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29.ui. How do you classify solid propellant rockets and liquid propellant rockets?

Name any four

Reg. No.
solid and liquid propellant ingrediants used in rockets.

11. Write short notes on the following: Mixture ratio, Heat of combustion and heat of B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER 2016
fomration. Sixth Semester
b.i. Deterrrine the stoichometic fuel-air ratio for the complete Combustion of kerosene
AS1OI 8 -

(Cr*Ira) in air. Also calculate the mole fraction of fuel, products of gas composition COz,
@or the candidates @.*;{,!ilr;l;ffffiI?:#,:_:r;t - 20t4 and 20t4'2015)
IIzO and Nz. (8 Marks) Note:
(i) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within first 45 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed
ll. A rocket engine, which produces benigrr products depends on the oxidation ofhydrazine over to hall invigilator at the end of 456 minute.
(ii) Part - B and Pert - C should be answered in answer booklet
by nitrogen-di-oxide. The equation for the reaction is 2Nzllr et +2NO2 61+3N2 6y +4II2Qg1
If the standard enthalpies of fomration (AH"D of NzII-c, NOz and IIzO are given as follows
Time: ThreeHours Mor. Marks: 100
+95.35 kJlmo/, +33.10 kJ/mol and -241.38 kJ/mo/ respectively. Calculate the change in
enthalpy for the gaseous reactants. (,+ Marks) PART-A (20x[=20Marla)
Answer ALL Questions
30. ai Enumerate the important factors that affect the ignitability of solid propellant igrrition 1. A rocket rnoves fonvard when are expelled from the rear of rocket.
(A) Water @) Glass
ii. With neat sketch explain the working principle of apyrotechnic igniter.
(C) Fuels :

@) Forces of gravity
J. rmpulse of a rocket engine with a constant ttrust of 9000li}.t for a duration of rocket firing 15
second is
b. An end burning solid propellant.o"rclon*ing a throat diarneter of 28 mm is employed as (A) 6000 kNls (B) 1,35,000 lf,',I-s'
the sustainer of a missile, needs to provide a constant thnrst of 5 1d{. If a doirble base (c) 1,35,000 ktl/s (D) 6000 kI.I-s
propellant with a burn rate law r: 0.004 pQ'a5, where 'P' is in MPa and 'r' is in mm/s is
used determine the di'meter and length of propellant grain of the sustainer has to operate 3. A nozzfe is said to be optimum expanded p6zz.le, if the exit pressure is _ the
: :
for 200 sec. Assume Specific impulse 1500 Ns/kg, characteristic velocity, C: 1600 m/s ambient ppressure.
and density ofpropellang pp= 1540 kC/m'. (A) Greater ttran
(C) Lesser than @) Not equal to
31. a A rocket engine uses liquid kerosene and liquid oxygen as propellant. It operates at a
mixture ratio of 2.5 with a combustion pressure and temperature of 6 MPa and 3700 K - 4. De-level rocket nozzle is a
respectively. Propellant flow rate is 300 kils, molectrlar weight of gas products as24.lkglk (A) Convergent nozzle (B) Divergent noztfe
mo/. Determine the following: mass flow rate of fuel and oxidizer, volumetric flow rate of (C) Convergent-divergent nozzle .
@) Divergent-convergentnozzle
fuel and oxidizer, tlroat area, noz,zle exit areq, Expansion ratio, exit mach number at
5. Mass ftactioh of a component is defined as
optimum expansion condition. (Take y:2.1).
(A) Mass of component x Mass of (B) Massof mixture
(oR) ,. Massof component
b- Exptain the working of a Pump feed system used in liquid propellant rocket engine. What (C) Massofcoriponent (D) Mass of mixture - Mass of compoaent
are its merits and demerits?
- Massofmixtwe
32. u Drux a neat sketch and explain the ion propulsion rocket thruster. Write down it's merits 6. Number of moles of orygen required for combustion with I mole of liquid hydrogen at a
mixture ratio of 6 is given by -
(A) 0.375 (B) 0.75
(c) l.s (D) 0.187s
b. with a neat sketch explain *r" op"*ti!?l)f u n*** thermal rocket system. what are the
advantages and disadvantages ofa such a system? 7. What is the role of CO(g) in this reaction Fe2O314 +3COG) ;2Feg,1+3CO1G)
(A) A catalyst (B) An oxidant
(C) A reductant (D) A solvent

