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Environ Earth Sci (2013) 70:303–314

DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-2128-7


Novel procedure for the estimation of swelling pressures

of compacted bentonites based on diffuse double layer theory
Tadikonda Venkata Bharat • Puvvadi Venkata Sivapullaiah •

Mehter M. Allam

Received: 31 January 2012 / Accepted: 15 November 2012 / Published online: 13 December 2012
Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012

Abstract Bentonite clays are proven to be attractive as different dry densities, shows that the method is very
buffer and backfill material in high-level nuclear waste simple and predicts solutions with very good accuracy.
repositories around the world. A quick estimation of Moreover, the proposed procedure provides continuous
swelling pressures of the compacted bentonites for differ- distributions of e versus P and thus it is computationally
ent clay–water–electrolyte interactions is essential in the efficient when compared with the existing techniques.
design of buffer and backfill materials. The theoretical
studies on the swelling behavior of bentonites are based on
Keywords Bentonite clays  Swelling pressures  Diffuse
diffuse double layer (DDL) theory. To establish theoretical
double layer theory  Gouy–Chapman method
relationship between void ratio and swelling pressure
(e versus P), evaluation of elliptic integral and inverse
analysis are unavoidable. In this paper, a novel procedure is
presented to establish theoretical relationship of e versus P Introduction
based on the Gouy–Chapman method. The proposed pro-
cedure establishes a unique relationship between electric Bentonites are receiving great attention as buffer and
potentials of interacting and non-interacting diffuse clay– backfill materials in toxic waste disposal and high-level
water–electrolyte systems. A procedure is, thus, proposed nuclear waste repositories all around the world (Butcher
to deduce the relation between swelling pressures and void and Müller-Vonmoos 1989; Ishikawa et al. 1990; Japan
ratio from the established relation between electric poten- Nuclear Cycle Development Institute 1999; ENRESA
tials. This approach is simple and alleviates the need for 2000; Pusch and Yong 2006; Zheng et al. 2011). The
elliptic integral evaluation and also the inverse analysis. ability of the bentonite material to resist migration of
Further, application of the proposed approach to estimate contaminants due to very low permeability, high-ion
swelling pressures of four compacted bentonites, for adsorption capacity and high-swelling abilities are some of
example, MX 80, Febex, Montigel and Kunigel V1, at the attractive features, which are useful in the repositories
(Schanz and Tripathy 2009). The performance assessment
of these repositories for radioactive waste requires physi-
T. V. Bharat (&)
Department of Civil and Geological Engineering, cochemical understanding of the bentonite material
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A9, Canada (Mitchell 1993). Thus, theoretical study on the determi-
e-mail: tvbharat@gmail.com nation of swelling pressures of the bentonites for given
compacted densities is crucial for safe design of buffer and
T. V. Bharat  P. V. Sivapullaiah  M. M. Allam
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, backfill materials in the nuclear waste disposal facilities.
Bangalore, Karnataka 560012, India Bentonites are the clays that are composed of mineral
crystals of montmorillonite. The double-layer repulsive
Present Address:
pressures, described by theories of diffuse double layer
T. V. Bharat
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (DDL), are dominant in these clays and they contribute to
Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam 781039, India swelling pressures (Verwey and Overbeek 1948). Thus,

