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Prepositions are words, or groups of words, that serve to join a noun or a pronoun with
another element of a sentence. This link is created by showing the relati
onship between a word of the phrase and the object of the preposition. Prepositions can
be used to indicate time, place, direction or to define the state of something.
After after the class Después de clase
Ago ten years ago Hace diez años
Around around 5 o'clock Alrededor de las 5
At at the weekend En el fin de semana
Before before 2012 Antes de 2012
Between between June and September Entre junio y septiembre
By I will be back by 7pm Volveré a las 7 de la tarde
During during the summer Durante el verano
For for two weeks Durante dos semana
From from 9 o'clock until 5 o'clock Desde las 9 hasta las 5
On on Wednesday El miercoles
Past quarter past six Las seis y cuarto
Since since the 1990s Desde los 90
To quarter to seven Las siete menos cuarto
Ella está fuera hasta la
Until she's away until next week
semana que viene


Above above the fireplace Encima de la chimenea

Against against the wall Contra la pared
At at work En el trabajo
Below below the surface Bajo la superficie
Beneath beneath the table Debajo de la mesa
Beside beside the chair Al lado de la silla
In in the classroom En la clase
Next to next to the sofa Al lado del sofá
On on the wall En la pared
Under under the bed Debajo de la cama

Across walk across the road Cruzar al otro lado de la calle

From a sweet from the shop Un dulce de la tienda
Into into the living room En la sala de estar
Onto jump onto the ledge Saltar a la cornisa
Over travel over the bridge Viajar por encima del puente
Through go through the tunnel Ir a través del túnel
To go to bed Irse a la cama


About talking about someone Hablar sobre alguien
As do as I do Haz como digo

At she had kids at the age of 21 Tuvo hijos a los 21 años

By the song by The Beatles La canción de Los Beatles

From a gift from my mother Un regalo de mi madre
act in accordance with Actuar de acuerdo con
In accordance with
the rules las reglas
Of the photo of my friend La foto de mi amigo
On travel on foot Viajar a pie
With I put up with him Lo tolero

Use (place): It is used to indicate both closed spaces and open spaces.
 I live in Brighton (Vivo en Brighton.)
 The cat is in the box. (El gato está dentro la caja.)
 I found your address in the phone book. (He encontrado tu dirección en la guía
Use (time): We use it with months, years, times, parts of the day and periods of time.
 We went to Mexico in May.(Fuimos a México en mayo.)
 I always run in the mornings.(Siempre corro por las mañanas.)
 I will see him in a week.(Le veré en una semana.)
 She was born in 1976.(Nació en 1976.)
Use (place): Used in front of buildings such as houses, airports, universities, for events
such as meetings, parties, concerts, sports, etc.
 He is at home.(Él está en casa.)
 I always visit my sister at work.(Siempre visito a mi hermana en el trabajo.)
 We eat at the table.(Comemos en la mesa.)
 She will see him at the theatre.(Le verá en el teatro.)
Use (time): We use it before the time and parties.
 He runs every morning at 6.(Él corre cada mañana a las 6.)
 I will see them at Christmas.(Les veré en Navidad.)
Use (place): It is placed in front of names of places with base such as tables, floors, etc.
 The pen is on the table.(El bolígrafo está sobre la mesa.)
 They have a photograph of Paris on the wall.(Tienen una foto de París en la
 I am on the bus.(Estoy en el autobús.)
Use (time): We use it with days of the week, dates and holidays.
 They went to Mexico on the first of May.(Fueron a Méjico el día uno de mayo.)
 He runs on Mondays and Fridays.(Él corre los lunes y los viernes.)
 I will see Luis on his birthday.(Veré a Luis en su cumpleaños.)

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