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8. Which type of rocket tuel provides the best efficiency in terms of enerry per mass- of 19,. Nuclear powered. aircraf-t use radio active matedal to heat junction of a thermocouple to
reactants? generate electricity by _
(A) Solid tuel (B) Hypergolic tuel (A) Hall effect (B) Seebeckeffect
(C) Petroleum fuel (D) Cryogenictuel (C) Raman effect (D) Magrruseffect
9. Burn rates of different solid propellants are generally compared at the reference presswe of 20. Reactors for propulsion application are designed for
(A) NaturaUranium (B) Plutonium
(A) 7 kPa (B) 7 MPa (C) Enriched Uranium (D) Any form of Uranium
(C) 7 Pa (D) 7 GPa
10' For the condition of bum rate index (n) stable operation is not possible Answer AIIY FTIE Questions
(A), n:l (B) n<l ,

Write short notes on energies and efficiencies of a chemical rocket.

(C) n2l (D)r n<l l

An ideal rocket chamber is toroperatE at sea level using propellant whose combustion
I l. Black powder used in solid propellant igaition is a mixture of products have a specific heat ratio of 1.3. Determine the chmrber pressure ratio and nozzle
' 'sulphur mea ratio between throat and exit of the nozzle if the exit mach number is 2.4, The nozzle
(A) Ammoniumnihate
(C) Cobalt nitrate
23. Define the following: F,quivalence ratio, stoichiometric ratio, specific heat ratio.
12. An increase in buming surface of the propellant grain at the burning proceeds will lead to
24. Name any four liquid propellants used in a liquid propellant r-ocket engine
(A) Increase in pressure and thrust @) Decrease in pressure and thrust 25. What are the important factors that influelce the burning rate of a solid propellant?
(C) Decrease in pressure @) Decrease in thrust
26. Mention the various methods of cooling of thrust chamber assemblies.
13. is a measure with which liquid rocket engine converts on-
Boards propellant into thrust 27. Determine the minimum beam length of an ion rocket: Propellant -Xenorq Thrust : 0.5N,
(A) Jet velocity @) Specific impulse Potential difference between extactor grid and accelerator grid'= 3 KV, Gdd gap : I mm.
(C) Characteristio velocity (D) Thrust coeffrcient Permittivity of free spaoe = 8.85x10-r3c2Alm2.
14. Contaction ratio of a thrust charrber of liquid rocket engine is PART-C(5x12=60Marks)
(A) Exitarea (,4e) . (B) combustionchambercnea (,4") Answer ALL Questions
t nozzle for an ideal rocket that has to operate at sea level produces 5000 N thrust
' a Design
Throat area (Ar) Throattrea @) 28.
(C) Throatarea(,4t) (D) combustionchambermea(4) at a chamber pressure of 2.068 MPa and a chamber'of 2800 K. Assuming a
specific heat ratio of 1.3 and R = 355.4 ykg lc determine pressure at throat, Throat
Exitarea (,4") Exit area (A") velocity, Throat area, Exit velocity, Exit temperature, Exit area and Ideal propellant
15. Thrust of liquid oxygen -liquid hydrogen rocket engine is 3001d'.I. O/F ratio used is 13.5. If consumption.
the fuel mass flow rate is 12,5 kgls, Specific impulse of the rocket motor in k},I.s/kg is
(A) 3480 (B) 4000 b. A 3 stage rocket comprises of following data:
(c) 4200 (D) 4r'i00 Stage 1:
Propellant mass = 10000 kg
16. Characteristic velocity of a liquid rocket engine is a measure of Structural masis = 2000 kg
(A) Propellant performance @) Nozzle performance Effective jet velocity: 1500 m/s
(C) Chamberperformance (D) Oxidizerperformance Stage 2:
Propellant mass: 6000 kg
t7. propulsion is not a method suitable for launches from earth surfaces, as
thrust for such system is too weak. Structural mass 2000 kg
(A) Solar (B) Electical Effective jet velocity :2000 rn/s
(C) Nuclear Stage 3:
@) Chemical Propellant mass: 5000 kg
18. In ion propulsion technique the propellant used is Structural mass: 1000 kg
(A) Nuclear powered atoms @) Chemical atoms Specific impulse = 450 seconds
(C) Electricatly charged atorirs @) Solar powered atoms For a payload of 1000 kg, Find stnrcflral mass fraction. Propellant mass fractiorL AV for
each stage and total AV.

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