Karen Carta de Recomendacion

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January 30, 2018

To Whom It May Concern:

It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for Karen Arguelles. I
have been fortunate enough to know Karen since August 2016. She is a student in my
AP Spanish class. In the time that I have worked with Karen, I have been impressed by
her enthusiasm, intelligence and continual hard-work. She is extremely thoughtful and
respectful to both adults and peers. I believe that such wonderful traits contribute to her
success at El Capitan High School.

In the time that I have known Karen, I have seen her incredible leadership skills in and
out of the classroom. She is a very active student at El Capitan High School. She is part
of Link Crew, volunter at ​Mercy Medical Center. She also has a GPA 4.0​ . Karen has
proven over and over again her ability to not only get a group of people together, but lead
them successfully in whatever task it may be. She is a very responsible person who
anyone would want to have in their classroom or working for them.

Karen is an exceptional young girl. She is always ready to try new things and is willing
to participate in school events. She is a joy to work with and does everything asked of
her with passion and integrity.

I thank you for taking the time to consider Karen Arguelles. I strongly believe that she is
an exceptional candidate and person.


Maycol Fernandez
Spanish Teacher

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