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OHS Form 59

Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs

Occupational Health and Safety
The Factories Act, 1973


Form prescribed by the Factories (Prescribed Forms) Regulations, 1974 under Section 63 of the Factories Act, 1973.


PART I ............................................................................................................................................... 3

PART II. Painting, Whitewashing, etc ................................................................................................... 2

PART III. Accidents ............................................................................................................................ 6

PART IV. Cases of Occupational Diseases ........................................................................................... 14

Note: This register must be kept available for inspection by Inspectors of Factories for two years after the date of the last entry therein.


1. The occupier must enter in Part I all particulars required therein, including record of any certificates relating to the factory granted
by the Chief Inspector of Factories.

2. A certificate of registration, issued by the Chief Inspector of Factories, must be held by the occupier of every factory. The
certificate must be attached to the General Register and the number and date of the certificate must be entered in Part I.

3. Every steam boiler and steam receiver and its fittings must be thoroughly examined by an authorised boiler inspector, in the case
of boilers every 14 months and after extensive repairs, and in the case of steam receivers every 26 months; and a signed report of
each examination in the prescribed form, must be attached to the general register.

4. Every air receiver must be thoroughly cleaned and examined once in every 26 months. The examination must be carried out by a
person approved by the Chief Inspector of Factories, and a signed report of the examination, in the prescribed form, must be
attached to the General register. In the case of receivers of solid drawn construction, the interval between the examinations may,
at the discretion of the approved person, exceed 26 months but must not exceed four (4) years.

5. Every hoist or lift must be thoroughly examined, by a person approved by the Chief Inspector of Factories, at least once in every
six (6) months; and a signed report of each examination, in the prescribed form, must be attached to the General Register.

6. The occupier must enter in Part II particulars as to the washing, painting, varnishing, whitewashing or colour washing of the
factory required under Section 13 of the Act.

Note; Section 13 (c) requires that all inside walls, partitions, ceilings, etc of factories shall (a) if they have a smooth impervious
surface be washed with hot water and soap (or cleaed by other suitable method) every twelve (12) months; or (b) if kept painted
with oil paint or varnished, be repainted or revarnished every three (3) years and washed with hot water etc every twelve (12)
months; or (c) in other cases, be whitewashed and colour washed every twelve (12) months.
The Minister may, by order, direct that as regards any class or description of factory or parts thereof specified in the order the
above requirements shall not apply or shall apply in modified form.

7. The occupier must enter in Parts III and IV respectively the particulars of every accident and case of occupational disease
occurring in the factory of which notice is required to be sent to the Chief Inspector of Factories under the provisions of any written
law in force in the Republic of Botswana.
Part I - General

Name of Occupier : (In the case of a firm that is not a registered company the name of each partner should be entered.)




Situation of Factory ..................................................................................................................................


Postal address of Factory: .........................................................................................................................


Registered Office if any: ............................................................................................................................


Nature of Work Carried on: .......................................................................................................................



Such documents should be gummed to the slips attached at the beginning or end of this Register, or if the space is insufficient, they may be kept, apart from other
papers, in a separate cover attached to this Register. When a new Register is taken into use, reports and certificates still current or in operation should be transferred
to the new Register.

Certificate of registration of the Factory No of certificate............................ Date of Issue....................................

Other certificates issued by the Inspector of Factories (Indicate nature of Certificate) Date of Issue

Name(s) of person(s) appointed under Section 24 and 25 of the Act to Date of appointment
carry out examinations or operations at unfenced machinery in
accordance with the provisions of those sections.
(the certificate(s) of appointment must be attached to this Register)

Date ................................. 20..... Signature of Occupier ......................................................................

Part II – Painting, Whitewashing, etc
(See instruction 6 on page 2)

Dates Parts whitewashed or colour-washed painted, Name and address of the person by
varnished, or washed on the dates specified in whom the work specified in columns
columns (1) and (3) 4 and 5 were done.

Month Day Year Parts of Premises Treated Treatment

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Part II – Painting, Whitewashing, etc
(See instruction 6 on page 2)

Dates Parts whitewashed or colour-washed painted, Name and address of the person by
varnished, or washed on the dates specified in whom the work specified in columns
columns (1) and (3) 4 and 5 were done.

Month Day Year Parts of Premises Treated Treatment

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Part II – Painting, Whitewashing, etc
(See instruction 6 on page 2)

Dates Parts whitewashed or colour-washed painted, Name and address of the person by
varnished, or washed on the dates specified in whom the work specified in columns
columns (1) and (3) 4 and 5 were done.

Month Day Year Parts of Premises Treated Treatment

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Part II – Painting, Whitewashing, etc
(See instruction 6 on page 2)

Dates Parts whitewashed or colour-washed painted, Name and address of the person
varnished, or washed on the dates specified in by whom the work specified in
columns (1) and (3) columns 4 and 5 were done.

