A Synthesis of The Full Essay. Including Thesis and Conclussion

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Using one-frame cartoons as a multi-skill tool in a young learners' English class

could introduce cultural nuances in conjunction with verbal and non-verbal

communication cues.

A synthesis of the full essay. Including thesis and conclussion.

0. Introduction
A brief summary of different teaching resources used in the ESL classroom and the sub
utilization of the visual resources like flashhcards or posters.

1. The Audio visual classroom in EFL teaching and learning.

Presenting the argument of the audio-visual resources as the main resource of non-writren
information in the classroom. Scientific evidence of visual elements as primary input tools.

The non-visual students in a visual classroom. How to approach different learning styles.

2. The flashcards, poster and other visual reosucers in the classroom.

The contrast between comics and other visual tools. How are they are used .

3. One-frame comics as the superior tool.

The argument on how a well-planned and built cartoon or comic can convey more
information than any other visual tool.

What to consider when designing a comic for a EFL lesson.

Choosing the drawing style. Choosing the languaged used.

Strategies for using comics as a teaching tool. Asking questions, teaching cultural context.

Adquiring language skills from comics.

E-comics or animation

4. Conclusions
The arguments for comics as a better resource for introducing cultural nuances, verbal and
non-verbal communication nuances.

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