304 Environ Earth Sci (2013) 70:303–314

DDL theories play a very important role in understanding low electrolyte concentrations. GC theory yields a number
the swelling behavior of bentonite clays. of useful relations for calculating swelling pressures of
Bentonites experience volume changes due to clay– bentonites at different clay–water–electrolyte systems.
water–electrolyte interactions (Bolt 1956). The DDL theory According to this theory the system can be viewed as an
proposed by Gouy–Chapman (Gouy 1910; Chapman 1913) array of single electric charged plates held at an average
is the most commonly used theory which can relate swelling distance of 2d. The equilibrium in the system is reached
behavior of bentonite with variations in the clay–water– between electrostatic attractive forces, that attract oppo-
electrolyte systems. Thus, this theory has been widely used sitely charged ions to the surfaces of the platelets, and
in geotechnical and geoenvironmental sciences for estab- repulsive forces, that back-diffuse the ions from the
lishing relationships between swelling pressure and void neighborhood of the surfaces into the bulk solution at this
ratio (Yong and Mohamed 1992; Sridharan and Choudhury distance (van Olphen 1977). This prompts the formation of
2002; Tripathy et al. 2004; Gratchev and Towhata 2011). DDL around clay plates which is a common phenomenon
According to DDL theory, the interaction pressures observed in clay–water–electrolyte systems. This concept
between two diffuse double layers depend on the electric plays an important role in the prediction of swelling
potentials at the midway between two adjacent parallel clay characteristics of bentonite clays.
platelets and is equal to the osmotic pressure in that plane According to GC theory, the electrostatic potential in
(Bolt 1956). Therefore, for any given separation distance DDL of a single clay platelet varies from surface potential,
between two clay platelets the osmotic pressure can be /0 at the surface of the charged particle, to zero at the
determined using DDL theory by knowing electric potential interface of DDL and bulk solution. This electrostatic
in the central plane between the platelets and vice versa. To potential distribution is described by a nonlinear form of
establish e versus P, using this theory, it is necessary to Poisson–Boltzmann equation as shown below:
calculate the midway potential in the diffuse part of the  
expðjxÞ þ tanðzÞ
interacting diffuse layers by evaluating an elliptic integral. y ¼ 2 ln ð1Þ
expðjxÞ  tanðzÞ
On the other hand, estimation of swelling pressures for a
given electrolyte system and compaction dry densities where, y is the scaled potential ðy ¼ me0 /=KT ¼ mF/=RT Þ
requires inverse analysis. Several researchers (Overbeek at any distance, x, from the clay surface of a single plate,
1952; van Olphen 1977; Sridharan and Jayadeva 1982; z is the scaled potential at the clay surface
Sridharan and Choudhury 2002) circumvented this problem z ¼ me0 /0 KT ¼ mF/0 RT , 1/j is thickness of the
by using indirect methods in the past to establish e versus P qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
0 m2 n 0
DDL or Debye length in which j ¼ 8pe eKT , e is the
relationship. It will be shown later in this paper that these
methods have several limitations and can often be too elementary electric charge (4.77910-10 esu), v is valance
approximate (Bharat 2004). of ions, n is ion concentration in bulk fluid, e is dielectric
This paper establishes a new relationship between constant, KT is thermal energy per ion, F is Faraday
electric potentials of interacting and non-interacting diffuse constant and / is the electric potential at x. The graphical
clay plates for a given clay–water–electrolyte system. The representation of this equation for describing potential
influence of electrolyte concentration, valence and clay distribution in the DDL of a single clay platelet is shown in
properties is verified to explore the generalizing capabili- Fig. 1. Estimation of this distribution in the DDL for non-
ties of the proposed relation between potentials. A novel interacting clay plate is fairly simple. However, the diffuse
and simple procedure is proposed based on the predicted layers of the clay plates overlap each other when the
relation between potentials for establishing theoretical e particles come closer under external pressures, resulting in
versus P relationship. Further, it will be shown in this paper a highly non-linear distribution of the potential as shown in
that the proposed approach eliminates the need for integral the same figure. This distribution between the plates (2d)
evaluation, in obtaining void ratio (or dry density) from resembles hyperbolic function. The electrostatic potential
known swelling pressure values of the bentonite, and at midway (also called mid-plane potential) at a distance d
inverse analysis, in obtaining swelling pressure for known from either of the clay surface is represented by /d. The
void ratios. Moreover, the proposed approach is computa- potential of interacting system is computed according to:
tionally efficient and accurate. Zu
jd ¼  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð2Þ
2 coshðyÞ  2 coshðuÞ
Gouy–Chapman DDL theory
where u is the scaled mid-plane potential, me0 /d =KT, of
The Gouy–Chapman (GC) theory has been widely used for interacting clay plates. The integral in Eq. (2) is elliptic in
understanding swelling characteristics of expansive soils at nature. Further, it requires iterative analysis for determining

