Gateway Test 1B

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Unit 1 Test B Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

Grammar 3 Complete the sentences with a, an,

the or 0 (no article).
1 Complete the sentences with the 1 My Uncle Paul is _____ artist in Paris.
correct present form of these verbs. 2 _____ blue whales are very large mammals.
3 I’m going to _____ cinema to see The Worst
stay go work have ride study
1 Pupils __________ German in their first year at 4 Mum bought _____ new jacket for me today.
my school. It’s great!
2 I __________ to the same school as three of my 5 You should never look at _____ sun. It’s bad
cousins. for your eyes.
3 My mum __________ with my grandparents
this week because Grandma is ill. /5
4 My older sister usually __________ in my
aunt’s clothes shop at weekends. Vocabulary
5 In the picture, the children and their parents
__________ a meal in a café. 4 Complete the sentences with the
6 Their mother __________ her horse at six correct words about the person’s
o’clock each morning. stage of life.
1 My nephew’s eight. He’s a __________. He
/6 wants to be a builder.
2 My brother’s 16. He’s a __________. He loves
2 Make sentences with the prompts. football more than anything else.
1 The boys/wear shorts/today/because it’s hot. 3 My little sister’s only six weeks old. She’s a
__________. She cries a lot!
4 My grandmother’s 74. She’s a __________.
She sometimes plays golf.
2 you/know/that boy’s name? 5 My stepfather is 45. He’s a __________. He’s a
hotel manager.

3 Mark/not watch TV with us/because he hates /5

this programme.
5 Choose the correct alternatives to
complete the sentences.
1 My two uncles each have three daughters, so
4 Jane/need/any help/with her work? I’ve got six cousins/sisters.
2 Helen’s uncle is her aunt’s second husband/son.
3 I have three nephews, but my sister’s daughter
5 Tigers/not come/from this country.
is my only niece/aunt.
4 Tom is 30 and has never married because he
like being single/divorced.
/10 5 My cousin, Jade, is my aunt and uncle’s
only/one-parent child.
6 My brother is my grandparents’ oldest


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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

6 Complete the sentences with these

equipment information retirement 7 Read the article and decide if the
difference discussion invention statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 This computer is an example of a great

__________ that changed the world. Mobile phones are an important part of our
2 We’re having a party to celebrate my lives and most of us can’t imagine life without
grandfather’s __________ from a job he did for one. They keep us in contact with friends and
30 years. family at all times and when we have a problem
we can call immediately for help. Now parents can
3 Dentists have to clean their __________ very buy a special mobile phone for their four-year-old
carefully to protect their patients. children. Is this a way to help protect our young
4 The boys had a long __________ about the best children or is it a silly idea?
place to have their party. The phone is called My Moby and it looks like
5 The __________ between an adolescent and an a toy, but it isn’t. It comes in many colours and
adult is their age. young children love it. It has five buttons and two
6 There was a lot of __________ about looking of them call Mum and Dad. Of course, the parents
after pets in the book. control all the numbers in the phone and the idea is
that the child can call their parents when they want
/6 to. Also, the parents can call the child too! Many
parents like the idea and they think it’s good for
safety. If the child gets lost they can call home!
However, not everyone agrees that it is a good
idea. Many people are angry. They think children
today are growing up too fast. They want to be like
adults when they are very young and this isn’t
good. They need to enjoy their childhood. These
people think it is a very bad idea to give a
four-year-old a mobile phone. They think it is
unnecessary and it can be dangerous for their
health. They say that young children don’t need to
use a phone because they are always with an adult.
So, is it a good idea or not? Can phones be
good to protect our children or are they just good
for the phone company? What do you think? Send
us your comments.

1 The My Moby phone is for four-year-old T/F

2 Children use five buttons on the phone to T/F
call their parents.
3 My Moby phones are only available in one T/F
4 Some parents think the My Moby phone can T/F
help their child if he or she is lost.
5 The writer asks the reader to answer the T/F
article with some comments.

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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

/5 Use of English
9 Read the text about family life and fill
Listening (Tests CD, Track 1) each gap with one word.
Family life is changing a lot these days. In some
8 Listen to the speakers and choose the countries, all (1) __________ members of a family
best answers. live in the same place, sometimes in the same
1 When are the speaker’s parents less worried home. However, in other countries, people often
about him staying out late? have to move away from their home town to find
(2) __________ job when they are ready to start
A when there’s a party work. They get married and start a family away
B every weekend from their parents, and then their children do
C if he goes out just once a week exactly the same thing. Grandparents sometimes
(3) __________ hundreds of miles away from their
grandchildren. Sometimes they are even in a
2 What does the speaker say about looking after different country! This can cause a lot
her younger brother? (4) __________ problems when people are older.
Sons (5) __________ daughters can’t help their
A She hates doing it. parents when they (6) __________ ill and they
B She finds it very unfair. have to go into hospital or special homes. The
C She thinks it’s OK. grandparents are not there to help with the
grandchildren when they are young and their
parents have to send them to special schools at
3 Why is it difficult for the speaker to eat with (7) __________ young age if they need to go to
his parents? work. In many countries, this problem is getting
worse and people are worried that family life
A He can’t eat at the same time each day. (8) __________ never going to be the same again.
B He prefers to eat on his own.
C He needs special food to help him do sports. /8
4 What does the speaker enjoy doing?
A watching TV at home
B spending time without her parents
C visiting her friends


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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

10 Read this email from Kate, an English
friend, and write a reply. Remember
to answer all her questions.

How are you? I know you started your new school
this week. Are you enjoying it? What are the
teachers like? Have you got lots of new friends?
And what kind of after-school activities do you
Write soon!

Write 35 words.



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