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What were the causes of WW1?

World war one started in 1914 because of the 4 terms . M-A-I-N. The war took place in
europe when alliances were formed , the central an allied powers. World war one was started by
Militarism ,Alliances, Imperialism and nationalism.

Militarism is one of the causes of world war one because every country was not as
strong. There were stronger mother countries coming to take over the weaker countries so they
could have more land. In document 1, it shows that money was saved and it increased after 6
years. The mother countries saved to have power. This evidence shows that these mother
countries are trying to be stronger and gathering weapons to prepare and be ready for war. This
proves my thesis because Militarism is basically gathering a bitch army not to lose their land,
honor and pride. In document 8 its states “without a strong power,army, and a navy there will
not be a chance for them to keep themselves alives during war. This evidence shows that
mother countries have to prepare for war is they don't that's their whole entire area.

Alliances was apart of world war 1 because there was triple and double alliances . In
document 4,its states that france and russia were an alliance Italy and germany. This evidence
shows that these alliances will not fight one on one they fight. If on fight they all have to fight.
They wouldn't fight alone. This proves my thesis because they have an agreement to what they
will allow to happen and what they will not allow to happen. In document 9, it shows that there
was alliances just to save money for Armaments. This evidence shows that the countries used
other countries to try to get money and prepare to win war.

Imperialism was apart of WW1 because countries fought for soldiers and land . In
document 3, it shows how big their army is and how much land is in each mother country. And it
shows their amount of land . “ Britain , 33,000,000 area and population of colonies is
400,000,000.” This evidence shows that britain would win a war because they have more area
and more soldiers , they also have an alliance with France and russia .This evidence proves my
thesis because britain was one of the mother countries who had more land and soldiers than
any other mother country. In document 6 it states that serbia wants to keep her honor but she
has to fight to keep her honor . “serbia wants to line in honor ,she can only do this by war.” This
evidence shows to keep your honor and country you have to fight for it. This proves my thesis
because she wants to fight to keep her country, serbia won't let no one take what serbia has.

Therefore, These are the reasons for WW1 , This all started in 1914 and ended 1918.
There are many more reasons for this war but the most important thing that started this war was

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