Environ Earth Sci (2013) 70:303–314 305

scaled potential, u (or swelling pressure), for known value Verwey and Overbeek method
of half-space distance, d (or void ratio). The useful
equations involved in determining swelling pressure from The first simplified approach was provided by Verwey and
void ratio can be arranged as shown below: Overbeek in 1948 by establishing u versus jd relationship
e ¼ Gqw Sd ð3Þ based on GC theory. Explicit analytical solutions were
proposed for weak and strong ion interactions separately. If
Zu the interaction of the diffuse plates is weak (jd  1), the
jd ¼  ð2 coshðyÞ  2 coshðuÞÞ1=2 dy ðfromð2ÞÞ overlap effect of electric potentials due to interaction of
z DDLs can be neglected. Therefore, the midway potential of
  the central plane is assumed to be built up additively from
¼ ð2 coshðzÞ  2 coshðuÞÞ1=2 ð4Þ the electric potentials of two separate double layers. Hence
dn x¼0
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi substitution of u for 2yd in the potential distribution
dy B 2p equation results,
¼ ð5Þ
dn x¼0 S enKT
u ¼ 8cejd ð7Þ
P ¼ 2nRTðcosh u  1Þ ð6Þ       
where c ¼ exp z=2  1 exp z=2 þ 1 .
where B is the base exchange capacity (meq/100 g), S the Similarly, analytical equation for strong interactions
specific surface area of soil (m2/g), qw the density of water (u  1) is derived by neglecting exp (-y) and exp (-u) in
(Mg/m3), T the absolute temperature, P the swell pressure Eq. (2), when the electric potential between the two plates
(kPa), G the specific gravity of soil particles, e the void is large, which can be written as:
ratio, R the gas constant, and n is the scaled distance (jx).
 z  u
Determination of swelling pressure using Langmuir’s jd ¼ 2 expðu=2Þ arccos exp  ð8Þ
Eq. (6) for any given soil–water–electrolyte system 2
requires the computation of scaled midway potential, u. The approximate u versus jd relationship can, thus, be
However, determination of u is computationally expensive predicted for weak and strong interactions separately from
because of the elliptical form of the integral in Eq. (2) and the Eqs. (7) and (8).
also it involves inverse analysis. Thus, several methods
have been established in the past to relate u and jd to
establish e versus P relationship. The existing methods are Limitations
summarized in the following section.
(i) Though the equations are simple, they are approxi-
mate and applicable only to particular range of
Existing approaches for the estimation of e versus P interactions.
(ii) The obtained values with this approach show that the
Several approaches for the estimation of e versus P relation deviation from the actual solution is significant in the
using DDL theory have been proposed to simplify the neighborhood of jd = 1; according to the approxi-
computation. However, they all are subjected to limita- mation for small interactions, the computed u is too
tions. Some of the popular approaches and their limitations high.
are summarized here.
Van Olphen’s approach

Van Olphen (1977) has presented tables by giving sets of

values of u and z, for various values of jd and at specific

values of dn . This enables one to determine the
midway potential, u, by reading-off the values from the


Fig. 1 Schematic representation of electric potential distribution of dy
(i) Tables were given for only few values of dn x¼0 and
interacting and non-interacting diffuse clay–water–electrolyte system
according to GC theory in between values have to be interpolated.

