Anti IED Meet Seeks Lasting Solutions To The Use of Improvised Explosive Devices in Somalia

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STORY: Anti IED meet seeks lasting solutions to use of

Improvised Explosive Devices in Somalia

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1. Wide shot, Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union

Commission (SRCC) for Somalia, Ambassador Madeira inspecting materials used to
make Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) by Al-Shabaab
2. Close up shot, materials used to make IEDs
3. Med shot, materials used to make IEDs on display
4. Wide shot, SRCC Ambassador Madeira, Commander of the British Forces in
Somalia, Richard Maundrell and AMISOM Deputy Force Commander in Charge of
Support and Logistics, Salvator Harushimana, inspecting materials used to make IEDs
5. Med shot, an AMISOM officer showing the guests IED materials on display
6. Wide shot, SRCC Francisco Madeira, Commander of the British Forces Richard
Maundrell and AMISOM Deputy Force Commander in Charge of Support and
Logistics Salvator Harushimana listening
7. Close up shot, materials used to make IEDs
8. Wide shot, SRCC Francisco Madeira, Commander of the British Forces in Somalia,
Richard Maundrell and AMISOM Deputy Force Commander in Charge of Support and
Logistics Salvator Harushimana listening
9. Close up shot, materials used to make IEDs
10. Close up shot, mobile phones used in manufacturing IEDs
11. Wide tilt up shot, IED materials
12. Med shot, SRCC Francisco Madeira, Commander of the British Forces in Somalia,
Richard Maundrell and AMISOM Deputy Force Commander in Charge of Support and
Logistics Salvator Harushimana looking on
13. Wide shot, an AMISOM officer explaining the IEDs to the guests
14. Close up shot, IED search gadgets
15. Close up shot, wrapped up batteries and a 9 volts battery cell
16. Wide shot, a remote operating vehicle (ROV) on display
17. Med shot, cameras mounted on the ROV
18. Close up shot, cameras mounted on the ROV
19. Wide shot, an officer explains to the SRCC Francisco Madeira how the ROV works
20. Close up shot, remote operating vehicle
21. Wide shot, IED protective wear
22. Close up shot, IED protective helmet
23. Wide shot, officers attending the opening of the conference
24. Close up shot, UNMAS (United Nations Mine Action Service) staff at the
25. Med shot, senior AMISOM officers attending
26. SOUNDBITE: (English) Ambassador Francisco Madeira, Special Representative
of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (SRCC), for Somalia
“The best way to defeat IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) is to have our politics
right. If the politics is not right, no matter how much technology we put on the
ground we may not succeed, and to have politics right, will require everyone to play
his or her role. This war can only be won if the military do their part, as they are
doing. If the police do its part and if the administrators of this country (that is) the
government does its part.”

27. Med shot, UNMAS and AMISOM officers at the conference

28. Close up shot, AMISOM officers attending the conference
29. Close up shot, Colonel Richard Maundrell, the Commander of the British Forces
in Somalia listening
30. Med shot, British Forces officers listening
31. SOUNDBITE: (English) Ambassador Francisco Madeira, Special Representative
of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (SRCC), for Somalia
“We need to have the entire population on our side. That way, together with the
technology that we have developed, together with efforts that we are making, we
will have extra eyes that tell us that someone malevolent has planted something
nearby, so be careful.”

32. Wide pan shot, AMISOM and British officers at the conference
33. SOUNDBITE: (English) Colonel Richard Maundrell, Commander of the British
Forces in Somalia
“To achieve this, information sharing and coordination across these levels and
organizations will be critical. The conference itself will primarily focus on attack the
network. While it is important to prepare the force and defeat the device, the only
way the counter IED (Improvised Explosive Device) battle can be won is through
proactive operations against the IED system.”

34. Wide shot, SRCC shaking hands with Colonel Richard Maundrell, the Commander
of the British Forces in Somalia
35. Wide shot, officers pose for a group photo

Anti IED meet seeks lasting solutions to the use of Improvised Explosive Devices in

Mogadishu, 16 April 2018 - The Special Representative of the Chairperson of the

African Union Commission (SRCC) for Somalia, Ambassador Francisco Madeira, has
called for concerted efforts, to defeat the threat posed by Improvised Explosive
Devices (IEDs) to security forces and civilian populations in Somalia.
Ambassador Madeira made the remarks during the official opening of the fourth Bi-
annual Counter IED Conference, in Mogadishu today.

The conference convened by AMISOM and supported by the UK government, seeks

viable ways of building the capacity of AMISOM and Somali national security forces,
to effectively counter terrorist group Al-Shabaab’s weapon of choice.

Madeira said the use of IEDs in Somalia presented a major threat to the country’s
stabilization process and called for practical solutions to the problem.

“The best way to defeat IEDs is to have our politics right. If the politics is not right, no
matter how much technology we put on the ground we may not succeed, and to
have politics right, will require everyone to play his or her role,” Madeira remarked.
He urged the military, the police and the Federal government of Somalia to
cooperate, in order to effectively counter the indiscriminate use of the improvised
explosive devices.

He emphasized the importance of effective intelligence and information sharing and

working closely with civilian populations to end the IED threat.

Colonel Richard Maundrell, the Commander of the British Forces in Somalia, echoed
Madeira’s sentiments on increased collaboration between stakeholders and security
agencies in the country to rid the country of the IED menace.

“To achieve this, information sharing and coordination across these levels and
organizations will be critical. While it is important to prepare the force and defeat
the device, the only way the counter IED battle can be won is through proactive
operations against the IED system. This will focus on the perpetrators of IED
activity,” said Col. Maundrell.

Using asymmetrical warfare, Al-Shabaab terrorists extensively engages in the use

IEDs to kill and maim innocent civilians and security forces. AMISOM, the Federal
Government of Somalia and development partners are currently working on
strategies to counter the threat, to ensure gains made so far, in Somalia’s
stabilization are not eroded.

The AMISOM Deputy Force Commander in Charge Support and Logistics Maj. Gen
Salvator Harushimana expressed optimism that the two-day workshop will enable
the participants to better appreciate the magnitude of the threat posed by IEDs and
devise ways of countering the problem.


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