Month Day Year Parts of Premises Treatment

(1) (2) (3) Treated (4) (5)
Part III – Accidents.
(See Instruction 7 on page 2)
Date of Accident Date on which Name Sex Age Usual Precise How caused e.g. Nature of Period of
(1) notification (3) (4) (5) Occupation Occupation whether by injury; if incapacity
sent to chief (6) (7) machinery in fatal including day
Inspector of
motion and by state of accident
what part of such “Fatal’ (10)
machinery (9)
Part III – Accidents.
(See Instruction 7 on page 2)
Date of Accident Date on which Name Sex Age Usual Precise How caused e.g. Nature of Period of
(1) notification (3) (4) (5) Occupation Occupation whether by injury; if incapacity
sent to chief (6) (7) machinery in fatal including day
Inspector of
motion and by state of accident
what part of such “Fatal’ (10)
machinery (9)
Part III – Accidents.
(See Instruction 7 on page 2)
Date of Accident Date on which Name Sex Age Usual Precise How caused e.g. Nature of Period of
(1) notification (3) (4) (5) Occupation Occupation whether by injury; if incapacity
sent to chief (6) (7) machinery in fatal including day
Inspector of
motion and by state of accident
what part of such “Fatal’ (10)
machinery (9)
Part III – Accidents.
(See Instruction 7 on page 2)
Date of Accident Date on which Name Sex Age Usual Precise How caused e.g. Nature of Period of
(1) notification (3) (4) (5) Occupation Occupation whether by injury; if incapacity
sent to chief (6) (7) machinery in fatal including day
Inspector of
motion and by state of accident
what part of such “Fatal’ (10)
machinery (9)
Part III – Accidents.
(See Instruction 7 on page 2)
Date of Accident Date on which Name Sex Age Usual Precise How caused e.g. Nature of Period of
(1) notification (3) (4) (5) Occupation Occupation whether by injury; if incapacity
sent to chief (6) (7) machinery in fatal including day
Inspector of
motion and by state of accident
what part of such “Fatal’ (10)
machinery (9)
Part III – Accidents.
(See Instruction 7 on page 2)
Date of Accident Date on which Name Sex Age Usual Precise How caused e.g. Nature of Period of
(1) notification (3) (4) (5) Occupation Occupation whether by injury; if incapacity
sent to chief (6) (7) machinery in fatal including day
Inspector of
motion and by state of accident
what part of such “Fatal’ (10)
machinery (9)
Part III – Accidents.
(See Instruction 7 on page 2)
Date of Accident Date on which Name Sex Age Usual Precise How caused e.g. Nature of Period of
(1) notification (3) (4) (5) Occupation Occupation whether by injury; if incapacity
sent to chief (6) (7) machinery in fatal including day
Inspector of
motion and by state of accident
what part of such “Fatal’ (10)
machinery (9)
Part III – Accidents.
(See Instruction 7 on page 2)
Date of Accident Date on which Name Sex Age Usual Precise How caused e.g. Nature of Period of
(1) notification (3) (4) (5) Occupation Occupation whether by injury; if incapacity
sent to chief (6) (7) machinery in fatal including day
Inspector of
motion and by state of accident
what part of such “Fatal’ (10)
machinery (9)
Part IV – Cases of Occupational Diseases
(See instruction 7 on page 2)

Date on Person affected Name of Disease Name of examining Period of incapacity; if Remarks
which (6) medical practitioner fatal say “Fatal” (9)
notification (7) (8)
sent to Chief
Name Sex Age Occupation
Inspector of
(2) (3) (4) (5)
Part IV – Cases of Occupational Diseases
(See instruction 7 on page 2)

Date on Person affected Name of Disease Name of examining Period of incapacity; if Remarks
which (6) medical practitioner fatal say “Fatal” (9)
notification (7) (8)
sent to Chief
Name Sex Age Occupation
Inspector of
(2) (3) (4) (5)
Part IV – Cases of Occupational Diseases
(See instruction 7 on page 2)

Date on Person affected Name of Disease Name of examining Period of incapacity; if Remarks
which (6) medical practitioner fatal say “Fatal” (9)
notification (7) (8)
sent to Chief
Name Sex Age Occupation
Inspector of
(2) (3) (4) (5)
Part IV – Cases of Occupational Diseases
(See instruction 7 on page 2)

Date on Person affected Name of Disease Name of examining Period of incapacity; if Remarks
which (6) medical practitioner fatal say “Fatal” (9)
notification (7) (8)
sent to Chief
Name Sex Age Occupation
Inspector of
(2) (3) (4) (5)

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