306 Environ Earth Sci (2013) 70:303–314

(ii) Even for a given value of dy
the values of jd, u attract them to the charged clay surface whereas the dif-
dn x¼0 ,
fusion due to concentration gradients of the ions tends to
and z need to be either interpolated or extrapolated. bring them away from the surface toward bulk solution.
Hence the tables given by van Olphen (1977) may act The electric potential distribution at equilibrium in the
at best as a guide rather than to give correct DDL described by Poisson–Boltzmann equation requires
relationship between void ratio and repulsive pressure /0. The surface potential in turn depends on the soil
(Sridharan and Jayadeva 1982). properties such as base exchange capacity (B) and specific
surface area (S). Thus, the surface potential of a clay
Sridharan and Jayadeva’s approach platelet in a given fluid system can be expressed after
solving the equation for surface charge density as (van
Sridharan and Jayadeva (1982) presented a graphical Olphen 1977)
method for the estimation of relation between swelling T 1 1256:81  P
pressure and void ratio from the numerical solution of Eq. /0 ¼ 0:1725 sinh pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð9Þ
m neT
(2). In this approach, the relationships between jd,
je0 =Gcw S; jm=cw S and P=neT for various values of u have where P0 is the ratio of B (meq/100 g) and S (m2/g), and
been presented in the form of figures and tables. From surface potential is expressed in mV. The scaled surface
the known soil and fluid properties, viz. P=neT and jd, the potential, z, can be obtained by the following relation:
non-dimensional parameter, u could be determined. The mF/0
value of P=neT could be determined by knowing u using z¼ ð10Þ
presented figures or tables. The tables and figures can also
be used to determine the void ratio for a given swelling The potential at any given distance from the surface of
pressure of the soil. the clay plate, thus, can be obtained by substituting (10)
into (1). This potential for different electrolyte
Limitations concentrations with distance is given in Fig. 2 when P0 is
assumed to be 0.125. This figure shows that the electric
(i) Some of the values of u need to be interpolated potential at any given distance from the clay surface
between the curves for known values of P=neT and jd decreases with increase in the electrolyte concentration
which involves considerable error. which supports the earlier findings (van Olphen 1977).
(ii) In-between values of u or jd have to be calculated by
interpolation method. Electrostatic potential distribution of interacting DDLs

In summary, all the existing approaches suffer from various It is worth mentioning that swelling characteristics of
limitations as discussed above. Thus, a simple approach is clayey soils can be understood from the interaction of the
required for the estimation of e versus P relationship. diffuse plates. As mentioned earlier, the diffuse layers of

Proposed approach

As mentioned before, the electrostatic potential distribution

within the DDL of non-interacting system estimated by Eq.
(1) predicts non-linear distribution, in which, the potential

drops from /0 at x = 0 to zero potential at x = ?. Simi-

larly, it will be shown in the following section that the
changes in the midway potential of an interacting system
with variation in the distance between the particles are
analogous. Thus, the similarities between these two
potential distributions are used to derive simple equations
to compute swelling pressures.

Electrostatic potential distribution of non-interacting

Fig. 2 Plot representing electric potential distribution in the DDL
It is worth noting that the counter-ions of the double layer from the Boltzmann distribution at different electrolyte
subject to two opposing tendencies. The electrostatic forces concentrations

Environ Earth Sci (2013) 70:303–314 307

the particles overlap each another when two particles come

together and result in a hyperbolic distribution of the
potential. This potential at any given distance from the clay
surface increases with decreases in the distance between
the particles. Thus, it is interesting to study the changes in

