of apoA-I in prebeta-1 HDL and lipoprotein lipase. A major pathway of removal is
larger HDL particles [6]. This difference may be the filtration at the glomerulus, although proteolytic
primary basis for the diminished affinity of prebeta- degradation also occurs in tissues and in plasma.
1 HDL for binding to human hepatocytes [7] and to Endocytosis of apoA-I particles via the F(0)F(1)
the SR-BI receptor [8], properties that signaled a ATPase beta chain may also contribute to removal
special role or roles for this particle in lipid metab- of prebeta-1 HDL from plasma [11]. The concen-
olism. Prebeta-1 HDL particles disappear when tration of prebeta-1 HDL is a major determinant of
plasma is incubated at 378, adding to the mass of the rate of efflux of cholesterol from macrophages in
larger a HDL. An LCAT inhibitor blocked conver- vitro, accounting for much of the difference in efflux
sion, indicating that prebeta-1 HDL is a substrate for into samples of plasma from different individuals,
cholesterol esterification by that enzyme. The pre- even in the presence of similar levels of total HDL
beta particles were shown to acquire cholesterol cholesterol [12 ]. Thus, the capacity of an individ-
from fibroblasts, and incubation of large a HDL ual plasma to accept effluxed cholesterol, reflecting
particles with CETP released prebeta-1 HDL [7]. the level of prebeta-1 HDL and perhaps other fac-
Subsequent studies confirmed that prebeta-1 HDL tors, is emerging as a possible determinant of the
is a substrate for LCAT, and that it is produced rate of atherogenesis. On the other hand, efficiency
during cholesteryl ester transfer by CETP. They also of esterification by LCAT and of efflux via the
demonstrated an important role for phospholid ABCA1 transporter, and perhaps to some extent
transfer protein in its formation [9]. the other transporters, are also likely to be comp-
The structure of the particle has been a matter of lementary determinants of the rate of reverse
controversy. It has been proposed by many that it is cholesterol transport.
actually lipid-free monomeric apoA-I. Despite use of a
number of experimental approaches, we have been
unable to demonstrate the presence of monomeric, PREBETA-1 HDL AND DISEASE
lipid-free apoA-I in normal human plasma (Ishida B Prebeta-1 HDL can now be measured in plasma
and Kane JP, personal communication). The lack of and tissue fluids by several techniques: ultrafiltra-
formation of cross linked dimers after exposure of tion-isotope dilution [13]; immunofixation [14 ];

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Hyperlipidaemia and cardiovascular disease

Western blotting of two-dimensional gels [15]; and prebeta-1 HDL, studied a cohort of 1255 individuals
an immunochemical technique that discriminates including those with structural coronary disease
the alternative conformation of apoA-I in the without infarction and those with myocardial
particle [6]. Most of the published techniques have infarction, in comparison with controls. The critical
not been standardized to isolated prebeta-1 HDL but variable was the percent of total apoA-I associated
yield relative values with respect to other HDL with prebeta-1 particles. Whereas the data from mul-
species, possibly reflecting significant differences in tivariate analysis confirmed a significant positive
chromogenicity. It is not clear, in the case of the association of prebeta-1 HDL with coronary disease
conformationally discriminating antibody, whether without infarct, it demonstrated for the first time an
it might also react with one or more of the additional even stronger association with risk of myocardial
molecular species of HDL that have prebeta electro- infarction. In multivariate analysis, patients in the
phoretic mobility and which may appear in certain highest tertile of prebeta-1 HDL had an odds ratio
disorders of lipid metabolism. (OR) of 1.65 relative to patients in the lowest tertile of
Using the ultrafiltration-isotope dilution tech- prebeta-1 HDL, with respect to risk of composite
nique standardized to isolated prebeta-1 HDL, it was coronary heart disease (P ¼ 0.01). For myocardial
determined that higher levels are found in normal infarction, the OR was 1.94 across the tertiles
men than in normal women (mean 84, versus 68 (P ¼ 0.004). The association was independent of all
microgram/ml), representing 7.2 versus 5.5 percent variables tested, including age, gender, BMI, ethnic-
of total apoA-I [16]. The distribution was skewed to ity, hypertension, current smoking status, diabetes,
higher levels. Absolute levels of apoA-I in prebeta-1 and all lipoprotein lipid levels including total
HDL are positively correlated with total apoA-I and HDL cholesterol. The effect of adding prebeta-1
negatively with HDL cholesterol levels. Absolute HDL tertiles to risk-prediction models revealed a
levels of prebeta-1 HDL increase linearly with the minimum impact on the receiver operating charac-
content of triglycerides in plasma, and to a lesser teristic curves, as is the case with total HDL chole-
degree with LDL cholesterol levels (O’Connor PM, sterol. However, the net reclassification improve-
Malloy MJ and Kane JP personal communication), a ment index was significant for coronary heart
finding also observed in individuals with HDL disease (P ¼ 0.01), and for myocardial infarction
deficiency states [17]. (P ¼ 0.008), supporting a predictive value for pre-
Azstalos, et al. [15] studied the distribution of beta-1 HDL.
HDL species by two-dimensional gel analysis in the Observations in two patient cohorts of a positive
Framingham Offspring Study and in the Veterans relationship of levels of prebeta-1 HDL with carotid
Affairs HDL Intervention Trial [18]. Employing a intima-media thickness lend further support to the
composite of coronary disease endpoints, they informative value of this measurement. A cohort of
found a strong negative correlation of large diameter nondiabetic patients [20 ], and another of diabetic
HDL particles with risk. Though prebeta-1 HDL was patients [21], both showed a significant correlation
positively correlated with disease in the Veterans with intima-media thickness measurements.
Affairs Trial, this was limited to univariate analysis
and did not extend to myocardial infarction. The
negative association with HDL particles of larger CONCLUSION
diameter supports the concept of increased risk of The measurement of the absolute level of prebeta-1
atherosclerotic disease when the efflux, esterifica- HDL is emerging as an independent indicator of risk
tion, and further processing of artery-derived cho- for both structural coronary disease and myocardial
lesterol is impeded. infarction, and apparently for carotid disease as well.
Sethi, et al. [14 ] using an immunofixation Its independence of other risk parameters reflects
technique, reported a positive relationship of pre- the fact that it is an indicator of the relative effi-
beta-1 HDL with a composite index of coronary ciency of a critical atheroprotective process, efflux of
heart disease, when compared with controls. They cholesterol from the artery wall. This process could
were also able to detect a relationship of ischemic not be readily evaluated quantitatively heretofore.
heart disease with decreased LCAT activity. Com- Measurement of prebeta-1 HDL has promise for
bining the two factors increased the association with contributing materially to the determination of risk
cardiac disease, suggesting that it reflects the effects for clinical coronary disease. It takes its place among
of two additive determinants of reverse cholesterol other determinants of defects in the structure and
transport, and that LCAT kinetics may have a con- function of HDL, such as complementary defects in
tributory role in coronary disease. the acceptor properties of HDL for cholesterol efflux
&& &&
Guey et al. [19 ] using an ultrafiltration- [22 ]. It is likely that defects in other important
isotope dilution technique standardized to purified functions of HDL such as anti-inflammatory and

370 Volume 23  Number 4  August 2012

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Prebeta-1 HDL and coronary heart disease Kane and Malloy

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