the mid-plane potential due to variation in the distance
between the particles. The relation between /d and d is
obtained using the following procedure:
(i) Input swelling pressure, P in kPa,
(ii) Compute scaled midway potential, u, using Lang-
muir’s formula given in (6) as
P ¼ 2nRTðcosh u  1Þ:
(iii) Obtain midway potential, /d in mV, from u using
u ¼ meKT/d :
Fig. 3 Plot representing variation of midway potential of the
(iv) The slope of the potential curve, dy/dn, at the surface interacting DDLs with distance between clay plates at different
of the clay plate is calculated from: electrolyte concentrations
dy 2513:6P0
¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi The potential curves showing the variation of /d with
dn x¼0 enT
half-space distances for different electrolyte concentrations
(v) The scaled surface potential, z, is then obtained by: and P0 value of 0.125 meq/100 m2 are shown in Fig. 3. It
dy can be observed from this figure that the variation of mid-
¼ ð2 cosh z  2 cosh uÞ1=2 plane potential with distance between the particles appear
dn x¼0
to be similar to the potential distribution of the non-inter-
(vi) The scaled mid-plane distance, jd, is obtained by acting diffuse clay plates obtained by Poisson–Boltzmann
numerical evaluation of the following integral from u equation. However, comparison between Figs. 2 and 3
to z: reveals that the midway potential is higher than the
Zu potential of non-interacting system (/x=d) at an equal dis-
jd ¼  ð2 cosh y  2 cosh uÞ1=2 dy tance, x = d, from surface of the clay particle due to
z overlapping of the diffuse layers. The similarity between
variations of these two potentials with distance is further
(vii) Furthermore, the mid-plane distance in Å is confirmed by plotting the mid-plane potential curve
 02 2 1=2
calculated from d ¼ jd ; where j ¼ 8pne m
: (d - /d) and non-interacting potential distribution (x - /)
j eKT
at x = d for electrolyte concentrations of 0.01 and
This approach is termed as ‘integral evaluation tech- 0.00001 N and presented in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively.
nique’ in this work. The integration, in step (vi), is eval- These potential variations are nearly logarithmic with a
uated numerically using the ‘‘quad’’ MATLABÒ routine, regression coefficient, R2, varies between 0.997 and 0.999
featuring the adaptive Simpson quadrature approach. as shown in the figures. It is interesting to note that
However, finite value cannot be obtained by numerical deriving several relationships between /d and /x=d for
analysis because of elliptic nature of the integral. Thus, this different electrolyte concentrations is not practical.
integration is evaluated from u þ 1 to z instead of u to z;
where 1 is a small positive number and a value of 1 9 10-5
is chosen in this work. The above steps are coded in Relationship between potentials of interacting
MATLABÒ for the repeated calculations of half-space and non-interacting diffuse systems
distances from different swelling pressures. It is worth
repeating that the calculation of swelling pressure, how- A relationship between midway potential of interacting
ever, from a known value of either mid-plane distance or diffuse plates and electric potential of non-interacting dif-
void ratio (or dry density) is not possible by the above fuse plate system at x = d is obtained here. To obtain these
approach. This can only be solved by inverse analysis that distributions, mid-plane distances are computed from the
requires repeated calculations of the above-mentioned known values of /d using integral evaluation technique.
steps at assumed swelling pressures and then matching the The electric potentials of the non-interacting system are
obtained d with the known values. computed at distance, x = d, using Poisson–Boltzmann

308 Environ Earth Sci (2013) 70:303–314

initially to represent this relationship and is given in Fig. 6.

The obtained linear relationship is given by
/d ¼ 1:043/x¼d þ 14:769 ð11Þ
where /x¼d is the electric potential of non-interacting system
at distance, x = d, obtained by Poisson–Boltzmann

distribution. It is evident from this figure that the


φ dependency of these potentials do follow linear relationship

only in the range of 20 mV \ /x=d \ 240 mV, even though it
predicts very good coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.997).
Thus, a second order polynomial equation is used to relate
these potentials as shown in Fig. 7a. It can be observed from
this figure that polynomial equation provides an excellent fit to
the data. Thus, the equation for computing mid-plane potential
from the potential of non-interacting system is obtained by:
Fig. 4 Logarithmic distributions of electric potential variation and /d ¼ 6:24  104 /2x¼d þ 1:205/x¼d þ 8:582 ð12Þ
potential curve of non-interacting and interacting systems corre-
spondingly at the electrolyte concentration of 0.01 M This equation is useful for obtaining swelling pressures
from known values of void ratios or dry densities.
Similarly, the equation representing potential of non-
interacting diffuse clay–water–electrolyte system in terms
of mid-plane potential of interacting system is:
/x¼d ¼ 5:62  104 /2d þ 0:7934/d  6:1507


which is obtained by plotting mid-plane potential on x axis

φ and potential of non-interacting system on y axis in Fig. 7b.
The derived relations are not only simple, but very powerful
for relating non-interacting diffuse clay–water–electrolyte
φ system with corresponding interacting diffuse system for
swelling pressure calculations as shown in the next section.
However, it can be noted that these relationships are derived
by assuming v = 1 (monovalent system) and P0 to be 0.125.
The predominant exchangeable cations in the compacted
bentonites of high-level nuclear waste repositories are either
monovalent or divalent or combination of these two (Japan
Fig. 5 Logarithmic distributions of electric potential distribution and
potential curve of non-interacting and interacting systems corre- Nuclear Cycle Development Institute 1999; ENRESA
spondingly at 1 9 10-5 molar concentration 2000). Thus, the influence of valence of exchangeable cat-
ions on the potential relation is studied and is shown in
equation as described before. These two potentials are Fig. 8. It can be observed that the mid-plane potentials in the
computed at the same distances, x = d, from particle sur- presence of divalent ions plot above the potentials obtained
faces and plotted on the same graph as shown in Fig. 6 for when monovalent system is assumed. However, this influ-
different electrolyte concentrations. The electrolyte con- ence of valence on the potential relation is only significant at
centrations are varied in the range of 10-3 to 10-5, in higher values and can be ignored in the swelling pressure
which DDL theory is usually valid and used (Bharat 2004; calculations as will be shown later. To understand the effect
Tripathy et al. 2004; Bharat et al. 2008). A value of 0.125 of P0 on the proposed equations, potentials of interacting and
for P0 and v = 1 are considered in this computation. non-interacting systems are plotted at different values of P0 ,
Interestingly, the data points follow nearly a straight line varied from 0.125 to 0.8, and presented in Fig. 9. It can be
indicating existence of a unique relationship between these observed that P0 influences the potential relation only at high
potentials. Further, it can be observed that potential rela- potential values similar to the effect of valence. The influ-
tionship is not influenced by the electrolyte concentration. ence of valence and P0 on the derived potential relations is
This enables to obtain a unique relation between the ignored in this work as the DDL theory is not valid at large
potentials between /d and /x=d. A linear fit is explored mid-plane potentials (or large dry densities). Further, it will

Environ Earth Sci (2013) 70:303–314 309

Fig. 6 Linear fit to the

relationship between midway
potential of the interacting and
potential of non-interacting φ φ

be shown in the following section that these assumptions are /x¼d ¼ /d  20:34
not significant for the prediction of swelling pressures of
commonly used bentonites. Thus, the derived potential or the following polynomial form of potential relation
relations in (12) and (13) are general equations representing from Eq. (13)
dependency of potentials of interacting and non-interacting /x¼d ¼ 5:62  104 /2d þ 0:7934/d  6:1507:
clay–water–electrolyte systems. Further, it will be shown in
the following section that this simple equation will eliminate (iv) Scaled surface potential, z, is then calculated using:
not only the need for evaluation of elliptic integration but dy 2513:6P0
also the need for inverse analysis in the estimation of ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ ð2 cosh z  2 cosh uÞ1=2 :
dn x¼0 enT
swelling pressures from void ratio or dry densities of the
compacted bentonites. (v) Then the scaled distance is calculated from (1):
"   ! #
exp y=2 þ 1 z
jd ¼ ln   tanhð Þ :
exp y=2  1 4
Proposed procedure for the estimation of e versus P
relationship (vi) Mid-plane distance, d (Å), is then computed from:
As mentioned before, the estimation of swelling pressures of d¼ :
compacted bentonites at different dry densities and vice
versa is a common practice in the design of high-level (vii) Void ratio is calculated from:
radioactive waste repositories (Madsen 1998; Japan Nuclear e ¼ Gqw Sd:
Cycle Development Institute 1999; ENRESA 2002). The
(viii) The dry density of the compacted bentonite is given
following procedure is proposed in design for the estimation
of e versus P relationship based on the derived equations in
(11)–(13). The important steps involved in obtaining swell- Gqw
qd ¼ ð14Þ
ing pressures of bentonites from dry densities are: 1þe
(i) Obtain scaled midway potential, u, from the know where G is the specific gravity of soil solids, qd is the
swelling pressure using Langmuir’s formula: dry density, and qw is the density of water.
P ¼ 2nRT ðcosh u  1Þ: The estimation of swelling pressure from void ratio
using the proposed approach is a similar exercise except
(ii) Calculate midway potential, /d (mV), using
me0 /d
the use of /d as a function of /x=d from Eq. (12) or Eq. (11)
u¼ KT : in step (iii). It can be observed from this procedure that the
(iii) Estimate electric potential of a non-interacting integral evaluation is eliminated by replacing integral
system at distance x = d [obtained by rearranging equation in Eq. (2) with simple algebraic equations relating
Eq. (11)], electrostatic potentials. This procedure further eliminates

310 Environ Earth Sci (2013) 70:303–314

Fig. 7 a Polynomial fit to the (a)

relationship between midway
potential of the interacting and φ φ φ
potential of non-interacting
systems. b Polynomial fit to the
relationship between potential
of the non-interacting and

midway potential of interacting

φ φ φ

the need for inverse analysis. Moreover, theoretical esti-

mation of e versus P relationship using the proposed
approach can be obtained by simple hand calculations.

Thus, the proposed approach is computationally efficient.

To determine the accuracy of the proposed approach with
the integral evaluation method, swelling pressures of the
compacted bentonites are estimated from these two meth-
ods and compared with experimental data in the following
section. The example calculation is given in Appendix 1.

Application of the proposed method to experimental

Varieties of compacted bentonites have been used as backfill
Fig. 8 Dependency of potential relationship on valence and buffer materials of high-level nuclear waste repositories

Environ Earth Sci (2013) 70:303–314 311

Fig. 9 Dependency of potential

relationship on soil property

Table 1 Properties of the compacted bentonites

Parameter MX80a Febexb Montigela Kunigel V1c

Specific gravity, G 2.76 2.70 2.85 2.70

Specific surface area, S (m2/g) 562 725 ± 47 493 525
Base exchange capacity, B (meq/100 g) 73 102 62 104.4
Valence, v 1 2 2 2
Data from Müller-Vonmoos and Kahr (1982) (cited by Tripathy et al. 2004)
Data from ENRESA (2000)
Data from Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (1999)

all around the world. Four such bentonites, for example, m3 are used for different bentonites in this work. The devi-
MX80, Febex, Montigel, and Kunigel V1, have been ation of the theoretical swelling pressures from the experi-
extensively investigated in the past. These bentonites have mental counterparts can be attributed to the assumptions
different properties and contain different contents of made in the GC theory such as (1) homo-valent ionic system
exchangeable cations. The properties of these bentonites are (either monovalent or divalent) and (2) ignoring the effect
given in Table 1. The valences of the exchangeable cations due to size of the ion. The figures clearly show that the
for different bentonites are considered based on the presence swelling pressures obtained by the proposed approach
of predominant cation in the exchangeable state. The exactly match the values obtained by integration evaluation
experimental swelling pressures of these bentonites were method. However, the swelling pressures for MX80 ben-
determined by subjecting them to distilled water under tonite in Fig. 10, obtained by proposed approach, slightly
constant-volume condition. The experimental details of deviates from integral evaluation approach at densities,
these bentonites are given elsewhere (Bucher and Spiegel qd C 1.5 Mg/m3. This is mainly because of the considered
1984; Butcher and Müller-Vonmoos 1989; Madsen 1998). assumptions for obtaining unique potential relationship for
The experimental swelling pressures of bentonites are different P0 and valance. However, this deviation is not
compared with the theoretical counterparts obtained by significant as the theory usually under-predicts the swelling
integral evaluation and proposed approaches. Figures 10, pressure values at high compacted densities. Thus, the pro-
11, 12 and 13 show experimental and theoretical swelling posed approach is not only computationally efficient but also
pressures of the bentonites with increasing dry density. accurate in the estimation of swelling pressures of com-
Comparison of experimental and theoretical values indicates pacted bentonites within the validity range of GC theory.
that the experimental swelling pressures are generally less
than their theoretical counterparts at low dry densities, Summary and conclusions
whereas the opposite tendency is apparent at higher densities
(Tripathy et al. 2004). Thus, only limited experimental data Swelling pressures of compacted bentonites, used as barrier
with maximum densities varying between 1.6 and 2.0 Mg/ and buffer material in the nuclear waste repositories, are

312 Environ Earth Sci (2013) 70:303–314

Fig. 10 Experimental and

theoretical swelling pressures
against dry densities for MX80

Fig. 11 Experimental and

theoretical swelling pressures
against dry densities for Febex

commonly predicted against void ratios or dry densities this work with an aim to propose computationally efficient
using DDL theory. However, the computation requires the method for obtaining swelling pressures of the compacted
solution of an elliptic integral. Moreover, the prediction of bentonites. Simple generalized relations are derived by
swelling pressures of the bentonites at different compacted relating these potentials of interacting and non-interacting
dry densities (known jd values) requires an inverse anal- systems. The derived relations are validated for electrolyte
ysis since the parameter u in Eq. (2) is unknown. Thus, it concentrations of 10-3 to 10-5 M, for both monovalent and
requires either repeated calculations of jd with various divalent exchangeable cations, and for all values of P0 . A
assumed u to match the known values or requires rigorous novel method is proposed for estimating e versus P based
optimization techniques. Several existing techniques to on the established potential relationship. Comparison with
circumvent this problem and their limitations are discussed. the existing methods shows that the proposed method
A unique relation between mid-plane potentials of the alleviates all the limitations of the existing procedures such
interacting clay–water–electrolyte system and electrostatic as need for interpolation or extrapolation to read-off the
potential of non-interacting diffuse system is established in values from tables and graphical representations. The

Environ Earth Sci (2013) 70:303–314 313


Specific surface, S = 800 m2/g; base exchange capacity,

B = 100 meq/100 g (P0 = 0.125 meq/100 m2); n = 0.001
M; v = 1; e = 78.54 T = 298 K; and d = 50 Å


Step 1. Surface potential of single clay particle (Eq. 9),

T 1256:81  P
/0 ¼ 0:1725 sinh1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
m neT
¼ 214:554 mV

Step 2. Scaled surface potential,

Fig. 12 Experimental and theoretical swelling pressures against dry mFu0 1  9:6487  107  0:214554
z¼ ¼ ¼ 8:3556
densities for Montigel bentonite RT 8:314  103  298

Step 3. The dimensionless parameter, n, at x, which

equals to the half-space distance d, where the
mid-plane potential is to be calculated
n ¼ j  x ¼ j  d ¼ 106  50  108 ¼ 0:5
Step 4. Scaled potential at any distance from the particle
expðnÞ þ tanhð4z Þ
y ¼ 2  ln
expðnÞ  tanhð4z Þ !
expð0:5Þ þ tanhð8:3556
4 Þ
¼ 2  ln ¼ 2:6997
expð0:5Þ  tanhð8:3556
4 Þ

Step 5. Electric potential of a single non-interacting plate

at distance, x, which equals to half-space distance
Fig. 13 Experimental and theoretical swelling pressures against dry
d, where the midway potential is to be calculated,
densities for Kunigel V1 bentonite RT
/x¼d ¼ y ¼ 2:6997
8:314  103  298
  1000 ¼ 69:319 mV
proposed method predicts continuous distribution of the 1  9:6487  107
potentials. Further, it eliminates the need for inverse
analysis for the prediction of swelling pressure from void Step 6. The mid-plane potential is calculated using (12),
ratios. Thus, the proposed method is superior to all the /d ¼ 6:24  104 /2x¼d þ 1:205/x¼d þ 8:582
existing approaches of swelling pressure determination in ¼ 89:113 mV
terms of computation. Further, the proposed method pre-
dicts a continuous distribution of e versus P. Comparison Step 7. Scaled mid-plane potential
of the proposed method with integral evaluation approach
for the prediction of swelling pressures of four compacted u¼
bentonites shows that the proposed techniques predict RT
1  9:6487  107  89:113
accurate solutions. ¼  103 ¼ 3:47
8:314  103  298

Step 8. The swell pressure corresponding to the half-space

Appendix 1 distance 50 Å is calculated using the Langmuir’s
formula (5).
Calculation of swelling pressure from half-space distance
P ¼ 2nRTðcosh u  1Þ ¼ 74:77 kPa
by the proposed approach:

314 Environ Earth Sci (2013) 70:303–314

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